
Fuck it.

Jul 17th, 2018
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  1. Need to go home at some point, it's a fucking pointless task to try and get ANYTHING done when she's constantly being a stuck up little bitch, like everything SHE does is much more important than what I do! Why? Because she has a job? I just think that's more or less fucked up. A person should be judged based on their character, not how much is in their account. God damned, I wish I could check to see how much was in mine. I think my wallet was stolen... Yeah, most likely, it was stolen, and I haven't really had any way of finding it, nor do I really feel like dealing with whatever shit storm she's going to cook up when I tell her... seriously not looking forward to this.
  3. And she has something wrong, it's not "i'm too good to find a job." It's more, "I don't think i'm very hireable." And yeah, the resume is a shit resume, it's got nothing on it, like what the fuck does she fucking think? That i just sit here on my ass doing nothing all day? Are you fucking kidding me with that fucking bullshit? It's so fucking hard to find work, and yeah yea yeah whining, but fuck you, you chose to read this.
  5. now i'm stuck here at starbucks at the regular, wondering what the fuck i'm going to do with my life and hope to fucking god something, anything, just crops up and gets me money on the regular. Seriously ocnsidering going into porn...
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