
SnifftyNine (Wip)

Dec 2nd, 2016
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  1. >"You two ready?" Asked Liberty as she held her hand aloft
  2. >"Ready!" Replied Lynn and Luke as they raised their 16oz bottles of pop
  3. >"......GO!" Shouted Liberty , with a flourish of her hand
  4. >The two started guzzling their sodas as quick as they possibly could, taking no time to catch their breath
  5. >As they drank, Liberty sat and watched them with waning interest, just wanting this whole ordeal to finish
  6. >"DONE!" shouted the brothers, as they slammed their bottles onto the table and stared at each other
  7. >"So" started Luke "Who won?"
  8. >"it was a tie" grumbled Liberty "again...."
  9. >"Again?!" Shouted Lynn, Feeling rather frustrated "I want a rematch!"
  10. >"Yeah" Added Luke "I'll go grab some more soda and w-"
  11. >"Oh no" Interrupted Liberty "I've been judging these stupid contests all week and I'm getting sick of it"
  12. >"Aw come-on Libs" Begged Lynn "Just one more!"
  13. >"Forget it." Replied Liberty sternly "I'm going out with Ronaldo."
  14. >"But....who's gonna judge?" asked Luke
  15. >"I dunno, Get Loni to do it." Replied Liberty as she slammed the door on her way out
  16. >"Great..."Groaned Luke "Now what are we gonna do?"
  17. > "Wanna do rock paper scissors?" suggested Lynn
  18. >"Did it" Replied Luke
  19. >"weights?"
  20. >"Did it"
  21. >"See who can stick the biggest thing up his nose?" Asked Lynn, Running out of ideas
  22. >"That could work" replied Luke
  24. >The two quickly ran to the kitchen drawers, trying to find the biggest thing they could
  25. >"Hah, Beat this!" Shouted Lynn as he stuck the handle of a steak-knife into his nose
  26. >Searching frantically, Luke found a rolling pin and stuck the handle into his nose
  27. >"How do you like that?" He asked with a cocky look on his face
  28. >"Oh yeah?" Asked Lynn, scanning the room for something bigger "How do you like this!"
  29. >Grabbing a pear, Lynn pulled off the stem and shoved the small end into his nose as far as he could
  30. >Not wanting to be outdone, Luke grabbed a banana and started to shove one of the ends up His nose
  31. >"Uh luke" started Lynn
  32. >"Yeah Lynn?"
  33. >"We look like a pair of idiots....Don't we"
  34. >"Yeah..."
  35. >Taking the fresh fruit out of their noses, the two went back to sitting down on the couch
  36. >"Now what?" Asked Luke, hoping Lynn would have another idea
  37. >"I don't know man" Replied Lynn, Looking at the floor "I'm all out of challenges."
  38. >The two sat there for what felt like an hour, Not sure of what to do with themselves
  39. >"so...did that pear smell fresh?" Asked Luke, Trying to lighten the mood
  40. >"Ha ha, very funny" Replied Lynn, a small smile growing on his face "You're one to make jokes banana nose"
  41. >"hey, how were you able to stick that banana in so deep anyway?" Asked Lynn "Didn't that hurt?"
  42. >"Nah dude" Replied Luke as he sat up on the couch "It feels really good, Kinda like scratching a deep itch"
  43. >"Really?" asked Lynn "What other things have you stuck in there?"
  44. >"Other things?" Mumbled Luke as he thought about it for a moment "some Coins, the joystick from my old Nintendo 64 controller, the head from one of my old G.I. Joe action figures"
  45. >"Anything else?" Asked Lynn
  46. >"I tried to stick my toes in once, but I couldn't reach" Replied Luke
  47. "Your Toes?!" Yelled Lynn, Bursting into laughter
  48. >"Yeah, my toes" replied Luke "It's not that funny."
  49. >"I bet you like them sweaty, Don't ya?" asked Lynn, now hunched over from laughing too hard
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