
More fun at the IRC

Oct 8th, 2013
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  1. [19:29] == Chainoffire [4b806ad4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
  2. [19:29] == mode/#wikia-kingdomhearts [+v Chainoffire] by ChanServ
  3. [19:29] <+Chainoffire> hello Roxas!
  4. [19:29] == ClonesofLA [77e03867@gateway/web/qwebirc/] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
  5. [19:30] <+Chainoffire> hey hey LA!
  6. [19:30] <ClonesofLA> hey Chain
  7. [19:30] <ClonesofLA> BlazBlue is out
  8. [19:30] <+Chainoffire> Watch this, it's amazing:
  9. [19:30] <+Chainoffire> Really!?
  10. [19:30] * Chainoffire runs to anime
  11. [19:30] == Chainoffire has changed nick to Chain|Anime
  12. [19:31] <ClonesofLA> and so will be LA's Kimi no iru Machi and LA's insulting of Mako Mermaids will continue!!
  13. [19:31] <ClonesofLA> yup
  14. [19:31] <ClonesofLA> *Machi review
  15. [19:32] <+Chain|Anime> woohoo!
  16. [19:32] <ClonesofLA> Kimi will be a raging romance review...not in the good way
  17. [19:32] <ClonesofLA> da**** GONZO
  18. [19:33] == XYZ123 [6c14b986@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
  19. [19:34] <+Chain|Anime> O.o
  20. [19:34] <ClonesofLA> and ohhh yeah something from the review LA forgot to say...
  21. [19:34] == XYZ123 [6c14b986@gateway/web/freenode/ip.]
  22. [19:34] ==  realname : -
  23. [19:34] ==  channels : #wikia-kingdomhearts
  24. [19:34] ==  server   : [DE]
  25. [19:34] ==  idle     : 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 30 seconds [connected: Tue Oct 08 19:33:34 2013]
  26. [19:34] == End of WHOIS
  27. [19:34] <ClonesofLA> in the Mako Mermaids review....the mermaids NOW know how to explode eletronics...
  28. [19:34] <ClonesofLA> ....huh?
  29. [19:34] <ClonesofLA> the?
  30. [19:34] <ClonesofLA> .....HAX....LA calls HAX
  31. [19:34] <+Chain|Anime> wait what?
  32. [19:34] <ClonesofLA> YUP
  33. [19:34] <ClonesofLA> MERMAIDS
  34. [19:35] <+Chain|Anime> alrighty then.
  35. [19:35] == XYZ123 has changed nick to RoxasXIIILK
  36. [19:35] <ClonesofLA> MERMAIDS => Powers to explode eletroncs
  37. [19:35] <ClonesofLA> WTFUDGE?!??!?!?!?
  38. [19:35] <ClonesofLA> DEUS EX MACHINA
  39. [19:36] <+Chain|Anime> he's a cool guy.
  40. [19:36] <ClonesofLA> mermaids can control water...not eletricity...their power management has gone from a mess to plain makng it up
  41. [19:36] <+RoxasNobody> Oh, hey guys!
  42. [19:36] <ClonesofLA> hey RN, RXIII
  43. [19:36] <+Chain|Anime> Hello Roxas! (That covers both of them)
  44. [19:36] <RoxasXIIILK> Lol cheater
  45. [19:37] <ClonesofLA>
  46. [19:37] <+Chain|Anime> :P
  48. [19:37] * Keyblade0|HDKHFM glomps him
  49. [19:37] <Keyblade0|HDKHFM> :D
  50. [19:37] <ClonesofLA> grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  51. [19:37] <ClonesofLA> BrookylnLA: Oi stop soundin' like a rotten dog LA!
  53. [19:38] <RoxasXIIILK> Ahhh xD sup man?
  54. [19:38] <+Chain|Anime> Key! Pai~
  55. [19:38] <Keyblade0|HDKHFM> Everything's going good :3
  56. [19:38] <ClonesofLA> PaiLA: You called
  57. [19:38] <Keyblade0|HDKHFM> Pai, Chain!
  58. [19:38] <Keyblade0|HDKHFM> :3
  59. [19:38] <ClonesofLA> <LA dopeslaps PaiLA>
  60. [19:38] <+Chain|Anime> There's a Pai LA!?!
  61. [19:38] <+Chain|Anime> *sigh* if only FR were here.
  62. [19:38] <ClonesofLA> LA: Just created
  63. [19:38] <ClonesofLA> JamesRollestonLA: OH hey L-
  64. [19:39] <+RoxasNobody> then we would have virtually the entire wiki
  65. [19:39] <ClonesofLA> <LA shoots JamesRollestonLA>
  66. [19:39] <ClonesofLA> LA: Annoying as ever James Roll your eyes Stony
  67. [19:39] <ClonesofLA> -sigh-
  68. [19:39] <+Chain|Anime> this was a bad time for FR to disappear
  69. [19:40] <ClonesofLA> ohhh Chain you watched Kyoukai no Kanata?
  70. [19:40] <ClonesofLA> or Log?
  71. [19:41] <Crono|Away> KnK is awesome
  72. [19:41] <Crono|Away> loved it
  73. [19:42] <Crono|Away> and so was kill la kill
  74. [19:41] <+Chain|Anime> Not yet >.<
  75. [19:41] <+Chain|Anime> My friend is an idiot.
  76. [19:41] <+Chain|Anime> He says:
  77. [19:42] <+Chain|Anime> SAO > Brotherhood, Deathnote, AoT, and Code Geass
  78. [19:42] <Crono|Away> .....
  79. [19:42] <Crono|Away> ..........
  80. [19:42] <Crono|Away> ....................
  81. [19:42] <Crono|Away> i'm done. goodbye
  82. [19:42] <+Chain|Anime> yeah.
  83. [19:42] <+Chain|Anime> Oh hai crono
  84. [19:42] <ClonesofLA> KnK?
  85. [19:42] <Crono|Away> [22:40:27] <ClonesofLA> ohhh Chain you watched Kyoukai no Kanata? <--
  86. [19:42] <+Chain|Anime> Kill la Kill?
  87. [19:42] <+Chain|Anime> oooh
  88. [19:42] <ClonesofLA> more like Hype la Hype
  89. [19:43] <ClonesofLA> ohh kk
  90. [19:43] <Crono|Away> too bad it actually lives up to dat hype
  91. [19:43] <Crono|Away> because its good
  92. [19:43] <ClonesofLA> got that FLCL feel
  93. [19:43] <Crono|Away> i cant say what episode 2 will be like but episode 1 had a fabulous start
  94. [19:43] <ClonesofLA> with Panty & Stocking's derangement into it
  95. [19:43] <Crono|Away> you say FLCL feel like that's bad .-.
  96. [19:43] <+Chain|Anime> FLCL + TTGT = KLK
  97. [19:43] <ClonesofLA> pretty much
  98. [19:43] <+Chain|Anime> I like FLCL...
  99. [19:43] <ClonesofLA> @Crono, no LA didn't mean it like that
  100. [19:44] <Crono|Away> Chuunibyou + Bleach = KnK
  101. [19:44] <ClonesofLA> YES
  102. [19:44] <Crono|Away> and i mean early bleach, before it sucked and pulled plot out of its ass
  103. [19:44] <ClonesofLA> yeah yeah >_>
  104. [19:44] <+Chain|Anime> Sounds right to me.
  105. [19:44] <Crono|Away> which is why i cant wait for tomorrow episode :')
  106. [19:44] <Crono|Away> anyway, g'night
  107. [19:44] <ClonesofLA> how about Sword Art On- LA means Elder SCroll- LA means Log Horizon?
  108. [19:44] <+Chain|Anime> night crono!
  109. [19:44] <Keyblade0|HDKHFM> Night, Crono
  110. [19:45] <ClonesofLA> night Crono!
  111. [19:45] <+RoxasNobody> night Crono!
  112. [19:46] <ClonesofLA> @Chain [15:43] <+Chain|Anime> SAO > Brotherhood, Deathnote, AoT, and Code Geass |seriously????
  113. [19:46] <ClonesofLA> the second season was a TOTAL MESS
  114. [19:46] <ClonesofLA> Asuna was the damsel in distress
  115. [19:46] <ClonesofLA> and it had that brother& sister in*est thing
  116. [19:47] <ClonesofLA> grahh gtg!
  117. [19:47] == ClonesofLA [77e03867@gateway/web/qwebirc/] has quit [Quit: Wikia webchat:]
  118. [19:48] <+Chain|Anime> true that.
  119. [19:49] <RoxasXIIILK> And then all was still yet again
  120. [19:50] <+Chain|Anime> *silence*
  121. [19:52] <+RoxasNobody> *more silence*
  122. [19:53] <RoxasXIIILK> *even more silence*
  123. [19:54] <+Chain|Anime> *silencing silence*
  124. [19:54] <+Chain|Anime> so... how about them heartless?
  125. [19:54] <+RoxasNobody> They're... bad...
  127. [19:55] <RoxasXIIILK> :)
  128. [19:55] <+RoxasNobody> haha
  129. [19:55] <RoxasXIIILK> But yea
  130. [19:55] <+RoxasNobody> Hey Roxas, I just noticed, why aren't you a channel OP?
  131. [19:55] <+Chain|Anime> BEGONE!
  132. [19:56] <RoxasXIIILK> Me a channel op? No one made me one lol
  133. [19:56] <RoxasXIIILK> Besides I was never on here enough
  134. [19:57] == RoxasNobody has changed nick to RN|Walking
  135. [19:57] <+RN|Walking> Be back in about 10 minutes
  136. [19:57] <RoxasXIIILK> K dude
  137. [19:58] <+Chain|Anime> kk
  138. [19:58] <RoxasXIIILK> And chain luv you too bro lol ;D
  139. [20:00] <+Chain|Anime> aww thanks :D
  140. [20:01] == RN|Walking [8240238e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
  141. [20:02] <RoxasXIIILK> Lol np
  142. [20:07] <Keyblade0|HDKHFM> Sadly, I might have to go for a few minutes
  143. [20:07] <+Chain|Anime> :(
  144. [20:07] <Keyblade0|HDKHFM> Just a few
  145. [20:07] <Keyblade0|HDKHFM> Then I'll come back
  146. [20:08] <RoxasXIIILK> Lol kk we'll miss ya ;)
  147. [20:09] <+Chain|Anime> ;)
  148. [20:09] <+Chain|Anime> I'll miss you more.
  149. [20:09] <RoxasXIIILK> ^untrue
  150. [20:10] == RoxasNobody [8240238c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
  151. [20:10] == RoxasNobody has changed nick to RN|Piano
  152. [20:10] <RN|Piano> I'm back!
  153. [20:10] == Keyblade0|HDKHFM [~Keyblade0@seiwa/khwiki/Keyblade0] has quit []
  154. [20:10] <RoxasXIIILK> Yay he's back.... With a piano xD
  155. [20:11] <RoxasXIIILK> Hit chain with it!!!
  156. [20:11] * RN|Piano hits Chain|Anime with the piano
  157. [20:11] * Chain|Anime has fainted
  158. [20:12] <+Chain|Anime> *RN|Piano gains + 50 EXP
  159. [20:12] <+Chain|Anime> * RoxasXIIILK gets the body
  160. [20:13] <+Chain|Anime> wait what!?! *shot*
  161. [20:13] <RoxasXIIILK> Damn I forget how to do that xD *runs away with body*
  162. [20:13] * RN|Piano is now level 35!
  163. [20:14] <+Chain|Anime> *victory fanfare plays*
  164. [20:14] <+Chain|Anime> (roxas, just do /. me)
  165. [20:14] <+Chain|Anime> with out the .
  166. [20:14] == Crono|Anime [] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
  167. [20:14] <+Chain|Anime> or the space
  168. [20:14] <+Chain|Anime> CRONO!!
  169. [20:14] <RoxasXIIILK> OHHH YEAAAA XD
  170. [20:14] <+Chain|Anime> I died :/
  171. [20:15] * RoxasXIIILK does happy dance
  172. [20:16] <RoxasXIIILK> Oh hey Crono
  173. [20:16] == Keyblade0 [6b065f13@seiwa/khwiki/Keyblade0] has joined #wikia-kingdomhearts
  174. [20:18] <+Chain|Anime> oh hai Key
  175. [20:18] <+Chain|Anime> i died. ;/
  176. [20:18] <RoxasXIIILK> Yet he still talks
  177. [20:19] <RN|Piano> hey Keyblade!
  178. [20:19] <Keyblade0> Hai peoples :3
  179. [20:19] <+Chain|Anime> the voice of the undead
  180. [20:19] <RoxasXIIILK> >_>
  181. [20:20] * RoxasXIIILK tapes undead mouth shut
  182. [20:20] <RoxasXIIILK> Yay :D
  183. [20:20] <Keyblade0> <.<
  184. [20:20] <Keyblade0> :p
  185. [20:20] <Keyblade0> Nobody looks to the left anymore lol
  186. [20:20] * Chain|Anime is muffled
  187. [20:21] <+Chain|Anime> bfffmssshhhaaammmm!!!
  188. [20:21] <RoxasXIIILK> .... To the left to the left everything you own in a box to the left :D
  189. [20:21] <+Chain|Anime> haaabbbkkksssffffffmmmhhfff!!!
  190. [20:22] * RoxasXIIILK wonders if chain can still feel pain....
  191. [20:22] <Keyblade0> o:
  192. [20:22] == Crono|Away [~SilverCro@seiwa/user/SilverCrono] has quit [*.net *.split]
  193. [20:22] == Sora1995|Cloud [uid1956@gateway/web/] has quit [*.net *.split]
  194. [20:23] <+Chain|Anime> !!!
  195. [20:23] <RoxasXIIILK> .....
  196. [20:23] <+Chain|Anime> YSSS I STLLL FLLL PMMM!!
  197. [20:23] <RN|Piano> !?!?
  198. [20:23] <RoxasXIIILK> >:3
  199. [20:23] == Chain|Anime has changed nick to Undeadchain
  200. [20:24] <+Undeadchain> ;_;
  201. [20:24] * RoxasXIIILK rips tap off chains mouth violently
  202. [20:25] <+Undeadchain> GGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
  203. [20:25] <+Undeadchain> ow.
  204. [20:25] * Undeadchain uses phenoix down
  205. [20:25] <RoxasXIIILK> >:3
  206. [20:25] == Undeadchain has changed nick to Chainoffire
  207. [20:25] * RoxasXIIILK is amused
  208. [20:25] * Chainoffire pulls out bond of flame
  209. [20:26] * Keyblade0 grabs popcorn.
  210. [20:26] * RoxasXIIILK stares oh yea? What you gunna do?
  211. [20:27] * RN|Piano steals some of Kb0's popcorn
  212. [20:27] <RoxasXIIILK> XD
  213. [20:27] <Keyblade0> Nuuuuu XD
  214. [20:28] * RN|Piano enjoys the popcorn
  215. [20:29] <RN|Piano> you make good popcorn, Kb)
  216. [20:29] <RN|Piano> *Kb0
  217. [20:29] <Keyblade0> X3
  218. [20:29] <Keyblade0> I miss the good ol times like this :3
  219. [20:29] <RoxasXIIILK> ...
  220. [20:29] * Chainoffire lunges at Roxas
  221. [20:29] <+Chainoffire> (Key: me too!)
  222. [20:29] * RoxasXIIILK also steals sum popcorn
  223. [20:30] * RoxasXIIILK gets out of the way and eats popcorn
  224. [20:30] <RoxasXIIILK> Wow this is really good
  225. [20:30] <Keyblade0> Nuuuuu
  226. [20:30] <Keyblade0> XDD
  227. [20:30] * Chainoffire goes over the popcorn
  228. [20:30] <+Chainoffire> yeah, what did you put in this?
  229. [20:31] <RoxasXIIILK> OMG so GOOD!!
  230. [20:31] * Keyblade0 whispers
  231. [20:31] <Keyblade0> MAGIC!~
  232. [20:32] <+Chainoffire> best magic evar!!
  233. [20:32] <RoxasXIIILK> Speak louder!!
  234. [20:32] <RoxasXIIILK> Ditto
  235. [20:32] <Keyblade0> :3
  236. [20:33] <+Chainoffire> you know what would go well with this popcorn?
  237. [20:33] <RN|Piano> What?
  238. [20:34] * Chainoffire stabs RoxasXIIILK
  239. [20:34] <+Chainoffire> MURDER!
  240. [20:34] <Keyblade0> X D
  241. [20:35] <RN|Piano> I'm disappointed there was no "muahahahaha" after that
  242. [20:35] * RoxasXIIILK looks down at the wound
  243. [20:35] <Keyblade0> XD lol
  244. [20:35] <RoxasXIIILK> Really?
  245. [20:36] <RoxasXIIILK> REALLY?!!
  246. [20:36] <RoxasXIIILK> REALLY!!!!!!!!!??
  247. [20:36] * RN|Piano uses Phoenix Down
  248. [20:36] <RoxasXIIILK> THIS WAS MY FAVORITE SHIRT!!!
  249. [20:36] <Keyblade0> Oh no
  250. [20:36] <RoxasXIIILK> GAHHHHHRRRAHHH
  251. [20:36] <+Chainoffire> that's why I stabbed you.
  252. [20:36] * RoxasXIIILK explodes
  253. [20:36] <RN|Piano> oh boy...
  254. [20:37] <+Chainoffire> MUAUAUAUAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!
  255. [20:37] <RN|Piano> There we go!
  256. [20:37] <+Chainoffire> :D
  257. [20:37] <+Chainoffire> Now who's going to clean up all this roxas?
  258. [20:37] <RN|Piano> Not it
  259. [20:37] <Keyblade0> *implodes roxas to cancel the effect*
  260. [20:37] <Keyblade0> Xp
  261. [20:37] <RN|Piano> wait, I'm the janitor, aren't I?
  262. [20:38] <RN|Piano> I totally forgot about that...
  263. [20:38] * RoxasXIIILK is sitting behind everyone
  264. [20:38] <RoxasXIIILK> Yea who is gunna clean up that mess
  265. [20:38] * Chainoffire notices there's still a bloodstain on the floor
  266. [20:39] <RoxasXIIILK> :D
  267. [20:39] <+Chainoffire> so... where's that blood coming from?
  268. [20:39] * RN|Piano starts backing away slowly...
  269. [20:39] * RoxasXIIILK points to chains chest where is is being ripped open from the inside
  270. [20:40] <RoxasXIIILK> He is*
  271. [20:42] <+Chainoffire> ...
  272. [20:42] <+Chainoffire> well sh*t.
  273. [20:42] * Chainoffire dies
  274. [20:42] <RoxasXIIILK> ;)
  275. [20:42] * RoxasXIIILK walks over to the corpse
  276. [20:42] * Chainoffire starts melting into the ground
  277. [20:43] * RoxasXIIILK casts cure
  278. [20:43] <RoxasXIIILK> I ain't dun with you yet!
  279. [20:44] <RN|Piano> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  280. [20:44] <RN|Piano> (sorry, that was a little delayed)
  281. [20:45] <RoxasXIIILK> ...
  282. [20:45] <RoxasXIIILK> Lmfao
  283. [20:45] <RoxasXIIILK> XD
  284. [20:46] * Chainoffire is revived
  285. [20:46] <+Chainoffire> (sorry, that was a little delayed)
  286. [20:46] <+Chainoffire> :P
  287. [20:46] <+Chainoffire> You're not done with me?
  288. [20:46] <RoxasXIIILK> Nope....
  289. [20:46] == Keyblade0 [6b065f13@seiwa/khwiki/Keyblade0] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
  290. [20:46] * Chainoffire pulls out bond of flame
  291. [20:47] <RoxasXIIILK> Oh no we ain't playin with those friend....
  292. [20:48] <RoxasXIIILK> I'm going to teach you not to ruin my shirt >:(
  293. [20:48] <RoxasXIIILK> *sky gets darkened*
  294. [20:48] * RoxasXIIILK holds out hand
  295. [20:49] * Chainoffire irises get red
  296. [20:49] <+Chainoffire> o really?
  297. [20:49] <RoxasXIIILK> $75.
  298. [20:49] <+Chainoffire> WHAT!?!?
  299. [20:50] <+Chainoffire> where the heck did you buy that shirt?
  300. [20:50] <RN|Piano> Must've been custom fit
  301. [20:50] <RoxasXIIILK> That's what I asked mom >_>
  302. [20:51] <RoxasXIIILK> But the shirt was like 40 the extra 35 is for the inconvenience :p
  303. [20:51] <+Chainoffire> your mom still buys you clothes? ha! you wimp! I bet you eat sea salt ice cream!
  304. [20:51] <+Chainoffire> Inconvenience!?!
  305. [20:51] * Chainoffire throws Roxas a pink shirt
  306. [20:52] <+Chainoffire> wear this.
  307. [20:52] <RoxasXIIILK> Do you want to DIE!? and she got that one :p
  308. [20:53] <RoxasXIIILK> And what's wrong with sea salt ice cream say that again!
  309. [20:54] <RoxasXIIILK> I'll chop you up and feed you to the neighborhood dogs
  310. [20:54] <+Chainoffire> fool! Sea salt ice cream is for wimps!
  311. [20:54] <RN|Piano> And then have sea salt ice cream because it's delicious!
  312. [20:54] <RoxasXIIILK> @RN he must wanna die yea?
  313. [20:54] <+Chainoffire> Daisy Sorbet is a mans ice cream!
  314. [20:55] <RN|Piano> XD
  315. [20:55] <RoxasXIIILK> ... Lol oh yea
  316. [20:55] <+Chainoffire> ( )
  317. [20:55] <RoxasXIIILK> XD
  318. [20:56] <RN|Piano> Only the manliest of men dare to eat Daisy Sorbet!
  319. [20:56] <RoxasXIIILK> ^ ditto
  320. [20:56] <+Chainoffire> darn straight!
  321. [20:56] <+Chainoffire> now. PREPARE TO DIE!
  322. [20:56] <RN|Piano> Me? or Him?
  323. [20:57] <+Chainoffire> MAINLY BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE THAT MUCH MUNNY!
  324. [20:57] <+Chainoffire> Roxas.
  325. [20:57] <+Chainoffire> ... XIIILK
  326. [20:57] <RoxasXIIILK> ... We are both roxas
  327. [20:57] <RoxasXIIILK> There we go
  328. [20:57] <RoxasXIIILK> Anyway if you want to die then come
  329. [20:58] * Chainoffire puts hand up toward the sky
  330. [20:58] <+Chainoffire> *darkness surrounds the room*
  331. [20:58] * RoxasXIIILK looks around
  332. [20:58] <RoxasXIIILK> Cute trick
  333. [20:58] * RN|Piano turns on his flashlight
  334. [20:59] <RoxasXIIILK> ^ xD
  335. [20:59] <+Chainoffire> >_>
  336. [20:59] * Chainoffire cuts flashlight in half
  337. [20:59] * RN|Piano turns on his other flashlight
  338. [20:59] <RoxasXIIILK> :o
  339. [21:00] * Chainoffire throws rock at flashlight
  340. [21:00] * RN|Piano lights his torch
  341. [21:00] * RoxasXIIILK punches chain in the face
  342. [21:00] * Chainoffire gets a nosebleed
  343. [21:01] <+Chainoffire> it's from the punch! I swear!
  344. [21:01] <RoxasXIIILK> Sure it is ;)
  345. [21:01] <+Chainoffire> Akuroku all the way.
  346. [21:01] <+Chainoffire> I mean..
  347. [21:01] <+Chainoffire> look! shiny!
  348. [21:01] * RN|Piano groans
  349. [21:01] <RoxasXIIILK> .... O_o
  350. [21:02] <+Chainoffire> ....
  351. [21:02] <RoxasXIIILK> ....
  352. [21:02] <RoxasXIIILK> XD LMFAO
  353. [21:02] <+Chainoffire> uh... RN, please tell me that was out of pain.
  354. [21:02] <+Chainoffire> xD
  355. [21:02] * RoxasXIIILK rolls on the floor laughing
  356. [21:03] <RN|Piano> the groan?
  357. [21:03] * RoxasXIIILK banging fists on floor
  358. [21:03] <RN|Piano> No, it was mor of an "oh god, not this" groan
  359. [21:03] <RN|Piano> *more
  360. [21:03] * Chainoffire can't stop crying
  361. [21:03] <+Chainoffire> that was a poorly placed groan
  362. [21:03] <RN|Piano> No, I didn;t mean it that way...
  363. [21:03] <+Chainoffire> just saying
  364. [21:04] <+Chainoffire> aaaaand this just went from PG to PG-13
  365. [21:04] <RN|Piano> and with that I have to go
  366. [21:04] <RoxasXIIILK> Aww poor chain is crying ;p lol kk buddy :3
  367. [21:04] <RN|Piano> but first, do either of you know a camera that picks up sound well?
  368. [21:04] <RoxasXIIILK> Nopeeee
  369. [21:04] <+Chainoffire> nope sorry!
  370. [21:04] <+Chainoffire> I'm pastebinning this.
  371. [21:05] <RoxasXIIILK> Do it!!
  372. [21:05] <RN|Piano> absolutely!
  373. [21:05] <RN|Piano> alright, good night you two
  374. [21:05] <RN|Piano> play nice while I'm gone
  375. [21:05] <RoxasXIIILK> Nite :D
  376. [21:05] <+Chainoffire> night Roxas ~ <3
  377. [21:05] <RoxasXIIILK> Lol idk I think chain has sum other ideas
  378. [21:05] <RoxasXIIILK> XD
  379. [21:05] == RN|Piano [8240238c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: I'm going to look back at this in the next few days and wonder what the hell I was thinking...]
  380. [21:05] <+Chainoffire> yes, yes you will
  381. [21:05] <+Chainoffire> and yes, yes I do
  382. [21:07] <+Chainoffire> okay, I'm attempting to pastebin
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