

Jun 25th, 2015
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  1. BiancaGenovese: hello
  2. BiancaGenovese: hi bbg
  3. DominiQuejFoote: How yall doing
  4. BiancaGenovese: Good thanks
  5. BiancaGenovese: yourself?
  6. BiancaGenovese: come in, have a seat
  7. BiancaGenovese: My names Bianca, what can we do for ya?
  8. DominiQuejFoote: im good is your Boss around
  9. DominiQuejFoote: nice to meet u BiancaGenovese
  10. BiancaGenovese: You can speak with me
  11. BiancaGenovese: The pleasure is mine
  12. BiancaGenovese: im sorry i didnt catch your name
  13. DominiQuejFoote: Dominique
  14. BiancaGenovese: Dominique
  15. BiancaGenovese: can i offer you a drink?
  16. DominiQuejFoote: yeah
  17. DominiQuejFoote: naw i dont drink
  18. DominiQuejFoote: ty tho
  19. BiancaGenovese: no problem, so what brings you in?
  20. BiancaGenovese: :)
  21. DominiQuejFoote: been checking out the business and the room lately
  22. DominiQuejFoote: and was just wanting to know how to join
  23. DominiQuejFoote: if i was interested
  24. BiancaGenovese: for essentially just come and spend some time with the family....see if you like it here and if you fit.
  25. BiancaGenovese: Mind if I ask you a few questions?
  26. DominiQuejFoote: go head
  27. BiancaGenovese: what exactlly are you looking for?
  28. BiancaGenovese: for ex, a family, a role play, to make money ect?
  29. DominiQuejFoote: a Family but not just any family if u know what i mean
  30. DominiQuejFoote: i have money
  31. BiancaGenovese: i know what you mean
  32. BiancaGenovese: are you familair with this community on IMVU?
  33. BiancaGenovese: have you been a part of it before?
  34. DominiQuejFoote: Naw but gangs are low to me scums Mafia Mobs things are done in order
  35. DominiQuejFoote: almost professional
  36. DominiQuejFoote: so thats where i belong
  37. BiancaGenovese: and in our case, incredibly professional
  38. DominiQuejFoote: if that makes sense
  39. BiancaGenovese: I understand
  40. DominiQuejFoote: ok
  41. BiancaGenovese: Have you ever heard of Trapani before youre entrance into this room?
  42. DominiQuejFoote: Yeah very familiar with type of names in rl
  43. BiancaGenovese: but not on imvu? right?
  44. BiancaGenovese: nvm...not important
  45. BiancaGenovese: Tell me what you feel you can bring to this family
  46. BiancaGenovese: how you can contribute
  47. DominiQuejFoote: hmm well im sure u wont find another person young as me rl im 22 but still carry their self
  48. DominiQuejFoote: in the professionalism i do
  49. DominiQuejFoote: so i could be a good look for the name
  50. BiancaGenovese: Our Don just turned 18 irl
  51. BiancaGenovese: is that something you might have an issue with?
  52. BiancaGenovese: Authority who is younger than you?
  53. DominiQuejFoote: lol
  54. DominiQuejFoote: naw
  55. BiancaGenovese: ok...almost done
  56. BiancaGenovese: how active are you on imvu?
  57. DominiQuejFoote: well i actually just came back 3 days ago i have 5 yrs on here but really busy in real life but i have over 100000000000000 cred not to brag so i definitely here to stay
  58. DominiQuejFoote: thats why i use to go by Don myself
  59. BiancaGenovese: hahah how did you get that much?
  60. DominiQuejFoote: lol.
  61. DominiQuejFoote: Im a Don
  62. DominiQuejFoote: lol
  63. DominiQuejFoote: not here tho
  64. DominiQuejFoote: ha
  65. BiancaGenovese: i dont get the joke
  66. BiancaGenovese: wanna fill me in?
  67. BiancaGenovese: Only room for one Don in any family...and that role here is taken
  68. DominiQuejFoote: nvm
  69. DominiQuejFoote: but yeah not tryna replace your Don
  70. BiancaGenovese: okay
  71. BiancaGenovese: whats the Triads mafia on your profile?
  72. DominiQuejFoote: oh I let my lil cousin get on today and he put that started stuff with some kid today
  73. BiancaGenovese: Thats a branch of Chinese organized crime, correct?
  74. DominiQuejFoote: yeah
  75. BiancaGenovese: that will need to disapear
  76. BiancaGenovese: your little cousin tkes your account often?
  77. BiancaGenovese: should that conccern us?
  78. DominiQuejFoote: naw his 1st time he thinking about making 1 i was showing him the ropes
  79. BiancaGenovese: ok
  80. BiancaGenovese: nice of you
  81. BiancaGenovese: :)
  82. DominiQuejFoote: since i would be the 1 providing money for him
  83. BiancaGenovese: right
  84. BiancaGenovese: any questions for me?
  85. DominiQuejFoote: hmmm
  86. DominiQuejFoote: so what all does this family do
  87. BiancaGenovese: we're currentlly working on a few new business projects which are a bit sensative in nature so im afraid i cant provide you with much detail at this time
  88. BiancaGenovese: but we're a very close family, we focus on business, professionalism and quality
  89. BiancaGenovese: we dont role play
  90. DominiQuejFoote: good cux roleplaying is for kids
  91. DominiQuejFoote: my opinion
  92. BiancaGenovese: we work hard and play hard and we're becoming rapidly well known among the community as a family like i sid..of high quality
  93. BiancaGenovese: some of our family enjoys it and we dont encourage or discourage either their own
  94. BiancaGenovese: but we just dont rp or ever claim to be a rp family
  95. BiancaGenovese: some in the family consider one another to be blood relations
  96. BiancaGenovese: others are just business assocites who become like family over time
  97. DominiQuejFoote: so if u dont mind me asking this room custom made?becasue like i say with me being a Don credits wise i know about some of the best quality things but havent seen or found a room like this
  98. DominiQuejFoote: the layout
  99. BiancaGenovese: mmm im not sure tbh...i know we have quite a few custom rooms deved for us..and furture as well
  100. BiancaGenovese: Our don VincenzoTrapani....
  101. BiancaGenovese: hes very much into rooms and decor...its his thing
  102. DominiQuejFoote: yeah me too
  103. BiancaGenovese: we have a lot of a beautiful rooms, that something youll have to talk to him about
  104. BiancaGenovese: he'll gab for hours im sure -.-
  105. BiancaGenovese: lol
  106. DominiQuejFoote: thats why i was like i got to have it
  107. DominiQuejFoote: i have too many rooms
  108. BiancaGenovese: he does that a lot too...walks into a nice room...and just says....Mine now
  109. BiancaGenovese: and bam...owns it in a snap
  110. DominiQuejFoote: but offices is whats on my lists now
  111. BiancaGenovese: wander into any of our rooms
  112. BiancaGenovese: just serach trapani
  113. BiancaGenovese: or VincenzoTrapani
  114. BiancaGenovese: theres nice ones
  115. DominiQuejFoote: i did nothing shows up but pics
  116. BiancaGenovese: weird
  117. BiancaGenovese: do you have any screen shot softwear?
  118. DominiQuejFoote: naw.
  119. BiancaGenovese: ok
  120. BiancaGenovese: anyway , I invite you to stick around get to know everyone
  121. BiancaGenovese: and we'll see how it goes from there
  122. BiancaGenovese: ok?
  123. DominiQuejFoote: alright. well until then takecare
  124. BiancaGenovese: enjoy your evening
  125. DominiQuejFoote: you too
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