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Aug 9th, 2017
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  1. 08:39:51 <wires> I would like cereal with an entire box of raspberries on
  2. 08:39:56 <btk> I've been at work for an hour
  3. 08:39:59 <alexa> toast would be great right now
  4. 08:40:03 <alexa> and scrambled eggs
  5. 08:40:15 <alexa> with green peppers and onions
  6. 08:40:16 <btk> I knew some places in college that would deliver a breakfast bagel sandwich.
  7. 08:40:26 <btk> that's about all I can think of for breakfast delivery.
  8. 08:40:27 <alexa> then i would put some salsa on it
  9. 08:40:32 <alexa> or ketchup
  10. 08:40:42 <alexa> and sriracha
  11. 08:40:49 zb3 sets mode +v alexa
  12. 08:40:56 <alexa> thx zbfag
  13. 08:40:58 <zuperxtreme> I asked for coffee, black, and two croissants.
  14. 08:41:59 <wires> I tried a vegan croissant a few weeks ago
  15. 08:42:00 <wires> it was okay
  16. 08:42:11 <wires> I can't remember what normal ones taste like
  17. 08:42:14 <wires> so I can't really compare it
  18. 08:42:59 <zuperxtreme> zb3: vegan croissant?
  19. 08:43:06 <btk> wires: roflmonkey
  20. 08:43:35 <zuperxtreme> :/ no vegan for me, kthx
  21. 08:43:42 <wires> roflmonkey?
  22. 08:43:57 <alexa> rolfgiraffe
  23. 08:43:57 <btk> so I guess you need vegan croissants because normal ones use milk?
  24. 08:44:01 <btk> and butter?
  25. 08:44:03 <wires> butter
  26. 08:44:03 <wires> ja
  27. 08:44:12 <wires> I don't need them
  28. 08:44:17 <wires> its not something I eat really
  29. 08:44:25 <btk> wires: I like adding the word monkey to normal words. it entertains me.
  30. 08:44:30 <wires> they might be vegan but its still just fat and flour really
  31. 08:45:00 <zuperxtreme> Yum
  32. 08:45:03 <zuperxtreme> :P
  33. 08:51:14 <paul_ZzZzz> zuperxtreme
  34. 08:51:19 paul_ZzZzz is now known as paulbras
  35. 08:51:31 <alexa> hey paulbras
  36. 08:51:34 wires has parted channel #totse (Leaving)
  37. 08:51:37 <zuperxtreme> hai2u
  38. 08:51:39 wires (wires! has joined channel #totse
  39. 08:51:39 ChanServ sets mode +o wires
  40. 08:51:42 <alexa> i have a question
  41. 08:51:48 <wires> woops
  42. 08:51:56 <paulbras> hey alexa, wires :)
  43. 08:52:26 nuclearrabbit has parted channel #totse (Leaving)
  44. 08:52:31 <wires> hihi
  45. 08:54:16 <paulbras> zuperxtreme : has jwh hit argentina?
  46. 08:54:38 <zuperxtreme> jwh?
  47. 08:54:54 <paulbras> yea.. that synthetic canabinoid
  48. 08:55:08 <zuperxtreme> No idea. :/
  49. 08:55:19 <paulbras> i'm ordering some
  50. 08:55:22 <paulbras> gonna spread it around town
  51. 08:55:27 <paulbras> make millions of cents!!
  52. 08:55:49 zok has quit (Quit: leaving)
  53. 08:56:24 <zuperxtreme> :P
  54. 08:56:27 zok (zok!~derzok@cloak-25E2E261) has joined channel #totse
  55. 08:56:27 ChanServ sets mode +o zok
  56. 08:56:27 ChanServ sets mode +a zok
  57. 09:01:10 <zok> I've got that dumb song in my head
  58. 09:01:15 <zok> Spirit in the Sky
  59. 09:01:52 jheit1 has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  60. 09:02:05 jheit1 (jheit1! has joined channel #totse
  61. 09:02:11 <zok> Gotta have a friend in jesus.
  62. 09:02:22 <paulbras> jheit1 = nazish nick
  63. 09:03:43 <zok> nazi?
  64. 09:03:58 <paulbras> jah HEIT
  65. 09:04:09 * paulbras puts out arm
  66. 09:04:13 <paulbras> sounds nazish
  67. 09:04:42 <zok> German =/= Nazi
  68. 09:04:57 <paulbras> of course
  69. 09:05:47 <alexa> lolll
  70. 09:06:02 zb3 sets mode +v jheit1
  71. 09:06:21 <alexa> zok make me breakfast c:
  72. 09:06:35 * zok turns alexa into breakfast
  73. 09:06:35 <zok> Done.
  74. 09:08:36 * btk om nom noms it
  75. 09:09:33 <btk> I now have a hour and a half meeting that'll go til noon. BUT HAVE NO FEAR. I have girl scoot cookies so I don't die of hunger before lunch.
  76. 09:09:41 <alexa> im delicious!
  77. 09:09:46 <btk> s/now/at 10:30/
  78. 09:12:36 zok sets mode -b *!*lmao@*
  79. 09:12:44 zok sets mode -b *!*678l67l67@*.2818BD96.A8557D25.IP
  80. 09:12:59 <btk> that ban is harold right?
  81. 09:13:11 <zok> One of them MIGHT have been
  82. 09:13:12 <btk> well the unban?
  83. 09:13:13 <zok> Not sure
  84. 09:13:17 <btk> ah
  85. 09:13:24 <zok> He claimed to be mock
  86. 09:13:29 <zok> So we'll see
  87. 09:15:28 <alexa> btk, which kind??
  88. 09:15:42 <zok> Thin mints or stfu
  89. 09:15:44 <paulbras> unban your soul zok
  90. 09:16:02 <btk> carmel delites
  91. 09:16:39 <paulbras> sure beats anal delites
  92. 09:16:52 <btk> paulbras: NOTHING beats anal delite
  93. 09:17:29 <btk> apparently these used to be called samoans, but they took samoans out of the recipe so it wasn't right to call them that anymore.
  94. 09:17:48 <paulbras> somoas ?
  95. 09:17:57 <paulbras> with the tosted coconut?
  96. 09:17:59 <wires> you're a girlscoot
  97. 09:18:05 <paulbras> mmmm
  98. 09:18:14 <btk> paulbras: correct
  99. 09:18:17 <paulbras> those are my fave.. and the little drizzles of chocolate
  100. 09:18:29 <paulbras> they switched the name? wtf?
  101. 09:18:42 Toxic (Toxic! has joined channel #totse
  102. 09:18:42 ChanServ sets mode +v Toxic
  103. 09:18:59 <btk> yeah like I said. they're not made with the ground up bones of samoan people so they changed the name.
  104. 09:20:06 <paulbras> they are probably not the same with out the flavor of indiginous pain
  105. 09:20:37 <paulbras> good morning Toxic
  106. 09:21:09 <Toxic> morning
  107. 09:21:51 <paulbras> how are your panti... i mean, how are you doing?
  108. 09:22:40 <alexa> hey toxic.
  109. 09:22:52 <alexa> i tried to tell you last night
  110. 09:22:56 <alexa> melbourne area
  111. 09:22:56 <Toxic> hi kinkou
  112. 09:23:01 <Toxic> ohh
  113. 09:23:03 <alexa> but i'm gonna fly to your house
  114. 09:23:07 <Toxic> see i should just fucking move to melbourne
  115. 09:23:10 <Toxic> lol
  116. 09:23:13 <alexa> DO IT
  117. 09:23:19 <alexa> THEN WE CAN BE BEST FRIENDS
  118. 09:23:20 <Toxic> its where all the cool people are at
  119. 09:23:28 <Toxic> haha
  120. 09:23:46 <alexa> otherwise brisbane is kinda far
  121. 09:23:47 <Toxic> im not sure the pictures thread could handle that
  122. 09:23:54 <alexa> bahaha
  123. 09:23:57 mib_3g6ora (mib_3g6ora! has joined channel #totse
  124. 09:24:17 <Toxic> lol
  125. 09:24:18 <alexa> they would probably just tell us repeatedly to become lesbians
  126. 09:24:26 <Toxic> probably
  127. 09:24:38 <paulbras> you mean
  128. 09:24:41 <paulbras> you guys aren't now?
  129. 09:24:51 <Toxic> too far away
  130. 09:25:00 mib_3g6ora has quit (Quit: mib_3g6ora)
  131. 09:25:21 <alexa> other sides of the earth
  132. 09:36:16 zb3 sets mode +b wmt9!
  133. 09:36:16 wmt9 has been kicked by zb3 from channel #totse (Idle for 0 day(s) 12:00:30)
  134. 09:36:24 zb3 sets mode -b wmt9!
  135. 09:37:16 wires has quit (Ping timeout)
  136. 09:37:29 logic has quit (Client exited)
  137. 09:38:07 LordValuemart (LordValuemart! has joined channel #totse
  138. 09:38:07 ChanServ sets mode +o LordValuemart
  139. 09:39:17 Toxic has quit (Quit: Toxic)
  140. 09:41:58 Ond (Ond!~678l67l67@891B1E70.2818BD96.A8557D25.IP) has joined channel #totse
  141. 09:42:02 <Ond> Greetz
  142. 09:42:27 <alexa> hi ondy
  143. 09:43:08 <zok> Ond: have you ever tasted your own poop?
  144. 09:45:58 wires (wires! has joined channel #totse
  145. 09:45:58 ChanServ sets mode +o wires
  146. 09:46:21 zb3 sets mode +v Ond
  147. 09:46:58 <zok> hires
  148. 09:47:10 <Ond> Greetz
  149. 09:47:38 <Ond> Did you have to ban someone recently wires
  150. 09:47:42 <Ond> zb3: last 150
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