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Apr 1st, 2015
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  1. Conversation started Tuesday
  2. Samuel Leslie Horsington
  3. 3/31, 5:12pm
  4. Samuel Leslie Horsington
  6. Hey, you know god damn well I didn't flirt with you over Facebook. You know DAMN well that I didn't. I don't know what the fuck you are trying to accomplish, but I promise you in the end you'll be shown out to be the snake you really are. And yeah, you do annoy the fuck out of me. You led scott on, you take take take, you're coming in between friendships. So yeah, you fucking annoy me. And you're never straight forward either. Say what you will to Scott, this shit will be fixed. As if I'd ever want to be with someone as coniving, shallow, and grimy as you. No fucking thanks. P.S. If you didn't get it, this is James Woodby.
  9. Heather Kiddo
  10. 3/31, 5:48pm
  11. Heather Kiddo
  13. Thank you for digging the hole deeper for you and your racist friends. I'm not tolerating anymore racist or sexist discrimination from any of you. The truth WILL come out and justice WILL be served. All of you have harassed the wrong female and you just provided further evidence. You lied and there are three other witnesses who can and will prove that. Please and kindly fuck off, James Woodby. You're not intimidating anyone.
  14. Heather Kiddo
  15. 3/31, 6:08pm
  16. Heather Kiddo
  18. Oh and Scott told me you fucked Shelly and Kristie so don't piss me off further unless you wanna make things a lot more difficult on yourself than it already will be. See ya in court.
  21. Tuesday
  22. Samuel Leslie Horsington
  23. 3/31, 10:22pm
  24. Samuel Leslie Horsington
  26. I don't like YOU because it's YOU. I have no care in the world about the pigment of your skin, the genitalia you possess, or some belief that you're better than I am. Why on earth is it any of YOUR business what I'm doing, and how does that pertain to any of this? You have NOTHING to threaten me with. I don't even KNOW you. I've hung out with you a handful of times and everytime I have done my BEST to leave as soon as possible. So whatever charges you think you have to file, do it. Whatever you think you can hurt me with, please try. To think that you're so far wrapped up in your own little world like you are is beyond sad. How in the world someone as genuine as Scott could be involved with you is beyond me. Play your games, little girl.
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