
the whisperventure

Jun 27th, 2015
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  1. 6:55 PM - Your chat with garrett is now a multi-user chat.
  3. *
  5. 6:55 PM - JollyParaphernalia entered chat.
  7. 6:56 PM - a piece of toast: (( *sweats nervously* ))
  9. 6:56 PM - JollyParaphernalia: ((:3c))
  11. 6:58 PM - garrett: A figure approaches from almost no where, fitting just behind Dellan and holding a dagger to her throat, just out of view of the main street. You can not see him, even when you turn your head his face seems to be concealed by fabric and hoods. "Hello, Dellan." he said calmly, keeping the blade at her throat at a steady pressure.
  13. 7:01 PM - a piece of toast: Dellan went still, stopping. She squinted, carefully turning her head, but was unable to catch sight of the man's face. "Hello to you too, serah. Strange way of saying hello you've got."
  15. 7:03 PM - garrett: "Ah, but I don't greet everyone like this. Just ask your friend here." he said, motioning to Faron. "You seem to have something you're avoiding, yes? Your group has been awfully paranoid these last few weeks."
  17. 7:04 PM - JollyParaphernalia: Faron turns around, golden amber eyes reflecting light eerily in the dim alley. He gives a firm frown, eyes locked on the stranger. Warry, but with a noticible lack of surprise. He stays silent, glancing down to the knife pressed to Dellan's throat now and then.
  19. 7:08 PM - a piece of toast: "Well with masked men lurking in the shadows watching us, apparently ready to trap us in allyways, I can't say it's without just cause, now can I?" Dellan glanced over at Faron, then back to what she could see of the man. "Do you have a name? You already know mine, and I'd point out it's impolite to not say so, but I have a rather sharp feeling politeness isn't that much of a concern for you."
  21. 7:11 PM - a piece of toast: ((so what *can* dellan tell about The Guy here gf?))
  23. 7:12 PM - a piece of toast: ((height, accent, species, ????))
  25. 7:16 PM - JollyParaphernalia: ((I can say this - He's a dude. Probably human. That's it for what Faron knows))
  27. 7:16 PM - JollyParaphernalia: ((Say hello to the 20 spiders))
  29. 7:16 PM - garrett: (sorry i can't type and talk at the same time one sec dgkdngf)
  31. 7:18 PM - a piece of toast: ((ferelden/orlesian/antiva/whatever accent, is he super or slightly taller, that kinda thing))
  33. 7:23 PM - garrett: The man seemed to be almost completely motionless as he stood and talked, "You may call me Martius. I believe you and your group have done a very bad thing. So bad, in fact, that some of the crows have been sent after you." (you can tell he's just slightly taller than you, and his accent sounds ferelden for the most part. he's most likely human.)
  35. 7:25 PM - a piece of toast: "That's quite the tale you've got there, Martius," Dellan said, keeping her voice casual and light. "Is there a reason you're telling it? Or why you'd care?"
  37. 7:26 PM - JollyParaphernalia: Faron stands by, listening quietly. He is also very careful in not looking Dellan in the eye, always looking at either the knife, or Martius. His fingers twitch.
  39. 7:29 PM - garrett: "Well, I became interested in your group's tale quite a while ago. You became so interesting, in fact, that I couldn't let your story end so soon with the crows so close on your tail. Do you remember Amaranthine? It wasn't too long ago, so I hope you would not have forgetten the crows one of your other friends had slaughtered. Though, I wasn't aware they were part of your group at the time until they alerted you of the crows' death. Do you suppose you can guess who got rid of them for you all?"
  41. 7:30 PM - JollyParaphernalia: Faron raises a brow at Martius, blinking owlishly.
  43. 7:33 PM - a piece of toast: 'Helvecia,' Dellan thought, remembering the mage's ranting in Amaranthine, though Dellan had seen neither hide nor hair of her since the shipride to Cumberland. She tilted her head carefully again, eyes fixed on what little she could see of him, making careful note of it. "What do you mean? And I suppose you're talking about yourself there."
  45. 7:40 PM - garrett: "That I am" he replied, "The crows that were hired to kill you have been taken care of. I had also taken up the Arlessa's offer of coin, though I am less interested in the coin than I am about this group. It's been very fun watching the dynamics of the group shift this way and that but.. it is getting a bit boring as of late. I've been training your friend here to help me out with my little endevor, and he showed his worth by assisting me in taking out some competition. If it were not for the tourney, no one would have even noticed Mya had gone."
  47. 7:44 PM - JollyParaphernalia: Faron presses his lips tightly together, as if to force away the frown beginning to form. His stance becomes a lot more rigid.
  49. 7:44 PM - a piece of toast: "And you did this out of the kindess of your heart? I think some of my faith in humanity has been restored." Dellan looked across at Faron again, face and eyes blank. "And how *did* you meet our...friend here?"
  51. 7:46 PM - JollyParaphernalia: Faron turns his head away completely, twitching hands hooking thumbs into his belt.
  53. 7:48 PM - garrett: He chuckled a bit this time, "Oh no no, I just like to play with my food a bit, that's all. I wanted to see exactly how I could affect you all before it all finally broke down. But I believe that time is over now." he continued, "I saw that you aquired him after you departed your ship. I knew he could have not been that closely aquanted with you from such a short time at sea, so I knew he would be the perfect apprentice. Well, as perfect as I could get. Helvecia has up and left and the rest of you are.. too closely knit."
  55. 7:55 PM - a piece of toast: "I don't suppose you know where that mage has run off to, she was always underfoot before. We're apparently just not very good at keeping track of our mages, you know how that is, I'm sure," Dellan casually shrugged a shoulder as much as she could, carefully testing the hold as she did. "Now, what were you after in this dark alley besides a chat?"
  56. 7:57 PM - garrett: "As I've said, I have gotten bored with all of this. I've gotten my good friend Faron to find and bring me to you, now all I need is a little something else from him." he said. "Just as before, Faron. You passed the first time, now this is your second test."
  58. 8:01 PM - garrett: (welp shit jp is afk)
  60. 8:02 PM - JollyParaphernalia: ((I am not, am back))
  62. 8:02 PM - garrett: (\o/)
  64. 8:02 PM - a piece of toast: "Another test, this early? Maker, I hope you gave the lad a chance to study," Dellan shook her head, sighing.
  66. 8:02 PM - JollyParaphernalia: ((Got oulled off by little cousin, she's sweet but also a demon in disguise. She was worried I didn't get food))
  68. 8:03 PM - JollyParaphernalia: Faron looks back at Martius, sucking on his lower lip. "...And what, exactly, is the second test?"
  70. 8:04 PM - garrett: "The same as the first. You only have to nod." he responded simply.
  72. 8:07 PM - a piece of toast: "And what's he nodding for? As part of the test, I must say I feel very left out," Dellan said, being careful not to tense.
  74. 8:07 PM - a piece of toast: ((*tense up))
  76. 8:08 PM - JollyParaphernalia: Faron opens his mouth, and closes it, looking at Dellan. His eyes are wide, looking at her for the first time in this little encounter.
  78. 8:09 PM - garrett: "Why, then I'd spoil all the fun. Would you like to tell her, Faron? Or would you just like to get this over with?"
  80. 8:11 PM - a piece of toast: Dellan turned to look at Faron, expression still blank as she looked him over. "Your scarf is crooked, Faron."
  82. 8:11 PM - JollyParaphernalia: His voice sounds hoarse, but it's even, determined, and very matter of fact, "...It's obvious, isn't it?" he stares Dellan down.
  84. 8:11 PM - JollyParaphernalia: "...And yeah, that happens sometimes."
  86. 8:12 PM - JollyParaphernalia: ((Who's gonna lose the pokerface competition))
  88. 8:12 PM - a piece of toast: "Just thought you should know," she shrugged again.
  90. 8:15 PM - Amell entered chat.
  92. 8:15 PM - garrett: Martius talked over Dellan's shoulder, "I believe we have a visitor."
  94. 8:17 PM - garrett: Behind Dellan is a shrouded, hooded figure holding a large blade to her throat. Faron stands in front of them both. (just for context)
  96. 8:17 PM - JollyParaphernalia: Faron bites his lip. He looks ready to do something, the look in his eye hardening briefly, just before the mention of a visitor. "...W-what?"
  98. 8:17 PM - JollyParaphernalia: The elf looks around, eyes wide and owlish, a bit startled at the notion of someone else.
  100. 8:18 PM - a piece of toast: "So, Martius, when you're done with me, do you plan to leave the others alone? I'd ask if you'd found the elf we're looking for before we could, but you said I was the *second* test," Dellan paused at his words, and looked over to see Aki, and for the blink of an eye Dellan's casually calm facade cracked.
  102. 8:18 PM - Amell: Aki let out a breath as she was spottted, the vashoth standing up and stepping out of what meager shadows she could find at this time of the day, glaring at the shrouded figure that had Dellan in his grasp. She could feel her pulse rushing through her ears, her stomach sinking, fear gripping her stronger than it had in a long while.
  104. 8:19 PM - JollyParaphernalia: ((Aki, odds or evens?))
  106. 8:19 PM - Amell: [Uh, odds?]
  108. 8:20 PM - garrett: "Oh no, of course not. I believe I agreed to be rid of all of you, I just wanted to do in in an.. interesting fashion." he laughed lightly. "Faron, you still have a decision to make, guest or no."
  110. 8:20 PM - garrett: *it in an
  112. 8:22 PM - Amell: "It is ME you want!", Aki cried out, lifting her hands with her palms, eyes wide and face controted in fear, feeling like she was watching the scene from outside her body.
  114. 8:24 PM - a piece of toast: "That's an awful lot of work to put into killing someone," Dellan managed to look away from Aki again, face blank once more. "One of the artistic types? I used to know someone like that, though his was leaving a rose when he finished murdering or robbing or whatever," Dellan's eyes flicked back to Aki and away again. "He didn't last long, another Bard felt cheated at Wicked Grace and set him up to be captured and killed."
  116. 8:27 PM - garrett: (brb!)
  118. 8:27 PM - a piece of toast: ((t-thanks))
  120. 8:27 PM - JollyParaphernalia: Faron is tense, looking between all the parties. He panics, hands shaking...until Aki begins her schpiel. Immediately, that panic has turned into white hot rage, the elf lunging at Aki as hard as his little body can. He draws his blades, taking a wide swing at her. Well, he hasn't exactly *nodded* but...
  122. 8:27 PM - garrett: (:o o shit wait wait pause til i come back i gotta shut the internet off for a sec)
  124. 8:28 PM - JollyParaphernalia: ((kk1))
  126. *
  128. 8:31 PM - garrett disconnected.
  130. *
  132. 8:42 PM - garrett: (okay okay, lemme type for him. did i miss any dialogue)
  134. 8:42 PM - Amell: Aki barely had time to see Faron lunge towards her, mouth dropping in horror, every impulse and instinct in her telling her to move, dodge, get away, reassess, and react, every system on overdrive. Old training kicking in. She had no armor. No weapon. She was but flesh and fear, and in that instant, she regretted the path that led her here. In that moment, she gave a silent prayer to whoever would listen. Valor, the Maker, the Stone, the elven gods, just give her the strength and skill to get Dellan out of this alive. And if her life was the payment for that request, she would pay it.
  136. 8:44 PM - JollyParaphernalia: ((We should take this to the game, because >fighting))
  138. 8:48 PM - a piece of toast: "Aki!" Dellan's calm broke, then her eyes flashed and she moved, biting down on Martius' hand until she tasted blood and until her teeth met each other, tearing some of the flesh away when she pulled back, twisting to elbow him sharply as her head snapped back, colliding with his, and she twisted from his grasp.
  140. 8:48 PM - garrett: okay okay i'm gonna post somethin on the main chat now, at least his response to all this
  142. 8:49 PM - a piece of toast: ((sorry, had to finish typing a thing))
  144. 8:49 PM - garrett: ye i gotcha
  146. 8:51 PM - garrett: (hm wait, maybe i should just wait til someone rejoins the group. someone is bound to tell the rest of them once this settles down in whatever way it does. rolls can happen via gmroll still)
  148. 8:51 PM - JollyParaphernalia: ((Kk, postan))
  150. 8:52 PM - a piece of toast: ((you could make a quick side "game" where we can roll freely and not have to ask every time or idk something))
  152. 8:52 PM - JollyParaphernalia: Faron...barrels past Aki. He flees from the scene!
  154. 8:52 PM - garrett: Martius momentarily lost his grip as Faron lunged for Aki, and Dellan took the opportunity to bite into his hand. He yelled out in pain, but regained his composure quickly and unsheathed both of his daggers. "Oh, now this will be even more fun."
  156. 8:56 PM - Amell: Realizing that Faron was retreating, Aki switched targets, and all normal impulses towards self-preservation were overrided. Her vision turned red with fury as she watched the sadistic assassin draw daggers on Dellan, and the vashoth charged him with her head low. No strategy. No taunts or declarations or cries. It was pure animal desperation, and everything she had was being throw into crushing this threat to her love.
  158. 8:56 PM - garrett: roll strength might !!
  160. 8:59 PM - a piece of toast: "You seemed under the impression I was going to let you hurt my friends," Dellan shook her head at him, a thin trail of blood spilling from the corner of her mouth, "and that just isn't going to happen."
  162. 8:59 PM - a piece of toast: ((forgot to press enter))
  164. 9:00 PM - garrett: (got a 17) Martius is blown back as Aki barrels into him, and he uses the oppurtunity to stab her in the back in defense. (also roll a 17 for attack)
  166. 9:02 PM - a piece of toast: ((can dellan get in the way?))
  168. 9:02 PM - Amell: [Well, that's totally hitting]
  170. 9:02 PM - a piece of toast: ((she's at least *got* armor))
  172. 9:02 PM - garrett: (and 12 dmg)
  174. 9:03 PM - Amell: [Gonna have to do better than that]
  176. 9:03 PM - a piece of toast: ((can dellan take it instead since again, the armored one?))
  178. 9:03 PM - garrett: (naw it was like, she charged forward and as she headbutted him he stabbed her)
  180. 9:03 PM - Amell: [They're in grapple distance]
  182. 9:03 PM - a piece of toast: ((ah, kay then))
  184. 9:03 PM - garrett: (yeah)
  186. 9:04 PM - a piece of toast: ((hm, sword or bow? she's not doing super damage with either tbh))
  188. 9:04 PM - a piece of toast: ((can aki use short swords/light blades?))
  190. 9:05 PM - garrett: A familiar figure also walked onto the scene, wielding similar daggers defensivly. "I told you, you shouldn't have chosen him, Martius." You recognize her as Dealia.
  192. 9:06 PM - Amell: Aki felt the burning sting as dagger punctured her back, a distantly registered thing in her mind, barely ackowledged over the white-hot rage. The vashoth had a great deal more mass than the assassin, and she capitalized on it, using her momentum and throwing her weight into, trying to pin him to the ground as her fingernails raked her face, seeking to gouge out his eyes.
  194. 9:06 PM - Amell: *his face
  196. 9:07 PM - garrett: strength might agaiiiin
  198. 9:09 PM - a piece of toast: Dellan unsheathed her sword, taking a stance and beginning to hum low under her breath, attention on the assassin. She scowled, reddened teeth flashing.
  200. 9:12 PM - garrett: (got a 19, dd6 as a counter roll to push off) Martius pushed off of the large horned woman, grabbing his weapons again and standing on the other side of where Dealia was. "No, it shouldn't end that early. I'm not done with you two yet." he panted.
  202. 9:13 PM - a piece of toast: ((plz hold as i try to do math))
  204. 9:14 PM - Amell: Aki growled as she was shoved off the assassin, immediately clawing at the ground for purchase. She had bought Dellan a few seconds, and knowing her, that was all she needed to get ready. "Shoot!", she called out.
  206. 9:15 PM - garrett: (Well shit, double ones. and u hit btw)
  208. 9:16 PM - a piece of toast: ((8 whole sword damage, a+))
  210. 9:16 PM - a piece of toast: ((i want the 1s to go away))
  212. 9:18 PM - a piece of toast: Dellan slipped behind Martius while his attention was caught by Aki, driving her shortsword into his back as she moved.
  214. 9:19 PM - a piece of toast: ((so gf what's this guy's armor and defense like?))
  216. 9:20 PM - Amell: [my turn?]
  218. 9:20 PM - garrett: Martius was barely scratched, as Dellan got the advantage for the moment, "Finally, someone who is skilled in blades. It's been such a horrible time teaching your friend Faron, no wonder he ran. Now, my turn." (got an 18 for attack) (he has heavy leather and df is preeety high)
  220. 9:20 PM - a piece of toast: ((unless it was a DD6 he's out))
  222. 9:21 PM - garrett: (nope, 2)
  224. 9:21 PM - a piece of toast: ((and is dealia just standing there going "IT'S A TWEEEEST" still))
  226. 9:21 PM - Amell: [Who'd he attack?]
  228. 9:21 PM - garrett: (dell)
  230. 9:21 PM - garrett: (shhh lmao)
  232. 9:22 PM - garrett: (she's mustering up the will to hurt y'all)
  234. 9:22 PM - Amell: [Oh no. Not Dealia : ( ]
  236. 9:24 PM - a piece of toast: "I'll take that compliment," Dellan said as she darted out of the way of his attack, watching him closely. "I wonder if you found Dealia as poor a charge, or has she managed on her own? From what I've seen of her fighting it's rather impressive for someone we picked up in a logging town."
  238. 9:24 PM - Amell: Aki once again rushed the hooded assassin, not bother to waste time with words. She was going to rearrange his face, and then Dealia's, and she didn't care if she was going to be full of holes by the end of it.
  240. 9:24 PM - Amell: Aki once again rushed the hooded assassin, not bother to waste time with words. She was going to rearrange his face, and then Dealia's, and she didn't care if she was going to be full of holes by the end of it.
  242. 9:31 PM - garrett: (got a 16 to dodge, with one stunt point) Martius dodged out of the way, "Ah no, that's not quite going to do it." he replied breathlessly. "Dealia!" he called out to the rogue not too far from him.
  244. 9:33 PM - a piece of toast: While he was once again distracted, Dellan set in for another backstab.
  246. 9:38 PM - garrett: (sorry sorry its getting so hard to pay attention rn)
  248. 9:38 PM - a piece of toast: ((it's ok, i have to keep doing Math so take your time))
  250. 9:39 PM - a piece of toast: ((did he take all 14 damage since there was a pierce armor?))
  252. 9:39 PM - garrett: (yeah)
  254. 9:39 PM - a piece of toast: (( \o/ ))
  256. 9:47 PM - garrett: Dealia stared down the pair, tightly gripping both of her daggers. "I'm so sorry." she said queitly, before lunging for Aki first. (19 attack, doubles and dd 6)
  258. 9:47 PM - a piece of toast: ((jfc))
  260. 9:48 PM - Amell: [et tu, Dealia?]
  262. 9:48 PM - garrett: (lmao)
  264. 9:49 PM - garrett: (12 DMG)
  266. 9:49 PM - garrett: (okay moving 2 main chat now)
  268. 9:49 PM - garrett: (because caro is here)
  270. *
  272. [now we're in chat \o/ ]
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