
AiE Three's Company Ch.4

Mar 30th, 2012
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  1. >You wake up the next morning, with a pressure on your chest, oh man has the anxiety finally gotten to you?
  2. >Nope, its Chloe, and she is pretty fucking adoreable sleeping on you
  3. >To your left is Cherilee, still sound asleep
  4. >What time was it? Well not morning yet, sun wasnt up
  5. >Guess you should head back to sleep
  6. >As you close your eyes you see something shift from the shadows
  7. >Oh shit, if its another rape attempt your screwed, in a position of absolutely no power or leverage
  8. >PL:"Fear not Anonymous, tis us, we just came to visit you, but it seems thou hath company..."
  9. >She seems to be sad, damn must still have some feelings after that date...
  10. >Well brain what do we do now?
  11. >Ask her to stay and talk?
  12. >Sure why the fuck not, might as well lead her on you ass
  13. >Hey man, its too early for this shit, im going to have her stay
  14. >Alright man your fuck up
  15. "Well would you like to stay Luna? Since im up i wouldnt mind the company..."
  17. >Her face immediately lights up and she magics Chloe off your chest and onto the other side of the bed
  18. "So Princess how have you been?"
  19. >PL:"Our royal duties are...consuming, we do not have time to spend with those we care about as often as we like"
  20. >Shit, is she implying you?
  21. >PL:"Yes, thou arst the being we speak of, but we understand thou might be busy due to thy special somep0ny..."
  22. >Damn, now you went and hurt the princess, smooth ya dick
  23. >PL:"Do not worry, we hath been busy, we dont not blame thee"
  24. "Whew, sorry Luna...really i enjoyed our little date and all...but it could never had been something serious...sorry"
  25. >PL:"We do not hold grudges Anonymous"
  26. >With that she leans in and kiss you
  27. >You push her back after you realize whats going on
  28. "Woah! What the hell Luna?!"
  29. >PL:"Well we decided that if we cannot have you by choice we will steal moments, that is all for now, good eve Anonymous"
  30. >Cmon man, enough of these rapist p0nies, enough is enough
  31. >With that you walk back to your house, in hopes of getting SOME sleep
  33. >Awake again, this time Celestia's light shines upon your face
  34. >You turn your head to see Chloe still fast asleep, and Cherilee no doubt at school already
  35. >You get up to make breakfast, walk downstairs, pancakes? Fuck ya
  36. >The smell must have woken up Chloe, because a few minutes later she came waltzing downstairs
  37. >Clo:"Hi Anon! Where is my sis?"
  38. >Shit you were hoping this wouldnt have came up until later
  39. "Huh? Sorry lemme finish these pancakes and we can talk"
  40. >Smooth, you bought yourself...5 minutes? Get thinking...
  41. >The pancakes are done, time to tell it to her straight
  42. "Ok Chloe..well after we came home last night there was a letter left on the bed from your sister..."
  43. >She is just looking at you puzzled, you will hate when that look turns to one of sadness
  44. "She left...for Canterlot, she got a job there...and she most likely will start living there..."
  45. >It takes a second for her to register this, but when she gets it, man does that face tug at your heart
  46. >Clo:"She...she just left me?"
  47. "Well she said me and Cherilee would be more than capable of raising you right, better than Trixie herself could have..."
  49. >Clo:"B..But she is my sister! When mom and dad died she promised she would ALWAYS be there for me!"
  50. >God her crying isnt helping at all...
  51. >She breaks down, everything she is now saying is muffled and slurred
  52. >You get up and pick her up and bring her to the couch, put her on your lap and start to stroke her mane
  53. "Hey cmon, its going to be alright, just think of how much fun we can have, everyday too!"
  54. >She looks up, sniffling, giving you the saddest tear filled eyes ever
  55. >Clo:"No! Its not! Nothing is going to be ok!"
  56. >She runs up to your room and you hear the door slam
  57. >Great job you big fuck up
  58. >Hey brain its still too early for this shit
  59. >You decide to finish breakfast and let her blow off some steam
  60. "Hey Chloe! Im going to Rarity's! I will be back in a bit!"
  61. >She doesnt respond, whatever she must still hate your guts
  62. >You walk over to the Boutique, glad to have the day off from work
  63. >You walk in, or try to anyways, the door is locked
  65. >You knock on the door, and it opens just a crack
  66. >Its Lucky, no doubt they just woke up because Rarity can be seen in the background with a pretty messed up mane
  67. "So you two had a good time last night?"
  68. >You give a sly grin and Lucky starts to laugh
  69. >Luk:"Is it too obvious?"
  70. >R:"Oh you two shut it! Anonymous, be a darling and do not tell anyp0ny about this, it would be dreadful toward my reputation"
  71. >Lucky gives her a stern stare
  72. >R:"Oh! Not that im in relations with such a fine stallion! Just my looks right now are not up to par!"
  73. "Ok ok whatever you say Rarity, anyway, i came to see if you had my order done yet?"
  74. >You had commissioned Rarity, with her talent in clothes making, to make a quiver for you
  75. >The reason being you were sick and tired of eating vegetables, you needed bacon damnit
  76. >On your little time off you have been able to fashion a makeshift bow and some arrows, not much but it will get the job done
  77. >R:"Why of course! Im a lady of my word after all"
  78. >She trots over to the other room and you give a quick brohoof to Lucky up to his name last night
  79. >Rarity comes in with a fine looking quiver, set for your body, and fits snug, looks like it can hold a number of arrows but not too many
  81. "Thanks this is awesome!"
  82. >You reach into your pockets to produce the bits
  83. >R:"Oh no darling free of charge! For the day you first came in here"
  84. >Lucky seems confused but shrugs it off and heads for the kitchen
  85. "Thanks, ok i should head home and see if Chloe is ok"
  86. >R:"Why? What happened to that adorable filly that joined us last night?"
  87. >You explain the situation
  88. >R:"Oh my, that sounds dreadful! Lucky! Can you go be a dear and go with Anonymous here? I think he could use some help"
  89. >Luk:"But..."
  90. >R:"No buts! Unless you want to sleep on the couch tonight"
  91. >Okay.jpg
  92. >The two of you walk over to your house and head up stairs to your room
  93. >Open the door, get on the floor, everyone walk the dinosaur
  94. >Oh ya and Chloe is gone
  95. >Wait she is gone?!
  97. "Shit Shit Shit man..."
  98. >Luk:"Wait, she was supposed to be here right?"
  99. >youdontsay
  100. "Fuck dude, Cherilee is going to kill me! Not to mention a filly i know legally take care of is gone!"
  101. >Luk:"Ok dude calm down lets just find her"
  102. "How the hell are we supposed to do that?"
  103. >Luk:"Well there is her note she left here..."
  104. "And you didnt tell me this before why?!"
  105. >Luk:"I dont know..."
  106. >You snatch the note from his hoof
  107. >"Dear Anon, i went to go see my sister and you cant stop me!"
  108. >Fuuuuuuuuuu
  109. "Well looks like i have to go and get her..."
  110. >You walk over to the window she jumped out of but her hoof prints dont lead to Canterlot, they lead to the Everfree
  112. >You grab your quiver, bow, and some arrows and hop out the window
  113. >Luk:"So uh, your leaving for her huh?"
  114. "Yup"
  115. >Luk:"You...uh mind if i come?"
  116. "Sure bro why not"
  117. >He hops out and the two of you start your trek
  118. "So, whats your story?"
  119. >Luk:"Well, im on leave, from Celestia's Guard training actually"
  120. >Well shit, he may look thick but he is a guard, damn new found respect
  121. "Well when do you go back?"
  122. >Luk:"In a couple weeks, then its graduation, i get the white fur and everything"
  123. "Dang man, then you gotta leave your special somep0ny?"
  124. >Luk:"Ya, she isnt too happy,but she likes the excuse to come to canterlot"
  125. "I would assume, i mean she loves it there right?"
  126. >Luk:"Oh boy you have no idea."
  128. "Well, hopefully all goes well for you guys, thanks again for helping me find Chloe"
  129. >Luk"Aw, its nothing, but hey when i leave for Canterlot, you guys gotta visit me, and keep an eye on her"
  130. "No problem bro"
  131. >He meets your fist with his hoof, this guy isnt half bad, even a bro
  132. >You two reach the edge of the Everfree, you get your bow ready and draw out an arrow
  133. "Well, here we go..."
  134. >The two of you enter the forest, cautious as you dont know what the fuck goes on in here
  135. >The path leads you through probably the most winding path you have ever been on
  136. >Constantly having to fight the vegetation and climb over trees, something seemed to be following you...
  137. >You could feel eyes prying at you from behind but everytime you turned around, nothing was there
  138. "Hey man, do you feel that? Something is watching us..."
  139. >Luk:"Ya, i feel that, once we get to this clearing, lets try and flush it out."
  140. >The two of you make it to the clearing, and go back to...flank?
  141. >You draw your bow, ready to put in arrow in the skull of whatever ame charging at you
  142. >You strafe until you spot eyes in a nearby bush
  144. "Come out! Unless you want an arrow between those eyes!"
  145. >FS:"Eep!"
  146. "Are you fucking kidding me Fluttershy? Are you for reals right now?"
  147. >FS:"Umm, well you see...i was just in my cottage when i noticed you two walk in..."
  148. >You dont have time for this, you lower your bow and continue walking, you needed to find Chloe
  149. >Fs:"Um, ok i guess i will just come with you...if thats ok..."
  150. "At this point i dont give a shit Fluttershy! I need to find Chloe!"
  151. >You needed to find her...but why?
  152. >At first you were just doing it to not get your ass handed to you by your special somep0ny
  153. >Ya, the filly had a lot of energy, but she kind of grew on you
  154. >She almost treated you like family before this whole incident...
  155. >Could you have the feelings in return?
  156. >Could you really raise this filly with Cherilee, and be happy?
  157. >Well brain what do we think about these feels?
  158. >Well man, i would say your ULTRA GAAAAAAAAAAAY
  160. >Oh cmon...really?
  161. >Naw man your good, just save her flank and be happily ever after like those cliche crap stories
  162. >Sounds good, lets go
  163. >So STILL walking through this damned forest, a motley crew actually
  164. >You the freak alien to this equine world, a soldier p0ny who isnt the brightest, and Flutterkink, the rapist p0ny
  165. >As you mull this over your head you hear a quite sob
  166. "Chloe!"
  167. >Clo:"Anon! Im in here!"
  168. >She runs out, to greet you, from a nearby cave
  169. >You drop your bow and pick her up in the biggest hug you could muster
  170. "Dont you ever worry me like that again young filly"
  171. >Clo:"Im sorry Anon! Im so sorry...i just want to go home to you and Cherilee"
  172. >She was crying, which didnt help your feels one bit, you start too
  173. >At least nothing bad happened to her out here, now time to leave this place before shit goes down
  174. >Almost on cue, you hear a wretched roar, followed by Fluttershy hiding behind your legs
  176. >Lucky stamps his hoofs down and flares out his nose, ready for battle
  177. >You finally turn around, and whaddya know? A manticore, strike that two...
  178. "Well this is just dandy, Lucky ready to throw down?"
  179. >Luk:"Anon, i was trained for shit like this, lets go"
  180. >Drawing your bow again you take aim, unfortunately the manticore isnt stupid and starts to strafe, making it hard to get a clear shot in
  181. "Hey Flutters, get Chloe outta here please"
  182. >FS:"Um, are you sure your going to be ok...?
  183. "Yes! GO!"
  184. >The manticore charges you and runs in a straight line
  185. >Man at least you got one break today, you let one arrow fly and it hits its mark
  186. >Right in between the eyes but it doesnt take it down, areyoufuckingkiddingme?
  187. >Lucky, being the bro he is rears his hind legs and bucks the manticore in the side, knocking it against a nearby tree
  188. >You take the opprotunity to climb up onto its back and pull out the arrow
  189. >Lucky runs over to the next one, more burly than this one
  190. >You take the arrow and shove it through the neck of the manticore, it gives one final roar as its blood spills in a crimson pool on the grass
  192. >You turn to see Lucky NOT living up to his name, as he is clawed in the side and then thrown over, limp
  193. >You run up and quickly asses the damage, nothing too bad as long as you can get him to a hospital
  194. >Unfortunately your assesment is shortlived as the second manticore charges again and swipes at you
  195. >You managed to do a barrell roll that would make peppy proud and ready another arrow
  196. >You let this one fly but unfortunately miss, the manticore swipes again missing, but instead rears his tail around and pow right in the kisser
  197. >Keep calm, you have a scorpion tail literally gutting you as your pinned to a tree...
  198. >Ok you have tons of fucks to give now
  199. >The amount of pain makes you faint
  200. >You wake up, in...a hospital?
  201. >You look to your left, theres Lucky, asleep but he seems alright
  202. >You look to your right and BAM light blue filly in your face
  203. >Clo:"Anon! Your ok! Im sorry i ran your all hurt with a hole in your stomach!"
  204. >So thats what happened..well then how did you get here?
  205. >Good question, one that will be answered after you get just a bit more sleep....
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