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VIGILANT - Basic Guide.txt

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Dec 19th, 2017
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  2. __ _______ _____ _____ _ _ _ _______ ____ _ _____ _ _ _ _
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  9. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |___/
  12. This is not the guide I've been promising you. I'm still working on that one - I'm basing it on Prima's official guide for Skyrim and it's taking me quite a lot of time with formatting, images and so on, along with juggling
  13. real life and work.
  15. This is just a very basic guide for Vicn's VIGILANT mod for Skyrim. A more detailed guide with all the collectables, secrets, images and more will come later on, but for now, this will have to suffice.
  16. Again, keep in mind that this is not a full walkthrough. It's only enough to get you from the beginning to the end of the mod, but it won't tell you where exactly to find all of the optional content.
  17. And obviously, spoilers ahead.
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. VIGILANT places you in the role of a newest recruit of the Vigilants of Stendarr. The mod consists of 4 acts or chapters, each containing its own main quest, and while the first act simply sends you on a few run-off-the-mill
  23. simple tasks for the Vigilants, the story very quickly takes a darker turn when a very certain Daedric Prince takes an unhealthy amount of interest in you. Will you remain defiant to the end ... or will you submit?
  25. VIGILANT may take a lot of influences from Dark Souls, but it nevertheless deals with the established Elder Scrolls lore. If you are familiar with it, you might appreciate the mod's unique spin on the Alessian lore, Towers,
  26. Shezarr, nods to the previous TES games and ESO (don't complain, it's a perfectly fine game) and much more. But remember, this mod will very quickly stop holding your hand. Nothing will be served to you on a silver platter,
  27. and this guide does not offer explanations about the story. For that, you will have to wait for the full guide.
  29. Each act of the mod contains its own main questline which can consist of one or more quests. Lower number of quests does not necessarily mean less content, though. In act 1 and 2 there are still plenty of quest markers and
  30. instructions, but in act 3 you will have to find the clues yourself and act 4 finally completely drops both quest markers and visible quests in your journal. There is also a unique gameplay mechanic - KARMA. Throughout your
  31. playthrough you will gain or lose karma, depending on your decisions, quest completion and who you kill. At the end of the mod amount of total karma will decide whether you will immediately receive a bad ending or have a chance
  32. for a better one (or an even worse one - this is possible, too). Karma is especially important in act 4, where you can also gain (or lose) the largest amount of it.
  34. You can technically start the mod at any level, but I'd really recommend you to wait at least until you're level 40 or more. It's doable on a lower level with some luck, very good gear or exploiting the game (which I obviously
  35. don't recommend), but bosses at the end of acts 1 and 2 and throughout acts 3 and 4 will most likely just wipe the floor with you. If you are a roleplayer, I also recommend finishing anything that has to do with Molag Bal before
  36. (this means his Daedric quest in vanilla Skyrim, potentially the entire Dawnguard DLC and any mods you may have that feature him). Why? Because VIGILANT is meant as a sort of finale to the whole Molag Bal VS Dragonborn conflict
  37. (if you do go for conflict, of course). And while the mod doesn't force you into any role, it still makes the most sense to play as a Dragonborn.
  39. Also, if you have access to it, bring Dawnbreaker with you. Most of the enemies count as undead, and that sword can help you immensely (especially if you have a mod that buffs it further, like Dawnguard or Daedric Dawnbreaker).
  40. And another thing - if you have any basic needs mods installed (like iNeed or Realistic Needs and Diseases), you may want to either stock up on food and water, turn that functionality off or prepare to starve for the duration
  41. of acts 3 and 4. There is next to no food in those two acts, you can't really buy it and you'll be stuck in their respective places until you finish the quests.
  43. Another word of warning regarding followers: VIGILANT is meant to be a solo adventure and while nothing stops you from taking a follower (or an army of them) with you, they may prove to be more trouble than they are worth.
  44. There are some sections of the mod where they won't be able to follow you and at least for acts 3 and 4, it really doesn't make much sense to have anyone with you storywise. But then again, this is your game. ;)
  46. VIGILANT is a dark story. It will drag your character (and possibly you, too) through hell and back, but it's very worth it.
  48. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did.
  50. -Aelarr
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. - Walkthrough
  56. - Act 1
  57. - Act 2
  58. - Act 3
  59. - Act 4
  60. - Act 4 Side Quests and Events
  61. - Act 4 Memory Quests and Events
  62. - Locations Overview
  63. - Most Important Characters
  64. - List of Merchants
  65. - List of Followers
  66. - List of Collectables
  67. - Zenithar's Anvil
  68. - Debug Room
  70. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. Mod start: in Windpeak Inn in Dawnstar
  74. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. ACT 1
  76. Note: Any mods that automatically clean corpses may be incompatible in a game breaking way - you will not be able to complete quest 7 - THUS SPOKE KHAJIIT if a certain corpse vanishes from the game.
  79. - when you step into the Windpeak Inn in Dawnstar, Altano will talk to you and invite you into the Vigil
  80. - accept Altano's offer and follow him outside Danwstar to the Temple of Stendarr
  81. - talk to Thorondir in the Temple
  82. - talk to Altano
  83. - can optionally explore the temple (Gwyneth in the library sells some general Vigilant items and there are crafting stations to the right of the main entrance)
  86. - talk to Altano, then follow him or meet him in the Whiterun Hall of the Dead
  87. - objective is to find the vampire (Lusine): she's in the Bannered Mare from 6am to 9pm (you can also talk to Jo'vanni there for a little info)
  88. - after 9pm she'll move to the top of the stars leading to Cloud district from the Drunken Huntsman, talk to her there at night and accept her offer of "sweetrolls"
  89. - Lusine transforms into a gargoyle/vampire hybrid and attacks (kill her, obviously)
  90. - return to Altano in the Hall of the Dead
  93. - talk to Altano in the Bannered Mare (you can also talk to Jo'vanni again, then he leaves for Riften)
  94. - objective is to deal with the summoned Daedra (Vernaccus) outside Whiterun (at the abandoned house near Western Watchtower - this house is actually restored until this quest and an old thief called Winch lives there)
  95. - Altano will follow you there
  96. - Vernaccus will get hammy no matter what you say to him, but he's a complete pushover (even the other Daedra think he's a moron, just read Vernaccus and Bourlor book)
  97. - defeat him, obviously
  100. - talk to Altano in the Bannered Mare
  101. - there's another Daedra (Kathutet) in the Candlehearth Hall in Windhelm -> you can follow Altano or meet him there
  102. - Kathutet is completely non-hostile and won't even bother fighting you, but you still have to swing at him
  103. - even Altano will complain about Kathutet's incompetence
  106. - talk to Altano in the Candlehearth Hall
  107. - there is a strange man in Kynesgrove -> Balor in Braidwood Inn -> go talk to him
  108. - DECISION (no karma gain/loss yet, but it gets morally grey):
  109. - kill him immediately and return to Altano
  110. - leave him alone, return to Altano and try to talk some sense into him, return to Balor and kill him then (no, you have no option to spare him)
  112. 6 - DINE AND DASH
  113. - talk to Altano in the Candlehearth Hall -> he's got news from his mentor (Jacob) at Stendarr's Beacon
  114. - follow Altano or meet him there
  115. - Jacob has some news on the summoner responsible for all the circus and another Daedra (Amkaos) in Riften
  116. - follow Altano or meet him in the Bee and Barb
  117. - Amkaos wants more food -> defeat him
  118. - Keerava will want you to pay for everything Amkaos ate - 1000 gold! (you can nag Altano for 800 gold and he won't be very happy about it, but who cares)
  119. - return to Jacob at Stendarr's Beacon
  122. - talk to Altano, then meet him in the Ragged Flagon in Riften
  123. - objective is to find a Khajiit (Jo'vanni) who summoned a Daedra
  124. - Jo'vanni is in the Ratway Warrens and will attack you after yelling some nonsense at you -> kill him
  125. - after killing him, you black out and wake up in Jo'vanni's mind (you will even have Khajiit-like dialogue options)
  126. - talk to Campaner'Ra at the fireplace
  127. - sit at the table and talk to Campaner'Ra until she disappears
  128. - Mar'so appears at the tanning rack, talk to him until he disappears
  129. - a Daedra (Empusa) appears -> defeat it
  130. - you black out again and wake up next to Jo'vanni's corpse
  131. - go to Candlehearth Hall in Windhelm and confront Mar'so
  132. - he will attack you -> kill him and loot Campaner'Ra's pelt from him
  133. - return to Riften, Ratway Warrens and put Campaner'Ra's pelt in Jo'vanni's inventory
  134. - return to Altano, who's impressed with your work (he freaking should be, he didn't lift a finger to help ...)
  136. 8 - OLD GUILTS
  137. - return to Stendarr's Beacon
  138. - summoner's mercenary will forcegreet you there and attack you if you try to get past him -> kill him and loot the key to Stendarr's Beacon Basement from him
  139. - unlock the latch leading to the basement
  140. - talk to Jacob, Altano will go on ahead
  141. - follow Altano when you're done talking to Jacob, Jacob will follow you
  142. - when you reach the bridge, Altano and Jacob will go ahead without you, follow them
  143. - fight with the summoner (Bal/Rahel) and her two Daedra after a short scene
  144. - loot Mace of Molag Bal from her and give it to Altano
  146. 9 - NO MERCY
  147. - Altano sends you to deal with the witches near Ivarstead (if they even are that ... he's very bloodthirsty all of a sudden)
  148. - entrance to Witch's Pond just N of Alchemist's Shack and S of Ivarstead (may be called Witch's Overlook on your map)
  149. - Carene and Lilian inside the shack at the end of the pond area
  150. - talk to Carene -> DECISON!
  151. - KARMA LOSS:
  152. - start the conversation with "I am a Vigilant of Stendar..." -> Carene immediately panics and attacks you and you have to kill both of them
  153. - or kill them both after you're done talking with them if you start with another dialogue option
  154. - you receive Curse of Stendarr (stamina regeneration is blocked/extremely slowed down)
  156. - start conversation with "What are you doing here?" and talk to them normally
  157. - return to Altano and tell him there are no witches in Ivarstead
  158. - you can relent and accept his reasoning at any time and return to finish the job (back to karma loss path)
  159. - or you can continue the argument and eventually he'll attack you
  160. - you black out, wake up in that shack with Carene and Lilian dead (strongly implied you killed them under Altano's influence), receive Curse of Stendarr anyway
  161. - in either case, the real witch (Reyda) waits outside and you can talk to her for some explanations and insults
  162. - no, you can't attack her (yet)
  163. - no, you can't get rid of the curse (yet)
  165. 10 - THE ENDLESS FALL
  166. - confront Altano in the Temple of Stendarr
  167. - everyone dead, Altano sics his Daedra on you and vanishes
  168. - defeat the Daedra and search for survivors
  169. - Gwyneth in the library, behind the last row of bookcases
  170. - go to Stendarr's Beacon and go into the basement back to where you fought the summoner
  171. - you'll meet some ghosts on your way
  172. - Altano summons Molag Bal (dragon form), who bites down on him and tosses him away like a ragdoll (to the utter shock and surprise of absolutely no one), then talks to you -> DECISION!
  173. - KARMA LOSS:
  174. - submit to Molag Bal ("I offer you my soul..." dialogue option)
  175. - continue this guide with ACT 4 (yes, you've read that right -> this option skips half of the entire mod)
  176. - KARMA GAIN:
  177. - defy Molag Bal ("Begone..." and "I said, begone..." dialogue options) -> leads to boss battle
  178. - CAUTION: Molag Bal is immune to fire based magic and will wipe the floor with you if you're too low level or just acting stupid
  180. 11 - THE LANDING
  181. - talk to Altano after the battle with Molag Bal
  182. - destroy the Mace of Molag Bal at the altar (just hit it with a weapon or spell)
  183. - Molag Bal talks to you and threatens that he'll be watching you -> receive Mark of Molag Bal (strangely enough, it's a buff instead of debuff)
  184. - return to the Temple of Stendarr
  185. - you become the new Keeper, receive Horn of Stendarr (just a sort of symbolic badge of office)
  186. - Curse of Stendarr lifted
  187. - you can optionally go back to Witch's Pond and deal with Reyda now, but otherwise act 1 completes here
  190. - if you so decide, you can return to the Witch's Pond and confront Reyda after The Landing
  191. - yes, she does work for Molag Bal (and she's pretty smug about it, too)
  192. - yes, you can tell her you'll kill her now -> boss battle starts
  193. - Reyda will teleport around and sic Baliwogs and Grummites on you while taunting you (she actually says a lot of foreshadowing for the future) -> just hit her whenever you get a chance
  194. - after the battle she'll beg you to spare her (where's all that smugness now, huh?) -> DECISION!
  195. - KARMA LOSS:
  196. - spare her (... you can't be serious ... 0_o)
  197. - she disappears and reappears at the entrance to the Pond, gloats at you about you being an idiot and how she'll destroy Ivarstead (seriously, what did you expect?)
  198. - she's not bluffing -> she sends Grummites there and by the time you arrive (if you decide to stop her), everyone not essential will be dead
  199. - KARMA GAIN:
  200. - ignore her lies and tell her that her fate is sealed
  201. - she attacks again, so kill her (obviously)
  203. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  204. ACT 2
  205. Note: Empty Cells is an overarching quest and continues through Loose Ends and The Blood Matron. The latter quest is only available depending on the right decision at a certain point.
  207. 1 - EMPTY CELLS
  208. - talk to Windhelm Guard outside the entrance to the Temple of Stendarr
  209. - talk to Jorleif in the Windhelm Palace -> he wants you to investigate some strange disappearances from the prison dungeons
  210. - a new dungeon through Windhelm Barracks
  211. - approach the statue of a maiden in one of the cells (the largest one)
  212. - return to Jorleif and tell him about the statue
  213. - return to the Temple of Stendarr and find Windhelm Report 4E 180 -> in the middle shelves in the library (2nd bookshelf right in the middle, you can also ask Gwyneth for help)
  214. - read the report and return to Jorleif
  215. - go back into the dungeon and open a passage through the maiden statue with vampire blood (received together with the report)
  216. - follow the passage until you reach the part with an orc vampire feeding at the well (Gwaji gro-Agnam)
  218. 2 - LOOSE ENDS
  219. - Gwaji attacks, kill him and loot the key to Hidden Passage from him -> opens the door directly ahead, but that's just a shortcut back -> you need to go down the Bloody Well
  220. - another vampire (Paulo) sees you and freaks out, runs away -> chase him down and loot key to Old Windhelm Slums from him
  221. - go back to the circular room where Paulo ran away form you and unlock the door to Old Windhelm Slums behind the ladder you came down from
  222. - Old Windhelm is a pretty large cell, but very linear as to where you have to go - there are many locked doors that mostly serve as shortcuts back and you will unlock them later
  223. - enemies are mostly Feral Vampires (gargoyle/vampire hybrids)
  224. - at the end of the cell a giant Vampire Brute guards the door -> kill it (KARMA GAIN) and loot the key to Old Windhelm City from it (unlocks the door it was guarding)
  225. - follow the path you can (again, locked doors are shortcuts) until you reach another giant vampire (Nightmare of Ilinalta) before lowered gate
  226. - kill it (KARMA GAIN) and loot Windhelm Guard's Old Key from it and unlock the gate leading to the door to Asylum
  227. - Asylum is pretty labyrinthine and full of vampires, but you need to reach the room with a lantern on the table on the 1st floor
  228. - talk to Thingol in the cell -> Jericho attacks from behind, deal with him, loot Jailor's key from him and talk to Thingol again
  229. - he asks you to kill him and while you can decline his wish, you will be forced to kill him anyway if you try to talk to him again (and only his death will make the quest advance, too)
  230. - after Thingol's death a hall opens to the North of Asylum (only a wall there before) and leads to Palace of the Temptress (unlock with Jailor's key)
  231. - follow the path until you reach a half ruined hall with some vampire and gargoyle statues - gate to the left leads back to the Old Windhelm City
  232. - right across the hall (from the entrance) is the path ahead, large dining hall
  233. - 2 rooms ahead Aredhel talks to you and attacks you, kill him and loot Aredhel's key from him (Loose Ends quest completes with Aredhel's death)
  235. - unlock the door to the right with Aredhel's key
  236. - ignore Relief of the Maiden (statue, doesn't do anything) and enter Matron's Chamber -> hall with a coffin and a woman (Lamae) lying in it in the middle
  237. - approach the coffin -> you're lifted up, skewered with spikes and black out
  238. - you wake up with Lamae standing next to you -> she wants you to go with her to her father's castle and is really confused if you don't recognize her (you're inside her dream, so just go along with it for now)
  239. - just go through the valley until you reach a castle (it's really foggy here)
  240. - and guess who's waiting right at the entrance of the castle? (seriously, did you really expect Molag Bal to just give up on you?)
  241. - Lamae now has a vampire face
  242. - Molag Bal tries to talk you into accepting Lamae and vampirism, if you talk to him (he's really playing a matchmaker between you two here ... and no, it's not nearly as funny as it sounds; it's actually incredibly disturbing)
  243. - Lamae wants you to join her -> DECISION!
  244. - KARMA LOSS:
  245. - answer Lamae with "Yes, let's go." dialogue option
  246. - enter the castle (you can still attack Lamae before that and go for karma neutral path)
  247. - touch the altar -> karma loss, Blood of Lamae gained (buff again, strangely enough, and no, you don't become a vampire) -> continue this guide with ACT 4 (yes, you're skipping part of the mod with this option)
  249. - answer Lamae with "Begone, monster." (or attack her if you already agreed to her offer)
  250. - Molag Bal disappears, boss battle with Lamae starts -> she'll turn invisible and sic vampires on you (just strike her whenever you have a chance, also, fire magic makes her partly visible)
  253. - defeat Lamae
  254. - after her boss battle you gain Blood of Lamae anyway and wake up back in the Matron's Chamber, and Lamae is now a desiccated corpse in the coffin -> loot Bard's Dagger from her (trust me, you'll need it in a minute)
  255. - approach the door you came from -> spectral Molag Bal will appear on the throne at the top of the stairs, revive Lamae and sic her on you
  256. - fighting Lamae is pointless as Molag Bal will just keep reviving her, so run to him and strike that smug bastard with the Bard's Dagger (it's the only weapon that will actually work on him)
  257. - KARMA GAIN and quest completes
  259. - return to Jorleif (you can either backtrack through the entire Old Windhelm or find a much shorter shortcut through the Old Well next to Asylum, which will lead you directly outside Windhelm)
  260. - Jorleif rewards you with some money and the quest (Empty Cells) completes
  261. - you can now return back to Old Windhelm and Matron's Chamber, where Lamae's old servant (Facis) will now reside and trade with you (he'll also warn you that you seriously pissed off Molag Bal by granting Lamae her final death -
  262. No, really, Facis? I thought he'd want to congratulate me! /s)
  263. - act 2 completes here
  265. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  266. ACT 3
  267. Note 1: If Gwyneth doesn't have any new dialogue when you return from Windhelm, exit and re-enter the Temple of Stendarr (just exiting should actually start the quest).
  268. Note 2: You will be stuck in the mansion until you complete the quest, so if you're using any basic needs mods (like iNeed or similar), stock up on food and water - there is next to nothing here. Or prepare to starve. Your choice.
  269. Note 3: This part of the mod contains horror elements (think Silent Hill). It's mostly the atmosphere and there are no real in-your-face jumpscares (at least for my standards), but keep this in mind.
  272. - talk to Gwyneth in the Temple of Stendarr -> she wants to send you to the Bruiant Mansion in Chorrol, to help a Vigilant (Bartholo) who was sent there a few months before and investigate what happened there (all the contact
  273. with him was lost for a while due to civil war in Skyrim and then they suddenly got a letter asking for help from him while you were off in Windhelm fighting the vampires)
  274. - carriage waits outside the entrance to the Temple -> you can ask M'que for some more info, then activate the back of the carriage to travel to the mansion
  275. - an Ayleid servant (Bal) waits in front of the entrance to the mansion (he really, REALLY wants you to get inside -> even your character is immediately suspicious about him)
  276. - you don't really have any other option, so enter the mansion (Bruiant Mansion South Wing)
  277. - congratulations, the door won't open anymore and you're stuck here now
  278. - also, kiss all the map markers and objectives goodbye -> your objective is basically to dispel the curse on the mansion and you'll have to find 5 totems of Molag Bal and dispel the curse within them to do so
  279. (basically, kill the boss guarding the altar of Molag Bal and dispel the sigil stone on it)
  280. - a child (Julius) is at the top of the stairs and vanishes when you approach
  281. - Marcus Bruiant's corpse on the floor right below the stairs - take his key and note (obviously, read it if you want to have any clue what's even going on)
  282. - you can only go to the left of the stairs at the moment (door to the right is locked), so do so
  283. - on the first turning you will see Julius in the hall to the right (leads to the courtyard which is still locked), but you need to go upstairs
  284. - to the left are some bedrooms and hall to the basement (locked), so go to the right and unlock Marcus' room with the key you got from him -> Julius inside
  285. - pick up Marcus' Journal (4E 201) and Bartholo's Journal from the table (some more clues on the incidents in the mansion)
  286. - bloodstains behind the table and around the cupboard -> the first totem Bartholo writes about in his journal on the floor -> activate it and you're teleported within it (Blood Curse of Shivering)
  288. - Blood Curse of Shivering:
  289. - rust (and blood?) everywhere (does it remind you of the Otherworld in Silent Hill, too?) -> some doors may be very well masked by all the rust
  290. - about the enemies: generally, small ones can be killed but tend to be stupidly tough (Lalorburo, Malaburo, Sunnaburo ...), while the big ones (Joraneburo, Graviaburo, Balaburo) ... don't bother with them, just run or hide
  291. - beware the beds on the walls (no, I'm serious -> spikes or flying -buros will randomly shoot out of them at you)
  292. - if you want, you can explore and find some letters and clues
  293. - get to the boss room with the altar of Molag Bal and Shivering Sybilla guarding it -> boss battle
  294. - after the battle, activate the sigil stone on the altar -> curse dispelled, receive key to Servant Room and teleport back to Marcus' room
  296. - return to the main hall (where you found Marcus' corpse) and unlock the door to the right of the stairs now (leads to servants' quarters)
  297. - clear the ground floor first -> Julius appears in the hall to the left -> go here
  298. - unlock second room (Bal's room) to the left with the key to Servant Rooms -> a few notes on the cupboard and bloodstains behind the bed -> another totem (Blood Curse of Corruption)
  300. - Blood Curse of Corruption:
  301. - large room with stupid many floors and giant bonfire at the bottom -> keep going upstairs, you may have to do some awkward parkour at times ... and beware the beds (I'm really not joking ... I wish I was)
  302. - boss room at the top with Melena the Unclean -> boss battle
  303. - dispel the altar after the battle -> receive key to Julius' Room and teleport back to Bal's room
  305. - go upstairs to the 2nd floor of the servants' quarters and unlock Julius' room (first room on the right) with the key you just got
  306. - it's full of toys :)
  307. - Julius appears before the table with the key to basement -> grab it
  308. - however, creatures now start crawling around this part of the mansion and one may just sneak up behind you and greet you with a loud shriek the moment you grab the key -> red witch (Julia)
  309. - about these creatures: they are invincible so don't even think about attacking them, they will chase you, they can open doors, the screen blurs and your stamina drops to the bowels of hell if you so much as look at them,
  310. their shrieking staggers you ... and if you think you can cheat with god mode, think again -> THEY KILL YOU RIGHT THROUGH IT. WHEN YOU HEAR THEIR RATTLING AND SCREAMING, FINISH WHAT YOU'RE DOING AS SOON AS YOU CAN AND FUCKING
  312. - you will also notice that some hallways and doors will now be blocked with gore and that the door you came from is now locked -> I hope you're good at lockpicking
  313. - ignore the creature(s) and run downstairs to the basement and unlock the latch on the floor with the key you got from Julius' room
  314. - Summil (another creature) patrols here, so avoid him as best as you can
  315. - you need to grab the key to Garden that hangs on the chain above the table, then continue through the door right next to the table and eventually you'll get back to the main hall (ignore Summil)
  316. - remember where the door to the courtyard was? -> area to the left of the stairs in main hall, ground floor where Julius appeared when you went into Marcus' room - you need to go into that hallway
  317. - unlock door to courtyard with the key you got from the basement
  318. - a pond and three dead dogs around, door leading to the North wing is locked -> another totem at the bottom of the pond (Blood Curse of Foam)
  320. - Blood Curse of Foam:
  321. - this is a labyrinth of cells, full of -buros and some more notes with clues on the corpses
  322. - ignore the monsters and just try to find the way to the center where the Foaming Sage floats (it will keep blasting you with magic)
  323. - boss battle with Foaming Sage
  324. - after the battle dispel the altar -> receive key to Bruiant Mansion North Wing and teleport back to the courtyard
  326. - unlock the door to North wing
  327. - there is nothing much downstairs, so go upstairs -> Julius appears at the end of the hall
  328. - there is a cupboard with a bloody skull and key right where Julius was standing -> grab the key -> unlocks the door to Bartholo's room right next to it
  329. - Julius in the room, Bartholo's skeleton sitting by the table and blood everywhere -> another totem next to bed (Blood Curse of Chain) -> also, creatures start wandering around this part of the mansion now, too
  331. - Blood Curse of Chain:
  332. - hide and seek game with Balaburos patrolling the way (alcoves for you to hide until they get past), some more awkward parkour to the bottom and one more hide and seek section
  333. - room with water and spikes in front of the cell door -> pull the 4 levers in the alcoves around the room (ignore -buros)
  334. - boss room with altar and Bartholo the Knight of Bloodrust -> boss battle
  335. - dispel the altar -> receive the key to Julia's room and teleport back to Bartholo's room
  337. - run to Julia's room (go downstairs and find another way upstairs -> the hall you're in will be blocked with gore and undead mutated servants will now join the creatures you've already seen)
  338. - unlock the door to Julia's room with the key you just got -> Julius next to bed and there are Julia's Journal and Marcus' Journal (4E 199) if you want some more clues
  339. - wardrobe with a bloodstain in front of it -> there is another wardrobe to the right with a pull chain to the left of it -> pulling it will open the bloodstained wardrobe
  340. - Julius on the stairs leading to the black door -> leads to Hidden Room
  341. - the last altar/totem here (Blood Curse of Jealousy)
  343. - Blood Curse of Jealousy:
  344. - this one is pretty straightforward -> trudge through the ankle deep sea of blood towards the ruins (optionally kill some -buros on the way)
  345. - Julia the Crimson guards the last altar -> boss fight
  346. - dispel the altar -> nothing received, just teleport back to the Hidden Room
  348. - Bal waits for you and attacks you -> kill him and loot a key from him
  349. - climb up the ladder above the altar (unlock with Bal's key)
  350. - back in the main hall, Marcus' corpse is now gone and in its place is the corpse of Julius
  351. - activating the corpse brings up the menu with a few options -> when you're ready, choose "Dispel dagger" option -> boss battle with Julius
  352. - after the battle fire everywhere, doors won't open, you're still stuck aaaand guess who shows up again? (really, seeing Molag Bal after all of that is kind of a relief)
  353. - oh, just talk to the smug bastard (he actually has a pretty epic (if short) rant on mortals and the Aedra if you ask him about a few things ... and he may actually have a point at least about the Aedra ...
  354. and I can't believe I'm sort of agreeing with Molag Bal here ...)
  356. - DECISION!
  357. - this time, however, there is no karma gain or loss -> you're deciding between life and death. Whose? Your own. Morally right or not, unless you're playing a complete paladin (and I don't know how you'll justify some of the stuff
  358. you had to do in act 1, if you do), I suggest you choose life (especially if your character is a Dragonborn and that way, you will at least have a very good reason for wanting some payback in act 4). It will make more sense than
  359. trying to come up with an explanation on why a Daedric Prince would be interested in a random average Joe in act 4 anyway. But hey, it's your choice. You'll end up in act 4 either way.
  360. - LIFE:
  361. - accept Molag Bal's offer ("Fine, help me out of here." dialogue option) -> you can still tell him you don't deal with the Daedra before, but he'll just scoff at you and say his offer still stands
  362. - he'll laugh and conjure up an Oblivion gate (did you really expect he'll just kindly douse the fire and let you skip out of the front door?) -> go through it
  363. - act 3 completes here, continue this guide with ACT 4 (no, you're not skipping anything here - this is more or less the intended path)
  365. - either tell Molag Bal you don't deal with the Daedra or completely ignore him and don't talk to him at all
  366. - activate the bloodstain on the floor where Julius' corpse was before -> confirm that you want to die
  367. - that's it, you die (... ok, completely gameplay-wise, the game just teleports you back to the Temple of Stendarr and opens up a character creation menu, but the mod treats this as a completely new character - base Skyrim game
  368. does not, since it's completely impossible to actually kill off your character for real and still continue playing)
  369. - quest completes (but not act 3), continue this guide with 2 - THE SUCCESSOR
  371. 2 - THE SUCCESSOR
  372. - talk to Gwyneth and she'll send you to the Bruiant Mansion to find the Keeper (your "previous" character)
  373. - activate the carriage outside the Temple
  374. - you can talk to M'que for some info, but otherwise everything around the mansion is completely empty and nobody waits for you
  375. - very dark inside, a bunch of corpses of the Imperial Legion and a burnt corpse in the place where you martyred your "previous" character -> has all the inventory you had before ... also, you're stuck here now
  376. - activate the Horn of Stendarr in front of the corpse
  377. - scene changes, black water everywhere, the Black Hand and a few corrupted shades (including Julius) appear (you can talk to them for some cryptic lines) and a statue of Molag Bal in dragon form vomiting blood
  378. - activate Molag Bal statue
  379. - act 3 completes, continue to ACT 4
  381. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  382. ACT 4
  383. Note 1: You will have no quests visible in your journal and there will be no map markers. Talk to friendly NPCs - Pepe is your most reliable info desk who will show up at the most important points of the story. And let's say that
  384. your objective is to reach the tower in the middle, beat the living daylights out of Molag Bal and return to Skyrim.
  385. Note 2: You will be stuck here until you complete the quest, so if you're using any basic needs mods (like iNeed or similar), stock up on food and water - there is next to nothing here. Or prepare to starve. Your choice. Keep in mind
  386. you'll be here for quite some time, unless you're rushing with the game.
  387. Note 3: Karma is very important here. You gain it by helping friendly NPCs, defeating bosses and ending memory quests in a good way. You lose it by killing friendly NPCs, ending memory quests in a bad way, skipping previous acts
  388. and by trading with the Black Hand. You can check your current amount of karma by activating Eye of Marukh in your inventory.
  389. Note 4: When Eye of Marukh reacts to something, there is a memory quest available.
  390. Note 5: WARNING FOR ARACHNOPHOBES! You will want to avoid the Hidden Cave of the Followers of Mara (and its Temple of Mara) if you decide to explore. You may still stumble over a lone spider or scorpion here and there, but that
  391. cave is absolutely swarming with spiders after a certain point. It's not central to the story, so you can skip that cave without any problems.
  393. 1 - COLDHARBOUR
  394. - no matter how you got here, everything will play out the same now
  395. - you wake up in Coldharbour with some tentacle faced creature (Pepe) already being grumpy with you (you may recognize his model as the Ascended Sleeper from Morrowind, though)
  396. - answer him however you want, he'll be supremely unimpressed with you in any case, but you can still ask him for some general info and the ideas on what you're even supposed to do (get to the tower and Molag Bal)
  397. - before you leave, loot Eye of Marukh from the little statue of Marukh right in front you when you woke up (Pepe tends to stand next to it)
  399. - a word on Coldharbour: this is a new, pretty large worldspace with plenty of places to explore, but not all of them advance the story (most of them do have at least one boss battle, though)
  400. - the shortest route is to start going clockwise around the island as soon as you can and then keep to that way:
  401. - start in Mathmalatu Priory (where you wake up)
  402. - Waterfront District -> steal or loot the key from the Scamp Captain up in one of the watchtowers
  403. - Fort Verin, Waterfront District -> defeat Vernaccus and get his key, unlock the gate out of Waterfront District
  404. - go towards the Gate of Varla until Menta Na attacks you -> get his key and unlock the gate
  405. - now start your clockwise journey around the island until you get to the Slums
  406. - Slums -> Slums 2nd Floor -> get key from the Great Beggar -> Beggar's Way
  407. - Prison Tower Sewers (you get here through Slums/Beggar's Way)
  408. - Prison Tower (you get here through the Sewers) -> Prison District -> cross the bridge to the inner part of the city
  409. - inner Imperial City, go clockwise again until you get to Curia Morimath
  410. - Curia Morimath -> kill Archpriest Centius and loot his key -> unlock the Golden Sanctuary here -> get the key for the Inquisition Court District here (it's inside the giant golden egg)
  411. - Inquisition Court District
  412. - Monastery of the Holy Brothers of Marukh -> defeat the last boss (Abbot Cosmas) and go through portal to Malada
  413. - Malada -> get to the last area and kill Marukh to drop the barrier around the center of the city
  414. - Malatar Mansion -> kill Dro'Zel and get his heart and key to central district
  415. - Sancremor Tower (really Molag Bal's version of White-Gold tower) -> ignore all the fighting (enemies spawn indefinitely) and just get to the top
  416. - this shortest path does not guarantee you enough karma for anything but a bad ending, so go out on your own and explore -> for more details and description of every place you'll have to wait for my full guide, though
  418. 2 - AETHERIUS
  419. - at the top of the tower you'll find Molag Bal behind his throne -> strike him down and loot Ada Bal from the ashes (no, you don't kill him - you can't kill a Daedric Prince!)
  420. - place the Ada Bal on the set in the floor -> portal to Aetherius opens
  422. - KARMA BELOW 50:
  423. - BAD ENDING
  424. - Molag Bal kills Stendarr and takes over his plane of Aetherius ... and it's all thanks to you (nonetheless, it's an awesome scene)
  425. - the end, you return to Skyrim (step into the light next to Molag Bal)
  427. - KARMA 50 OR ABOVE:
  428. - CHANCE FOR A BETTER ENDING (or an even worse one, if you so choose)
  429. - when you step through the portal, you will see petrified Molag Bal -> activate him
  430. - teleport to Abyss of Molag Bal
  431. - continue this guide with 3 - EXSULTATE JUBILATE
  434. - go towards the tree with dark aura around it
  435. - Eye of Marukh will react to two strange sand piles -> you can activate them and finish two memory quests (Pepe and Marukh)
  436. - but you need to reach that tree
  437. - Molag Bal sits below the tree and waits for you -> final boss battle (no, you STILL don't kill him - seriuosly, you CAN'T kill a Daedra!)
  438. - after the battle go to the tree and activate that last strange sand pile -> Bard's memory and an ending
  440. - ENDINGS:
  442. - tell Lamae whatever you want
  443. - go around the tree and activate the Spawn (ignore Lute)
  444. - answer Sheogorath with "Still..." dialogue option
  445. - go towards the throne and activate the red stone on it
  447. - tell Lamae whatever you want
  448. - go around the tree and activate the Spawn (ignore Lute)
  449. - answer Sheogorath with "Enough..." dialogue option
  450. - follow the fox and activate the Shrine of Stendarr
  452. - tell Lamae there's nothing more to tell and that they all died
  453. - activate the lute
  454. - answer Molag Bal with whatever you want (he'll have a little comment on all 3 options)
  455. - NOTE: before you leave, you can strike Molag Bal down, loot his heart and eat it -> throws you to the WORST ENDING (and no, he's still not really dead but I'll be discussing lore and endings in the full guide)
  456. - TRUE ENDING:
  457. - tell Lamae you'll think of the end of the story until you meet again
  458. - activate the lute
  459. - answer Molag Bal with whatever you want (he'll have a little comment on all 3 options, but this time he'll be downright civil to you)
  461. - in any case, you end up back in Aetherius -> go down the stairs to the shrine with light and it will teleport you back to Skyrim
  463. 4 - A MILLION CATS
  464. - you wake up in the hunter's camp by the lake Ilinalta just below the Guardian Stones
  465. - unless you got a really bad ending, you will meet Ja'zhan Jr here -> you can talk and trade with him, he'll also set up some story hooks for GLENMORIL (a spiritual successor mod to VIGILANT, currently still unfinished)
  467. - you can return to the Temple of Stendarr, where Gwyneth will be worried sick about you
  468. - a stone tablet on her table -> you can return to Coldharbour by activating it
  469. - if you go back to Bruiant Mansion, you should meet a very grumpy Legion officer (Cato) who really just wants you gone from there (unless you martyred yourself, then nobody should be there)
  470. - M'que will be happy to see you in any case
  471. - act 4 completes here
  473. THE END
  475. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  479. - Sir Amiel at the Barrier Tower of Anyammis
  480. - becomes a follower if you have more than 0 karma
  482. x - KNIGHT OF MARA
  483. - Sir Casimir at the end of the Old Temple of the Eight Divines -> boss battle (I hope you're fireproof)
  485. x - KNIGHT OF TALOS
  486. - Sir Berich in the Prayer Hall at the bottom of the Old Temple of the Eight Divines
  487. - becomes follower if you have more than 20 karma
  489. x - ARCHER OF KYNE
  490. - Bourlor in Bourlor's House, Waterfront District
  491. - becomes a follower if you defeat Vernaccus in Fort Verin, loot Bourlor's Bow from him and bring it back to Bourlor
  493. x - FUNERAL
  494. - Martha by the watchtowers is looking for her family's graves
  495. - they are in the Cemetery of the Church of Arkay toward the north
  496. - tell her about the graves when you find them (you may have to activate Johan's grave) and she goes there
  497. - you can talk to her there, but she'll die when you leave and re-enter the area
  498. - when you leave and re-enter the area again, white flowers will grow where her corpse was
  501. - Al in the Cemetery of the Church of Arkay, sits next to Slave Trader's corpse
  502. - can be a pet follower
  505. - Sir Henrik needs your help over and over again
  506. - 1: imprisoned in Slave Trader's House in Waterfront District
  507. - 2: imprisoned in the kitchens of Fort Welkynd
  508. - 3: imprisoned in the torture room in Prison Tower
  509. - 4: imprisoned in Naarifin's Court -> DECISION!
  510. - AGREE TO HELP HIM: can become a follower when you return with the news of his friends (see KNIGHT OF KYNARETH quest)
  511. - REJECT HIS REQUEST: is killed at the end of the KNIGHT OF KYNARETH quest
  514. - Sir Juncan keeps meeting you during your travels in Coldharbour
  515. - 1: by the gate leading outside of Waterfront District
  516. - 2: Gate of Varla
  517. - 3: inside Thrassian Apothecary
  518. - 4: guarding Sir Gregory near the Dried Well (after you cross the bridge from Prison Tower to the city)
  519. - 5: Dibella's Fountain Garden inside Naarifin's Court -> boss battle
  522. - Sir Gregory is leaving his notes inside little Dibella statues behind for any travellers following in his footsteps
  523. - 1: Gate of Varla
  524. - 2: to the east of Fort Welkynd, near Mary's statue
  525. - 3: in front of the Chestnut Handy Stables
  526. - 4: inside Thrassian Apothecary
  527. - 5: Square of Eight Saints
  528. - 6: near Dried Well, before the magic emblem
  529. - 7: near another Dried Well, before the statue of Alessia
  531. x - PALADIN MELUS
  532. - Melus Petilius just wants some quiet place for his wife, Vena
  533. - 1: in front of the Rusty Blacksmith in Waterfront District
  534. - 2: in front of the Chestnut Handy Stables
  535. - 3: Sard's Sarcophagus inside Sard's Charnel -> boss battle
  537. x - KNIGHT OF ARKAY
  538. - Sir Torolf in the Church of Arkay at the Cemetery of the Church of Arkay
  539. - completely insane, boss battle
  540. - loot the Greatsword of Anui-El from him
  541. - striking the wall with Arkay's skeleton with that sword will reveal the door to the Hall of Bones (The Black Hand is in there)
  543. x - THE BLACK HAND
  544. - in the Hall of Bones in Church of Arkay (see KNIGHT OF ARKAY quest)
  545. - you can only talk to it if you're wearing Sithis' Eye Ring (you can get this by looting it from Wizard Manthar in the Funeral Temple in Nenyond's Underground Priory)
  546. - it can raise your attributes (health, stamina, magicka ...) for 5 karma (can do that as long as you have enough karma)
  548. x - ATIMA
  549. - a corrupted child in the Prison Sewer (Sir Caius is watching over her)
  550. - you can loot Atima's Pelt from Countess Tarla in Ulthar's Charnel and bring it back to her -> you get Atima's Doll in thanks
  553. - Sir Caius is guarding Atima in the Prison Sewer
  554. - if you kill Atima and appeal to Caius' sense of duty, he can become a follower (you monster)
  555. - if you kill Atima and you're a complete psycho about it to Caius, he'll just attack you and you'll have to kill him (you monster)
  557. x - MORE SKOOMA
  558. - Ja'zhan Sr in the Prison Tower -> he'll be outside when you clear it and become a merchant
  561. - Sir Ralvas on the ledge NW of Prison Tower has lost his head (quite literally)
  562. - you can buy it from Ja'zhan Sr outside the Prison Tower for 100 gold (or you can kill him if you don't feel like paying ... you monster)
  563. - return Ralvas his head and he can become a follower
  565. x - THE BLACK WORM
  566. - in Silorn's Priory
  567. - if you let him out (karma loss), he'll move to Mathmalatu Priory and become a merchant
  568. - you can also kill him (karma gain)
  570. x - THE AVENGER (no, not that kind)
  571. - remember Aredhel from act 2? -> he has some serious bone to pick with you (and he still thinks you work for Molag Bal for some reason ... you aren't really, are you?)
  572. - inside St. Dulsa's Charnel -> boss battle
  575. - Ritho guards the bridge leading to the Battlefield of Weye
  576. - you can talk to him and if you killed Varla and aren't a complete psycho about it, Ritho will give you a spear in thanks
  577. - you still have to kill him if you want to get past him, though ...
  579. x - POPE MEGUS
  580. - inside the Golden Sanctuary in Curia Morimath -> will attack you on sight if you don't have a certain item equipped
  581. - kill Archpriest Centius first and loot the Staff of Pelan the Priest of Eight Divines from him -> EQUIP IT (it's not enough to just have it in the inventory)
  582. - you can now go to the Golden Sanctuary and talk to Pope Megus
  584. x - JHUNAL THE OWL
  585. - the key to his library is in the Underground Monastery of Marukh in the area with the giant statue of Alessia (actually on the balcony just below it)
  586. - get to that balcony and watch the walls -> there is a magic emblem you have to hit with a spell of the corresponding magic school (there is a skeleton with the staff belonging to that school on the balcony, too)
  587. - hitting the emblem with the right spell will open the wall leading to the room with Jhunal's corpse and the key on it
  588. - you can now go to Jhunal's Library and talk and trade with Jhunal the Owl there (and kill him for some karma gain - the bastard deserves it)
  590. x - KYNE'S DRAGON
  591. - Kahkaankrein imprisoned in the Second Inquisition Court (the knight guarding him has the key to his cell)
  592. - talk to him and he'll ask you to open the roof -> lever outside the cell, almost opposite the dragon (only appears when you ask him if you can help)
  593. - ask if you can help again and he'll want to see the white flowers -> bring them to him (see FUNERAL quest on where you can find them)
  594. - if you have Kyne's Feather (the one you get from the good end of Pelinal's memory quest) in your inventory, he'll ask you for it -> give it to him and he'll be freed (or don't - you monster)
  596. x - GREYMARCH
  597. - starts when you kill Marukh in Malada -> white obelisks of Order will start spawning soldiers of Order
  598. - path to the Battlefield of Weye is now open -> you can go there and enter Cocoon of Order (that glowing orb)
  599. - at the end of it boss battle with Jyggalag
  600. - defeating him stops the soldiers from spawning outside, but NOT in the tower
  602. x - THE MADNESS
  603. - Mad King Dro'Zel in Malatar Mansion -> boss battle
  605. x - ARENA
  606. - it's exactly what it says ... you can fight some of the previous bosses here (but you must have defeated them before to fight them here again)
  607. - 1: The Gray Prince (no requirements, he already waits inside when you first enter)
  608. - 2: Sir Casimir (see KNIGHT OF MARA event)
  609. - 3: Sir Juncan and Slaughterer Maram (yeah, they're basically Ornstein and Smough ... you can fight Maram in the Hidden Cave of the Followers of Mara, for Juncan see KNIGHT OF KYNARETH quest)
  610. - 4: Pelinal Whitestrake (see PELINAL THE BLOODY memory quest)
  611. - 5: Morihaus (see AFTER THE END memory quest)
  612. - 6: Jyggalag (see GREYMARCH quest)
  613. - 7: Blademaster (actually Gaiden Shinji -> defeat everyone else)
  614. - after you defeat all of them, Gaiden Shinji appears by the entrance and can be a follower
  616. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  618. Note: Sheogorath appears in every memory. Where? Find him. Or wait for the full guide.
  621. - boss battle with Varla in Varla's Hall in Fort Welkynd
  622. - loot Enola's skull from him -> memory starts automatically -> DECISION!
  623. - KARMA LOSS:
  624. - kill Enola
  625. - KARMA GAIN:
  626. - keep refusing to kill Enola until Belharza relents
  627. - step on the boat when the scene changes
  629. x - JOHAN THE FOOL
  630. - activate Johan's grave at the Cemetery of the Church of Arkay -> DECISION!
  631. - KARMA LOSS:
  632. - accept the mace from the bard
  633. - kill Martha when the scene changes
  634. - watch the rest of the scene (as bad as it is, it's definitely epic)
  635. - KARMA GAIN:
  636. - refuse the mace and drive the bard away
  638. x - ADA BAL
  639. - activate Dulsa's bones in St. Dulsa's Charnel -> DECISION!
  640. - KARMA LOSS:
  641. - allow Marukh to strike you more than once
  642. - KARMA GAIN:
  643. - kill Marukh without being hit by him more than once (easier said than done, he's freaking fast)
  646. - kill Mary in the Cradle of Filth in the Prison Sewer -> DECISION!
  647. - KARMA LOSS:
  648. - start to say anything at any time during Pepe's rant
  649. - KARMA GAIN:
  650. - remain quiet through the entirety of Pepe's rant
  651. - leave the cell and go upstairs when he freaks out
  653. x - THE MAD KING
  654. - fight Dro'Zel in Malatar Mansion to the last room where he cowers next to Hasaama's corpse -> activate it -> DECISION!
  655. - KARMA LOSS:
  656. - tell Dro'Zel that the bard is from Gilverdale
  657. - KARMA GAIN:
  658. - don't tell Dro'Zel about Gilverdale
  661. - go to the Barrier Tower of Agea -> boss battle with Pelinal
  662. - walk into the red stream of light and confirm you want to synchronize your soul
  663. - fight through the waves of Aurorans and go towards the large gate when you reach the end
  664. - fight Umaril the Unfeathered
  665. - follow the bard -> DECISION!
  666. - KARMA LOSS:
  667. - kill Mary
  668. - return to the main hall and watch the epic scene (apparently Molag Bal is a bit of an art lover ... not really surprising, considering he kicked normal Flame Atronachs out of Coldharbour after they destroyed one of the
  669. sculptures he was fond of - no, I'm not making this up, see Daedra Dossier: Cold-Flame Atronach text from ESO if you don't believe me)
  670. - KARMA GAIN:
  671. - activate the shackles on Mary's hands (she can't be killed after this anymore)
  672. - lead her back to the main hall
  673. - listen to Pelinal -> receive Kyne's Feather (see KYNE'S DRAGON quest)
  675. x - AFTER THE STORM
  676. - go to the Barrier Tower of Barra -> boss battle with Morihaus
  677. - you can only synchronize the stream if you already fought Pelinal and seen his memory (PELINAL THE BLOODY)
  678. - this memory is different depending on the path you took in Pelinal's quest (PELINAL THE BLOODY) -> no decisions, just watch
  680. x - THE LAST NIGHT
  681. - go to the Barrier Tower of Anyammis
  682. - you can only synchronize the stream if you already fought Morihaus and seen his memory (AFTER THE STORM)
  683. - this memory is different depending on the path you took in Pelinal's quest (PELINAL THE BLOODY) -> no decisions, just watch
  686. - one of the memory events available in the Abyss of Molag Bal (only if you had 50 or more karma when you reached the top of the tower and placed Ada Bal in the set on the floor)
  687. - first strange sand pile the Eye of Marukh reacts to
  688. - Pepe's memory -> no decision, just watch
  691. - one of the memory events available in the Abyss of Molag Bal (only if you had 50 or more karma when you reached the top of the tower and placed Ada Bal in the set on the floor)
  692. - second strange sand pile the Eye of Marukh reacts to
  693. - Marukh's memory -> approach the tree with a skeleton in front of it and loot Red Stone from it -> DECISION!
  694. - KARMA LOSS:
  695. - answer Alessia with "I understand. As you command." dialogue option
  696. OR
  697. - answer Alessia with "..." dialogue option, kill her and then submit to Molag Bal when he appears
  698. - KARMA GAIN:
  699. - answer Alessia with "..." dialogue option and kill her
  700. - reject Molag Bal when he appears and choose to die in the wasteland
  703. - one of the memory events available in the Abyss of Molag Bal (only if you had 50 or more karma when you reached the top of the tower and placed Ada Bal in the set on the floor)
  704. - third strange sand pile the Eye of Marukh reacts to, right below the tree after you fight Molag Bal
  705. - really the end event -> see 3 - EXSULTATE JUBILATE, ENDINGS section
  707. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  709. Acts 1 and 2 mostly take place in a few new, self contained locations, but also in a few of the vanilla ones (the mod mostly just places a few characters there, so there should be no compatibility problems).
  711. Vanilla:
  712. - Dawnstar (Windpeak Inn)
  713. - East of Dawnstar (entrance to Stuhn Ravine and Temple of Stendarr)
  714. - Whiterun (Bannered Mare, Hall of the Dead)
  715. - abandoned house by the road near Western Watchtower outside Whiterun
  716. - Kynesgrove (Braidwood Inn)
  717. - Riften (Bee and Barb, Ragged Flagon, Ratway Warrens)
  718. - Windhelm (Candlehearth Hall, Windhelm Palace)
  719. - in Windhelm Dungeons (entrance to Old Windhelm)
  720. - South of Ivarstead, near Alchemist's Shack (entrance to Witch's Pond)
  721. - underneath Stendarr's Beacon
  723. New:
  724. - Stuhn Ravine and Temple of Stendarr
  725. - Witch's Pond and Witch's Shack
  726. - Stendarr's Beacon Basement
  727. - Old Windhelm
  729. Act 3 takes place in the Bruiant Mansion.
  730. Act 4 takes place in Coldharbour, Molag Bal's plane of Oblivion.
  732. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  734. There are over a hundred characters you can meet in VIGILANT, most of them minor, however (more details in the full guide). The absolutely most important are these (giant spoilers ahead):
  736. - Altano, your Vigilant mentor
  737. - Jacob, Altano's mentor and your occasional quest giver
  738. - Gwyneth, Vigilant librarian
  739. - Lamae Beolfag, the first vampire
  740. - Bruiant family, an unfortunate family you must investigate in act 3
  741. - Bal/Bard, "just" a servant
  742. - Pepe, your grumpy info desk in act 4
  743. - Marukh, the Prophet Most Simian
  744. - Alessia, the Slave Queen
  745. - Molag Bal, Daedric Prince of Domination
  746. - Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness (see full guide for more details)
  748. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  750. - Gwyneth (Temple of Stendarr, Stuhn Ravine)
  751. - Facis (Matron's Chamber, Old Windhelm City)
  752. - Bishop Arasil (overlooking the bridge to the Battlefield of Weye, Coldharbour)
  753. - Balor (Highwayman's General Store, Waterfront District, Coldharbour)
  754. - Cadwell (Sewers, Coldharbour)
  755. - Hilda the Witch (Witch's House, Waterfront District, Coldharbour)
  756. - Ja'zhan Sr (outside the Prison Tower, Coldharbour)
  757. - Ja'zhan Jr (hunter's camp below the Guardian Stones)
  758. - Gloriel the Valkyrie (Dried Well near Gorieus' Charnel)
  759. - Ogra the Stablemaster (Chestnut Handy Stables, Coldharbour)
  760. - Jhunal the Owl (Jhunal's Library, Coldharbour)
  761. - Sabrina (Thrassian Apothecary, Coldharbour)
  762. - Tubal (The Rusty Blacksmith, Waterfront District, Coldharbour)
  763. - Black Worm (Silorn's Priory, moves to Mathmalatu Priory if you don't kill him)
  764. - M'que (outside Bruiant Mansion)
  765. (- The Black Hand -> trades attribute power-ups for karma, Hall of Bones, Church of Arkay, Cemetery of the Church of Arkay, Coldharbour)
  767. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  769. Note: Even though the mod gives you the option of recruiting them after some conditions are met, I recommend against it. VIGILANT is meant to be a solo adventure, and followers may be more trouble than they are worth. Also,
  770. taking these 7 out of Coldharbour would be ... story breaking. They are dead, you can't help them much.
  771. - Sir Amiel (Barrier Tower of Anyammis)
  772. - Sir Henrik (all over, moves to Mathmalatu Priory if he's alive at the end of THE KNIGHT OF JULIANOS quest)
  773. - Sir Ralvas (ledge near Prison Tower, moves to Mathmalatu Priory at the end of THE KNIGHT OF ZENITHAR quest)
  774. - Sir Caius (Prison Tower Sewer)
  775. - Sir Berich (Prayer Hall, Old Temple of the Eight Divines)
  776. - Bourlor (Bourlor's House, Waterfront District)
  777. - Gaiden Shinji (Arena)
  779. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  780. LIST OF COLLECTABLES (wait for full guide for more details)
  781. - Ash of St. Sard (+10 Health)
  782. - Hide of Abbot Silorn (+10 Stamina)
  783. - Bone of Jhunal (+10 Magicka)
  784. - Dragon Soul Stone (+1 Dragon Soul)
  785. - Old Kyne's Feather (+20 carry weight)
  786. - Soulless Remains (+1 Karma)
  787. - St. Dulsa's Nail (+1 perk point)
  789. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  790. ZENITHAR'S ANVIL (More and more crafting recipes will be available for the items in the mod the further along the story you are.)
  791. - Temple of Stendarr
  792. - Storage Room at the Temple (debug room)
  793. - Stendarr's Beacon Basement
  794. - Rusty Blacksmith in Waterfront District
  795. - in Cadwell's place in the Sewers
  796. - Arena
  797. - Jhunal's Library
  799. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  801. Note: You have no business here unless you want to trade with the owls or something went seriously wrong in your game. Otherwise, leave this room alone!
  802. - it's the Storage Room at the Temple of Stendarr -> the door is in the arch right next to the statue with the horn
  803. - you can find the key inside the owl statue just above the statue with the horn
  804. - white owl sells armor and clothing
  805. - black owl sells weapons, accessories and spell books
  806. - paintings: skip the corresponding act
  807. - lute: shuts down the music if it gets stuck
  808. - Spawn: return to Coldharbour after act 4 (key in the corpse)
  809. - Tree of Life painting: return to the Elder Field after act 4 (key in the corpse)
  811. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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