
Kappa Guild Rules

Feb 2nd, 2018
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  1. Guild Rules
  3. Overview
  4. ========
  5. We have worked to establish a baseline expectation of player behavior. This agreement is designed to eliminate player attacks, and penalize any breach of these rules making such attacks and violations unprofitable and game ruining for any miscreants.
  7. tldr; (Please read the detailed rules below)
  8. ========
  9. • Guild-members are not allowed to attack or revenge the strongholds of other players without authorization.
  10. • Guard Towers in the first 5 columns are free to attack and MUST NOT BE DESTROYED by the attacker or defended by the city.
  11. • Violators of these laws will be kicked from their guild and banned from all guilds on the server.
  12. • "Don't be a dick."
  14. Section I: Kappa Guild Rules
  15. ========
  16. 1) Kappa members will not attack or revenge other member guild's strongholds unless authorized.
  17. a) If you have been attacked or feel you should be able to attack them for any reason you must report to a Kappa Minister (they will have a blue shield emblem in the Members list) and have them instruct you. Do not take the law in your own hands.
  18. b) Authorization means you have been instructed that attack is permitted by a Kappa Minister in a public forum where others can witness it, OR the players unique ID is present on the Ban List located at:
  19. c) It is your responsibility to ensure you are attacking a valid target, miss-clicks are not an excuse.
  20. d) Breaking the spirit of the law is the same as breaking the law. Don't attempt to lawyer your way through a clever loophole, you will get banned.
  22. 2) Abuse is not tolerated.
  23. a) We are a guild of gamers; profanity, insults, and BM is unfortunately a part of that. The line we are concerned about will be obvious to everyone, if you cross that line into abuse or other anti-social actions you will be asked to leave.
  24. b) We support free speech, but what you say in our guild is not free of consequences. Kappa is not the platform for your controversial hot take. No politics, no race issues, just keep it game focused.
  25. c) Tirades in World about being attacked, PvP'd or having a cart stolen is immature and pointless behavior that is embarrassing to your guild-mates. Doing so will result in a time out, or stern talking to. Don't demand people follow your way of doing things or your standard of "honor", suck it up and play the game.
  26. d) Ganking the same people over and over again is a dick move. If we get complaints and ask you to stop, we expect you to stop.
  28. 3) All players have equal opportunities.
  29. A) All towers from any kingdom are free to attack with the following restrictions:
  30. a) You are forbidden from destroying a Guard Tower under any circumstance.
  31. b) You are forbidden from defending any tower, EXCEPT for the Defensive Renown tower located adjacent to the Citadel:
  32. i) For the limited purpose of gaining renown via a prearranged attack.
  33. ii) For no longer than the duration required for that attack, or 10 minutes, whichever is less.
  34. iii) If the Defensive Renown tower is being defended, you may not defend it until the other player removes his defense. Arrange for access in your City (not House chat!)
  35. c) You may not attack if a tower is being actively engaged without permission. Always try to attack towers that are not on fire to avoid being accused of leeching! Some situations where this occurs:
  36. i) If your target is on fire and someone is present and attacking, you need to check where they are targeting.
  37. ii) If someone shows up claiming a damaged tower is one they are working on.
  38. d) The Defensive Renown tower located adjacent to the Citadel may be defended at any moment and therefore is extremely risky to attack.
  39. i) By attacking the Defensive Renown tower you are accepting all responsibility for any losses that you may encounter.
  40. ii) Accusations of ninja defending do not apply to this tower even if the defense is unexpected or unwanted.
  41. iii) Defending the Renown Tower will likely result in troop injury or death. You assume all responsibility by defending it, make sure you arrange a trusted attacker.
  43. B) Normal Bonus spots (Gold, Wood, Elixir) are first come, first served and may be occupied for as long as you want.
  45. C) One-Shot bonus spots (Research, Building and Army boost) cannot be camped and must be evacuated after your queue has been filled. You have no more than 30 minutes on one of those spots before you are expected to leave. Overstaying your welcome will result in being relocated (kicked) to the capital without warning.
  46. a) Extended stays on these restricted spots are only permitted when you have asked the governor first, you also must show that you will need it again in less that 12 hours.
  47. b) Large and Giant cities Army Bonus spots are reserved for Prince overcap only! You must be above level 36 to use them, and you must ask the governor for access *before* moving there.
  49. D) Alts are second class citizens when it comes to guild resources.
  50. a) Alt accounts *must* reside in the city of their owner unless special permission is obtained.
  51. b) Unless they have special approval, they are not allowed to hold bonus spots or use tower resources.
  52. c) Please clear all Alt activity with leadership or risk having your alt removed permanently from the guild.
  54. E) The governor rules his city, obey his requests at all times. Ignoring them will expose you to possible guild punishment.
  56. F) Guild chat is a privilege!
  57. a) There are 2 dragon channels, one for common dragons, and the other for Elite and Legendary dragons. Placing dragons in the wrong chat, or any unrelated chat will result in being removed and having no further access to dragons. Pay attention, this is not hard.
  58. b) The Revenge Channel is for reporting violations and accessing revenge links. No other discussion should be happening there.
  59. c) Each Kingdom has Kingdom, House and City specific chats. Please think about who needs to respond to your request. Keep nonsense limited and information quality high, everyone is busy, use "world chat" if you want to talk about random shit.
  60. d) "All Kappa" is where official communications and statements appear. You need to monitor it for our instructions, if you miss them it is your own fault, no one will sympathize.
  62. Section II: Governor Responsibilities
  63. ========
  64. If you are a City Governor (Duke or Prince) you have additional obligations documented in the "Governors Guide" located here:
  67. Section III: King of Nore
  68. ========
  69. The King of Nore position (Emperor role) is determined by the candidates ability to best utilize the role by a proven record of honor accrual and a commitment to expend massive amounts of time during the two week period of their reign farming towers. They must show they have the resources available to succeed and their kingdom's support with the proper appointments during that time period. The title will be rotated as often as possible, but under-leveled kingdoms will be given a higher priority. Interested parties should contact leadership and be in the top 10 of honor production some time in the previous few months.
  71. We do not pre-announce who will be King of Nore before the capture phase. Do not ask or share that information, the people who need to know will be informed. You must not approach the Imperium during the capture phase unless instructed to. If asked to leave the area, you must do so. Failure to follow orders will result in loss of rewards. Make sure you log in during the 6 hours following the event and follow the instructions provided in chat to ensure you get the maximum rewards possible.
  73. The King of Nore chests are distributed in the following manner:
  74. * All members that have averaged at least 10k honor in the last 2 weeks are selected (this is achievable by simple collection!)
  75. * Members of the winning Kingdom are removed (as they are eligible to receive a "Victor's Chest")
  76. * Winners of King or Queen chests from the previous contest are removed
  77. * Anyone in bad standing, from rules violations or poor guildsmanship is removed
  78. The resulting list is randomized via and the chests are awarded in the resulting order. There is no further manipulation, and the KoN's awards are double checked to ensure it has been fairly executed. Good luck!
  80. Section IV: Colosseum
  81. ========
  82. Do not attack Kappa guild members in the Arena. We are trying to improve the entire team's performance against the enemies players on the other servers. Attacking a fellow Kappa member can never result in a net improvement in the guilds performance. As an organized team we can increase our member's aggregate returns over the enemy. Being attacked by your teammates is a very upsetting experience, we are all here to support and protect each other. Many people feel like they are forced by the game to only attack Kappa's, but intelligent use of the "Pair" reroll, by waiting at least 30 minutes between uses will result in a high rate of successful matches with the enemy. The final day of the event is "Free For All" and you may hit other members if you are trying to get high placement, but please be considerate if you are not competing for a top spot. The Final Rewards from 11th to 1000th place are almost identical, not worth hitting your brothers over.
  84. We will only enforce complaints given by the player who was attacked, and pressure to coerce a player to not report an attack is punishable, but what happens in the Arena stays in the Arena. You are always 100% responsible for your actions and if we hear from a player that you have attacked them you should assume that you will be punished. There is nothing to stop you from leaving Kappa, prior to and during the duration of the event if you want Free-for-All.
  86. Section V: Penalties
  87. ========
  88. 1) Any major violation is subject to immediate removal from your guild and server-wide ban from all others.
  89. 2) Misdemeanor crimes will result in a written warning, followed by a 2 day "Timeout" from your guild.
  90. a) During the Timeout you will not be accepted to other guilds.
  91. b) The Timeout lengths will increase with the number of infractions you have.
  92. i. Second Offense: 7 days
  93. ii. Third Offense: 14 days
  94. iii. Forth Offense: 1 month
  95. c) Too many infractions on your record may result in a permanent ban.
  96. d) You may also be suspended from future appointments.
  97. e) You may also be removed from the Emperor's Chest lottery.
  99. FAQ
  100. ========
  101. Q) Fuck Sakana and his rules.
  102. A) That's not a question, but I agree that guy's an asshole.
  104. Q) So you are saying that even if I attack one player fortress by accident and don't even get any loot you will kick me from the guild?!
  105. A) Maybe, you should always report if you accidentally attacked someone. Repeated offenses will look bad for you.
  107. Q) What about carts?
  108. A) At this time carts are hands off. There are so many better ways to get RSS than from theft (which creates drama.) Leave them alone.
  110. Q) What about PvP?
  111. A) PvP is not allowed unless be mutual public agreement (Both of you should state in world that you are dueling so neither can claim griefing later.)
  113. Q) This is still bullshit. Why do I have to read all this?
  114. A) You don't, but you will be treated the same as someone who has read the rules either way. We don't care. You are almost done reading this anyway.
  116. Q) The governor of my city doesn't let me use the bonus spot!
  117. A) Again, you are supposed to pose these as questions... But it is very likely that the resource you want is in high demand by higher level players. I know it can be a drag to be lower level and feel like a second class citizen, but as you get to higher levels you will realize the the game scales non-linearly. That means the build bonus spot you want so bad may save you several hours, but it can save the people you depend on to keep you safe several days. We prioritize for efficiency, so higher level requests have priority.
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