
Religion in Equestria Chapter 1 - Faith

Oct 29th, 2012
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  1. >Day 3
  2. >You still do not know how you got here but you at least managed to find some food
  3. >Something killed some sort of bull-like creature and only had eaten half of it
  4. >Plenty of meat for a good meal as long as you are out of here before other scavengers come along
  5. >You really needed this.
  6. >No food for three days, barely any sleep to speak of, and the constant threat that those creatures would return
  7. >Some sort amalgamation of eagle and lion that dive bombed you when you went for a drink at the stream
  8. >Now you know to only head for water at night but that leaves you open to the crocodiles
  9. >You eat the raw meat. Not daring to start a fire lest you draw unwanted attention
  10. >It makes you heave but you are able to keep it down
  11. >So now that you finally have some food in you its time to find some shelter
  12. >Maybe if you follow the stream north it will lead you to a road or something
  14. >Day 6
  15. >Following the stream north led you to this wonderful grove of trees
  16. >They have some sort of fruit you have never seen but it is sweet and moist
  17. >It cuts through your hunger pains wonderfully
  18. >You also found tracks that you have come to know belong to those...things
  19. >easy to spot from the large bird prints
  20. >You notice they only show up mid afternoon to just before dusk
  21. >This has let you use the mornings
  22. >You feel like you should be wandering more out into the grasslands but this area looks arid
  23. >Who knows where the next water source would be
  24. >A couple hours walk upstream from the grove you spotted some rubble you could hardly see it from the stream but it was pretty damn big up close
  25. >It was surrounded by a herd of those bull things
  26. >You learned quickly to stay the hell away from them
  27. >Maybe you will check it out tomorrow
  29. >Day 7
  31. >For the first time since you came here you finally feel safe enough at night to get some decent sleep
  32. >The rubble you saw was a crumbling wall to some sort of fort thing
  33. >Inside you found a tower about 3/4 collapsed in on itself
  34. >The ceiling of the bottom floor seems to be supporting most of the rubble the rubble
  35. >After forcing the door open you found a workable living space
  36. >About half of the room is filled with crumbed stone and rotting wood beams but its more than enough for you
  37. >There are some strange things about this tower however
  38. >The roof is just barely shorter than you so whoever built it was shorter than your 5'11"
  39. >Also the doorway was quite small as you almost have to bend half over to get in
  40. >But by far the strangest thing are the carvings all over the walls
  41. >The sun and moon are everywhere. Every bit of every wall has their own motif of night and day
  42. >But the ceiling is where its really beautiful.
  43. >A white winged unicorn silhouetted against the sun bearing a banner with a single phrase "Celestia"
  44. >on the opposite side of the of the image is a black winged unicorn silhouetted against the moon bearing a banner "Luna"
  45. >Just being able to read those two words gave you comfort
  46. >Wherever this place is has intelligent life.
  47. >Somewhere
  49. >Day 19
  50. >You are starting to get a hang on hunting some of the creatures out there
  51. >You found some rusting metal spear heads among the rubble
  52. >A little sharpening and some work gave you a weapon to use
  53. >You have taken a small deer-like creature that on its own and one of the bull like ones at a watering hole
  54. >The meat only lasted you three days each before it was too rotten to stomach
  55. >It made a nice change from the fruits and berries you had been living on
  56. >You wish you knew how to preserve hides for use
  57. >The one time you tried it rotted away
  58. >You are proud of your chimney hole you made
  59. >Now at night you can have fires without anyone being able to see the flame and the smoke wont choke you
  60. >As you lie there every night you cant help but look at the painting on the ceiling and wonder what these Celestia and Luna were
  61. >Were they gods to these people? You don't know. But their image comforts you every night as you lie down to sleep
  62. >You feel as if they are almost watching over you
  64. >Same Night Canterlot
  65. >Princess Luna sister to Princess Celestia once more raises the moon as is her duty
  66. >However once again it feels different
  67. >Lately it seems that each night the task that usually wearies her for most of the night is tiring her less and less
  68. >Tonight you do not even feel weaker at all, its almost as something is helping you
  69. >And Tonight you intend to find out what that is
  70. >As your chariot pulls up beside a balcony you say
  71. >"Celest are you present?"
  72. "Yes! Luna come in!" A voice replies "What brings you here so early? Its just after Moonrise usually you are resting now."
  73. >"That is true my sister. However I desire to speak with you regarding certain matters." You say as you step onto the balcony.
  74. >Out steps your sister who smiles at you warmly before seeing the serious look on your face
  75. "Oh dear whats happened now?" She asks as her smile falters
  76. >"It is not so much what hath happened but what is currently occurring." You respond "How have your powers been?"
  77. >She looks at you curiously
  78. "They are the same as they have been. Why do you ask?"
  79. >"Then doth thy not feel it? My powers have drained me less and less over the last fortnight" you say "I do not feel the effort of raising the moon these last three nights."
  80. "I do...Well now that you say it I feel much less tired from raising the sun lately. I just assumed I had been sleeping better." She looks you in the eyes "Do you have any idea that might be causing this?"
  81. >"Nay sister I do not." you say with a sigh "That is why I came to you. I do not even know if this means anything at all."
  82. "Sister perhaps it may not be just us? Maybe all unicorns are feeling a boost in power?" She ponders aloud "For now we will keep an eye on the situation and I will ask around."
  83. >You nod "Let us hope this is nothing. Equestria has had more than enough problems recently."
  85. >Day 31
  86. >Fucking lions, Goddamn fucking lions
  87. >You tried smoking some of your kill hoping it would last longer
  88. >That only drew this pack of lions to your home
  89. >They have been outside since last night not able to find a way in
  90. >They circle your home watching, You can see them through the cracks in your door
  91. >Luckily you have plenty of food but you don't have any water
  92. >They have perched themselves around your door and are sleeping now.
  93. >It was not cool in your home today with the fire going for smoking
  94. >If they are not gone by tomorrow morning you will have to fight them
  95. >You just hope that you can win
  96. >Glancing up you see the mural
  97. >Celestia, Luna if you are out there I could really use some help
  99. >Same day- Canterlot Around Dusk
  100. >You are Princess Celestia ruler of Equestria
  101. >You have felt restless since that night with Luna
  102. >Now you cant help but notice that extra power just sitting there waiting to be used
  103. >It makes you want to gather an army and go drive off the dragons or put down minotaur invaders
  104. >Things you have not done for many centuries. Things that disturb you when you think about them.
  105. >It fills you with a sense of almost...arrogance
  106. >You do not like it. You feel on edge now. As if you had been preserving your magic for some danger and now you are waiting for it show up
  107. >You are eager for it to show up
  108. >Just thinking about it is starting to stress you out
  109. >The reports from border guards don't help you take your mind off this unease
  110. >Increasing number of gryphons spotted entering equestrian lands
  111. >In the west the dragons are being pushier as well
  112. >To the north are sightings of wendi-
  114. >You jump to your feet magic leaping into your horn
  115. >You look around all you see are a couple of guards looking at you curiously and an empty room
  116. >What in Equestria was that? You certainly have never heard that voice before
  117. >A male voice that seemed to boom in your head. It seemed tired and afraid.
  118. >You sit back down and look around quietly
  119. >You must have just started to dose off while reading reports
  120. >A look out the window tells you the moon is already up
  121. >As you gather the reports to put them away a flash of deep blue and an aura of black appear from the window
  122. "Sister." Luna is standing across the table from you and looking a little distressed. "Did thou hearest a v-voice moments ago?" She says letting some fear creep into her voice.
  123. >So much for it being you dosing off "Yes Luna I did. What did yours say?"
  124. "It said "If you are really out there I could really use some help". It sounded pleading!"
  125. >You get up and lean against her to comfort her "Yes it said the same thing to me as well. I do not know what this means but we must be prepared. I suggest you place your guards on full alert. I will do the same for mine."
  127. >Day 68
  128. >You have your newest hides curing by the fire
  129. >A couple of crocodile hides that came wrapped around an easy meal
  130. >Turns out they are quite easy to kill with a spear once you get them onto dry land
  131. >Why did it take you over a month to discover how to tan hides
  132. >You now a a comfortable little hovel with a grass stuffed hide bed
  133. >Its nothing compared to what you had back home but compared to what you've been living with its heaven
  134. >Every day you have marked into the floor to count the passage of time
  135. >Looking around for what needs done today you notice you are almost out of fruits
  136. >Once more you head out into your backyard
  137. >It takes you less than an hour to make what used to be a 2 hour trip to the grove
  138. >You are quite a bit more fit than when you first arrived
  139. >Upon arriving at the grove you quickly pick enough of the fruits to fill your pouch and tie it closed
  140. >You start the trip back when you notice something in the sky
  141. >Quickly dropping to your knees and hands you make sure the hide on your back is covering you
  142. >You discovered that while the strange creatures that fly by have good sight they are not very observant
  143. >A couple quick prayers for luck to Celestia and Luna
  144. >Your lion hide does the trick and they keep on flying to the grove
  145. >You crawl for a short time longer just to make sure nothing is coming before you get up and sprint back to your home
  147. >Same day Canterlot
  148. >Another day and more interruptions into your mind
  149. >You raise the sun and receive prayers
  150. >While talking to the representative of Manehatten a prayer for luck
  151. >While eating your afternoon snack a prayer of thanks for a kill
  152. >While preparing for bed you hear a thanks for another day
  153. >You and Luna have been hearing these prayers for over a month
  154. >At first they were booming and hard to ignore but now you are used to them
  155. >They now are a silent whisper for aid or thanks
  156. >The first time one came thanking you for a kill you were surprised and disturbed
  157. >Now you have heard enough to understand these are a matter of survival
  158. >The heartfelt thanks that floods in with them is almost proof enough of that
  159. >Luna is almost obsessively searching for a way to find out who is sending these
  160. >You have been too busy to focus on them
  161. >It is your duty to lead these people, while Luna tries to help she is too disconnected from them to understand
  162. >However there is one thing you have noticed
  163. >With every prayer comes another small surge power as if the words themselves have filled you with strength
  164. >Whoever and whatever is praying to you is giving you this power
  165. >The only question you have is
  166. >Why?
  168. >Day 81
  170. >*WHAM* *WHAM* *WHAM*
  171. >You have been using your fire too much during the day
  172. >That's how they fucking found you idiot
  173. >*WHAM* *WHAM* *WHAM*
  174. >You got arrogant thinking they will never find you and now they are going to kill you
  175. >You saw them coming about mid afternoon
  176. >Six of them carrying spears wearing armor
  177. >You ducked inside and barred your door as fast as you could
  178. >*WHAM* *WHAM* *WHAM*
  179. >Luna? Celestia? Someone? ANYONE? Help! I cannot take them on my own.
  180. >You hold your spear closer and get ready to fight.
  181. >You may not be able to take them all out but you can at least get one
  182. >*WHAM* *WHAM* *WHAM*
  183. >Oh god! Oh god! LUNA! CELESTIA! I DONT WANT TO DIE YET!
  184. >*WHAM* *WHAM* *CRACK*
  185. >The door busts open with a crack. Two rush into the room while the others stay outside
  186. >They seem not to want to approach me, Maybe its because you am covered in pelts and carrying a spear
  187. >Maybe its because you look like a total freak to them
  188. >A raspy voice outside yells "GET HIM!"
  189. >A spear comes at you from the right
  190. >You throw your body to the left to dodge
  191. >And pain blossoms as a spear sticks you in your left shoulder
  192. >The Gryphon uses his new skewer to push you into the wall behind you as the other one stabs you in the right thigh
  193. >You let out a cry of pain and "OH GOD PLEASE HELP ME!"
  194. >They back off for a moment, letting you fall to your knees, and look at each other surprised that you can talk
  195. >One of them shrugs and rears his spear back to finish you when everything suddenly goes black
  197. >You look up and see a winged unicorn the deep black of night. Stars trailing in her deep blue hair and horn glowing as she looks at you.
  198. "He is mine." she says quietly
  199. >You look around and see the gryphons engulfed in a deep purple glow
  200. >"Lu-na?" you say softly as your vision blurs and your mind fades to blackness
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