

Nov 10th, 2019
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  1. So what do you eat? How much do you eat and how often do you eat? Are you one of these persons that just eat meat and potato, or do you eat meat and vegetables with salad and potatoes? Do you love your pasta meals and if so what do you put in the pasta? Or what sauce do you have with it as this is important - a tomato base sauce is a lot better than a cream base sauce. You should watch how much pasta you eat as this is carbohydrates that turn straight to energy, therefore you need to use this energy otherwise you will put weight on. Try cutting your meal size down but still having your pasta. When you have your meat and vegetables or salad with potato, try having more vegetables, salad and cutting out your potatoes.
  3. So how much exercise do you do? If you don't like exercising just do a brisk walk as this is better than nothing and will help you lose some weight. You should get a minimum of 30 minutes a day and the bare minimum is 3-4 times a week. If you don't have time just get up 30 minutes earlier in the morning. My rule when you exercise is to get your heart rate up and work up a good sweat as this helps clean out your pores. Always mix up what you do so the exercises doesn't get boring and mundane.
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