

May 1st, 2020
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  1. East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, Snow Song Realm.
  2. A Flame God Realm King Huo Poyun red clothes, Yi moves such as the flame to burn the body, above en­graves Golden Crow, Ver­mil­ion Bird and Phoenix three flame god marks.
  3. Al­though he is the Golden Crow Sect fam­ily back­ground, but three flame god marks print or­thog­o­nal, has not fa­vored one and dis­crim­i­nated against the other.
  4. Ex­pe­ri­ences Eter­nal Sky 3,000 years , the glory is in the Flame God Realm his­tory first Realm King in the true sense, pre­sent Huo Poyun was that was no longer pass­ing in the past every­where im­ma­turely, young peo­ple who the per­son­al­ity rigid and easy to pace back and forth, his vi­sion was gen­tle, flame light that but sparkled oc­ca­sion­ally, was deep ac­cu­mu­lated is mak­ing one touch pal­pi­ta­tion pow­er­ful lofty.
  5. The under foot is end­less Snow Re­gion, but Flame God Realm King takes a step, has not had the slight­est snow and ice melt­ing.
  6. These years, he has pen­e­trated the God Bur­ial Fire Prison cul­ti­va­tion. To the con­trol of flame, has even more reached the pin­na­cle.
  7. Be­fore ar­riv­ing at Ice Phoenix Realm, fac­ing re­ceiv­ing a guest Ice Phoenix fe­male dis­ci­ple, Huo Poyun how­ever smiles warm: „No­ti­fies Bingyun (Frozen Cloud) Realm King ex­hausted, the Flame God Huo Poyun visit.”
  8. Flame God Realm now is High-Rank Star Realm, but Snow Song Realm after Mu Xu­anyin dies, suf­fers a dis­as­trous de­cline in the Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm po­si­tion.
  9. High-Rank Realm King comes vis­it­ing Mid­dle-Rank Star Realm, this is falls to the for­mer reveres, the lat­ter is great­est being hon­ored.
  10. But, re­la­tions be­tween Snow Song and Flame God are sub­tle. But re­gard­ing the con­de­scend­ing visit of Flame God Realm King, Ice Phoenix God Sect high and low has be­come ac­cus­tomed.
  11. Re­ceiv­ing a guest Ice Phoenix fe­male dis­ci­ple has not ac­tu­ally no­ti­fied, but is grace­fully saluted, said: „Sect Mas­ter was clos­ing up re­cently, is un­suit­able to re­ceive guests. But once some con­fes­sion, if Flame God Realm King visit, as one likes then.”
  12. Huo Poyun nods: „So, my then not smalltalk...... does not know, can Fairy Feixue in the sect?”
  13. Huo Poyun is the one per­son alone ar­rives, has not had one per­son. His op­po­site Ice Phoenix fe­male dis­ci­ple has not re­vealed slightly being as­ton­ished color to the issue that he asked that said: „Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue nowa­days in the Ice Phoenix 36 th palace, Flame God Realm King, if in­tends, vol­un­tar­ily to then.”
  14. „” Ne­glect­ing of or­di­nary Mid­dle-Rank sect fe­male dis­ci­ple to a High-Rank star king hence, is the world rare.
  15. „Ice Phoenix Palace?” Huo Poyun sur­face presently being as­ton­ished color.
  16. Ice Phoenix Palace is very high in Ice Phoenix God Sect plane/level, but Mu Feixue is Realm King di­rect line, how in Ice Phoenix Palace?
  17. Ice Phoenix fe­male dis­ci­ple said: „The Ice Phoenix 36 th palace for past Se­nior Brother Yun Che once the place of oc­cu­py­ing, thus, Se­nior Sis­ter Feixue often calms the mind.”
  18. The Huo Poyun fa­cial ex­pres­sion is in­stantly stiff, is tem­per­ate smiles: „so that's how it is, leads the way ex­hausted.”
  19. Steps into the Ice Phoenix 36 th palace gor­geously, the main hall ice cold si­lenc­ing that cold ice builds, snow ice flower that the shape varies such as ten thou­sand star sparkles, lets the per­son, if places one­self snow and ice eter­nal il­lu­sion.
  20. Huo Poyun first sen­sa­tion to Mu Feixue aura, but he has not dis­turbed, the under foot takes a step in the ice crys­tal ground leisurely.
  21. Sud­denly...... his foot­steps stop, the vi­sion frames above at pre­sent that snow light Glazed Glass ice.
  22. Yun Che
  23. Yun Che
  24. Yun Che
  25. ......
  26. Above ice snow leaves, wrote all over the Yun Che's name, or deep or shal­low, big or small.
  27. That seems like the nail of fe­male to carve, each char­ac­ter, that ex­quis­ite, is pass­ing...... the silk threads heartrend­ing mourn­ful thought.
  28. Huo Poyun both hands un­con­scious grips, body sways slightly, loses the strength un­ex­pect­edly stag­gered back­ward one step.
  29. In his brain, ap­peared Yun Che in the past „dying and being re­born”, after re­turn­ing to Snow Song Realm, he and Yun Che „break­ing off” pic­ture......
  30. „But I heard...... two Ice Phoenix dis­ci­ple to talk about her to be be­stowed you by your Hon­ored Mas­ter with one's own ears, when dual cul­ti­va­tion com­pan­ion! That is I hears with one's own ears! Hears with one's own ears! You did not say a word to me! Only the con­so­la­tion of hypocrisy, basic...... is look­ing at my joke rad­i­cally!”
  31. After roar­ing that he vented, was the Yun Che faint reply.
  32. „You are lis­ten­ing, in the past after com­plet­ing the rit­ual of ac­knowl­edg­ing as teacher, Hon­ored Mas­ter in­deed des­ig­nates Feixue for my dual cul­ti­va­tion com­pan­ion, is pre­cisely an­nounced in the pres­ence of every­one. But after...... that I re­jected, Hon­ored Mas­ter also con­sented.”
  33. „As a re­sult of that mat­ter, Hon­ored Mas­ter an­nounced in the pres­ence of every­one, if also an­nounced that she by the mat­ter that I re­sist, with­out doubt will make Feixue be scoffed, thus then not pub­lic. I and Feixue also never are the dual cul­ti­va­tion com­pan­ion's re­la­tions, I in Snow Song Realm sev­eral years, add with the time that she is to­gether, was less than Mys­tic Mist City say­ing that sev­eral words time.”
  34. „for­get it/that's all, the let­ter/be­lieves with does not be­lieve as you like, to me, is unim­por­tant. also, this is I shouts you Brother Poyun for the last time.”
  35. „Young Sect Mas­ter Huo...... has an­other chance to meet.”
  36. Huo Poyun clear re­mem­ber­ing, he exits the word es­pe­cially lightly, does not have the slight ex­cit­ing anger, even al­most could not de­tect in­dif­fer­ently.
  37. Only has „Young Sect Mas­ter Huo” four char­ac­ters to fall, be­fore he turns around to de­part that the vi­sion passes the dis­ap­point­ment of flick­er­ing in­dis­tinctly.
  38. Huo Poyun ex­pi­ra­tion of slowly, the short los­ing soul had been scat­tered, in the eye pupil chaotic com­pletely goes, be­longs to lightly...... be­cause of pre­sent him, is Flame God Realm King, but how so loss of self-con­trol eas­ily.
  39. Is look­ing steadily floods the line of sight „Yun Che” two char­ac­ters, his train of thought moved fast, re­turn­ing to the past years...... Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror to leave the world, that day of Yun Che des­tiny great change......
  40. ————
  41. Huo Poyun gov­ern­ing is spa­tial and good, today, is the pe­riod of Heaven Smit­ing Devil Em­peror leav­ing the world, car­ries Fifth Level Di­vine Lord cul­ti­va­tion base, he nat­u­rally has the qual­i­fi­ca­tions of see­ing off.
  42. How­ever, he will not soon have wit­nessed the his­tory, im­me­di­ately the demon con­tracts ex­cite­ment fi­nally, in the heart only the piece will be hot-tem­pered chaot­i­cally.
  43. Ar­rived his pre­sent plane/level, deeply knows that all these are Yun Che wres­tle, such as Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror said that he was World-sav­ing Di­vine Child that de­served.
  44. But......
  45. Fig­ure grad­u­ally slow, until stop­ping, he is star­tled how­ever for a long time, turns around sud­denly, re­turns to Flame God Realm.
  46. „De­liv­ers to Devil Em­peror, tes­ti­mony will never be the du­pli­cate/re­stores his­tory. Why does Young Sect Mas­ter Huo fold the body to re­turn?”
  47. voice/sound trans­mits dis­tantly, the Huo Poyun fig­ure stag­nates again, light smile: „Why does brother fold the body?”
  48. A form from far to near, a white cloth­ing, the mak­ings are fast un­usual the dust, pre­cisely Luo Chang­sheng.
  49. „Why rea­son, is open about the facts Young Sect Mas­ter Huo,” the Luo Chang­sheng smile said: „Be­cause of does not only want to see some­one. Let me guess, Young Sect Mas­ter Huo...... whether is also the same rea­son?”
  50. Huo Poyun: „......”
  51. „So is pre­des­tined friends, then how en­ters my Sa­cred Uni­verse Realm view?” The Luo Chang­sheng in­vi­ta­tion said.
  52. „Good.” Huo Poyun has not re­jected: „this pe­riod of time, I have also been think­ing sees to make Hon­ored Mas­ter. After all made the Hon­ored Mas­ter in­jury...... in the final analy­sis, be­cause of me.”
  53. Yun Che is liv­ing the re­turn, after peep­ing to hear that he and Mu Feixue rec­og­niz­ing each other and con­ver­sa­tion, in his heart the jeal­ousy flame loses con­trol, under the chaotic heart, dis­closed to Luo Chang­sheng Yun Che is liv­ing news......, thus causes about Yun Che hates Luo Guxie ex­tremely to go di­rectly to Snow Song Realm.
  54. The re­sult was in­stead bro­ken the arm by Mu Xu­anyin.
  55. In in­forms the first in­stance after Luo Chang­sheng the news, Huo Poyun had then re­gret­ted......, but what is done can­not be un­done, the later mat­ter, he can­not ex­pect, he can­not con­trol.
  56. Luo Chang­sheng ac­tu­ally shakes the head: „Hon­ored Mas­ter this time was frus­trated greatly, the mood is ex­tremely bad, not ap­proach to well. When the Hon­ored Mas­ter mood is well, I will con­vey the Young Sect Mas­ter Huo in­ten­tion.”
  57. „...... Luo Chang­sheng shakes the head to sigh as for the apol­ogy”: „This ab­solutely not your mis­take. con­versely I owed you a big favor, if in the fu­ture has the op­por­tu­nity, de­cides will repay.”
  58. „Does not need.” Huo Poyun[ pen in­ter­est pavil­ion
  59. www.​biquku.​biz] light re­sponse, the look is dim.
  60. Luo Chang­sheng deeply looked at Huo Poyun one, sud­denly said: „Said, I have been very cu­ri­ous. Be­fore en­ter­ing Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Realm, Young Sect Mas­ter Huo is quite deep with that Yun Che friend­ship, the peo­ple all see. Ini­tially when heard the Yun Che death news, sad. Now why ac­tu­ally gives birth to him ab­hors?”
  61. „With the char­ac­ter of Young Sect Mas­ter Huo, ab­solutely not does not have, be­cause. Does not know that I can lis­ten at­ten­tively for­tu­nately?”
  62. „It’s noth­ing rea­son.” Huo Poyun said: „Is I am care­ful the heart, only this that's all.”
  63. „Be­cause of named Mu Feixue snow and ice Fairy?” Luo Chang­sheng smile.
  64. The Huo Poyun form stag­nates sud­denly.
  65. „Seizes hate of love, pierc­ing pierce heart.” Luo Chang­sheng sighed how­ever said: „Es­pe­cially such as Young Sect Mas­ter Huo so......”
  66. „It is not no need to say.” The Huo Poyun breath is ob­vi­ously rapid, some lit­tle time damps: „This mat­ter, in­deed is my vil­lain's heart, but also please...... do not raise again.”
  67. „Is I makes an in­dis­creet re­mark.” Luo Chang­sheng said, then did not men­tion this mat­ter.
  68. The two peo­ple speed is very slow, close to Sa­cred Uni­verse Realm.
  69. At this time, the con­fi­dent Luo Chang­sheng words in­ter­rupt, the com­plex­ion changed sud­denly sud­denly, not only did not have slow, in­stead star­tled color play.
  70. „What hap­pened?” Huo Poyun knits the brows to ask.
  71. „Yun Che...... is Devil!” Luo Chang­sheng read lowly.
  72. „What!?” Huo Poyun fierce turn­ing around.
  73. The Luo Chang­sheng palm wields, will just ob­tain sent greet­ings for­warded to Huo Poyun.
  74. Devil God wants into...... Devil Em­peror to turn over to...... Evil In­fant seal the Crim­son Crack...... Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Em­peror to make the place of pri­mor­dial chaos...... all to set­tle Evil In­fant sud­denly presently, the nu­mer­ous con­tract all elim­i­nates, but the Yun Che body dark devil qi, says the big counter word presently.
  75. This far ultra imag­i­na­tion star­tled changes makes in the Huo Poyun heart star­tle chaot­i­cally, lis­tens to Luo Chang­sheng to say sud­denly: „Bad...... Moon God Em­peror this de­sire ex­e­cuted Yun Che per­son­ally, ac­tu­ally at the last minute, sent off by Il­lu­sory Stone by Brahma Em­peror God­dess!”
  76. „Now, var­i­ous Di­vine Em­per­ors has or­dered, in the en­tire God Realm range search......”
  77. Luo Chang­sheng voice/sound stops sud­denly, he and Huo Poyun vi­sion straight star­ing ap­proached the front.
  78. There, is float­ing a per­son's shadow mo­tion­lessly.
  79. body, but also is mov­ing the light dark mist leisurely.
  80. „Yun Che!” Huo Poyun and Luo Chang­sheng call out in alarm si­mul­ta­ne­ously make noise.
  81. Ap­pears in their line of sight, im­pres­sively by Yun Che that Il­lu­sory Stone sends out.
  82. When Qianye Ying'er loses Il­lu­sory Stone slave mark will col­lapse, under the will con­fu­sion, Il­lu­sory Stone car­ries some strength out-of-con­trol, is pack­ing off Yun Che's si­mul­ta­ne­ously, pounds to faint him di­rectly.
  83. „, Ha­ha­haha!” After Luo Chang­sheng is star­tled how­ever, laughs to make noise: „This may re­ally be...... the be­stowed by heaven op­por­tu­nity.”
  84. Dur­ing laughs, his body then must kick out, a hand ac­tu­ally blocked sud­denly be­fore his body: „Wait.”
  85. The Huo Poyun eye stares at Yun Che in stu­por, said solemnly: „Can­not be neg­li­gent.”
  86. Dur­ing the speeches, his body pro­found en­ergy re­volves, in the hand Golden Crow ig­nites: „The Yun Che body se­cret and card in hand are ex­tremely nu­mer­ous, the in­nu­mer­able dead bound­aries could not want his life, wanted surely......”
  87. Fin­ishes barely the words, palm bang that ruth­lessly he lights a fire above Luo Chang­sheng waist.
  88. The ex­cit­ing Luo Chang­sheng at­ten­tion in Yun Che body, has a dream com­pletely has not thought, same has hate Huo Poyun to act to Yun Che to one­self with one­self un­ex­pect­edly, was struck.
  89. So near dis­tance, is caught off guard, the Luo Chang­sheng in­stan­ta­neous blood fog sprays, flies to dozens li (0.5 km) be­yond hor­i­zon­tally. But Huo Poyun has thrown to the Yun Che body side, grasps Yun Che, pro­found strength full, to goes sud­denly.
  90. Luo Chang­sheng ac­cord­ing to the chest, the vi­sion is mean, can ig­nore the in­jury, the ill­ness/quick pur­sues to go.
  91. „Huo Poyun!” Yin se­vere howl­ing re­sounds from the Huo Poyun rear area: „Pre­sent Yun Che, is not World-sav­ing Di­vine Child, but is every­one the heresy that wants to re­move! You do this...... are the prepa­ra­tion draw en­tire Flame God Realm to be buried along with the dead!”
  92. „......” Huo Poyun space be­tween teeth ooz­ing of blood, with­out the speech, the speed does not have one slow under.
  93. Even if Luo Chang­sheng is in­jured, speed also not Huo Poyun may com­pare. The two peo­ple dis­tance grad­u­ally re­duces, Luo Chang­sheng voice/sound trans­mits again, was lower and deeper than a mo­ment ago: „This mat­ter, I have not sent greet­ings in­form any­body. Read and our friend­ship, I gave you for the last time the op­por­tu­nity, lost Yun Che to me......, oth­er­wise, feared that was Flame God Realm is buried along with the dead in­suf­fi­ciently!”
  94. Huo Poyun pupil light is chaotic, but did not say a word as be­fore, the speed also did not re­duce.
  95. At this time, his pupil shrank sud­denly.
  96. Be­cause of the front, pre­sented two in­com­pa­ra­bly pow­er­ful aura sud­denly...... any, above him.
  97. But aura Mas­ter, in the next breath ap­pears in the line of sight.
  98. With him Jun Xilei with into Eter­nal Sky Di­vine Realm!
  99. And...... her Hon­ored Mas­ter, Sword Monarch Jun Wum­ing.
  100. ————
  101. 【First day, more than 100 pages of hit­ting of enjoy in May/five months. The sense of grat­i­tude, speech­less...... only has to roll sym­bol ヽ( ¯ w ¯ 〃) ゝ】
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