
Pimp Anon [WIP]

Jun 1st, 2014
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  1. >One of your mares tugged on your fur-lined jacket and spoke with a sultry voice.
  2. >"Papanon, I spy with my eye someone that's on something."
  3. >Your pretty pegasi shifts her head in the direction your eyes follow.
  4. >An unkempt unicorn kept rubbing his nose. He was jittery. His body wouldn't relax. His eyes were the smoking gun.
  5. >The mare was rewarded with a stroke on the head.
  6. "Good job, babe. I know I can rely on your sight, Bright Eyes."
  7. >The light orange pegasus blushes before snuggling against your side.
  8. >You scan the streets of Ponyville with your fellow mares, looking for promising signs to set up shop.
  9. >Most of the stallions seemed to lead healthy, normal lives. Any drug pushers were either kept away or hid underground by the local police.
  10. >Well, Celestia might have an image to keep, buy you have yours as well.
  11. >All you need to do now is to set your claim and start advertising.
  12. >After scanning a bit longer, you didn't see any obvious signs of someone owning this turf.
  13. >It makes things easier to stake your claim.
  14. >Your mares looked at you as you spoke.
  15. "I'll get us a roof and some kibbles, fillies. Y'all go on ahead and get me some bits."
  16. >"Yes, Papanon!" they all exclaimed before walking off.
  17. >You had a way with the crowd, what with being a full grown man wearing a leopard-skin suit and your classy cane.
  18. >Everyone was staring at you.
  19. >That's how you introduce yourself to Ponyville. It's like a giant neon sign that says
  21. >Just to add a bit of extra cheeziness, you even strutted your way along the alleyways.
  22. >It's not like the police are going to notice. Ponyville is ignorant as shit. Not like Las Pegasus, your home turf.
  23. >You even had a black suit so people thought you were legit.
  24. >But this is ponyville, so you can afford to indulge yourself a bit here.
  25. >Your inner 14-year old is smiling.
  26. >You were walking a bit to find some cheap inn on the edge of this joint when there was a cough.
  27. >Instinctively, you look down.
  28. >There was a small little earth mare in a cardboard box.
  29. >She had a sign that said that she was competition.
  30. >Now if this pony was pricing her prices this low, was there another market?
  31. >That could be bad news. You didn't expect this in a place like this.
  32. >Your poker face was working overtime.
  33. >"Can I help you?"
  34. >It was the same pony again. Her muzzle was downwards and she looked dirty.
  35. "I think the proper question is, can I help you?"
  36. >It was best to play it cool. Maybe she could give you some intel.
  37. >Maybe she could join your crew.
  38. >"Not really unless you're willing to pay."
  39. >She didn't even look at you as she talked.
  40. >Your pimp senses were tingling. She seemed like damaged goods.
  41. >And you don't want any of that.
  42. >You wanted lively hussies, not some charity sue.
  43. "Hell, naw," you said with a sneer.
  44. >The can in your hand poked a few holes inside her makeshift home.
  45. >She looked up only to see you giving the stink eye.
  46. >Her eyes gave it back.
  47. >"I'm not leaving."
  48. >Your cane finds her rump and gives it a prod.
  49. "Neither am I."
  50. >She was about to get evicted by you when your two darlings came back.
  51. >"Who's this bitch?" said Bright Eyes.
  52. >Your other mare didn't bother to take the time to assess the situation while she galloped between you and the charity case.
  53. "Whisky Sour, I'm fine. Daddy doesn't want to see you hurt. He can take care of himself."
  54. >A simple caress on her yellow coat allowed your words to sink in.
  55. >She pouts a bit before walking back.
  56. >It was three against one, yet this earth pony stood her ground.
  57. >Maybe she was promising.
  58. >Malleable.
  59. >"I don't care what you do to me. I've got nowhere else to go; I'm staying here."
  60. >You reply with your cane smashing the rest of her cardboard, only narrowly missing her body.
  61. >The mystery mare was just about ready to pounce on you as you extend a hand.
  62. "You're not staying here under a cardboard box."
  63. >She looked confused.
  64. >"What?"
  65. "What's it look like? I normally don't take fixer uppers, but I'll make an exception."
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