
Loser 12

Jun 30th, 2017
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  1. app based sum. not very accurate.
  3. Recap of last chapter. FMC notes how MC fell asleep with ease. She thinks 'pitiful..' and how being unable to get a promotion isn't smth to go and die for and how she believes he is a good man. She then sighs and question why she's here with him, but then remembers she made that 'bad' promise. MC goes 'I'm sorry' she goes '!?' and asks her if she got embarrassed by that absurd request of his and tells her it's okay for her to leave now. She goes '...' and asks him if he's sure of that. He goes 'yeah' and how thanks to her he managed to calm down and avoided dying for a second time now and thanks her very much. She asks again if it's okay for her to leave and tells him how he can't go to the balcony to jump and die again. MC goes how he wont do that anymore. She makes him do a pinky promise that he will live with courage and he goes '...' but makes it.
  5. FMC at her place and she thinks how wife is a strange woman and how if she married him for love she should give him everything and just because he didn't get promoted you go and divorce..(or split/leave the home ..that sorts). FMC sighs and goes how she shouldn't care about it that much. She gets a text from an unknown number 'sensei, why aren't u coming here these days ..i miss you'. She wonders who it might be and why called her 'sensei' and how it might have been sent to a wrong number.
  7. FMC stops the elevator and goes 'wait!' and tells MC to go together. He asks her if she slept well and she goes a yeah. He then tells her he's really sorry for yesterday and how he felt like she was his last hope to hang onto, how he will not ask her again for such a ludicrous thing and he sincerely apologizes to her. She goes '.....' and then offers him a box and goes 'here you go ..'. MC asks what is that and she goes how she made a simple lunch for her and there were leftovers so she made one for him and goes how he prbly didn't have breakfast this morning. MC takes it and goes how 'it's the first time..' and she goes '?' and MC tells her that his wife never made one for him, not even once, and she gives him an awkward 'is that so ..' reply.
  9. MC gets a text from 'The best wife in the universe' and it goes how she will deal with the divorce papers and he must get ready his signature seal. MC sees it and goes all big eyed and then plays it cool. FMC asks him if there's smth wrong or smth else and calls him 'mister'(not sure) and MC goes how no/it's not and how he will make sure to enjoy the lunch. She gets more texts and it goes 'sensei, did u really had to do that to me..the more i think about it the more i get upset..'(not sure) and she goes smth like 'what's with this asshole' and how it make her mad.
  11. FMC in class and announcement how that's it for today and submit a project next week. Then texts from ^above^ + another one that goes 'sensei's pictures look really good' then another one how he wants to do it(or be with) with sensei(i think he names her too) in the place where she painted. A wild 'Suzy' calling, and long hair guy asks her if she'll come to a tournament today and goes how she never went to one before. She tells him sorry but she has to get home early today. Guy can't believe she skips again and how she's busy every day.
  13. She runs and the phone rings. Gets those xxx rated photos of her(cunt prbly had spy glasses on ..). Gets a text and it goes how from now on if she won't do what he tells her he will print and post them on the bulletin board and also mentions how he also has a video of it. She gets spooked when smbdy tries to open the door, and fatso-rapist goes 'sensei, i know you are inside..' with a boner. Tbc ...
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