
Icko Plot Review

Aug 13th, 2015
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  1. Hello! :3
  3. My name is xDraghun, and I will be reviewing your plot today. The 3 major things we will be looking for on your plot is structure, organics, and terrain (with some exceptions). I will give you an example of each of these:
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  5. «Structure»: Structure is basically any building you build on your plot. They can be anything such as houses, towers, castles, etc. They can even be vehicles such as cars, planes, boats, trains, etc. When reviewing your structure(s), the main aspects we look for are depth, detail, size, variety, and in some cases color.
  7. «Process»: When making your structure, you start off by making a frame on which you will build off of. Then you will add your walls. The aspects that people usually forget adding when building their house is depth/detail. So when making your walls, you should start by adding depth to them; Detail will come in later. Next, is adding your roof. When making your roof, make sure it doesn't look plain, flat, and lifeless. Some extras you can add are an adjacent roof on top, or a chimney. Now, you add detail. Don't get to shy when adding detail, but make sure u don't over detail. Try elaborating on this and use blocks such as slabs, stairs, walls/fences, trapdoors, etc. When you're done adding all this, go back and look at your structure. Try to think if there's any finishing touches you can add to your structure to make it look better. {./warp depthtutorial for extra reference}
  8. ========================================================================================================================«Organics»: Organics are any living thing that breathes, or any pieces on your plot that is free flowing. They can be anything such as plants (trees, flowers, bushes, etc.), statues (knights, archers, excluding player statues), clouds, etc. When reviewing your organics(s), the main aspects we look for are detail, realism, variety, free flowing, and if it looks good. xD
  10. «Process» One of the easiest organics that can be made is a tree. When making your tree you wanna start off with the base which is the trunk. This part is what holds everything else that is part of the tree. Depending on the size and kind of tree you make, it will decide how thick or thin it will be. Now you wanna add the branches/roots. Try to make both of the nice and evenly distributed. Sometimes they can be branching off of each other. Now you add your leaves. Again depending on your tree, it will decide how many leaves you will add and how you will shape them. If you're making a basic/ normal oak tree, don't be afraid of adding too many leaves. But, keep it in moderation with the size of the trunk. You can make it droop or sway, and adding air holes can add some realism to it. Some finishing touches people add to their tree are apples or vines to the leaves, and/or fences to the trunk/roots. When getting an apple, hold a steve head in your hand, and type the command ./skull MHF_Apple. Now when your finished, ask yourself if your tree looks good for reassurance. :D
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  12. «Terrain»: Terrain is what usually takes up a majority of your plot. It is the base that holds everything together (with some exceptions) Terrain can be anything such as mountains, hills, rivers, ponds, floating islands, caves, potholes, (sometimes) clouds, etc. When reviewing your terrain, the main aspects we look for are detail, block variation, terraforming, size, natural.It is usually best to start off with your terrain first when building a plot so you aren't leaving it out. For example, if you build a structure first, your terrain probably wont be as good, and it will probably consist of small hills and potholes.
  14. «Process» When starting off with your terrain, you wanna decide on what it will consist of. After you know what you are going for, you will make a basic outline from which you will be building off of. I will use a mountain/hill as an example. Try to make it look really rigged and natural because terrain isn't perfect. If it's too smooth on the sides, it will look weird; the top is an exception since its the ground where you will be putting stuff. Once you're done with the body/base, you should make the ground to finish it. This part is easy because it can be smooth and flat; Try to add some layers too it thou. The ground is usually a different block than the body. A nice touch to add to the ground is to make it overlay the edges of the sides. When your down with both the basic shape of the body/ground, you start to add block variation. Block variation is when you use many different blocks that compliment each other to add color and detail to your terrain. An example palette would be green clay, green wool, grass, cobblestone. Try to not use overwhelming colors especially together such as colorful ore/blocks, colorful wool, etc. If you're going to add a river/pond to your terrain, make it looks nice and detailed. You use water or colored glass which are both most commonly preferred. Keep in mind that you should change the ground under the pond/river so it's noticeable from the rest of the terrain. You could add flowers, sugar cane, lily pads, fences to it for extra detail. When you're done with your terrain, look back to see if there are any aspects to it that stand out in a weird way.
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  16. Keep in mind of these 3 major aspects and how you represent them on your plot. Another major thing I'd like to add is REDSTONE PLOTS, MODERN STYLED BUILDS, 2D/3D PIXEL ART will ** NOT ** be accepted when ranking. If you have received this review, you plot submission most likely was not accepted.
  18. Here are some example plots that have been ranked (you can also refer to the plots by spawn):
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  23. «Review»: Your towers are pretty nice and have some decent depth/detailing. It's weird how the floor is flushed into the ground thou. Your tree looks unappealing and could use some more leaves. Also adding branches/roots is nice. You have no terrain on your plot.
  25. Make sure to listen to my suggestions, and hopefully you rank up in no time! :D Thank you for your time, and I (or any other moderator) will be looking forward to your next submission! :D
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