
LoveLive μ's Fundamentalist Rant

Jun 12th, 2018
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  1. Translated from:
  3. What is LoveLive? LoveLive was about μ's, the school idols who saved their school.
  4. But what is Aqours? They abandoned their school just to pursue the LoveLive. Can they really be called school idols? No, they are just idols. And idols are not needed in LoveLive.
  5. μ's got to Dome through the 6 years of hard work, and Aqours is stepping on that. They got there by the LoveLive brand, and claim to have made it on their hard work. As if. Of course Aqours also worked hard, but they rode on the brand. And their work [LLSS] is garbage. A far cry from μ's. As those who carry the name of LoveLive, they are an embarrassment. And if you're only using Dome as an in-between, where else do you go from there, the moon? There's nothing in Japan bigger than Tokyo Dome. It's amazing how Aqours and LoveLive Sunshine has sullied the name of μ's so easily. I have to respect them, in a way.
  6. Second point. μ's pioneered the boom of new genre of 2.5D. But what about Aqours? It's literally all about the seiyuu. Even the goods say "<seiyuu> (<chara>)" instead of "<chara> (CV. <seiyuu>)". Are you kidding me? It's like you're trying to make the situtation worse between fans who like the charas and those who like the seiyuu.
  7. Third point. The one responsible for all of this is the management, who is primarily at fault. Sunshine has almost nothing to do with μ's, as if they're pretending it never existed. And they even made a shit anime like LLSS, what the hell is with the anime? And S1, S2, then a movie, just like μ's. There are too many examples re: seiyuu/characters, but the management should fix it rather than making it worse. Otherwise why bother tacking on the LoveLive brand in the first place?
  8. Don't bother. I am firmly in 2D, an anime otaku. I don't care about seiyuu. I have no obligation to go with the shit management. I could deal with them with μ's, but not with this kind of LoveLive. This is what I believe.
  9. I've made my decision. Goodbye, and thanks for everything, LoveLive, and the nine members of μ's.
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