

Nov 10th, 2019
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  1. When it comes to what to eat and what not to eat for diabetics advice is abundance. With so much well meaning advice from various sources it can be difficult to determine what food you should be including as part of your diabetic diet.Instead of what we should eat why don't we start with the types bad food for diabetics? Basically a diet low in saturated fat with well controlled blood glucose levels that incorporates weight control exercise and fewer refined sugars is recommended. Controlling blood glucose levels with diet and in some cases medication is the key.
  3. I cannot express enough how important and even vital for a diabetic patient to control the optimal weight and more precisely a body fat. The best choice for your fitness program is an enjoyable one that combines aerobic exercise with resistance plus massage reflexology and acupressure in one single system. The no-impact exercise will be the best choice because it is safe for your joints! I have some patients who dropped the blood sugar level from 400 to under 120 by losing weight and using the therapeutic exercise.
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