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a guest
Jun 18th, 2019
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  1. var todoList = {
  2. todos: [],
  3. addTodo: function(todoText) {
  4. this.todos.push({
  5. todoText: todoText,
  6. completed: false
  7. });
  8. },
  9. changeTodo: function(position, todoText) {
  10. this.todos[position].todoText = todoText;
  11. },
  12. deleteTodo: function(position) {
  13. this.todos.splice(position, 1);
  14. },
  15. toggleCompleted: function(position) {
  16. var todo = this.todos[position];
  17. todo.completed=!todo.completed;
  18. },
  19. toggleAll: function() {
  20. var totalTodos = this.todos.length;
  21. var completedTodos = 0;
  22. this.todos.forEach (function(todo) {
  23. if (todo.completed===true) {
  24. completedTodos++
  25. }
  26. });
  27. this.todos.forEach (function(todo) {
  28. if (completedTodos===totalTodos) {
  29. todo.completed= false
  30. } else {
  31. todo.completed= true
  32. }
  33. });
  34. }
  35. };
  37. var handlers = {
  38. addTodo: function() {
  39. var addTodoTextInput = document.getElementById('addTodoTextInput');
  40. todoList.addTodo(addTodoTextInput.value);
  41. addTodoTextInput.value = '';
  42. view.displayTodos();
  43. },
  44. changeTodo: function() {
  45. var changeTodoPositionInput = document.getElementById('changeTodoPositionInput');
  46. var changeTodoTextInput = document.getElementById('changeTodoTextInput');
  47. todoList.changeTodo(changeTodoPositionInput.valueAsNumber, changeTodoTextInput.value);
  48. changeTodoPositionInput.value = '';
  49. changeTodoTextInput.value = '';
  50. view.displayTodos();
  51. },
  52. deleteTodo: function(position) {
  53. todoList.deleteTodo(position);
  54. view.displayTodos();
  55. },
  56. toggleCompleted: function(position) {
  57. todoList.toggleCompleted(position);
  58. view.displayTodos();
  59. },
  60. toggleAll: function() {
  61. todoList.toggleAll();
  62. view.displayTodos();
  63. }
  64. };
  66. var view = {
  67. displayTodos: function() {
  68. var todosUl = document.querySelector('ul');
  69. todosUl.innerHTML = '';
  70. todoList.todos.forEach (function(todo, position) {
  71. var todoLi = document.createElement('li');
  72. var todoTextWithCompletion = '';
  73. if (todoList.todos[position].completed === true) {
  74. todoTextWithCompletion = '(x) ' + todo.todoText;
  75. } else {
  76. todoTextWithCompletion = '( ) ' + todo.todoText;
  77. = position;
  78. todoLi.textContent = todoTextWithCompletion;
  79. todoLi.appendChild (this.createDeleteButton());
  80. todoLi.appendChild (this.createToggleCompletedButton());
  81. todosUl.appendChild(todoLi);
  82. }
  83. }, this);
  84. },
  85. createDeleteButton: function () {
  86. var deleteButton= document.createElement ('button');
  87. deleteButton.textContent= 'Delete';
  88. deleteButton.className= 'deleteButton';
  89. return deleteButton;
  90. },
  91. createToggleCompletedButton: function () {
  92. var toggleButton= document.createElement ('button');
  93. toggleButton.textContent= 'Mark';
  94. toggleButton.className= 'toggleButton';
  95. return toggleButton;
  96. },
  97. setUpEventListeners: function () {
  98. var todosUl= document.querySelector ('ul');
  99. todosUl.addEventListener ('click', function(event) {
  100. var elementClicked=;
  101. if (elementClicked.className=== 'deleteButton') {
  102. handlers.deleteTodo(parseInt(;
  103. } else if (elementClicked.className=== 'toggleButton'){
  104. handlers.toggleCompleted(parseInt(;
  105. };
  106. });
  107. }
  108. };
  109. view.setUpEventListeners();
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