
stolas taking human world souvenirs for octavia

Feb 3rd, 2021 (edited)
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  1. from /hhg/ Helluva Hotel general #614
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  3. >stolas taking human world souvenirs for octavia
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  5. >Stolas brings Octavia a human as a souvenir
  6. "Why am I here?"
  7. >"You're here to serve my sweet daughter Octavia as she wishes"
  8. >"Octavia dearie I have a present for you!"
  9. >"Ugh! Dad is that mortal? You brought a mortal to hell?"
  10. >"Just for you my lovely! Happy birthday"
  11. "I wish I was home playing the latest call of duty"
  12. >"Hmm.."
  13. >The owl girl walks a circle around you looking at you
  14. >"Do you like Bring me the Horizen?"
  15. >Anon's eyes go wide upon hearing this
  17. >Anon panics and jumps out the 8th story window
  18. >"was it something I said?"
  19. -
  20. >panicking
  21. what a pleb. i'd jam tf out with her
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  23. I just chose the first edgy band that came to mind honestly.
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  25. >show her more heavy metal bands
  26. >octavia and anon headbanging to pantera in her room
  27. --
  28. >You introduce Octavia to Dragonforce through guitar hero 3
  29. >you both are now masters of the universe while rocking out and racking up a huge ass highscore
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  31. >spend the rest of your life with octavia as a mortal
  32. >when you die, you just reappear as a demon and can continue living with her if you're recognizable still
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  34. >Before you die you make up a code that will allow Octavia to recognize you
  35. >Standing at the manor gate you press the intercom button and say "la li lu le lo"
  36. >in a matter of seconds Octavia dashes into the court yard and tackles you to the ground and pecks you on the cheek
  37. Everyones happy now!
  38. -
  39. yaaaay happy times with bird lady
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  41. Or
  42. >You're not actually damned, you didn't willingly consort with demons or do anything else evil
  43. >You go straight past earth and on up to heaven
  44. >Turns out heaven sucks, it's boring
  45. >So you join the exterminators
  46. >Time for some ACTION
  47. >Hell will truly BURN for stealing you from your life!
  48. >Wait you don't want to kill this demon, you remember them, they were okay
  49. >You don't want to kill that one either, they used to make really good ice cream
  50. >And that one over there once showed you how to get home after you tried to run away and got lost
  51. >...
  52. >... home...
  53. >It was your home, for more of your life than your "home" on earth was
  54. >...
  55. >Ditch your spear and quietly fly over to Stolas' mansion
  56. >Knock on the door and ask if you can come in
  57. >Octavia now has a pet exterminator
  58. -
  59. by serving Octavia you are indeed consorting with demons and there for perma banned from heaven
  60. ----
  61. This begs the question. What stuff would Stolas like? How would people like Alastor or Angel react if you showed them rock music from the 70s or heavy metal or screamo music from the 90s-2000s?
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  63. >How would people like Alastor or Angel react if you showed them rock music from the 70s or heavy metal or screamo music from the 90s-2000s?
  64. probably typical boomer responses like "this isn't music this is just noise!" and shit like that
  65. ----
  66. >willingly
  67. You gonna tell the guy who got force-fed to death that he's been damned for the sin of gluttony?
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  69. if you deny you committed the sin God won't let you into the gates, regardless of circumstance. He's weird like that
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