
Sakura Kyouko Costume Story - Swimsuit ENG

Dec 17th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. the black bikini
  2. JSON copypaste at the bottom.
  4. menu text: ふー...腹も減ってきたし、ここらで一息入れるとするか
  5. whew...I'm startin' to feel a little hungry, maybe I'll take a break.
  7. 杏子: さやかたちに誘われてあたしは夏の海にやって来た
  8. Kyouko: Sayaka and the others invited meto the beach over the summer.
  9. 杏子: 魔女退治から離れてバカ騒ぎするってのは最初はどうかと思ったけどまぁ…たまになら悪くない、かな
  10. Kyouko: They wanted to take a breakfrom witch hunting and fool around.At first, I wasn't sure about going, but well…this kinda thing ain't too bad every now and then.
  11. さやか: じゃああたしら、海の家に行ってくるから
  12. Sayaka: Okay then,we're gonna go to the beach house.
  13. 杏子: おっ!あたしも一緒に行くよ
  14. Kyouko: 'Kay!I'll come with.
  15. 杏子: (ちょうど小腹が空いたところだしな)
  16. Kyouko: (Perfect timing,I was just getting hungry.)
  17. へーい、いらっしゃーい
  18. Hiii, welcomeー
  19. 杏子: (さーて、何から攻めるか…)
  20. Kyouko: (Now then, what should I get…)
  21. 杏子: (焼きそば、たこ焼き、イカ焼きフライドポテト、牛串、豚串…)
  22. Kyouko: (Fried noodles, takoyaki, grilled squid,french fries, beef skewers, pork skewers…)
  23. 杏子: …ん?
  24. Kyouko: …hm?
  25. 杏子: デッカいスイカ!?うまそーな断面♪
  26. Kyouko: Giant watermelon!?That slice looks so yummyー♪
  27. 杏子: …って思ったら、何だよ、レンタル浮き輪か…
  28. Kyouko: …On closer look, what the heck is this,a rental swim float…
  29. 杏子: …………
  30. Kyouko: …………
  31. 杏子: (…あの浮き輪があれば、あたしも自由に…)
  32. Kyouko: (…If I had that float,I could also freely…)
  33. 杏子: (…けど)
  34. Kyouko: (but…)
  35. 杏子: …レンタル代金がなぁ…
  36. Kyouko: …the price of that float though…
  37. 杏子: (…ちっと高すぎやしないか?)
  38. Kyouko: (…ain't it a little too expensive?)
  39. さやか: 杏子、あたしらのほうは用事終わったけど
  40. Sayaka: Kyouko,we're done with our thing.
  41. さやか: あんたどうする?
  42. Sayaka: Whatcha doin?
  43. 杏子: んー?
  44. Kyouko: hmー?
  45. さやか: …って、何見てたの?
  46. Sayaka: …What were you looking at?
  47. 杏子: 別に、何も見てねーよ
  48. Kyouko: Nothin', I wasn't lookin' at anythin'.
  49. さやか: ふーん…?
  50. Sayaka: Hmmm…?
  51. さやか: …さてはあんた、あの浮き輪見っけて
  52. Sayaka: …So,you were looking at that float.
  53. さやか: スイカうまそーだな~…とか思ってたんじゃないの?
  54. Sayaka: That watermelon looks so yummy~…you were thinking something like that, right?
  55. 杏子: なッ!?
  56. Kyouko: What!?
  57. さやか: なっはは!図星ですかなー?
  58. Sayaka: Ahaha! Did I hit the bullseyeー?
  59. 杏子: はっ!んなわけねーだろ
  60. Kyouko: Hah? No freakin' way!
  61. さやか: えっ…ちょっと!杏子!?どこ行くのさ!?
  62. Sayaka: Eh…wait! Kyouko!?Where are you going!?
  63. 杏子の声: 別に!どこでもいーだろ!
  64. Kyouko's voice: Nowhere! I don't care where!
  65. さやか: …………
  66. Sayaka: …………
  67. さやか: (…杏子のヤツ)
  68. Sayaka: (…That girl, Kyouko)
  69. さやか: (カナヅチのくせに強がっちゃって…)
  70. Sayaka: (She swims about as well as a brick,even though she's that strong…)
  71. さやか: もー、しょーがないな~…
  72. Sayaka: Sighー, there's no helping it, I guess~…
  73. マミ: 美樹さん、お待たせ
  74. Mami: Thanks for waiting, Miki-san.
  75. さやか: あ…マミさん
  76. Sayaka: Ah…Mami-san.
  77. マミ: それじゃあ、暁美さんたちのところに戻りましょう?
  78. Mami: Well then, shall we go backto where Akemi-san and the others are?
  79. さやか: …すみません、マミさん
  80. Sayaka: …Sorry, Mami-san.
  81. さやか: あたし、ちょっと杏子を探しに行きたくて…
  82. Sayaka: I want to look for Kyouko for a bit…
  83. マミ: あら…何かあったの?
  84. Mami: Oh my…did something happen?
  85. さやか: あーいや!そういうんじゃないんですけど…
  86. Sayaka: Ahー no!It's not like that…
  87. さやか: その…届けてあげたいものがあって
  88. Sayaka: Uh…there was something I wanted to give her.
  89. マミ: そう…それなら、わかったわ
  90. Mami: Oh…if that was all, I understand.
  91. さやか: すみません
  92. Sayaka: Sorry.
  93. さやか: ほむらたちのほうはよろしくお願いします!
  94. Sayaka: Tell Homura and the others for me!
  95. さやかの声: おーい!杏子~~!
  96. Sayaka's voice: Oiー! Kyouko~~!
  97. 杏子: …ん?
  98. Kyouko: …hm?
  99. 杏子: さやか、オマエ…それ…
  100. Kyouko: Sayaka, you…that thing…
  101. さやか: いーでしょ?
  102. Sayaka: Isn't it nice?
  103. さやか: スイカ柄のレンタル浮き輪♪
  104. Sayaka: Watermelon pattern rental float♪
  105. さやか: これ、意外と泳ぎやすそうだし結構可愛いかったからさ
  106. Sayaka: This is surprisingly easy to swim in,and it's pretty cute too.
  107. さやか: あったらいいなーと思って借りちゃった♪
  108. Sayaka: I thought it'd be nice to have,so I borrowed it♪
  109. さやか: あんたも使う?
  110. Sayaka: Do you wanna use it too?
  111. 杏子: …………
  112. Kyouko: …………
  113. 杏子: …へぇ、気が利くじゃん
  114. Kyouko: …Oh? You're so thoughtful.
  115. さやか: もちろん、最初に使うのはこのさやか様だけどね♪
  116. Sayaka: Of course, Sayaka-samawill be the first one who gets to use it♪
  117. 杏子: はっ!いいから早く寄越せよっ!
  118. Kyouko: Hah! Yeah, yeah, hurry up and hand it over already!
  119. さやか: ちょっ、爪立てないでよっ!浮き輪が割れるぅぅ!
  120. Sayaka: Wait, don't pull on it!The float's gonna breeaaak!
  121. ======================================================================
  123. Kyouko: Sayaka and the others invited me@to the beach over the summer.
  124. Kyouko: They wanted to take a break@from witch hunting and fool around.@At first, I wasn't sure about going, but well…@this kinda thing ain't too bad every now and then.
  125. Sayaka: Okay then,@we're gonna go to the beach house.
  126. Kyouko: 'Kay!@I'll come with.
  127. Kyouko: (Perfect timing,@I was just getting hungry.)
  128. Hiii, welcomeー
  129. Kyouko: (Now then, what should I get…)
  130. Kyouko: (Fried noodles, takoyaki, grilled squid,@french fries, beef skewers, pork skewers…)
  131. Kyouko: …hm?
  132. Kyouko: Giant watermelon!?@[chara:200650:lipSynch_0][wait:0.8][chara:200650:cheek_1][chara:200650:face_mtn_ex_011.exp.json][chara:200650:lipSynch_1][chara:200650:effect_emotion_joy_0][se:7222_happy]That slice looks so yummyー♪
  133. Kyouko: …On closer look, what the heck is this,@a rental swim float…
  134. Kyouko: …………
  135. Kyouko: (…If I had that float,@I could also freely…)
  136. Kyouko: (but…)
  137. Kyouko: …the price of that float though…
  138. Kyouko: (…ain't it a little too expensive?)
  139. Sayaka: Kyouko,@we're done with our thing.
  140. Sayaka: Whatcha doin?
  141. Kyouko: hmー?
  142. Sayaka: …What were you looking at?
  143. Kyouko: Nothin', I wasn't lookin' at anythin'.
  144. Sayaka: Hmmm…?
  145. Sayaka: …So,@you were looking at that float.
  146. Sayaka: That watermelon looks so yummy~…@you were thinking something like that, right?
  147. Kyouko: [chara:200650:effect_emotion_surprise_0][se:7226_shock]What!?
  148. Sayaka: Ahaha! Did I hit the bullseyeー?
  149. Kyouko: Hah? No freakin' way!
  150. Sayaka: Eh…wait! Kyouko!?@Where are you going!?
  151. Kyouko's voice: Nowhere! I don't care where!
  152. Sayaka: …………
  153. Sayaka: (…That girl, Kyouko)
  154. Sayaka: (She swims about as well as a brick,@even though she's that strong…)
  155. Sayaka: Sighー, there's no helping it, I guess~…
  156. Mami: Thanks for waiting, Miki-san.
  157. Sayaka: Ah…Mami-san.
  158. Mami: Well then, shall we go back@to where Akemi-san and the others are?
  159. Sayaka: …Sorry, Mami-san.
  160. Sayaka: I want to look for Kyouko for a bit…
  161. Mami: Oh my…did something happen?
  162. Sayaka: Ahー no!@It's not like that…
  163. Sayaka: Uh…@there was something I wanted to give her.
  164. Mami: Oh…if that was all, I understand.
  165. Sayaka: Sorry.
  166. Sayaka: Tell Homura and the others for me!
  167. Sayaka's voice: Oiー! Kyouko~~!
  168. Kyouko: …hm?
  169. Kyouko: Sayaka, you…that thing…
  170. Sayaka: [chara:200451:effect_emotion_joy_0][se:7222_happy]Isn't it nice?
  171. Sayaka: Watermelon pattern rental float♪
  172. Sayaka: This is surprisingly easy to swim in,@and it's pretty cute too.
  173. Sayaka: I thought it'd be nice to have,@so I borrowed it♪
  174. Sayaka: Do you wanna use it too?
  175. Kyouko: …………
  176. Kyouko: …Oh? You're so thoughtful.
  177. Sayaka: Of course, Sayaka-sama@will be the first one who gets to use it♪
  178. Kyouko: [flashEffect:flashWhite2][bgEffect:shakeSmall]Hah! Yeah, yeah, hurry up and hand it over already!
  179. Sayaka: Wait, don't pull on it!@The float's gonna breeaaak!
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