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Jul 12th, 2021
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  1. 17:48 $ devtool modify -d virtual/kernel
  2. DEBUG: Using basepath /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build
  3. DEBUG: Using standard bitbake path /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/bitbake
  4. NOTE: Starting bitbake server...
  5. DEBUG: Loading plugins from /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build/../meta-poky/lib/devtool...
  6. DEBUG: Loading plugins from /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build/lib/devtool...
  7. DEBUG: Loading plugins from /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build/../meta/lib/devtool...
  8. DEBUG: Loading plugins from /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build/../meta-yocto-bsp/lib/devtool...
  9. DEBUG: Loading plugins from /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build/../meta-toradex-nxp/lib/devtool...
  10. DEBUG: Loading plugins from /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build/../meta-freescale-3rdparty/lib/devtool...
  11. DEBUG: Loading plugins from /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build/../meta-toradex-bsp-common/lib/devtool...
  12. DEBUG: Loading plugins from /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build/../meta-freescale/lib/devtool...
  13. DEBUG: Loading plugins from /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build/../meta-seho/lib/devtool...
  14. DEBUG: Loading plugins from /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build/../meta-ohp-toradex/lib/devtool...
  15. DEBUG: Loading plugins from /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build/../meta-ohp/lib/devtool...
  16. DEBUG: Loading plugins from /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/scripts/lib/devtool...
  17. DEBUG: Loading plugin menuconfig
  18. DEBUG: Loading plugin search
  19. DEBUG: Loading plugin sdk
  20. DEBUG: Loading plugin build_sdk
  21. DEBUG: Loading plugin import
  22. DEBUG: Loading plugin upgrade
  23. DEBUG: Loading plugin runqemu
  24. DEBUG: Loading plugin utilcmds
  25. DEBUG: Loading plugin export
  26. DEBUG: Loading plugin build
  27. DEBUG: Loading plugin standard
  28. DEBUG: Loading plugin package
  29. DEBUG: Loading plugin build_image
  30. DEBUG: Loading plugin deploy
  31. DEBUG: Reading workspace in /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build/workspace
  32. NOTE: Reconnecting to bitbake server...
  33. NOTE: Retrying server connection (#1)...
  34. WARNING: Layer seho should set LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_seho in its conf/layer.conf file to list the core layer names it is compatible with.
  35. WARNING: Layer meta-ohp-toradex should set LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_meta-ohp-toradex in its conf/layer.conf file to list the core layer names it is compatible with.
  36. WARNING: Layer meta-ohp should set LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_meta-ohp in its conf/layer.conf file to list the core layer names it is compatible with.
  37. Loading cache: 100% |##############################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:00
  38. Loaded 1577 entries from dependency cache.
  39. WARNING: No recipes available for:
  40. /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build/../meta-freescale-3rdparty/recipes-bsp/atf/qoriq-atf_1.5.bbappend
  41. /home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build/../meta-toradex-bsp-common/recipes-support/libsoc/libsoc_0.8.2.bbappend
  42. WARNING: No bb files matched BBFILE_PATTERN_meta-ohp '^/home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/build/../meta-ohp/'
  44. Summary: There were 5 WARNING messages shown.
  45. INFO: Mapping virtual/kernel to linux-toradex
  46. Traceback (most recent call last):
  47. File "/home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/scripts/devtool", line 334, in <module>
  48. ret = main()
  49. File "/home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/scripts/devtool", line 321, in main
  50. ret = args.func(args, config, basepath, workspace)
  51. File "/home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/scripts/lib/devtool/", line 824, in modify
  52. staging_kerVer = get_staging_kver(srcdir)
  53. File "/home/sebastian/OHP/yocto-codesys/scripts/lib/devtool/", line 759, in get_staging_kver
  54. kerver.append(word.split('= ')[1].split('\n')[0])
  55. IndexError: list index out of range
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