
Talk about the sperm donor

Mar 16th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph ran on the treadmill, her eyes set forward with her earbuds in her ears blasting some nice EDM because that's good work out music. She'd already worked up a pretty good sweat at the pace she was going, kind of just jamming in her head and doing her thing.-
  2. Covet: Felix had just came inside, completely soaked from the rain. His hair all drenched and stringy. He had been steaming outside but wasn't now that he was inside where it was warm. He could hear the treadmill running upstairs and made his way up there, so that he could give Steph a hug with his cold wet body, all obnoxious like.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Since she had her earbuds in with load musics, she didnt hear Felix come in, or come up the stairs. She glanced down at the mile counter and timer on the display of the treadmill, nearly jumping out of her skin when he reached in to hug her. She shoved him off quickly, putting her feet on either side of the running belt, breathing hard as she stared at him. "You scared the shit out of me!" She yelled over the sound of the music in her ears.-
  4. Covet: "I'm sorry" He said cackling pushing his wet hair back from his face, giving her a cheeky grin. "You going to be okay?.... Did I get you wet?" He asked tipping his head down as he raised an eyebrow being a smart ass.
  5. Alexithymiaa: -She narrowed her eyes on his face and pulled her earbuds out to hang around her neck. "What? You're gross. Why are you gross?" Her lip curled in disgust as she stopped the treadmill and then tried to wipe the wetness off her already slick skin. Dumb. "You owe me for this one."-
  6. Covet: "I am not gross... it was a joke and that's just Rain. Calm down." He said wrapping his arms around her warm body again. "Don't I feel good?" Felix grinned, " I mean.. I can owe you whatever you want, Red."
  7. Alexithymiaa: -She breathed deeply as she caught her breath from all the running, stepping down off the machine and trying to push him off of her. "You're clammy and cold. I love you, but you feel gross right now." She wiggled her hands between them, pushing on his chest and trying to get him off of her because gross. "Don't worry, I already know what you owe me."-
  8. Covet: "Well, then.. how about you and I go take a shower and we can get ungross?" He asked her with a grin, flipping his wet hair about. " What do I owe you then hmm?"
  9. Alexithymiaa: "I need a cool down before we shower. Slow down." She walked over to the yoga mat in the middle of the floor, stepping out of her sneakers and leaning down to stretch her legs. "Nothing you want to give me, that's for sure. But I haven't stopped thinking about what you said on Sunday. You said you wouldnt just watch someone you cared about be taken advantage of and manipulated again. I want to know what you were talking about."-
  10. Covet: Felix watched her, listening until she stopped talking. His emotion seemed to change nearly instantly from his happy bratty self to more serious as he sat down. "Oh... right. And how I've put myself in harms way to make sure it didn't happen again." He added pushing his hair back from his face again as he stared at the carpet. " You remember when I told your mom off at Thanksgiving?"
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Right." She said, sliding down to the floor and pulling her legs in tight to stretch them. "Yes... what about it?" She asked as she watched him.-
  12. Covet: "Well, it has to do with that." He said then was quiet for a long moment. "When I was born, I was able to hear out of both ears, but I was at about thirty percent hearing loss. So I had a different hearing aid, like the ones old people have. But mine was in cool colors, that some how was supposed to make it better, even though it just made me stand out, making me a target, like I've told you before." He said.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -She listened to him talk, waiting patiently for him to continue before speaking. "What changed, then?"-
  14. Covet: "When I was around the age of nine, things between my sperm donor and my mom were really bad. He was drinking more or less all day, every day, when he wasn't at whatever job he'd managed to hold down for the week. My mom was working too, so things like dinner being done when he got home, weren't really happening. Mom was just starting to get things made when sperm donor got back from whatever bar he'd visited after work. He was expecting to be able to come home and eat, then drink until he passed out on the couch." Felix said, blinking slowly as he stared at the carpet, remembering everything. "
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She pursed her lips, letting go of her legs as she listened to his words, her eyes set intently on his face as she inched a bit closer to him, pretty much already knowing where the end of this story ended up because he'd mentioned it before. She reached her hand out for his, giving it a little squeeze.-
  16. Covet: Felix gave her a soft smile as she scooted over and took his hand. Taking another deep breath he continued. " Since, dinner wasn't done... He started yelling at her, they were fighting... and like normal he started to hit her. He usually stopped after a couple of times, but not that night. Seb was hiding in our bedroom, trying to block it out. I was watching from the door way. He kept hitting her until she was on the ground, crying.. begging him to stop, that she was sorry." He said furrowing his brow, swallowing hard again. " I don't know why I did it.. but I yelled for him to stop. That he was hurting her. He looked at me, told me she deserved it for not for not having dinner, but because she gave birth to a damaged kid, and kicked her. I ran over and went to push him, anything to get him away from her. And he swung at me, with a closed fist."
  17. Covet: *deserved it, not for dinner not being ready
  18. Alexithymiaa: -Her mouth went dry as she listened to him, her own eyes now staring down at the carpet because she felt for 9 year old Felix, but also for Rochelle who was now like a mother to her. Not caring how he felt anymore, she crawled over into his lap, wrapping her arms around him and holding him close to her. "Thank you for telling me."-
  19. Covet: He closed his eyes and swallowed hard again. He didn't know what to say to her thank you, so he just continued telling the story as he leaned into her, "He broke my hearing aid, and part of that area of my skull, including one of the inner ear bones. All I remember is the piercing squelch as the hearing aid broke then nothing but pain and pressure and I was screaming.
  20. Covet: [noooo!]
  21. Covet: * I was screaming. Sperm donor just stared as I held my ear on the floor crying, and then he left... Mom got up and called the cops, and everything changed that night. The police picked him up at the bar he'd just left from, Charges were filed, and there was a trial, custody things, CPS was involved. Restraining order... and he never touched her again." Felix said as he looked over at STeph.
  22. Alexithymiaa: -She instinctively went to stroke her hand through his hair in an attempt to comfort the child in his story. "I can't even imagine what that must have been like to go through as a child. I thought my mother was bad..." She trailed off, shaking her head. "When was the last time you saw him?"-
  23. Covet: He closed his eyes and relaxed with the hair stroking. " When I was eleven. That's when he finally signed over all rights of me and Seb over to Mom when she was granted full custody. He knew he couldn't pay child support. So he just gave us up. Probably the best decision that sonovabitch ever made in his life."
  24. Alexithymiaa: "It sounds like it was the best thing for you and Seb, too. Did you ever wish he'd been more of a part of your life? I mean I understand the history, but does any part of you, despite all of that, wish you still had him?" She asked, her hand moving to his chin to move his face closer to hers because all she wanted to do was comfort him.-
  25. Covet: Felix shook his head, "Nope. Not then, not now. Not after what he told me before he hit me like that. He'd smacked Seb and I around a bit before, but never anything that left much of a mark. And I'm not saying we deserved it then, but you know how we can get. The more he drank the worse he became."
  26. Alexithymiaa: "No, there's a difference between punishing a disobedient child and abuse. He was clearly in favor of the latter." She crawled out of his lap, pushing up to her feet and offering him her hands. "I'm sorry I pried, but I appreciate that you were willing to share this with me. You never talk about him, so it was interesting to have some insight into your childhood."-
  27. Covet: Felix nodded his head and looked up at her, taking her hands to stand up, then pulled her into a hug. " It's only fair, You've told me, and I've witnessed the horrors in your life. It was only a matter of time before it was my turn." he told her then kissed her head, "Sorry, still kind of clammy...Now you know why I don't like talking about him. And why it puts me in a mood when I see things like that, or have to talk about it. Thank you for being understanding and compassionate about it. It means a lot."
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Of course. You can always talk to me about anything and I'll sit and listen. You know that." She returned his hug before stepping away, staring up into his face. "And fuck him. Because you turned into a smart, funny, gorgeous man regardless of his influence on you when you were young. Now..." She reached her hands up to pull the tie from her hair, shaking it out onto her shoulders. "Are you ready for your shower?"-
  29. Covet: "I am." Felix said nodding his head giving her a smile, leaning down to give her a kiss, "I might need more ego stroking too, it's making me feel better." He told her then keeping her hand he started for the stairs so they could do the shower things before the bed things.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I'm sure EGO stroking is exactly what you're hoping for in the shower." She said, following him down the stairs for shower, but I just wanted to make that one comment because it made me laugh.-
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