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Oct 20th, 2019
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text 8.86 KB | None | 0 0
  1. #dynamic 0x800000
  3. //---------------
  4. #org @start
  5. lockall
  6. textcolor 0x0
  7. compare 0x4011 0x0
  8. if 0x1 goto @snippet1
  9. msgbox @string1 MSG_YESNO //"Ah, a fresh face! Are you hear to\..."
  10. compare LASTRESULT 0x0
  11. if 0x1 goto @snippet2
  12. msgbox @string2 MSG_NORMAL //"Ah, well. I hope you stick\naround..."
  13. end
  15. //---------------
  16. #org @snippet1
  17. msgbox @string3 MSG_YESNO //"Ah, welcome back! Are you hear to\..."
  18. compare LASTRESULT 0x0
  19. if 0x1 goto @snippet2
  20. msgbox @string2 MSG_NORMAL //"Ah, well. I hope you stick\naround..."
  21. end
  23. //---------------
  24. #org @snippet2
  25. msgbox @string4 MSG_YESNO //"Excellent! Do you need help\nunder..."
  26. compare LASTRESULT 0x0
  27. if 0x1 goto @snippet3
  28. msgbox @string5 MSG_NORMAL //"Fantastic! Who will you be racing\..."
  29. multichoice 0x0 0x0 0x3 0x0
  30. msgbox @string6 MSG_NORMAL //"A wise choice! Take your place at\..."
  31. copyvar 0x4012 LASTRESULT
  32. compare 0x4012 0x0
  33. if 0x0 goto @snippet4
  34. compare 0x4012 0x0
  35. if 0x1 goto @snippet5
  36. compare 0x4012 0x0
  37. if 0x2 goto @snippet6
  38. compare 0x4012 0x0
  39. if 0x3 goto @snippet7
  40. end
  42. //---------------
  43. #org @snippet3
  44. msgbox @string7 MSG_NORMAL //"Here's a quick rundown: Four\nrace..."
  45. multichoice 0x0 0x0 0x3 0x0
  46. msgbox @string6 MSG_NORMAL //"A wise choice! Take your place at\..."
  47. copyvar 0x4012 LASTRESULT
  48. compare 0x4012 0x0
  49. if 0x0 goto @snippet4
  50. compare 0x4012 0x0
  51. if 0x1 goto @snippet5
  52. compare 0x4012 0x0
  53. if 0x2 goto @snippet6
  54. compare 0x4012 0x0
  55. if 0x3 goto @snippet7
  56. end
  58. //---------------
  59. #org @snippet4
  60. movesprite 0x1C 0xF 0x21
  61. movesprite 0x1A 0xF 0x22
  62. setvar 0x4013 0x1C
  63. setvar 0x4014 0x1A
  64. goto @snippet8
  66. //---------------
  67. #org @snippet5
  68. movesprite 0x1D 0xF 0x21
  69. movesprite 0x1B 0xF 0x22
  70. setvar 0x4013 0x1D
  71. setvar 0x4014 0x1B
  72. goto @snippet8
  74. //---------------
  75. #org @snippet6
  76. movesprite 0x1A 0xF 0x21
  77. movesprite 0x1C 0xF 0x22
  78. setvar 0x4013 0x1A
  79. setvar 0x4014 0x1C
  80. goto @snippet8
  82. //---------------
  83. #org @snippet7
  84. movesprite 0x1B 0xF 0x21
  85. movesprite 0x1D 0xF 0x22
  86. setvar 0x4013 0x1B
  87. setvar 0x4014 0x1D
  88. goto @snippet8
  90. //---------------
  91. #org @snippet8
  92. fadescreen 0x1
  93. sound 0x9
  94. movesprite 0xFF 0xE 0x1C
  95. movesprite 0x17 0x10 0x1C
  96. spritebehave 0x17 0x8
  97. special 0x113
  98. applymovement MOVE_CAMERA @move1
  99. waitmovement 0x0
  100. special 0x114
  101. fadescreen 0x0
  102. special 0x113
  103. applymovement MOVE_CAMERA @move2
  104. waitmovement 0x0
  105. random 0x4
  106. compare LASTRESULT 0x0
  107. if 0x0 goto @snippet9
  108. goto @snippet10
  110. //---------------
  111. #org @snippet9
  112. applymovementpos 0x4014 @move3 0xF 0x22
  113. pause 0x10
  114. applymovement MOVE_CAMERA @move4
  115. applymovementpos 0x4013 @move4 0xF 0x21
  116. waitmovementpos 0x0 0xF 0x22
  117. sound 0x1A
  118. checksound
  119. applymovement MOVE_CAMERA @move5
  120. waitmovement 0x0
  121. special 0x114
  122. msgbox @string8 MSG_NORMAL //"Sorry traveler, you didn't win\nto..."
  123. fadescreen 0x1
  124. sound 0x9
  125. movesprite 0xFF 0xF 0x12
  126. movesprite 0x23 0xF 0x13
  127. spritebehave 0x23 0x7
  128. applymovement MOVE_CAMERA @move1
  129. waitmovement 0x0
  130. fadescreen 0x0
  131. msgbox @string9 MSG_NORMAL //"Please, come and play again\ntrave..."
  132. setvar 0x4015 0x0
  133. releaseall
  134. end
  136. //---------------
  137. #org @snippet10
  138. applymovement MOVE_CAMERA @move4
  139. applymovementpos 0x4013 @move4 0xF 0x21
  140. pause 0x10
  141. applymovementpos 0x4014 @move3 0xF 0x22
  142. waitmovementpos 0x0 0xF 0x22
  143. sound 0x69
  144. checksound
  145. addvar 0x4015 0x1
  146. compare 0x4015 0x0
  147. if 0x3 goto @snippet11
  148. msgbox @string10 MSG_NORMAL //"[black_fr]NEXT RACE"
  149. waitmsg
  150. compare 0x4015 0x0
  151. if 0x2 goto @snippet12
  152. compare 0x4015 0x0
  153. if 0x1 goto @snippet13
  154. end
  156. //---------------
  157. #org @snippet11
  158. applymovement MOVE_CAMERA @move5
  159. waitmovement 0x0
  160. special 0x114
  161. msgbox @string11 MSG_NORMAL //"We have a victor! Here is your\nma..."
  162. waitmsg
  163. giveitem 0x1 0x1 0x6
  164. showmoney 0x0 0x0 0x0
  165. givemoney 0xFA0 0x0
  166. updatemoney 0x0 0x0 0x0
  167. msgbox @string12 MSG_NORMAL //"And here is your 4,000\nPokémon Do..."
  168. waitmsg
  169. hidemoney 0x0 0x0
  170. fadescreen 0x1
  171. sound 0x9
  172. movesprite 0xFE 0xF 0x12
  173. movesprite 0x17 0xF 0x13
  174. spritebehave 0x17 0x7
  175. fadescreen 0x0
  176. msgbox @string9 MSG_NORMAL //"Please, come and play again\ntrave..."
  177. setvar 0x4015 0x0
  178. releaseall
  179. end
  181. //---------------
  182. #org @snippet12
  183. random 0x4
  184. compare LASTRESULT 0x0
  185. if 0x3 goto @snippet8
  186. goto @snippet9
  188. //---------------
  189. #org @snippet13
  190. random 0x4
  191. compare LASTRESULT 0x0
  192. if 0x0 goto @snippet9
  193. compare LASTRESULT 0x0
  194. if 0x1 goto @snippet9
  195. goto @snippet10
  198. //---------
  199. // Strings
  200. //---------
  201. #org @string1
  202. = Ah, a fresh face! Are you hear to\nparticipate?
  204. #org @string2
  205. = Ah, well. I hope you stick\naround! Things get heated here in\lSyrabia!
  207. #org @string3
  208. = Ah, welcome back! Are you hear to\nparticipate?
  210. #org @string4
  211. = Excellent! Do you need help\nunderstanding how it works?
  213. #org @string5
  214. = Fantastic! Who will you be racing\nwith?
  216. #org @string6
  217. = A wise choice! Take your place at\nthe racer's bench. We'll be\lgetting started in an hour!
  219. #org @string7
  220. = Here's a quick rundown: Four\nracers will choose their racer.\lEach racer will 'hop' into a full\llap around the track. Press the A\lbutton to hop! The higher your\lCountryball's energy, the faster\lyou can hop. The first racer to\ltake a full lap around the center\lpyre wins that race, and ascends\lto the next round. The third race\lis the final 4, and the winner\ltakes all! That means a huge\lgrand prize for you.\pFantastic! Who will you be racing\nwith?
  222. #org @string8
  223. = Sorry traveler, you didn't win\ntoday.
  225. #org @string9
  226. = Please, come and play again\ntraveler.
  228. #org @string10
  229. = [black_fr]NEXT RACE
  231. #org @string11
  232. = We have a victor! Here is your\nmaster ball!
  234. #org @string12
  235. = And here is your 4,000\nPokémon Dollars!
  238. //-----------
  239. // Movements
  240. //-----------
  241. #org @move1
  242. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  243. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  244. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  245. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  246. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  247. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  248. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  249. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  250. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  251. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  252. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  253. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  254. #raw 0xFE //End of Movements
  256. #org @move2
  257. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  258. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  259. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  260. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  261. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  262. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  263. #raw 0xFE //End of Movements
  265. #org @move3
  266. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  267. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  268. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  269. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  270. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  271. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  272. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  273. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  274. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  275. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  276. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  277. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  278. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  279. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  280. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  281. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  282. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  283. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  284. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  285. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  286. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  287. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  288. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  289. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  290. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  291. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  292. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  293. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  294. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  295. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  296. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  297. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  298. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  299. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  300. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  301. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  302. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  303. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  304. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  305. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  306. #raw 0xFE //End of Movements
  308. #org @move4
  309. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  310. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  311. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  312. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  313. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  314. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  315. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  316. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  317. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  318. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  319. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  320. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  321. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  322. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  323. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  324. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  325. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  326. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  327. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  328. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  329. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  330. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  331. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  332. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  333. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  334. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  335. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  336. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  337. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  338. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  339. #raw 0x10 //Step Down (Normal)
  340. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  341. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  342. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  343. #raw 0x13 //Step Right (Normal)
  344. #raw 0xFE //End of Movements
  346. #org @move5
  347. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  348. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  349. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  350. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  351. #raw 0x12 //Step Left (Normal)
  352. #raw 0x11 //Step Up (Normal)
  353. #raw 0xFE //End of Movements
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