
Rite of Ascension Pt. 3

Apr 7th, 2015
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  1. ResilientGM A week of post-Onyr training has passed by. Every day another survivor or two arrive at the training grounds of Kleistus, every day Pages are purged, having been weakened by the gene-seed mutation. The Order, however, grows purer with every death.
  2. ResilientGM The halls of Kleistus have been busy with activity lately. You've heard the rumors before, but now you have heard the squabbles, you have seen the severity of it, as the Chapter Monastery attempts to draw resources to impose stability in the now fragile realm.
  3. ResilientGM The Teutonic Auxiliary forces have risen in rebellion, many cells of Tactician Dryd's finest warriors, now turning their back on their masters in this time of weakness.
  4. ResilientGM Young Knights, only squires a few decades ago, have now become Lords of entire worlds almost over night as the death figures from Umbaros come in, and Mortality Contracts come into place.
  5. ResilientGM Some of these young Knights fight over rights to rule, some even going so far as to fabricate claims where no written Contracts existed before. The elders of the Order do little to solve this, for the alternative is for the pestering mortal agencies of the Imperium to encroach upon the Teuton Realm.
  6. ResilientGM Veteran Knights form factions and do what they can to maneuver against rivals to ensure the Knight-Order isn't weakened, each plotting to enact what measure they believe will be most helpful. As a result, your Brother-Sergeant, has been recalled to meet with one such Knight-Brother... a man who has gained the title of the Redeemer. You and your fellow squires-in-all-but-name, are allowed to train on your own, and roam the Mona
  7. Mikael aimless roaming around out of frustration.
  8. ResilientGM The hurried steps of a Knight clad in full armor echo near you.
  9. ResilientGM "You have made enemies today, Brother! This is not your fight!" you hear calls echo.
  10. Mikael turns around and looks .
  11. ResilientGM "If this pathetic excuse for a Council finds itself incapable of doing anything, then I gladly call the Masters my enemies!" a reply roars back.
  12. ResilientGM Soon, the figure enters your chamber. A Veteran Knight, without a doubt. In full armor, horned helm in one hand. As he comes in, he abruptly stops, and looks around the room.
  13. ResilientGM A Chapter serf calls out, "Knight-Brother Her--" he stops, as the Knight holds up a hand.
  14. Mikael slowly walks forward to get a closer look.
  15. ResilientGM "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is who here can prove to me they hold a Mortality Contract."
  16. Axel is drawn to the argument
  17. ResilientGM He walks forward, Squires and younger Knights, making way, some bowing their heads. You can hear some comment under their breath, "The Redeemer"
  18. Axel studies the entering knight
  19. Mikael stops his advance and watches.
  20. ResilientGM Sigmund looks to you and says in a low tone, "They say he's gone mad, you know. A personal crusade against the Realms own worlds."
  21. Axel "For what reason?" he says back quietly
  22. ResilientGM Another Page butts into the conversation, "He put down two systems' rebellions, you fool. No one else will bring these rogue worlds to heel... the council prefers to ignore things these days."
  23. ResilientGM A friend of his nods in agreement.
  24. ResilientGM Sigmund: "And that's exactly what will get him killed... he defies the Council."
  25. Axel nods slowly, absorbing the information
  26. Mikael listens in on a nearby group of squires.
  27. ResilientGM Herbert: "Look at you all... you make a mockery of the Knight-Order. I hear your squabbling, your petty arguments. You would claim lordship over planets you've never been to. Others, worse, would turn these worlds over to agencies outside the Realm! Hah!" he bangs his fist on a counter.
  28. ResilientGM He clears it of the books and parchments where librarians and Chapter scholars were just working, and brings a tome of his own. A list.
  29. ResilientGM "Step forward, now, and prove to me your Rights-by-Mortality. Stand up for these rights now, or forever silence such drivel... for I will know who attempt to deceive, and who makes rightful claims."
  30. ResilientGM One young knight steps forward.
  31. Mikael steps forward.
  32. ResilientGM "Stop where you stand" the command freezes you both in place.
  33. Mikael stops.
  34. ResilientGM He opens the tome, and scans its pages.
  35. ResilientGM "You will tell me the names of your Masters" you realize the Tome contains the known deaths at Umbaros... the sort of record the Council would severely punish anyone for keeping, let alone read from in public.
  36. Axel scans the crowd, looking for their reactions
  37. Mikael "Master Ludwin of Mort Veil."
  38. ResilientGM He looks up at you, staring sharply into your eyes, as if scanning for any insincerity.
  39. ResilientGM "Ludwig. A wise Knight" he comments, his eyes unblinking, fixed on you.
  40. Mikael "Indeed. My Master served honorably to the bitter end."
  41. ResilientGM "A shame one as young as you didn't get the full extent of his wise guidance. His end was early... and if what you say is true, then you must be very glad I don't count your name on these pages."
  42. ResilientGM He looks down at the Tome once more.
  43. ResilientGM "And your name is?"
  44. Mikael "Knight-brother Mikael."
  45. ResilientGM "Mikael...." he scans through the pages.
  46. ResilientGM "Mort Veil." he stands.
  47. ResilientGM "This!" he slams his fist down once more.
  48. ResilientGM "This is precisely what the problem is. For, you see, Brother Mikael... Mort Veil has a claimant!"
  49. ResilientGM "Care to guess who that might be?"
  50. Mikael "Who?"
  51. Mikael looks to the right of him.
  52. ResilientGM Herbert gives a low laugh.
  53. Mikael points and says "Him?"
  54. ResilientGM "If only it were true, I might have you prove yourselves through a display of force."
  55. ResilientGM The other Knight says, "I would gladly, if I were called to do so."
  56. ResilientGM Herbert looks directly at him.
  57. ResilientGM "Silence... /Brother/, for this does not concern you."
  58. ResilientGM Looking back at you, "For you see, Brother Mikael, these... 'Reformists' in there, " he points in the direction of the Council Chambers, "they have seen it fit to allow a claimant of grand experience to make a claim."
  59. ResilientGM "Oh, yes... for this claimant is Lord of a thousand thousand worlds!"
  60. ResilientGM Knights around the chamber laugh, understanding his mockery.
  61. ResilientGM "The Adepts, MORTALS, of the Administratum!"
  62. ResilientGM Know the chamber roars in open laughter.
  63. Axel remains silent
  64. ResilientGM Those more aligned with the Reformists begin to leave the chamber.
  65. Mikael tightens his grip on his force staff.
  66. ResilientGM "Brother Mikael is being robbed, Brothers," he says, looking across the room, finally fixing his gaze upon Axel.
  67. Axel meets his eyes, with a hint of confusion
  68. ResilientGM "And you... what do you make of this travesty... Page?"
  69. Axel "I believe the planet belongs to the rightful owner, Knight Brother Mikael." he says respectfully
  70. Mikael "They claim what is not theirs! Like vermin picking on Rhocs' kill."
  71. ResilientGM Another Knight in the room, clearly of opposing views, comments, "You would acknowledge the opinion of a lowly page?!"
  72. ResilientGM Herbert: "Aye, better to acknowledge one who pledges his loyalties in the Realm than those who intrude from beyond it!"
  73. ResilientGM "How far are you in your training, boy?"
  74. Axel "Two weeks my lord."
  75. ResilientGM "You there, come here!" he calls to a serf.
  76. ResilientGM The serf quickly approaches.
  77. ResilientGM "Your sword."
  78. ResilientGM He hesitates, but surrenders his weapon to the Knight.
  79. ResilientGM "Soon, you will be a squire" he approaches you.
  80. ResilientGM He tosses the sword at you, "and likely be under the service of a Knight, like Brother Mikael over here."
  81. Axel catches the sword
  82. ResilientGM "And something a Knight wishes to see in a potential Squire..." he unsheathes his weapon, "... is swordsmanship."
  83. ResilientGM He strikes you.
  84. ResilientGM You successfully parry his attack.
  85. ResilientGM He laughs once more, in that low growl-like way of his.
  86. ResilientGM "Keep up the practice. Every day is a test, Page. Remember that. Survival of the Onyr is only the beginning."
  87. Axel nods respectfully
  88. ResilientGM "Now come with me, Brother Mikael. Let us plan for our securing of your rightful holding. Demonstrating power has always been the way such matters are resolved in this Realm, and these mortals and their supporters here on Kleistus will know to submit to that very thing."
  89. ResilientGM ....
  90. Mikael "Understood, my fellow Knight-brother."
  91. ResilientGM Another week goes by, and several Pages are summoned to meet with Knight-Brother Herbert. He is gathering a task force to continue his personal crusade within the Realm.
  92. ResilientGM You await in a large chamber, Pages, Squires, and a few Knights are gathered around. Herbert is yet to be seen.
  93. Axel stands quietly, looking to no-one
  94. ResilientGM "Move, you rat! One knight pushes you to one side as he passes through."
  95. Axel moves out of the knight way and returns to his position
  96. Mikael makes the sign of the aquila and starts praying to the Emperor.
  97. ResilientGM "Brother Herbert believes my claim to be strong. I'm sure I'll be Lord of my own planet very soon, Brothers" one Knight comments.
  98. ResilientGM Just then, Brother Herbert enters the chambers.
  99. ResilientGM "Knight-Brother Herbert, Redeemer of--" once again, the serf is made to cut the introduction short.
  100. ResilientGM "Brothers, I have secured the necessary resources to commence our pacification of the Teuton Realm."
  101. ResilientGM "Knights, and Knights alone can bring stability as Masters of these worlds. No group of mortals, no matter how numerous, may be Lords of the Realm's worlds with any legitimacy."
  102. ResilientGM "You are here because you have such rightful claims, because you understand the need to bring these planets to heel, and because you show promise. Brothers, Squires, and even lesser men. All of you understand the need to bring things back to the Old Ways."
  103. Mikael thinks to himself "Oh boy..."
  104. ResilientGM "Mort Veil will take priority. The Administratum has already made gains to discredit Brother Mikael's claims, and to secure it the world for themselves. Brother Ludwig safeguarded sensitive information to the Knight-Order... and for that reason we cannot allow this world to fall into the hands of mortals. Such a thing, the Council fails to realize, would be disastrous."
  105. Mikael smiles.
  106. ResilientGM "Pages. You are here because I have kept a close eye on you all. You are the most competent among your peers. You will be further observed, and should you find yourselves within the ranks of the Squires, you will serve alongside me to restore order to the realm."
  107. ResilientGM "Unless I am mistaken, you will soon know whether you will rise above the rest... or die, making the Knight-Order every purer through your sacrifice."
  108. ResilientGM Details are shared, of the resources available to these efforts, of the allies joining your ranks, and of the enemies from without a well as from within, who will endeavor to derail your plans.
  109. ResilientGM Internally, Mort Veil's populace still regards their Lord Ludwig as Master. this makes things slightly more complicated, as they will have to be brought to bend the knee to their new Liege.
  110. ResilientGM It doesn't help that Knights are often the sort to reign from afar, making extended periods of their absence common. They are unaware of his death, and convincing them that their Knight Liege has actually perished in combat will be difficult.
  111. ResilientGM He separates you into mixed groups. Teams, he hopes, which will be able to organize themselves and coordinate into a useful task force. Axel, is grouped with Brother Mikael... the most important of the teams when it comes to the campaign at Mort Veil.
  113. ResilientGM IT IS THE 41ST MILLENNIUM...
  114. ResilientGM THE Teutonic Homeworld of Prosson takes up a large portion of the sky above you, a majestic, beautiful shining sphere of white, fixed in the sky, with the tidally-locked moon of Kleistus.
  115. ResilientGM Knight-Brother Herbert has formed a faction petitioning the Council of Masters for command over 7th Company's assets. When denied, Herbert mobilized his allies to work around the restriction on Order assets... he has taken the Pages in for "post-Onyr training".
  116. -->| Victrus_Macharius ( has joined #knightsteutonic
  117. =-= Victrus_Macharius is now known as Page_Karl
  118. ResilientGM This is an unprecedented move, given they are never used for any active combat. In order to circumvent this, Herbert has pushed Knights to enter into mortality contracts with Pages in order to push for their Squiredom.
  119. ResilientGM Herbert: "Mikael... this will have to apply to you, too. If we are to gain the manpower we require, you will have to select an apprentice among the Pages. We can't count on any of the Order's assets while /they/ sit on the Council."
  120. Mikael "Page Axel, step forward."
  121. Axel steps forward to Mikael
  122. Mikael "You defended my claim for Mort Veil."
  123. =-= Page_Karl is now known as Squire_Karl
  124. Mikael draws his sword.
  125. Mikael "I will gladly take you as my apprentice." Mikael offers Axel his ceremonial sword.
  126. Axel takes his sword with a respectful nod
  127. Axel "Thank you."
  128. ResilientGM Herbert: "Karl! Bring me my sword!"
  129. Squire_Karl walks in with Herbert sword "Here you are my Lord."
  130. ResilientGM Herbert takes his powersword from his young Squire, and extends his arm out, "My helm, boy."
  131. Squire_Karl hand's Herbert his helmet.
  132. ResilientGM The horned helm is pristine, the base trimmed gold, the mark of a Veteran Knight-Brother. He holds it under his arm.
  133. ResilientGM At this moment Brother-Sergeant Belform bursts in.
  134. ResilientGM "What are you doing, Herbert? These Pages are not ready!"
  135. ResilientGM Herbert: "I have no more time for idle talk. The Council has drained me of all energy for it. Stand aside, now. I have a ship to commandeer."
  136. ResilientGM With that, he walks past the sergeant and out to the halls.
  137. ResilientGM "What are you all waiting for!" he calls back to you as he makes his way to the docks.
  138. Mikael follows Herbert and motions Axel to follow.
  139. Squire_Karl "Yes my Lord." Karl follows Herbert
  140. Axel follows Mikael
  141. ResilientGM Your arrival at the docks is unexpected. The Chapter serfs and mortals there stop their work, some bow their heads, others still kneel as you pass by.
  142. ResilientGM It suddenly dawns on you that Knights rarely enter these docks. Merchant docks, you realize.
  143. ResilientGM Walking through a dock-arm, you can see outside a beautiful vessel stationed, "Rogue Trader Dynasty," Herbert comments.
  144. ResilientGM "My Lord," a serf drops to his knees as he notices Herbert and his group.
  145. ResilientGM "Begin undocking procedures. I will be boarding this vessel."
  146. ResilientGM "Yes, my Lord" the serf replies, turning back to his console, sending directives to stop unloading goods, and to prepare undocking procedures, and contacting the bridge officers onboard the vessel.
  147. ResilientGM "I hope you have all your equipment, Brothers. Kleistus will not be sending us any aid."
  148. ResilientGM With that, he enters a personnel tube, and boards the vessel.
  149. Squire_Karl follows
  150. Mikael "Axel, you might need this." Mikael hands Axel his bolt pistol.
  151. ResilientGM Once inside, there is much confusion. In fact, an alert is sounded, calling for a preparation to repel an enemy boarding party.
  152. Axel takes it with and nob
  153. ResilientGM Walking inside the ship, you are suddenly locked in a small chamber, airlocks around you slammed shut.
  154. ResilientGM Herbert locks on his helmet.
  155. Mikael equips his power sword and bolt pistol.
  156. Mikael *force
  158. ResilientGM Suddenly, one of the sealed airlocks opens up, and 4 rounded objects fly in your direction.
  159. ResilientGM The grenades go off, in a blinding light, and produce smoke.
  160. Mikael dodges the objects.
  161. ResilientGM Herbert maintains his stoic stance, unflinching.
  162. Axel dodges the object
  163. Squire_Karl holds his ground.
  164. ResilientGM Armsmen rush in, weapons drawn.
  165. Mikael "Now, the fun begins."
  166. ResilientGM Putting his Vox-settings to maximum levels, Herbert calls out, his voice echoing through the body of the ship itself, "HALT, MORTALS!"
  167. ResilientGM To add to the effect, he allows his jump-pack's engines to whir and screech, without enough power to produce lift.
  168. ResilientGM He steps forward a few steps.
  169. ResilientGM As the smoke clears and the image of the veteran Knight becomes clear to them, several fall to their knees in suplication, others break and run in panic, while two remain petrified, weapons held tightly.
  170. ResilientGM Herbert lifts one of the armsmen kneeling before him.
  171. ResilientGM "TAKE ME TO THE BRIDGE"
  172. ResilientGM The man loses control of his bladder, and becomes a mumbling mess.
  173. ResilientGM Herbert puts him down, and his legs nearly fail him. Once he finds his footing, he begins to drone forward, leading the Knights.
  174. Mikael "That was amusing to say the least."
  175. ResilientGM One you arrive to the final stretch of hall leading to the bridge the armsman breaks down utterly... he realizes the bridge's entrance has been sealed.
  176. ResilientGM "Mm-mm.. My L-lords..."
  177. ResilientGM "SILENCE, YOU WORM!"
  178. ResilientGM "Brother Mikael, let the Lord-Captain know he's been commandeered."
  179. Mikael "Understood."
  180. Mikael rips the door open with his bare hands.
  181. ResilientGM Herbert rushes in at a quick pace just after.
  182. ResilientGM "WHO IS IN COMMAND?!"
  183. ResilientGM An ornately-dressed... nay- ridiculously dressed mortal of an unforgivable arrogance turns around from his command throne.
  184. ResilientGM "I am in Command. Lord-Captain Felix Alexander of th--" A single bolt gives the sentence an early end.
  185. ResilientGM "WRONG ANSWER!"
  186. ResilientGM An older man, apparently the ship's First Officer then rises from a seat.
  187. ResilientGM "M-my Lords... you a-are... of c-course in command," he says with a bow.
  188. ResilientGM "Page, sit on that absurd command Throne. Emperor knows I don't fit."
  189. Mikael looks at the corpse and says "What a waste."
  190. Axel nods and takes the thrones
  191. ResilientGM Hebert places a dataslate atop a console. "Everything is there, Lieutenant. Take me to Mort Veil's Orbit."
  192. ResilientGM "Mikael, this is your ship. I will be ensuring discipline and full cooperation of the crew on our mission. Karl, come with me."
  193. Squire_Karl "Yes my Lord" Karl follows Hebert.
  194. ResilientGM The crew on the bridge is visibly shaken.
  195. ResilientGM You realize none of the docking procedures are being carried out.
  196. Mikael "Must we really do this the hard way?"
  197. Mikael draws his force sword.
  198. ResilientGM Echoing through the halls behind you, you can hear a commotion. No doubt Herbert and his apprentice "ensuring cooperation".
  199. Axel "Continue undocking immediately." He says in a stern voice
  200. ResilientGM The First Officer blinks sharply a few times, as if waking up from some deaydream.
  201. ResilientGM "Yes, of course, my Lord."
  202. Mikael "Look we are trying to be diplomatic. Either cooperate or you could end up like this... corpse over here."
  203. Mikael "I'd say living a bit longer is better option."
  204. Mikael *a
  205. ResilientGM The crew eventually finds its place and begins with all procedures.
  206. ResilientGM Soon, you are sufficiently far out in space to begin Warp Travel.
  207. ResilientGM The navigator finds his guiding light, the Astronomicon, and the journey begins.
  208. ResilientGM Approximately a week later, you make a rough exit out of the Warp and find yourself back in realspace.
  209. Axel takes the chest-piece from the former captain
  210. ResilientGM Slowly, you are able to establish a high orbit around the planet. It is a beautiful mountainous landscape, with a single enormous ocean.
  211. ResilientGM You are then hailed by another orbiting vessel.
  212. ResilientGM "My Lords... we are hailed by a vessel."
  213. Axel "Show me the transmission."
  214. ResilientGM The image is grainy at first, as if the equipment has been damaged. Not a sound is heard.
  215. ResilientGM Little by little you begin to make out a silhouette...
  216. ResilientGM see a Knight staring back at you.
  217. ResilientGM "My Lords," the First Officer calls, "we are being targeted by their weapons systems."
  218. Axel gains the attention of a nearby crew member and quietly send him to find Knight Herbert
  219. ResilientGM You can hear Herbert approach from the halls behind you, his footsteps unmistakable. Steady, and slow.
  220. Axel "How would we fair in a battle against said craft?" he directs towards the First Officer
  221. ResilientGM "We should accept their demands, my Lord... whatever they may be."
  222. Axel turns his attention to the Silhouette of the kngiht
  223. ResilientGM The Knight on the Holodisplay then speaks, "IDENTIFY YOURSELF, OR BE DESTROYED."
  224. Squire_Karl enter following Herbert onto the bridge.
  225. Axel looks to Herbert for an appropriate response
  226. ResilientGM Herbert then enters the bridge, and gives a low laugh.
  227. ResilientGM "Move, boy."
  228. Axel exits the throne and moves aside
  229. ResilientGM Herbert stands in front of the command Throne, helmet under his arm.
  230. ResilientGM "Knight-Brother Herbert, Redeemer of the Teuton Realm, Lord of Kholl, and soon... the last image you see."
  231. ResilientGM Both Knights stare at one another for a few moments. Around you, the bridge crew is visibly nervous.
  232. ResilientGM After a few tense seconds, the two burst into laughter.
  233. ResilientGM "I thank you for joining us, Brother Heinrich."
  234. ResilientGM "Anything I can do for you, Herbert. Kleistus may not see it, but your work is invaluable to the Knight-Order."
  235. ResilientGM Herbert looks around the bridge for a moment, "I have approximately 2,000 souls and a sizable enough vessel to send as a greeting. No effective way to get Planetside, but I see your vessel may be taking care of that?"
  236. ResilientGM Heinrich: "Indeed, Brother. Transfer what useful crew you can to our vessel when ready."
  237. ResilientGM Herbert nods, "All proceeds as planned."
  238. ResilientGM The transmission is cut.
  239. Mikael walks into the bridge and says "What did I miss?"
  240. Axel "Orders Lord?"
  241. ResilientGM "Mikael. You and your apprentice will be the first to board Brother Heinrich's vessel. Karl will go with you, taking all essential crew along. I will remain here and ensure the landing vectors are accurate. Once the vessel is in descent, I will make my way to you."
  242. Mikael "Understood."
  243. Axel nods and assembles his gear
  244. ResilientGM The First Officer fights the urge, but is unable... he interjects. "My Lord! This vessel can't /land/ on this planet!"
  245. ResilientGM "A mortal as clever as you will be required to remain onboard the ship when I do, indeed, make it LAND," he emphasizes the last word.
  246. Mikael "Hahaha, this will be fun."
  247. ResilientGM "Now, make the appropriate maneuvers to transfer the necessary manpower to the other vessel."
  249. KnightsGM IT IS THE 41ST MILLENNIUM....
  250. KnightsGM The decades following the tragedy at Umbaros have brought chaos to the Teuton Realm as the elite forces of the Teutonic Auxiliary rise up against their masters.
  251. KnightsGM You have been tasked by a senior Knight, Brother Herbert, to take defend the claim on Mort Veil.
  252. KnightsGM The two vessels have successfully docked with one another. The airlocks hiss and the hatch is opened.
  253. KnightsGM Knight-Brother Heinrich's Squire stands on the other side of the long duct, he salutes Knight-Brother Mikael -his fist on his chest, head bowed.
  254. KnightsGM "My Lord."
  255. Knight_Brother_Mikael "At ease."
  256. KnightsGM "Master Heinrich awaits you on the bridge."
  257. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Understood." Mikael heads toward the bridge.
  258. KnightsGM For the next half hour, the corridor is filled with hundreds of press-ganged crew from your commandeered vessel, and onto that of Knight-Brother Heinrich.
  259. KnightsGM Only the absolute bare minimum of crew is allowed to remain behind.
  260. KnightsGM On the bridge, Knight-Brother Heinrich's imposing figure awaits you.
  261. KnightsGM "Brother Mikael," he greets you.
  262. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Greetings, Brother Heinrich."
  263. KnightsGM "Clever of you to bring fresh canon-fodder for the operation."
  264. Knight_Brother_Mikael "All thanks to the wisdom of Brother Helbert."
  265. Page_Axel stands silently beside Mikael
  266. KnightsGM The holodisplay on the bridge springs to life.
  267. KnightsGM +Brothers+ the transmission begins. Herbert's form becoming clear.
  268. KnightsGM +The crew transfer is complete. Undocking.+
  269. KnightsGM Slowly, the two voidships separate.
  270. KnightsGM +Correct your heading. Locking in the appropriate vectors for atmospheric entry+
  271. KnightsGM Heinrich: "Helmsman! Out of his way!"
  272. Knight_Brother_Mikael softly says "Soon, Master Ludwig."
  273. KnightsGM The bridge crew instantly reacts to maneuver a few degrees into higher orbit.
  274. KnightsGM The ship turns slightly, and then you see it...
  275. KnightsGM The local star bathes Mort Veil in its warm beautiful light. Cloud formations are as pure-white as a Knight's Armor. Dark black spots reveal the wonderful mountain ranges below, and the deep blue of the Sea of Lament reflects the star's light.
  276. KnightsGM +Engaging engines. Fly-by underway.+
  277. KnightsGM Not a minute after, the Clipper overwhelms your view of the planet's surface, engines burning at a quarter of power.
  278. KnightsGM As it makes its way across your field of view, Knight-Brother Heinrich gives a salute to the passing vessel - to his Brother.
  279. KnightsGM +Vectors locked. Fire Engines to maximum power+
  280. Knight_Brother_Mikael makes the sign of the Aquila.
  281. KnightsGM The bright flash of light follows, as the Clipper pushes on forward.
  282. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Nescimus timor Sed num tibi"
  283. KnightsGM Soon, the vessel's acceleration hides it from view, as it continues on it orbit far beyond you.
  284. KnightsGM +Vessel on-course. Eje.... -tationary... forward for the welcome party+
  285. KnightsGM The transmission, this time, in your helmet's commbead.
  286. KnightsGM Heinrich then bursts into laughter.
  287. KnightsGM He points out of the view port.
  288. KnightsGM "There he is, the bastard."
  289. KnightsGM You then see it, too.
  290. KnightsGM Small bursts of flame at short intervals.
  291. KnightsGM They become brighter, and the shape clearer.
  292. KnightsGM Heinrich: "Give me a focused auspex reading.... bring it up on the display."
  293. KnightsGM Soon, the holodisplay projects a distorted image as the crew attempts to zero in on its target.
  294. KnightsGM And then, you see it; nay, /him/. Knight-Brother Herbert in the open void, propelling himself on his Wings of Steel, towards your vessel.
  295. Page_Axel smiles as he watches the Knight
  296. Knight_Brother_Mikael "There's quite a plan."
  297. KnightsGM Several minutes go by, and soon, he is close enough to see with the bare eye. He comes to a stop with a thump, on a Bridge viewport.
  298. KnightsGM Heinrich: "Ready to open an airlock!"
  299. KnightsGM Herberts slowly propels himself out of view.
  300. KnightsGM Heinrich: "A true Knight's resourcefulness," he remarks.
  301. KnightsGM Soon, you hear the tell-tale steps of the Knight, as Herbert appears on the bridge.
  302. Page_Axel salutes
  303. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Hello, Brother Herbert."
  304. KnightsGM Herbert: "She will have made an orbit soon. You'll be able to see her approaching from the other side of the planet now.
  305. KnightsGM Sure enough, the auspex show a signature coming from the opposite side of where the vessel had disappeared.
  306. KnightsGM A single orbit complete, and significantly lower altitude.
  307. KnightsGM "Impact will be just East of the Sea of Lament, on the Garrison Fortress."
  308. KnightsGM He approaches the viewports up front.
  309. KnightsGM "Come here, boy," he beckons Axel.
  310. Page_Axel quickly walks to the knight
  311. Knight_Brother_Mikael "At least its not the Librarium. Master Ludwig would kill anyone who'd damage his book."
  312. Knight_Brother_Mikael starts laughing.
  313. KnightsGM "You wish to be a Knight? Well, observe. You'll never see anything like this again" his eyes fixed in the beyond, scanning with his eyes to see his plan carried out.
  314. KnightsGM At this difference in altitude, the ship is indeed invisible to the eye, you realize.
  315. Page_Axel watches the scene intently
  316. KnightsGM "And... now."
  317. KnightsGM Now quite as accurately as he would have wished, several seconds go by before you can see the bright emission coming from the upper atmosphere as the vessel begins its entry.
  318. KnightsGM *Not
  319. KnightsGM It gets brighter and brighter, as it travels deeper into the planet's atmosphere.
  320. KnightsGM Then, the trail become longer in shape, "It's begun to break apart," Herbert notes. As it flies over the Sea of Lament, that beautiful dark blue reflective patch on the planet's surface, the atmospheric conditions render it invisible... a thick layer of cloud now above the falling vessel.
  321. KnightsGM An enormous burst of light pushes aside the cloud formation in a perfect circle.
  322. KnightsGM "Impact."
  323. KnightsGM Herbert turns around, and heads to the bridge's exit. "Let's not waste any time. Prepare the landers, Brother Heinrich."
  324. Page_Axel "Brilliant."
  325. KnightsGM He exits the bridge.
  326. Knight_Brother_Mikael follows Brother Helbert.
  327. Knight_Brother_Mikael *Herbert
  328. KnightsGM The atmosphere around the impact zone protests in the form of lightning and rolling clouds.
  329. Page_Axel seeing the knights exit, does the same
  331. KnightsGM You are onboard the Astartes Thunderhawk. Several landers have already sent down Herbert's makeshift "army".
  332. KnightsGM "They shall pay for their insolence, Brother Mikael. As soon as you set foot on that rock, you are Lord."
  333. KnightsGM The Thunderhawk jolts abruptly as the thicker layers of atmosphere are penetrated. Around you, static lightning fires, and turbulence challenges the engines as you descend into the darkened skies.
  334. Page_Axel begins a quick prayer
  335. Knight_Brother_Mikael "You have my thanks, brother. We will slay these thieves like vermin."
  336. KnightsGM Pushing through the layer of cloud, you then see the devastation... several kilometers utterly devastated, a huge cloud of dust and smoke rises high above, the dry cloud interacting with the upper atmosphere producing the long streaks of lightning.
  337. KnightsGM The Thunderhawk makes landing, and the ramp is lowered.
  338. Page_Axel prepares himself, checking over his "Borrowed" equipment
  339. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Mors ad inimicos nostros. Fiat justitia servierunt."
  340. Knight_Brother_Mikael readies his force sword in his right hand and a bolt pistol in the other.
  341. KnightsGM Knight-Brother Herbert holds onto his Thunder Hammer, "Justice" and awakens the engines of his jump pack, exiting the vehicle.
  342. KnightsGM A mortal in wargear approaches, and kneels. "Sergeant-At-Arms Wladiys, my Lord. I will gladly lead the crew of my vessel into battle as your servant."
  343. KnightsGM Herbert stops.
  344. KnightsGM "Sergeant... at Arms..." Herbert slowly repeats, as if deciphering what the mortal could possibly mean by that.
  345. KnightsGM With a single swipe of his unpowered Thunder Hammer, the mortal's ribcage caves in, and he is launched some 10 meters away. With the pestilent fool out of his way, Herbert continues walking forward, assessing his resources.
  346. Knight_Brother_Mikael says to the crew "I suggest you acquire that... 'Sergeant at arms' equipment."
  347. KnightsGM "You have all been brought here to die," he begins addressing the mob before him.
  348. KnightsGM "And you /will/ die well. Your lives will be mine to spend, and they will be well spent."
  349. KnightsGM "I do not expect any of you pathetic beings to survive. But you shall provide me with a series of necessary distractions. Ones which the Knight-Order will use to efficiently and effectively put to rest this insurrection."
  350. KnightsGM "Arm yourselves in whatever futile way you wish, and do as you are told. Step out of line, and I shall be sure to put you to an end, and I will guarantee your death is a brutal example to the rest."
  351. KnightsGM He turns to you, now.
  352. Knight_Brother_Mikael makes the sign of the Aquila "Cum autem venerit Xenos evolvas?"
  353. Knight_Brother_Mikael *and says
  354. KnightsGM His Hammer is rested on the dirt below, his head lowered.
  355. KnightsGM "Nos cum Sancto igne purggare."
  356. Page_Axel "Facietis opus Sanctum Suum?" he asks
  357. Page_Axel {Redacted}
  358. Page_Axel "Nos cum Sancto igne purggare."
  359. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Facietis opus Sanctum Suum?"
  360. KnightsGM "Advenimus alis ferri."
  361. Page_Axel "Advenimus alis ferri."
  362. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Dominatus!"
  363. KnightsGM "Dominatus," he raises his head, and powers on his Thunder Hammer, raising it high.
  364. Knight_Brother_Mikael draws his Force Sword and Bolt Pistol.
  365. Page_Axel "Dominatus," he says as he readies his sword
  366. KnightsGM "You are now Lord Mikael. On this planet you must above us all be the embodiment of the Knight-Order's supremacy. This... mob is yours," he bows slightly before adding, "...Lord Mikael"
  367. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Yes, my brother?"
  368. Knight_Brother_Mikael [Redacted]
  369. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Mortals, MOVE OUT! We are taking the fortress."
  370. Page_Axel "Am I to go with him?" he asks Herbert
  371. KnightsGM "He is your Liege, boy."
  372. Page_Axel nods and shadows Mikael
  373. KnightsGM Slowly, the mob begins to group up and move. They hesitate to advance towards the burning wreck of what was, for many of them, their former home... their entire world, and all that they ever knew.
  374. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Squire Axel, glad you are joining us."
  375. Page_Axel "Glad I could be of service."
  376. KnightsGM Herbert gets a running start, and fires his jump pack, flying high above.
  377. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Move it or I'll personally plant your head on a pike."
  378. KnightsGM Some of the Armsmen, trained for war, begin to 'encourage' and help the rest push on forward.
  379. KnightsGM Many of them walk oddly, some vomit... the gravity of the planet so unfamiliar to them, as to be disorienting.
  380. KnightsGM Some distance away, Herbert lands.
  381. Knight_Brother_Mikael turns to Axel and says "Stultus Mortali"
  382. Page_Axel "Weak."
  383. Knight_Brother_Mikael [Teutonic Cant] "Shall we encourage them?"
  385. Page_Axel [Teutonic Cant]"If you wish it."
  386. Knight_Brother_Mikael [Teutonic Cant] "Grab the next one that falls."
  387. Page_Axel does as instructed, grabbing the next unfortunate soul to stumble
  388. KnightsGM Herbert once again makes for the air, moving forward, staying at the front of the formation.
  389. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Halt!"
  390. KnightsGM A sickly younger man, vomit on his chin and down to his chest.
  391. KnightsGM He shivers.
  392. Knight_Brother_Mikael yells at the mob "You pathetic mortals."
  393. Knight_Brother_Mikael "We haven't even seen the enemy yet you cry and moan over nothing!"
  394. KnightsGM "M-m-m-my Lord..." he pathetically stammers to find any words of use to him.
  395. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Now, watch carefully."
  396. Knight_Brother_Mikael grabs the top of the man's head and his shoulder. Mikael separates the head from the body. He lifts the decapitated head over his helmet letting the blood drip. Afterwards, he impales the head on his left horn.
  397. KnightsGM Around you, mortals instantly try and keep a good amount of distance from you.
  398. KnightsGM Others simply drop to their knees in supplication for their lives.
  399. Knight_Brother_Mikael "My right horn is feeling lonely! Please, do slow down."
  400. KnightsGM Others, still, make a break for it.
  401. Knight_Brother_Mikael tries to Smite on the fleeing mortal and misses.
  402. Knight_Brother_Mikael [Teutonic Cant] "Squire Axel, I seem to be having a bad day. Mind encourage these fools to continue moving."
  403. Knight_Brother_Mikael *encouraging
  404. Page_Axel "Fleeing will only make your deaths longer and more painful." he says in a raised voice
  405. KnightsGM The lightning crackles, and it appears to serve as further "inspiration" for the mass, as they begin to advance at something of a jog.
  406. Page_Axel "Doing as instructed in the only chance for survival."
  407. KnightsGM +Well thought, Brother Mikael. Now they've put their backs into it.+
  408. KnightsGM As you get closer to the Garrison's ruins, the formation comes under heavy fire.
  409. Knight_Brother_Mikael runs to meet up with the 'troops'.
  410. KnightsGM Lasbolts and projectiles fire into the mob, tearing up the formation.
  411. KnightsGM Mortar rounds hit the area, decimating groups of the captive warriors.
  412. KnightsGM +There they are...+
  413. Knight_Brother_Mikael "KEEP MOVING! OTHERWISE YOU'LL DIE FASTER!"
  414. KnightsGM +They aren't many. We cannot afford to waste any time. Have the mod charge their positions and deal with it. We must reach the Grand Fortress.+
  415. Knight_Brother_Mikael +Understood.+
  416. KnightsGM +Attempt to bring up th--- AAGHH!!+
  417. KnightsGM Ahead, you see the mortar rounds concentrate and strike a good portion of the forward formation.
  418. Knight_Brother_Mikael +BROTHER!+
  419. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Not this shit again..."
  420. Page_Axel rushes to the front of the formation
  421. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Charge you fools!"
  422. KnightsGM Confused, but clearly still more afraid of their overlords than the enemy, the mob dashes forward in a mad suicidal charge.
  423. Page_Axel attempts to find Herbert
  424. Knight_Brother_Mikael +Axel? Don't be a fool+
  425. Knight_Brother_Mikael follows the mob with his weapons ready.
  426. KnightsGM You spot his crackling Thunder Hammer, at the center of a recent explosion, body parts surrounding it.
  427. KnightsGM Nearby, a pile of rubble seems to hide a jet of blue flame.
  428. Page_Axel retrieves the Thunder Hammer and begins to dig through the rubble
  429. KnightsGM "I SHALL.... RETURN THE FAVOR!"
  430. KnightsGM You can hear the jump pack engines pushing and.
  431. KnightsGM The rubble begins to shift.
  432. Page_Axel doubles his efforts
  433. Knight_Brother_Mikael orders the men to charge the auto-cannon nest and Mikael is following from the rear.
  434. KnightsGM The pile then seemingly bursts, as the Astartes pushes out and into the air.
  435. KnightsGM Though his flight is anything but controlled... he lands on his back several meters away.
  436. KnightsGM As he gets up, he desperately scans his surroundings.
  437. Page_Axel quickly runs to him, presenting the thunderhammer and kneeling
  438. KnightsGM He quickly grabs it from you, "You and your Master must take a small portion of this mob and continue to the Grand Fortress. You are wasting time!"
  439. Page_Axel nods and returns to the mob
  440. KnightsGM He turns and jets his way towards the enemy formation, Thunder Hammer ready.
  441. Page_Axel approaches Mikael
  442. KnightsGM In the distance you can then hear the concussive impact as Herbert lands, with the Hammer's full might on enemy positions.
  443. Knight_Brother_Mikael keeps charging with the mob.
  444. Page_Axel "Orders are to take a small portion of this mob to the Grand Fortress."
  445. KnightsGM The mortars, you realize, have fallen silent.
  446. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Understood. Let's take care of this first."
  447. Page_Axel prepares himself for what is next
  448. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Stay Behind me, Squire."
  449. Page_Axel does so
  450. Knight_Brother_Mikael summons the warp hellfire and blasts it in-front of him. The fire burns 4 of the mortals along with the auto-cannon nest.
  451. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Keep MOVING!"
  452. Knight_Brother_Mikael "We head for the Grand Fortress."
  453. KnightsGM The mob takes heavy losses.... very heavy indeed.
  454. KnightsGM But the enemy has so many weapons, and can fire only so quickly...
  455. KnightsGM soon, their formations are overwhelmed, and the mob bludgeons them, stabs them, and beats them to death, some even use their teeth, and become wild-like animals in a rage.
  456. KnightsGM Others take what weapons they find on the enemy and begin to make use of them.
  457. KnightsGM As you approach one of the entrances to the Grand Fortress, you have barely enough time to react to a series of trip-wires around you.
  458. Knight_Brother_Mikael "HALT!" and attempts to grab Axel.
  459. KnightsGM A series of explosions goes off, in an expertly-formed field of destruction.
  460. Page_Axel is tossed to the side, being peppered by shrapnel
  461. Page_Axel immediately attempts to get up
  462. Page_Axel stands, a blaze of fury in his eyes
  463. Knight_Brother_Mikael runs towards Axel and says "Squire!"
  464. KnightsGM Around you, the unprotected masses haven't been so lucky. something on the order of 20-30 mortals lay dead or heavily wounded and dying.
  465. Knight_Brother_Mikael [Teutonic Cant] "You alright?"
  467. Knight_Brother_Mikael yells "Halt! Defense position."
  468. Page_Axel [Teutonic Cant]"I am fine."
  469. KnightsGM A few minutes later, you can hear Herbert approach. It's a sound of chains clinging and ringing, and of the Astartes walking, his Thunder Hammer crackling, and Jump Pack whistling.
  470. Knight_Brother_Mikael looks at the shrapnel jagging out of Axel's side.
  471. Knight_Brother_Mikael "When we charge, stay at the rear."
  472. KnightsGM Ever the embodiment of his Order, Herbert is accompanied by a long line of captured prisoners, kept together by various lengths of chain, wire, rope, and whatever else could be improvised.
  473. Page_Axel "This is merely nothing."
  474. KnightsGM As they get closer, you notice a peculiar detail... not all have auxiliary colors. Some even carry the mark of the Rogue Trader.
  475. Knight_Brother_Mikael starts laughing and says "I know."
  476. KnightsGM He yanks them forward, and tosses the chain at you.
  477. Knight_Brother_Mikael grabs the chain.
  478. KnightsGM "Attach the rest on whatever length remains unused."
  479. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Squire, you heard him."
  480. Page_Axel begins to grab mortals and attach them to the chain
  481. KnightsGM "They are watching."
  482. KnightsGM "They mean to ambush us."
  483. Knight_Brother_Mikael "They are afraid."
  484. KnightsGM "They will be."
  485. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Nescimus timor Sed num tibi"
  486. KnightsGM "We /are/ Terror."
  487. KnightsGM He begins to walk towards the Fortress entrance.
  488. KnightsGM "Knight-Brother Mikael, Lord of Mort Vale is here to take what is his!"
  491. KnightsGM he looks back, beckoning the prisoners be brought forward.
  492. Knight_Brother_Mikael pulls the chain forcing the prisoners to move.
  494. KnightsGM Herbert grabs the chain of prisoners and wraps them up around a statue on the courtyard... several layers of men awaiting their fate.
  495. KnightsGM He walks back behind you.
  496. KnightsGM +Their attention is all yours+
  497. Knight_Brother_Mikael summons the rage of his ancestors and blasts out hellfire. It consumes half of the chain gang.
  498. KnightsGM The howling of those less fortunate is horrifying... the screams echo across the night breeze, in an unnerving display of cruelty and human suffering.
  499. KnightsGM "Let them watch... let them fear."
  500. KnightsGM You then hear an explosion echo from inside.
  501. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Ignis. Ardet cum ira."
  502. KnightsGM Then another, one you can see from a tower overlooking the courtyard. By the size and concussion, a grenade no doubt.
  503. KnightsGM Then, some gunfire.
  504. KnightsGM Herbert's distorted low growl of a laugh breaks your attention from a moment.
  505. KnightsGM "Take what is yours, Lord Mikael."
  506. Knight_Brother_Mikael starts moving towards the fortress and kicks open the doors.
  507. KnightsGM Herbert follows a few meters behind, to your side.
  508. Page_Axel follows Herbert
  509. KnightsGM Behind a few pillars, lasfire opens up towards you.
  510. Knight_Brother_Mikael runs up to the fools and starts slicing with his force sword.
  511. Page_Axel follows behind, attacking the nearest oppenent
  512. Page_Axel drives the sword into the nearest mans stomach, gutting him
  513. KnightsGM Herbert walks in at a steady pace.
  514. Knight_Brother_Mikael cuts off the head of one of the soldiers and mounts it on his right horn.
  515. KnightsGM His Hammer grabs the attention of the men inside, and they turn their lasguns towards him.
  516. KnightsGM The lasbolts hit again and again... Herbert's pace doesn't change.
  517. KnightsGM "FOOLS!"
  518. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Axel, take the fools on the towers!"
  519. KnightsGM He walks towards the formation hidden, and pauses a couple of meters in front of them.
  520. Page_Axel makes his way to the towers
  521. KnightsGM +Apologies for the collateral damage, Brother+
  522. Knight_Brother_Mikael +Put it on the Council's tab.+
  523. KnightsGM With his Thunder Hammer, he destroys the altar-like table, and the hidden mortals behind in a single concussive blow.
  524. KnightsGM In the tower, you can hear the footsteps of men running...
  525. Knight_Brother_Mikael starts searching the other rooms for hostiles.
  526. KnightsGM ...away from you. They climb the steps as fast as they can.
  527. Page_Axel +Permission to pursue?+
  528. KnightsGM On an adjacent room, the scene is grizzly... the remains of a squad are splattered along a large portion of the room. They appear to have chosen an easier path towards death.
  529. Knight_Brother_Mikael +You may, but be careful. They are desperate.+
  530. Page_Axel cautiously climbs the stairs
  531. Knight_Brother_Mikael keeps searching for any other threats.
  532. KnightsGM While you climb the steps, you hear the retreating men open a door to the rooftop. You feel the breeze of the outside air rush in.
  533. Page_Axel continues to follow them
  534. KnightsGM As you enter yet another room, a startled group reacts, opening fire upon seeing your Astartes form.
  535. KnightsGM The heavy bolter strikes you on your upper chest.
  536. KnightsGM As you reach the top of the tower, you realize they've left the door open to the rooftop.
  537. Knight_Brother_Mikael sees the bullet hole on his armor and unleashes a rage of hellfire burning three soldiers.
  538. Page_Axel tosses a flash grenade, then a frag
  539. KnightsGM Coming out of cover another rebel fighter jumps out and readies to plant a grenade on your armor.
  540. KnightsGM His efforts are abruptly interrupted, as a corpse belonging to his former comrade flies into the room from behind you, knocking him down with an audible thump.
  541. KnightsGM He is stunned, and has a hard time trying to get up from underneath the corpse.
  542. KnightsGM Herbert emerges through the doors, then walking from behind you.
  543. KnightsGM He walks towards the man, and looks down.
  544. KnightsGM He places his foot atop the two bodies.
  545. Knight_Brother_Mikael [tele. Herbert] "Thanks for the assistance."
  546. KnightsGM ...and slowly presses down.
  547. KnightsGM The two grenades go off on the rooftop, and are followed by the cries of someone left injured.
  548. Page_Axel carefully makes his way into the room
  549. KnightsGM Two bodies lay dead, and a mutilated man crawls towards his torn arm.
  550. Page_Axel quickly stomps on the mans head
  551. KnightsGM Herbert hold up his fist.
  552. KnightsGM "Sshhhh"
  553. Knight_Brother_Mikael stops.
  554. KnightsGM "Can you hear that?"
  555. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Hear what?"
  556. KnightsGM He leans his head forward close to the wall next to him.
  557. Knight_Brother_Mikael readies his sword.
  558. KnightsGM He extends his arm back, motioning for you to stand back.
  559. Knight_Brother_Mikael slowly moves behind me.
  560. Knight_Brother_Mikael *him
  561. KnightsGM He takes a long swing with his hammer, and bursts through the wall.
  562. KnightsGM Several mangled bodies lay underneath the collapsed stonework, while others, stunned, make their way towards the door.
  564. Knight_Brother_Mikael shoots the leg off of one of the fleeing combatants.
  565. KnightsGM Herbert rushes in, and strikes at the others with his Thunder Hammer.
  566. Page_Axel "SURRENDER OR DIE." he shouts at the remaining men
  567. KnightsGM "Yes! Yes, we surrender! Please...."
  568. KnightsGM You can hear the calls echo, but you don't yet see who speaks.
  569. Knight_Brother_Mikael [tele. Herbert] "Force them into the main hall?"
  570. KnightsGM Herbert: "Stay in here with me, Brother. Let the boy round them up."
  571. Page_Axel "Reveal yourself or perish."
  572. KnightsGM "How do we know we won't be butchered!" he calls out
  573. KnightsGM "That Knight... he said there was no surrender!" another adds.
  574. Knight_Brother_Mikael [Teutonic Cant] "Your wish is almost complete, Master Ludwig."
  575. Page_Axel "I am giving you the chance now, take it or I will hunt you down and remove your appendages from your bodies and leave you to rot. I would accept the offer of life."
  576. KnightsGM You can hear them argue, though it is indistinct.
  577. KnightsGM A few moments later, you hear the steps.
  578. KnightsGM "We accept! We are approaching the main hall, our weapons left behind!"
  579. KnightsGM "We have our hands raised! Do not shoot!"
  580. Page_Axel "Kneel."
  581. KnightsGM +Bar the doors once they're inside, boy.+
  582. KnightsGM A group of perhaps 40 men begins to fill the main hall, arms raised high above.
  583. KnightsGM One by one, the kneel.
  584. KnightsGM they*
  585. Page_Axel walks to the door and bars it
  586. KnightsGM "Lord Mikael," Herbert prompts.
  587. Knight_Brother_Mikael walks into the main hall.
  588. KnightsGM Herbert follows, standing close behind.
  589. Knight_Brother_Mikael looks at the men and moves toward the avatar.
  590. Page_Axel moves beside the knights
  591. Knight_Brother_Mikael looks over to men and ask angrily asks "Who is the Lord of Mort Veil?"
  592. KnightsGM "Y-you, your Lordship!" one exclaims.
  593. KnightsGM "Undisputedly, and forever!" another adds.
  594. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Then why do you rebel against your Lord?"
  595. KnightsGM Herbert: "Trifling stupidity to be expected of mortals. Why waste your time interrogating these parasites?"
  596. KnightsGM "My Lord, please! Have mercy!"
  597. Knight_Brother_Mikael "I should burn your souls with Hellfire."
  598. Knight_Brother_Mikael "And be done with it."
  599. Knight_Brother_Mikael stops and collects his thoughts.
  600. KnightsGM "My Lord, we.... we shall be forever loyal!"
  601. KnightsGM Herbert: "It is my hope, Brother Mikael, that you one day come to earn this..."
  602. KnightsGM He steps forward.
  603. KnightsGM Herbert: "Boy, come here!"
  604. Page_Axel moves to Herbert
  605. Knight_Brother_Mikael "I will keep our promise and our honor. I'll spare your lives."
  606. KnightsGM "I make no idle threats. Lord Mikael's will be damned. Execute them. Slowly."
  607. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Halt, Brother!"
  608. Page_Axel nods and draws his blade
  609. KnightsGM Herbert turns to face you.
  610. Page_Axel walks around, slowly cutting their throats one by one
  611. Knight_Brother_Mikael "This is my planet and my rule! You will not overstep my authority on this."
  612. Knight_Brother_Mikael "Squire. STOP!"
  613. KnightsGM "I am the Redeemer of the Realm. Do not forget this. Redemption is not yet complete. DO NOT STAND IN MY WAY."
  614. KnightsGM He takes a few steps forward.
  615. Knight_Brother_Mikael "If you don't recognize my rule on this planet. You are no better then the council who left it for the imperial dogs."
  616. KnightsGM "The Kingmaker makes the King. The King rules after. You will do well to learn a thing or two from your seniors."
  617. KnightsGM "Rule weakly if you please, if that's how you wish to 'honor' Ludwig. But I will not allow you to be weak here. He was my brother, you forget."
  618. KnightsGM "Page, continue!" he calls, without looking back, his glare fixed on Mikael.
  619. Page_Axel does as commanded
  620. Knight_Brother_Mikael "And I his pupil. If we can't keeps a simple promise to the mortals then what do we have?"
  621. KnightsGM "Power."
  622. Knight_Brother_Mikael growls and submits like a wounded puppy.
  623. KnightsGM "Yours is not the only planet that burns in this Realm. Tell me, Brother, what do you think will happen if word gets across that I, the Redeemer, have shown mercy here? That I have allowed weakness of this sort? You would empower these worms with the knowledge that they could bend our will?"
  624. Knight_Brother_Mikael [Teutonic Cant] "Mount 10 of them on corpse spikes and leave them in the yard."
  625. KnightsGM "You've heard him, boy. Do as you're told."
  626. KnightsGM "I will now assess the damage of battle, if you'll have me, Lord Mikael," he bows before you.
  627. Page_Axel bends to his work
  628. Knight_Brother_Mikael [Teutonic Cant] "Next time. No promises of surrender. We just kill them."
  629. KnightsGM [Teutonic Cant]: "No one is obligating you to remain in my company, Brother. Things will be done in whatever manner proves most effective."
  630. KnightsGM [Teutonic Cant]: "Long may you reign."
  631. Knight_Brother_Mikael growls in rage!
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