
Corin ban

Jul 2nd, 2011
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  1. 00:44:18] <@ccallahan> Remus: Can you either leave for a little bit, or stop talking to her/about her.
  2. [00:44:23] <luckybunny> oops... caps fail
  3. [00:44:29] <Remus> I can do that, ccallahan
  4. [00:44:33] <Remus> So are you the new Corin?
  5. [00:44:46] <Thingamajig> :O
  6. [00:44:49] <@ccallahan> No, just ChanOp. He left on his on accord.
  7. [00:44:51] <neona> lol
  8. [00:44:58] <Corin> Remus: Nah. I know a lot more technical crap.
  9. [00:44:58] ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has set mode -o ccallahan
  10. [00:45:03] <Corin> :P
  11. [00:45:06] <ccallahan> lol
  12. [00:45:13] <Remus> Yes, about Linux i can confirm
  13. [00:45:32] <Thingamajig> I'm gonna do something to rub in my parents' faces :Evil grin / Certain Death:
  14. [00:45:36] <Corin> ...about op'ing, I meant.
  15. [00:45:37] <Corin> lol
  16. [00:45:37] <neona> uwah~
  17. [00:45:51] <Corin> Why does anyone think I know crap about GNU/Linux?
  18. [00:45:53] <Thingamajig> Is that hello kitty?
  19. [00:45:57] <luckybunny> Point I was making is that torako is cool
  20. [00:46:01] <Thingamajig> Please tell me that isn't hello kitty
  21. [00:46:09] <Anon936> it is
  22. [00:46:11] <neona> Corin: because knowing nothing seems like knowing everything to some people, in that field
  23. [00:46:16] <Thingamajig>
  24. [00:46:20] <Thingamajig> Hello kitty haters rejoice
  25. [00:46:29] <torako> i'm also upset about how my straight cousins get to tell my grandma about the people they date, but i can't tell grandma i'm dating neona because OMG HOMOSEXUALITY OH NOES~
  26. [00:46:35] ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has set mode +o WardenWolf
  27. [00:46:41] <torako> ugh..
  28. [00:46:55] <Remus> torako, everyone in my entire extended family is homophobic
  29. [00:47:01] WardenWolf [~lone_wolf@unaffiliated/wardenwolf] has set mode -o WardenWolf
  30. [00:47:05] <Remus> Especially the old people
  31. [00:47:07] ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has set mode +o ccallahan
  32. [00:47:11] <neona> torako: you could just tell her and say fuck it
  33. [00:47:21] <torako> neona: i'm scared =/
  34. [00:47:23] <fyrepony> bad idea
  35. [00:47:25] <torako> you know that
  36. [00:47:27] ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has set mode +o WardenWolf
  37. [00:47:28] <fyrepony> really bad
  38. [00:47:29] <Remus> Old people do not like gay people, as a rule. They're against god etc
  39. [00:47:32] <neona> if people get pissy, it's not really your problem, you don't have to deal with them :|
  40. [00:47:33] ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has set mode -o ccallahan
  41. [00:47:34] <Remus> Again, ignore old people
  42. [00:47:36] <neona>
  43. [00:47:39] <woops> what have you thought could be a possible reason why anyone would think you are horrible or ruining something? something like what, horrible like what? have you tried getting into the mind of your accusers?
  44. [00:47:49] WardenWolf [~lone_wolf@unaffiliated/wardenwolf] has set mode +b *!*@unaffiliated/corin
  45. [00:47:50] <torako> i'm not as scared of her as i am of my grandmarents on my mom's side but...
  46. [00:47:52] <Anon936> to be honest i woudnt taell your grandma at all
  47. [00:47:56] Corin [~noble@unaffiliated/corin] has been kicked from #wrongplanet by WardenWolf [~lone_wolf@unaffiliated/wardenwolf]: Being generally poisonous and disruptive
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