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- library(igraph)
- library(compiler)
- ffg.optim<-function(g, sample.size=100, ambassadors=1, multicore=TRUE, init.fw=.5,, hess=TRUE, ...){
- #_g_ is an igraph 'graph' object.
- #If _g_ has multiple edges and/or loops, they will be removed.
- #_sample.size_ is how many simulations to perform for each optimization iteration
- #Larger values increase the accuracy, yet decrease the speed.
- #_ambassadors_ is the ambassadors parameter for
- #It must be an integer greater than or equal to 1.
- #optim has a hard time estimating it.
- #Set _multicore_ to TRUE if you have this package installed and would like a speed boost.
- #_init.fw_ and _init.bw_ are the initial guesses for the forward and backward burning parameters.
- #_hess_ is to set the hessian logical argument in optim. Defaults to TRUE.
- #_..._ are other arguments to pass to optim. E.g., hessian=TRUE will provide a hessian matrix for the estimate.
- require(igraph)
- if (is.simple(g)==FALSE)
- g<-simplify(g)
- ambassadors<-round(ambassadors)
- if (ambassadors<1){
- ambassadors<-1
- cat("\n WARNING: ambassadors must be greater than or equal to one. Setting ambassadors=1 to correct user error.\n")
- }
- obs.stats<-function(the.g){
- dens<-graph.density(the.g)
- apl<-average.path.length(the.g, directed=FALSE)
- gtrans<-transitivity(the.g)
- return(c(density=dens, average.path.length=apl, transitivity=gtrans))
- }
- serr<-function(test.vec, obs) #Squared error function
- return(((test.vec-obs)/obs)^2)
- obs<-obs.stats(g) #Target observations
- min.this<-function(test.mat){ #Sum of squared errors
- a<-sapply(1:length(obs), function(x) return(serr(test.mat[,x], obs[x])))
- return(sqrt(sum(a)))}
- n<-vcount(g)
- fun2optimize<-function(params){
- fw<-params["fw"]; bw<-params["bw"]
- test.vals.wrap<-function(){ #This wrapper saves memory, as the simulations are never stored.
- temp.g<, fw.prob=fw, bw.factor=bw, ambs=ambassadors, directed=is.directed(g))
- temp.g.obs<-obs.stats(temp.g)
- return(temp.g.obs)
- }
- if (multicore&("multicore"%in%installed.packages())){
- require(multicore)
- test.vals<, mclapply(1:sample.size, function(x) return(test.vals.wrap())))
- }
- else
- test.vals<, lapply(1:sample.size, function(x) return(test.vals.wrap())))
- return(min.this(test.vals))
- }
- out.optim<-optim(par=c(fw=init.fw,, fn=fun2optimize, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=c(fw=.000000001, bw=.000000001), upper=c(fw=1, bw=Inf), hessian=hess, ...)
- return(out.optim)
- }; ffg.optim<-cmpfun(ffg.optim)
- g<, .1, 3, ambs=1, directed=TRUE)
-<-ffg.optim(g, 5000, init.fw=.3,, multicore=TRUE, control=list(maxit=10000, lmm=10))
-$par is usually quite off and the standard errors, sqrt(diag(solve($hessian))), produce NaNs due to non-invertibility of hessian matrix (positive values)
- #The target stats are usually good, though.
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