
CSTT Webb Chat D251 Yet another Variety

Jun 30th, 2017
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  1. CSTT Webb Chat D251 Yet another Variety
  3. Live chat
  4. Chat - Chat​Jason, please block these trying to create drama
  5. Marla Myers​the people that watch here are at work?
  6. Duluth Hap-​They're. actually making a PRISON PLANET of our PLANET
  7. Brand Gardner​HELLO EVERYONE 😃
  8. liebebryanify​Jason Goodman take note that Jenny Jenny Simon is a big fan girl for defango, she's one of the ones I warned about.
  9. JoAnn1520​geosat
  10. Save The Webb​@Jenny Simon oh oh
  11. Annie Klas Marsden​New legislation makes it legal to sell data, yes?
  12. Metal Lady Benz​Not workin here, lol, Coffee with the Hubs
  13. dozers10​One Web Satellite launching 600-1200 satellites soon.
  14. Lisa Spann​its part of globalism/NWO. as there will be one world religion. Don't be naive. this black pope is part of it. Hes a jesuit. Shouldn't have been pope as jesuit are Like police force/military arm
  15. Jenny Simon​liebebryaniablah is the one maming drama
  16. Margot Main​《----- mobility impaired
  17. Jenny Simon​making
  18. MrSCameraMan​Ignore the trolls
  19. Jason Goodman​Jenny Simon, you seem like a real profile so I won't block you
  20. Trish Pauley​Good Morning/Afternoon
  21. UC Fit​who knew you can actually make a volcano eruption? ....interesting
  22. Chat - Chat​Please block Save the Webb! DRAMA
  23. heidi moulton​Genie energy
  24. Jenny Simon​thank u Jason. this is my real name and puc
  25. Jenny Simon​pic. agh. on my phone typing
  26. Save The Webb​No worries Jason
  27. Jeremy Voissem​@jason goodman you guys should webcast from the highline
  28. Annie Klas Marsden​The globalists.
  29. Save The Webb​caych yalater
  30. Marla Myers​same here, Margot. Just saying that the later streams have 1k plus. So, saying DF has 700 means nothing.
  31. Save The Webb​catch ya later
  32. Chat - Chat​SAVE THE WEBB = DRAMA
  33. Metal Lady Benz​No worries, Jenny 🌟
  34. Save The Webb​ok
  35. Trish Pauley​Good Morning Save The Webb
  36. JoAnn1520​and poppies
  37. UC Fit​Literally, the entire planet has profited off my misery and torture. ...its a massive karmic debt
  38. Metal Lady Benz​and #BrainCandy
  39. Jason Goodman​We may well do that Jeremy
  42. Judith White​Thank you for a nice calm experience rather than the confusion and interruptions from Jason.
  43. heidi moulton​Lots of lithium in aghfanistan
  44. Duluth Hap-​Golly Gee , This stuff is DEEP
  45. marcia reflects​mornin
  46. Margot Main​ppl just getting to work now
  47. susan grant​Exactly, Khanashin is the main ratline from Afghanistan
  48. Jason Goodman​I could tell Jenny, I disagree with your opinion on Defango but real people with real opinons are allowed to state them
  49. JoAnn1520​all manner of rare minerals there
  50. UC Fit​so... think of earth as a big ass honey trap... stick and burn
  51. Jenny Simon​I have known Defango since way vefore
  52. Jenny Simon​before all the drama with u
  53. janet alvarez​I listen very close and remember a lot of what our news and Europe news has reported, all info is important
  54. Dog on the Hunt​No DRAMA YAY
  57. Rebecca Makara​Massive brain trust here folks. Laying a lot of truth here. Once you take the red pill you see it all makes sense
  58. liebebryanify​Jason Goodman she was in defangos chat calling crowdsourcethetruth cult members, but yeah she's a real person, just wanted to let you know her views on crowdsourcethetruth. I don't want her blocked
  59. Metal Lady Benz​Defango wants to be helpful, just not sure he has the tool he needs
  60. UC Fit​I came from heavens, and I'll go right back. so Fuck it.
  61. Terry S​I wonder wether Louise the AI bot is on here?
  62. Steve Thomas​Maersk Memphis is in Newark
  63. Margot Main​the import containers are never checked 😕
  64. Metal Lady Benz​Probably, Bots love real info
  65. Mac J​At the very least DeFang-O has such a checkered past with questionable ties that it is simply not worth the risk. There are many talented hackers...
  66. Jenny Simon​we are all on the same side. us against the deep state
  67. Marla Myers​You get more bees with honey, Don't trash talk people whose help you need just my opinion
  68. UC Fit​I'm literally here to judge Earth
  71. NavyMom​Defango wants to be helpful? As in making up puzzles that aren't nearly as difficult to decipher when you're the one that built them? LOL
  72. Margot Main​agree Marla Myers
  73. Rebecca Makara​Right Jenny simon
  74. ace Tase​what time does the Ortel interview start?
  75. Judith White​Oh dear discord is on chat now.. can't stay away sad.. needs attention
  76. Jackie D​alt right are Human rights activists too
  77. Jason Goodman​new DAGWOOD call uploaded, open it in a new tab and watch later
  78. Evelyn Pringle​Have I missed something?  Why are we talking about Defango
  79. Jason Goodman​Charles Ortel will be a multicam shoot, not a live stream
  80. JoAnn1520​lightly contaminated metals are sold to asia, comes back as zippers, etc.
  81. Radical Gaiam​just enjoying ( after lots of foing around to see the chat and add to it 😃 blessings to you all
  82. janet alvarez​Bots are being used by lots of people and gps
  85. Metal Lady Benz​lol, he is helping: himself and a handful overy colorful oddballs
  86. Mac J​Anyone offering puzzles to decipher truth is merely a training/recruiting exercise. Real truth comes in Raw Data
  87. Janet F​Jason Didn't Squidward say Defango was neutralized by Quinn Micheals ? Oh YES he was lol
  88. UC Fit​time for a final divorce
  89. Aace Tase​what time does the interview with Ortel start
  90. janet alvarez​Thanks Jason
  91. Duluth Hap-​They certainly. dont check each container, infact im sure its a very low petcentage. Look at the drugs that flood into America
  92. N8​because you can't go to Mars, that's why
  93. Evelyn Pringle​He talked about the Marian colonies
  94. Jenny Simon​there is a hover craft on NASA website
  95. Jeremy Voissem​I'm thinking AJ may be medicated
  96. Scat Bub​defango destroyed quinn micheals last night
  97. Metal Lady Benz​owhhhhh...Multicam...I'll need my Multipass? jk
  98. Margot Main​Martian Colonies!!! YES!!! 👽👽
  99. Judith White​Always a distraction
  102. Marla Myers​And did RDS really say that??? We're the crazy ones? He's talking about sending children to space FFS
  103. Laura40AA​Bunch of wacked disinfo
  104. John Juan​I viewed till Mars comment
  105. Margot Main​👽👽👽👽👽👽
  107. JoAnn1520​they have to deflect attention fron AWAN
  108. Arden Reciprocity​Clockwork Orange
  109. Mac J​DisinfoWhores---it seems they are becoming
  110. Marla Myers​lol
  111. marcia reflects​they had to get back to the dis info... they are agents of divisin
  112. Margot Main​YO - martians are trending 👽👽👽
  113. UC Fit​mystic nitro brew
  114. Arden Reciprocity​Dr. P
  115. Jenny Simon​they accidentally showed a pic of hovercraft on mars and had to put it back up due to outrage. Its there. I looked it up
  118. Trish Pauley​Martians, martians, MARTIANS
  119. Josh Baller​I saw the RDS interview, I dont think infowars is aware of the potential issues with him and RDS was sucking up significantly
  120. marcia reflects​agents of division all over utube
  121. Metal Lady Benz​Ha. Don't limit the BrainCandy...Mars stuff is yum
  122. John Juan​I loved my favorite Martian
  124. cherylpass​Another example of toxic materials...shoving mercury laden light bulbs onto the American public, manufactured by Chinese who suffered from mining mercury -- poisoning us all...making GE RICH!
  125. Laura40AA​Reality is reality and it's sick and evil
  126. Arden Reciprocity​Yes Josh..Big Time suck Up!
  127. Mac J​"accidentally showed it" --- Project BlueBeam
  128. JoAnn1520​we should be made to look at what's been done
  129. Marla Myers​Mars Attacks was fun
  130. sheri wilson​Your sound is distorted bad-
  131. weitzels5​up on mars mining for vitamins.
  132. VLeigh_111​That is Reality!! That is why we are working to expose corruption!
  133. susan grant​Israel bomb Palestinians with Phosphorus
  134. Oskar Leon​sex ❤
  135. UC Fit​sounds like the same thing SOROS does to little boy girls
  136. janet alvarez​Safran is one of the biggest intelligent military corporations
  137. sheri wilson​YOUR SOUND!!
  138. Margot Main​loved Mars Attacks 😂😂
  139. Arden Reciprocity​Alex + Dr P = Kissinger
  140. Metal Lady Benz​You are the Impetus of your Reality, perhaps you need a veiw away from Evil
  141. Jason Goodman​RDS was wringing his hands when AJ said "we have Jason on the phone" wasn't me, very popular name
  142. sheri wilson​THANKS
  143. Candace Wagner​Didn't Wikileaks tweet that image of the poor girl this morning...with the burns to her face?
  144. Rebecca Makara​I only watch David Knight, Owen Shroyer, and Paul Joseph Watson. Alex is becoming a media whore that he pretended to despise.
  145. Duluth Hap-​infowars is great , however AJ does go far into the rabbit hole. He is ahead of his time though. I dig infowars, i just take it all in , in moderation
  146. JoAnn1520​and eaten livers and beheaded people and children
  147. Trish Pauley​lol@ Jason
  148. marcia reflects​division on every level is part of the psop... its a big one.... divide the whole country, make everyone fight
  149. Lisa Spann​its many fold...drugs, people, resources, armament, ... Don't overlook also the antiquities and giants/bones from giants for DNA ... all part of globalist luciferian agenda. Mars part of luciferianis
  150. Arden Reciprocity​Jason XOXOX
  151. heidi moulton​We are complicit.
  152. Metal Lady Benz​Awhhh...Funny, you're Every Where J
  153. Margot Main​Rebecca you may like Lionel Nation on YouTube
  154. Jason Goodman​Yes Candance phosphor weapon burns
  155. Diane Tomaszewski​Good morning everyone ☀️
  156. JoAnn1520​yes and we should see what's done in our name
  158. Jenny Simon​Assad didn't gas his own ppl. it would be political suicide. probably suicide period
  159. Rebecca Makara​Watch Lionel every day
  160. Trish Pauley​GM
  161. Metal Lady Benz​Healing will come for those Children
  162. susan grant​Yes George & Trish, thankyou
  163. Evelyn Pringle​Morning Diane
  164. UC Fit​they won't change, and idiots will always defend their rights to faggotry... so something must be done to clean it up.
  165. Candace Wagner​@Jason Goodman thank you ~ so awful!
  166. lansing street blues​hey jason, kass here
  167. wing tweet​Hi all!
  168. Jason Goodman​Jenny, on that point we agree
  170. cherylpass​My state just passed 5G network ...smaller cell towers everywhere....we are being hooked up folks.
  171. Lisa Spann​black cube represents mars. its satanic. That's why they walk around it. That's why they chant. That's why they hate all things good and innocent
  172. Metal Lady Benz​owwhhhh...Love Lionel...gotta watch him soonish
  173. Brand Gardner​EATS DOWN TO BONE
  174. Mac J​Assad especially wouldn't gas JUST 100 people if he really had some evil intentions. He would gas 100,000
  175. Trish Mac​We are not alone in the universe. Millions of civilisations far more advanced than us. We are the new kids on the block.
  176. Rebecca Makara​Lionel actually interviewed Charles Ortel !! Wow what an eye opener
  180. Marissa Rodriguez​Good morning Trish and G!!
  181. marcia reflects​agents of division on utube are the ones who attack other utubers.... with malice
  182. Marissa Rodriguez​George are you eating???
  183. Brand Gardner​MISUSE OF TECH
  184. Jason Goodman​HRC got MILLIONS from the Moroccan phosphor King
  185. Marissa Rodriguez​George you look skinny. Need more steak
  186. Chris Stuckey​They used phosphorus to fire bomb Dresden and Tokyo
  187. gspice6​Why can I not see Jason?
  188. Jenny Simon​I think it was John Songbird McCain
  189. UC Fit​we're going all the way to the inevitable end
  190. Jason Goodman​To make weapons that burn kid's faces like that
  191. Marissa Rodriguez​@Jason Goodman tell George to eat more
  192. LTL FTC​corsi is part of info wars also Catherine austin fitts speaks of 2 civilizations...under ground bases and not just alex  saying this
  193. cherylpass​Yes, Brand...misuse of tech.
  194. thaboy26​Hey George this goes back to my connection with the Pope, joe biden & podesta. The Cardinal of philly sent a letter to trump to investigate them getting the last pope out to get this 1 in
  195. Trish Pauley​😭
  197. JoAnn1520​or just dump them in the ocean? No, too valuable
  198. susan grant​CIA agents were embedded with Al-Qaeda in East Aleppo before the SAA liberated East Aleppo
  199. Marissa Rodriguez​@Jason Goodman you guys all look so skinny...need to go visit the bodegas lol
  200. Jason Goodman​George has been losing weight since he quit drinkinking
  201. UC Fit​Vengeance time
  202. Josh Baller​Jason
  203. Mac J​Detox is a bitch
  204. janet alvarez​Att just buried fiber optic cables
  207. Hannibal Moot​You are forgetting that the Syrian army is really run by Iran
  208. Josh Baller​JASON- AL NIMR
  209. marcia reflects​george looks good, and trish is beautiful
  210. Foe Hammer​thank you
  211. Marissa Rodriguez​@Jason Goodman oh wow...hope he doesn't lose too much!
  214. Josh Baller​CHECK EMAIL
  215. Tomcat01nj​Thank you, Trish, George & Jason ... Take care and enjoy your day!
  216. marcia reflects​bye
  217. VLeigh_111​Have a great morning and we'll see y'all soon!!! stay safe
  218. JoAnn1520​bye
  219. Margot Main​alcohol puts the weight on fast!
  220. Duluth Hap-​THANK GEORGE, TRISH, Jason
  221. Greg Socks​👍
  222. Cherylpass​Bye...Thanks!
  223. Timothy Sullivan​👍🏻
  224. J B​TY all
  225. Tokyo Tiger​its a republic
  226. Brand Gardner​GOOD LUCK TO ALL SAVE THE U S
  227. Marla Myers​😚
  228. Metal Lady Benz​He's gettin high and tight...there is a war on after all
  229. Candace Wagner​Supporting TRUTH ~ safe travels y'all!
  230. liebebryanify​thanks guys
  231. bonsaimon8​👍👍👍
  232. Kristyn Nye​I wonder if Amy Goodman complained so she could go in her regular spot..
  233. heidi moulton​Can we watch you film the Ortel interview?
  234. janet alvarez​Thanks
  235. Marissa Rodriguez​thanks guys!!
  236. CaliCarLover​That's what ceilings look like in New York
  237. Jenny Simon​thanks Jason for unblocking me.
  238. Arden Reciprocity​Thank You:)
  239. JoAnn1520​jason, chat was smooth today, thanks
  240. Carol B​Until next time... have a great day.
  241. Josh Baller​Did you get that Jason?
  242. janet alvarez​Checking dagwood
  243. Hannibal Moot​The Iranian run 'Syrian Army' doesn't take orders from Assad.
  244. Merwin Abbott-Artist​NO MORE WAR !!! 😢😢
  245. JoAnn1520​fewer people, I know
  246. Trish Pauley​👍👍👍
  247. Charlotte Grove​Hi from FL
  250. MrSCameraMan​Assads approval rating doesn't reflect the Gasing his own people story
  251. Josh Baller​Ugh
  252. JoAnn1520​true
  253. Metal Lady Benz​Gotta see that InfoWars ep, soon!
  254. Duluth Hap-​I ment, THANK YOU GEORGE, TRISH & JASON 😉
  255. thomas hannigan​😎
  256. Hannibal Moot​Talk to Syrians before saying there was no reason to attack his own people. More to it than that,'
  257. Jenny Simon​look up Eva Bartlett UN press conference on Syria. she speaks arabic so can't get an agent translator
  258. Trish Pauley​
  259. Metal Lady Benz​the deep end or deep space ; )
  260. Cisco Alderson​Earn-up to $5000 playing games: Android/iOS 🔵👉👈🔵 💲👉👈💲 🔴👉👈🔴 PromoCode: 2XSIE 💳 Cashout via PayPal:$10 ✌😎Enjoy!
  261. Metal Lady Benz​Who really has time for games anymore?
  262. patacorn​look at the seymour hersh interview on syria I posted on the Sqidward call with Jason
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