

Jul 25th, 2017
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  1. <p><div style="font:7px helvetica;line-height:10px;margin:30px 80px"><div align=right style=color:f98b8b><b>can<span style="color:000;margin-right:20px">dy store</div><div style="background:eee;padding:5px 9px;margin-top:5px"><blockquote style="background:fff;padding:0;border:solid 1px ddd;"><div style="padding:9px 15px;color:555"><span style="border-top:solid 1px f98b8b;padding-top:19px">hello and welcome to</span> my temporary thread, where I'll be offering covers, threads and icons. read and follow these rules down below to request.
  2. <br><br>01. haha jokes on you sucker. this html thread is a premade so everything I've written already is just filler text bullshit
  3. <br>02. fuck you. Loren ipsum dolor sit amet consectur apidiscing elit sed do euismod blah blah blah etcetera.
  4. <div style="border-top:solid 1px ddd;margin:9px 0">
  5. <br>heathers is a <span style="border-bottom:solid 1px f98b8b;padding-bottom:18px">cool musical</span><a style="margin-left:120px;color:000;font-size:7px;margin-right:5px"href="LINK">01</a><a style=font-size:7px;color:f98b8b href="LINK">02</a>
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