

Jan 14th, 2020
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  1. [00:54] Dillion had finally made it back home from his battle with his sister, and he could only hope she was alright. After the long battle the boy needed to rest, and recover his mental state. Dillion begin to rest, and dream of a time not so long ago where Rhea, and him ate dinner and laughed with each other.
  3. It felt like it wasn't that long ago, and a smile appeared on the boy's face.
  5. He needed this, and hopefully his sister would return to him one day..
  6. (Dillion Endore)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [01:05] Dillion could see himself meeting with Rhea for the first time in front of the Endore house, and he remembers the amount of loving nature she offered to him. Even if the house was empty she still showed up there to talk with him about his problems while offering advise.
  11. Dillion being to build and image of the days before he joined the Order, and Rhea wasn't crazy.
  13. A place where she didn't have that black goo on her face when she cried. A place before he even become connected with the stars this was a place free of pain, and allowed his worries to rest.
  15. That was the ideal life Dillion wanted.
  16. (Dillion Endore)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [01:10] Dillion then fast forwarded to the dinner scene in his mind where Rhea prepared a meal for the first time in his life. During that time Dillion was always studying, and never found time to eat, and like the moment that Rhea she told him he needed to take care of himself.
  21. Despite this being he first mean the young Dillion begin eating everything weather it was the best thing he had or not.
  23. Dillion remember how much Rhea was drinking with her rose read cheeks talking about love, and how he'd find it one day. Telling him how cute he was only to pass out on the floor with a smile and bottle in her hand.
  25. Dillion remember going to get her a blanket to over her up, and a Pillow to rest her head on.
  26. (Dillion Endore)
  27. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. [01:22] And in that moment Rhea would lash out at him, with her eye broken and missing. Replaced by that blackened void, the other tinted with a purple hue.
  31. She looked broken and angry, mad and hurt. She gets up, pushing the young, powerless boy over to stand over him.
  33. "You..hehehehehehe..YOU.. Abandoned me!"
  35. She called out, stepping over the boy as the walls around them seemed to warp and that uncontrollable fear seemed to set in.
  37. "I..I CARED for you.. And YOU let that other knight attack me.."
  39. "You could have left with me Dillion."
  41. Taunted this horrific version of Rhea as she seemed to tower over the boy more and more. It felt like the boy only had one choice at this point, as if her was not in control and trying to move forward or fight was like walking through the deepest waters.
  43. The boys dream had begun to warp into a nightmare!
  44. (Ororo Boros)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [01:29] Dillion wasn't sure what caused this change in his sister, but he clearly feel down to the ground with the towering beast of Rhea over him. Why did this happen? What did this mean? Was the what Rhea was slowly becoming while she was in Moonfall?
  49. "--I--But--We..." Dillion was lost for words or maybe his fear begin to sink in, and he was losing his sister slowly. He'd reach for his staff, but nothing was there.
  51. Dillion closed his eyes, and even though his fear he sought out the aid of his star.
  53. "--Rhyt please."
  55. That was all Dillion could manage to say at the moment before answering the creature that was once his sister.
  57. "I couldn't we said we are alike, but we are on two different paths. I always wanted to be with you, and never leave your side, but Moonfall would eat me alive for the amount of damage I've done to them.
  59. Just like you can't come home yet I can never be in Moonfall....I'm working on clearing your'll be home soon I know it...."
  60. (Dillion Endore)
  61. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. [01:36] The boy calls for his star and nothing happens, not even a flicker or a glimmer.
  65. There is nothing there for him.
  67. The Corrupted caricature of Rhea lashes out again at the boy, missing and breaking through the floor revealing some sort of way for the boy to escape.
  69. "No..Nono.. You don't get it.. I'll never change.. This is where I belong.." She called out, rearing to lash out again at the boy should he not attempt to escape.
  71. "They.. Would eat you alive if you DIDNT come.. Those knights don't even notice you.."
  74. "I DO!!!"
  76. She screams out, missing the boy with her second attack and causing the floor to crumble beneath him and allowing him to fall just at the right time. At first there is nothingness, just a second of falling before he finds himself in a seemingly endless hallway full of nothing but doors.
  77. (Ororo Boros)
  78. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. [01:41] "-That's not true--people care--even if some of the Knights are terrible---it's not about them it's about doing the right thing--"
  82. Dillion was confused looking at all the doors that surrounded him, he wasn't sure what was going on, but he was worried about this monster version of his sister.
  84. "--I know you love me, and you told me to never go down your path-- you told me you'd love me no matter what, so why change now--"
  86. Dillion was heavily confused, and even more heart broken.
  87. (Dillion Endore)
  88. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. [01:49] There was no answer, only doors and silence. A hallway that never truly seemed to end and nothing but darkness. There were no walls, only doors.
  92. There are no more signs to the Rhea and her calls. There is nothing.
  94. Just doors and an endless hallway.
  95. (Ororo Boros)
  96. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  98. [01:53] Dillion begin to walk down this long hall way looking at each door wondering where they lead to. He didn't want to open anyone for the time being, but he begin to shout.
  100. "Rhea didn't want me to must have forgotten or you're another part of her pretending...."
  101. (Dillion Endore)
  102. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. [02:00] As the boy seems to call out to absolutely nothing there is some sort of response. One of the doors near him begins to rattle, as if something is attempting to get in. As one door begins to rattle another does. And another.
  106. Until every single door is shaking, some form of light pouring from them.
  108. Red.
  110. Yellow.
  112. Gold.
  114. Blue.
  116. Wherever the boy finds himself he appears to have gotten somethings attention and it did not seem to be what he believed it to be.
  118. The Doors Rattle intensely, waiting for the boy to pick one.
  119. (Ororo Boros)
  120. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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