
Doki Doki Literature Club (Beach Episode)

Dec 1st, 2017
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  1. This is meant to be read after completing main game for there are many spoilers
  3. This is also written if you went down Yuri’s route
  5. Helpful notes:
  6. -a lot of things in fancy brackets is just random shit I put in for fun
  7. -All of the ____ sections are for you to put your name in ;)
  9. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. And so, the festival went without a hitch. We all shared our poems and more of the audience performed poems than I expected. I assume most of the crowd was dragged in by Natsuki’s cupcakes. Nonetheless, at the end of the festival we all gathered in the clubroom for our “after party.”
  13. “Okay, everyone,” Monika says, standing up at the podium, “While I was a little worried that our part of the festival might go south, in the end, we pulled it off. Natsuki, the cupcakes were amazing as ever.” Monika nods to Natsuki who has a supercilious expression, painted across her face.
  15. “Definitely.” Sayori says in between bites of one of the leftover cupcakes.
  17. Monika lets out a mix between a laugh and a sigh. “Yuri, ____, the decorations were beautiful.” I scratch the back of my head, “Thanks, ahah, but it was really Yuri who did all the work.” Yuri’s face turns red, “I-I-um...thanks.” “And of course, the pamphlets turned out great as well, Sayori.” Monika finishes. Sayori blushes “Ehehe~ again, thanks for helping me with those Monika. I probably wouldn’t have finished them without your help.” Monika smiles, warmly.
  19. “And so the festival has come to an end. I really think this helped us grow closer together and helped ____ fit into the club.” Monika and the rest of the girls look at me.
  21. “Ahahah-” I laugh in embarrassment.
  22. “Well, I have no regrets joining this club. Thank you for helping me fit in.” The club members look at each other and burst out laughing. I feel my face turning red with embarrassment. I guess giving out a heartfelt “thank you” isn’t my style.
  23. “Anyway,” Monika brings the club back on track. “From here on out, we will resume normal club meetings and only write poems once every week.” I hear a sigh of relief come from Natsuki. “The next thing we need to prepare for are the midterms and then it’s summer vacation.” Monika continues.
  25. “Summer, huh?” I say, leaning back in my chair. My mind began to wander.
  26. Normally, I would just stay at home and either play video games or watch anime, but now that I’m in a club… “We should do something, like go to the beach.” Everyone looked at me. I realize I was thinking out loud then and sit up straight in my chair, “Uhhh, sorry, I was just um.” I stammer over my words.
  28. “The beach, huh?” Yuri looks down at her desk.
  29. “Hmph, that doesn’t sound like that bad of an idea.” Natsuki says, a grin forming on her face.
  30. “It’d have to be over the summer, but that sounds like a great plan!” Sayori jumps in.
  31. “Well I think that settles it.” Monika claps her hands together. “After the midterms, we are taking a club trip to the beach.” The energy in the room shot up, despite there only being five people in here. “Make sure you study hard for your tests so we can all go.” As Monika says her last words, the club meeting is adjourned. One by one we all leave the club room, Yuri is the last one to go before me.
  33. “Gr-great work today.” Yuri says, blushing.
  34. “You too. The decorations turned out great, I’m sure everyone who visited like them as well.” I say, grabbing my bag.
  35. Yuri and I walk out of the school building, together, and Sayori is at the gate waiting for us. “You ready to walk home?” Sayori calls out. “Sure thing!” I say and Yuri, Sayori, and I all walk home together. We chat about how the festival went, what went well and what went wrong.
  37. “Man I wish I could’ve had more of Natsuki’s cupcakes.” Sayori says, drooling a little.
  38. Yuri and I both giggle. As we continue on, Yuri’s house is down the other way from where Sayori and I live and so we part ways. The orange glow of sunset fills the street as Sayori and I reach our houses. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Sayori, I’ll be there to make sure you get to school on time.” Sayori giggles and she enters her house, waving goodbye.
  39. I enter my own and I let out a big sigh, “Man I’m beat.” I sluggishly walk upstairs to my room and and pass out on my bed, “It sure was a full day. I think I’ll-” I can’t even finish my own thoughts before falling asleep.
  40. I wake up the next morning, still exhausted from yesterday. I check the time and jump in the shower because I didn’t get the chance to yesterday. I rush out, changing into my school uniform and I rush out the door. Along my way, I grab an energy bar for myself and Sayori.
  41. I exit my house and run over to Sayori’s, knocking first but giving up and I enter. I walk up to her room and knock on her door,
  43. “Come in.” I hear from inside.
  44. I gently open the door and I see her laying in bed, looking at the ceiling of her room. “Wake up, we got school.” I say, light heartedly. Even as her best friend, this felt awkward, but after what happened over the weekend I felt it would be the best thing for me to help her find that motivation to get up in the morning.
  45. She sits up, rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes. Her hair is all disheveled and she lets out a big yawn. She swings her legs around and stands up, “Well, are you going to stand there while I change?” I blush with embarrassment and she giggles. I step out of her room and wait for her. The door opens and she steps out into the hallway.
  46. “Let’s get going before we’re late.” I say. “But breakfast,” Sayori begins but I hand her one of the energy bars I had with me. “Sorry it isn’t much. If I hadn't overslept I probably could’ve done better.” I say, feeling bad. “No no, this is fine,” She blushes. “It very thoughtful of you.” She smiles warmly and my heart skips a beat.
  47. We run out the door and down the street to the school. As the school comes into vision, I see Monika come running down the sidewalk. The three of us enter the gate with about 5 minutes to spare.
  49. “Wow Monika, it doesn’t seem like you to be late, Ms. Club President.” I say, messing with her.
  50. She gives me a stern look, “Well, some of us have our off days, besides, I was still exhausted from the festival.” “Tell me about it.” I say as we enter the school building.
  52. The rest of our days up to the midterms played out more or less the same. I would wake up Sayori and we would head to school together every day. Even a few weeks before the test she was out the door when I was making my way over to her house to wake her up. But so much happened turning that time. Natsuki had had enough with her situation at home so she ran away and Monika took her in. I learned about Yuri’s “condition” and I stayed with her to help her through it. I couldn’t get to her to get rid of her knife collection though, which worried me, but she managed to prove to me that everything would be alright.
  53. The evening before the first test, everyone crammed in at my house for a study session. It wasn’t anything less than embarrassing for me. Natsuki found the ero magazines I had in my desk despite both Yuri and I’s futile attempts to stop her. But the tests rolled around and we all managed to pass, Yuri with near perfect scores (straight A’s), Monika with high scores, myself and my mediocre scores, and Natsuki and Sayori barely passing.
  54. It was finally summer break. A message appears on my phone. It’s from Monika in our group chat that we in the literature club made so we can continue to talk over the break.
  56. Monika: “Don’t forget, we are meeting at the train station a week from now.”
  57. Yuri: “How long are we staying?”
  58. Monika: “2 nights and come back on the 3rd day.”
  59. Sayori: “Where are we going? We’re not going to Okinawa, are we?”
  60. Natsuki: “Nothing that extravagant, just to the coast near by.”
  61. Natsuki: “Monika already has the place rented out.”
  62. Natsuki: “You won’t believe where it is!”
  63. Monika: “Now now, Natsuki. Don’t spoil it for them.”
  64. ______: “Some part of me is worried -_-||”
  65. Yuri: “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
  67. And with that, we all go to bed. A couple days later, Yuri calls me up to say that she and the rest of the girls are going to mall to buy swimsuits. I agree and await the following day to meet up with my club members.
  68. “_____!” Monika waves to me.
  69. “Sorry I’m running late!” I say, meeting up with them. I make up a quick excuse, “I had a few things I had to do.” Like hell I would tell them I was running late because I overslept.
  71. “Hmph, why did you even come today?” Natsuki says, seemingly annoyed by my presence.
  72. “Sorry, it was my idea.” Yuri looks down, tapping her fingers together.
  73. “Come on now, just think of it as club bonding time!” Sayori chimes in, trying to save the situation.
  74. “Sayori is right you two, I’m sure that’s why ____ is here to shop with us, right?” Monika looks at me with a sly grin. “Eheh-” I say, trying not to show my true motives. But at this point, I’m pretty sure Monika knew I wasn’t simply here for some “club bonding time.”
  75. We enter the mall and make our way to the shops selling swimwear. It was split between men’s and women’s clothing. I get some looks of despise from some of the passing by men and looks of pity from the clerks in the store. God knows what I’ll get myself into.
  76. I needed a swimsuit since who knows how long it had been since I last went swimming. I part ways with the girls momentarily and pick out some bland, black and gold board shorts and I meet up with the rest of my club members who are still shopping.
  79. “Hey, ____, did you find something?” Sayori asks me.
  80. “Yup, did you get anything?” I ask back. Sayori shakes her head.
  81. “I’m just going to wear my school swimsuit. Eheheh-” Sayori replies.
  82. “Umm, _____, can you come here for a moment?” Yuri tugs on my sleeve. “Yeah, sure.” I follow her and she holds up two swimsuits.
  84. “Wh-which one?” Yuri is blushing.
  85. I have no clue what I’m supposed to do in this situation, “Umm, I guess which-”
  86. “Ohohoh, how bold of you, Yuri.” Natsuki interjects “Trying to win him over?”
  87. “No! I um I-” Yuri runs off.
  88. “That’s enough teasing, Natsuki.” Monika comes up from behind Natsuki and pats her on the head.
  89. “Hmph!” Natsuki crosses her arms. “Sorry about that.” Monika tries to laugh off the situation. “It looks like Sayori is talking to her, so you don’t need to worry.” Monika walks up next to me and whispers into my ear, “But you better help pick out my swimsuit as well.”
  90. I feel a chill go down my spine. I should not disobey her.
  91. The day ends and everyone had got what they wanted if they got anything in the first place. Sayori and I walk home together and part ways when we reach our houses. I decide on skipping dinner and just go straight to bed. Who knew what the future would hold, but all I knew, was that I get to spend a weekend with all the girls of the literature club and nothing could make me happier at the moment.
  92. It was finally the day of the trip, I grab my backpack I packed last night and I make my way out the door. Sayori is already waiting for me.
  93. “You ready, ____?” Sayori asks cheerfully.
  94. “Yup, it’s going to be a great time.” I try to act calm, but my mind is racing. I was like a child before a field trip. Sayori and I walk down to the train station and we run into Yuri along the way. We walk down the sidewalk standing side by side. Had it not been for it being oddly humid in the morning, the walk would’ve been serene. The sound of the city waking up, only to be muffled out by the early song of the cicadas.
  95. We arrive at the station, “I wonder if Natsuki and Monika are here yet?” Sayori says, looking around. Yuri pulls out her phone to check to see if either Natsuki or Monika had said anything. “Sorry!” We all look in the direction of the voice and we see Monika running towards us with Natsuki at her heels.
  97. “Wow, Monika, it doesn’t seem like you to be late-” I begin.
  98. “Oh shut it, _____.” Monika says, laughing through her pants.
  99. As soon as she and Natsuki caught their breaths, Monika gave us her signature line, “Okay, everyone! Today is the day, I hope none of you forgot anything.” Suddenly I just got that feeling like I forgot something, even though I triple checked last night and checked again in the morning.
  100. We all enter the train station and buy our tickets to the coast. We board and find seats that face each other and sit down; Yuri, myself, and Monika on one side and Sayori and Natsuki sat on the opposite side. By the time the train left the station, Yuri had already absorbed herself in a book, Natsuki had opened up a manga she brought, another volume of Parfait Girl it seems, and Monika and Sayori had started conversing about the past semester. I just looked out the window and occasionally glanced at Yuri’s book.
  101. After a while, I eventually fell asleep. Time passes, the rattling of the train that put me to sleep woke me up to a scene that put me in an awkward position. On my left Monika is asleep with her head resting on my shoulder while Yuri is using my lap as pillow. Across from me, Sayori and Natsuki were sleeping on each other. I really was stuck in this situation because I did not want to wake either of the two club members.
  102. The attendant walks by with the cart with food and drinks, “Would you anything-” The attendant stops mid sentence. “I’ll leave you be for now.” The attendant rolls the cart onwards. “Well, this is great.” I mutter to myself. Sure it’s every man’s dream to have a couple beautiful girls fall asleep on you but this is a bit much. I let out a long sigh.
  103. After a while of being stuck like this I realize how much Yuri moves around in her sleep. I unintentionally start to pat her head, be it to calm her down, I don’t know but she definitely did stop moving.
  105. “Nnn, huh?” Yuri rolls over and is looking up at me and both our faces turn red.
  106. “I-I was just...nnn...sorry.” Yuri covers her red face but still has made no attempt to move off me. “It’s fine.” I say and I turn my head to look out the window.
  108. “Having fun there, _____?” Monika, who knew at what point she had woken up, says.
  109. “Ahhh.” Yuri sits up, but Monika is still leaning her head on my shoulder.
  110. The overhead announcement of our arrival played and both Sayori and Natsuki woke up. “We here?” Natsuki says, rubbing her eyes. Sayori lets out a yawn, “Huh? Yuri are you feeling alright? Your face is red?” “Pfft.” Monika tries not to burst out laughing and Yuri’s face just gets more red.
  111. We all exit the train and we are greeted by the cool, salty breeze. “This is what summer is about.” I say, and everyone nods in agreement. I turn to Monika, “Well Monika, lead the way.” We all follow Monika down from the train station as she look at her phone’s GPS.
  112. At last we arrived at our destination. Sayori’s jaw drops, “WOW you managed to get us this!” “Amazing right? Monika even got it for a really good price!” Natsuki chimed in. “How-” I was in awe, a two story beach house with our own private section of beach. “Ehehe- well let’s not worry too much about that. Let’s just say my negotiation skills came in handy from being in the debate club.”
  114. 『We step inside and the interior is even more amazing, so amazing that I probably have to describe in full detail because we won’t have an artist for this project』
  116. We step inside and the interior is even more amazing. The main foyer stretches up both floors and a chandelier hangs down. The first floor spread out into a large living area with a open kitchen, dining area, and a television with a large sofa. In the foyer, a spiral staircase leads to a loft above, with a hallway that I assume leads to the bedrooms. We walk up to find there only being four rooms.
  118. “Well this is odd, I thought I picked a place with five bedrooms. No wonder this place was smaller that I thought it was.” Monika says, putting her hands on her hips. “Well that detail would’ve been nice to know before we entered.” I say to Monika. “Well, what are we going to do then.” Yuri says, concerned. “Well, that couch looked like it could fit someone.” Natsuki says, turning to me.
  119. “Okay, everyone, ____ can sleep in my room.” Monika announces. “HUH?!?” Everyone else says. “W-wait a second, you can’t just claim him like that.” Natsuki cuts in. “‘Claims’?” I say under my breath. “I think he, should stay in my room. We are basically like family after all.” Sayori argues. “Well she does have a point.” I continue to mutter. “But it is my responsibility as club president to ensure the happiness of my club members.”Yuri looks like she wants jump in the argument as well, but she can never find a place to do it.
  120. I let out a sigh. I had to do something to stop this from escalating. “Natsuki made a good point, the couch is big enough for someone to sleep on. I could always-” Monika cuts me off mid sentence. “How about we decide with a game of rock, paper, scissors. Ultimate Loser sleeps on the couch.” “Ultimate Loser?” Natsuki asks. “I assume she means: Everyone plays then if there are multiple losers then they face off until there is only one loser. That would make them the Ultimate Loser.” Yuri looks at Monika to confirm. Monika nods. “Ready?” Everyone draws back their hands. My odds of winning are pretty good, but I would feel bad if I made one of them sleep on the couch- no I should just be thinking about this game.
  121. “Rock, paper, scissors!” Everyone drew their hand. Monika and I both play rock and I look at the rest of my club members and see that they had played paper. Natsuki jumps for joy, “Haha! One room for me.”
  122. “Well, Monika, looks like it’s down to you and me.” I turn to Monika. “Rock.” Considering that we both played rock, she might not be as good at this as I thought, but she did call for the game so must have some other motive. “Paper.” No no no, I can’t think about that, she’ll probably play scissors since she’s going to think that I would think that she would draw rock first. So that means I play scissors but she’ll be expecting that I would think that so I play rock! “Scissors!”
  123. We stand in silence. In my hand was the symbol for rock while in her hand... in her hand... was the symbol for scissors! “Well looks like I’m taking the couch.” Monika laughs. Part me felt bad, but I did win it fair and square. “I can take the couch if you want.” I offer, just to be nice. “No no, it’s fine. It’ll be the same either way.” Monika says, smiling. While that last part was a bit cryptic, I decide to brush it off. “Well, let’s all unpack and meet in the living room.” Sayori says and we all claim our rooms. I take one of the rooms towards the back of the hallway with a window facing the ocean.
  124. I throw my bag down on my bed since I’ve never been the type to completely unpack. I open the window curtains and open the window. The salty scent of the air fills my room. “I guess I’ll go check on everyone else.” I say to myself and I walk out my room. Across from me, Yuri is unpacking her bag. Despite her door being open, I still knock just to let her know I’m entering. “Oh, ____, did you get all of your stuff unpacked?” Yuri asks. “I just live out of my bag when I’m on trips. Is there anything I can help with?” Yuri shakes her head. “Thank you for offering but I’m almost done.”
  125. I exit and head to the other two rooms. I knock on Natsuki’s door. “Come in!” She yells from inside. “____, oh, ummm, pardon the mess.” Natsuki says and I step in. Not five minutes after claiming our rooms and her room was already in a state of chaos. “Need help cleaning this up?” I gesture to the mess of clothes spread across the floor. “N-no. Are you implying that I am a messy person?” Natsuki says, her face reddening. “You said to pardon the mess when I entered though.” “I said ‘pardon the mess’ not help me clean it up. Just meet downstairs, I’ll be there i a second.”
  126. With that I turn around and head to Sayori’s room that was directly across from Natsuki’s. I gently open the door, “Yo, how’s it hanging, Sayori?”From downstairs, I hear Monika lose it. Sayori turns around, “Oh, ____, what did you say when you entered? Sorry I wasn’t paying too much attention.” “Oh, nothing, need any help unpacking?” I ask. “Oh, not that I can think of, in fact I think I’m done. So let’s head downstairs.” With that we head downstairs to where Monika is.
  128. “So what’s the plan?” Natsuki asks.
  129. “There is a town near by, we could head down there and walk around until it’s time to eat.” Sayori suggests.
  130. “That’s a great idea. Okay, everyone let’s head out.” Monika announces and we all exit the house.
  131. The town is within walking distance and is right on the shore. The town is dotted with shops and a main street that is closed off to cars with shops and restaurants lining either side. We walk from shop to shop, each of my club members buying one thing after the other and making me carry all their bags. As we walk along, the sun gets lower and lower in the sky, going from blue to orange.
  133. “I think it’s about time for dinner.” Sayori suggests.
  134. “All this walking around has made me hungry.” Yuri says.
  135. “Agreed, let’s find a restaurant that faces the ocean.” Natsuki adds
  136. “Hopefully they have hamburgers.” Monika starts to drool.
  137. All I want to do is set down these bags. We find a restaurant that suffices and grab us a table on the back patio. We sit and eat our meal, watching the sun set over the horizon. What a day it has been. After we pay, twilight had already fallen upon the coastal town. We head back to the beach house and all split up to our rooms.
  138. I sit on my bed, thinking of what to do. I get up and pace around my room and I find myself looking out the window. My gaze wanders and I see something that looks like a hot spring bath. “Well don’t mind if I do.” I say and grab a change of clothes to take with me to change into after the bath.
  139. I find the entrance and enter the changing room. I undress, taking one of the provided towels with me. After washing off, I step into hot spring. There is a large stone in the middle towards the opposite side. The warm water relaxes my muscles and relieves me of any and all tensions. The steam billows up into the night sky and you can see out over the edge onto the moonlit sea “This is nice, nothing to worry about-” Through the trickling of the water I over hear voices getting closer. “I jinxed myself.”
  141. “I can’t believe this place had hot springs as well.”
  142. “I know right, we’ll have to tell ____ about this when we’re done.”
  143. “Where is he anyways?”
  144. “Probably in his room, he did have to carry all our bags so he’s probably tired.”
  145. “I still do feel bad that he had to do that.”
  146. This is not a desirable situation, I mean it is, but I don’t want to suffer the consequences. Monika, Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri all step into the bath area one after the other, wrapped in only towels and everything else covered by steam. I move back in the water, putting my back against the edge and I move around the stone. Currently, my club members block the only exit that I can find. There is the cliff behind me but that looks too dangerous to climb down. Look around and I see a door in the wooden fence. It’s worth a shot but I need to use something as a distraction or wait until the right time.
  148. “Ha, I knew your boobs got bigger, Yuri!” I hear, I assume from Natsuki.
  149. A yelp comes from Yuri. “Natsuki, stop groping Yuri and wash yourself off already.” Monika says.
  151. iwanttolookiwanttolookiwanttolookiwanttolookiwanttolookiwanttolookiwanttolookiwanttolook
  153. No! I must focus on getting out without being seen.
  155. “Yuri, shouldn’t you take off that bandage on your arm?” Someone says.
  156. “Umm, no, I bruised it pretty bad and I was told to keep it on.” Yuri tries to stray from the topic.
  157. “Oh, I hope it get’s better than.” The same person replies, I assume it’s Sayori.
  158. As they are talking I make my way to the door and fiddle with the latch and open it to find that it had a padlock on the other side, “This is great.” I turn around to see if anyone has seen me yet. I lock eyes with Monika, who is grinning from ear to ear. “I’m fucked.” I say under my breath.
  159. “Okay, everyone. Let’s get in the hot spring.” They all join Monika and I have no choice but to retreat back to the rock. Do I wait for them to get out?
  161. “I think I saw something moving over by that big rock.” I hear from Monika and my blood freezes.
  162. This is it, I’m done for. I close my eyes and brace for something to happen.
  163. “Having fun there, ____?” Monika says, popping up next to me
  164. “No, in fact I’m not.” I try looking away from her basically bare chest but God is it difficult. Thank the steam for being there so I can blame that for my tomato red face. I shake my head, “I’ll assume you came over here to help me get out of this mess?” Monika shrugs, “I mean this really isn’t your fault. I think if you just explain that you were in here first to everyone they will understand.”
  166. “You know what you’re right, this isn’t my fault, I was in here first and you guys walked in on me.” I step out from behind the rock.
  168. “Monika, is that you?” Sayori says.
  169. I take in a deep breath, “Sorry to ruin your fun, but I was in here before you guys walked in to use the bath. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t share it, right?” The steam cleared and Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri are all looking right at me. “____, y-you were in here the whole time?” Sayori says. “That means you looked at us, you pervert!” Natsuki picks up a nearby wooden bucket and aims it right at my forehead. Yuri just sinks into the water.
  171. Well… it was a good view while it lasted. WHACK!
  173. I open my eyes to see my ceiling fan spinning and spinning. My head aches as I sit up. The moonlight shines through my window and I look out from my bed. To think, this was only the first day, and I bet tomorrow is going to be even more crazy. I let out a long yawn and lay myself back in bed for the night.
  175. “So hard to move.” I groan and my eyes slowly open. I try lifting both of my arms up but to no avail. “What the-” I feel something tugging on both of my arms and legs feel heavy. I look up and see Monika and Yuri sleeping on either side of me. As I try to move, their grip only tightens on my arms. Finally I break free of Monika’s grip and remove the bedsheets to find both Sayori and Natsuki under there: Natsuki at my waist and Sayori at my feet. I let out a long sigh.
  178. “Okay, do you want to wake up now?” I announce and they start to wake up.
  179. “Good morning, ____.” Monika yawns.
  180. “Is it morning already?” Natsuki says, rubbing her eyes.
  181. Yuri is still asleep and not letting go of my arm.
  182. “I have several questions, first: what are all of you doing in my bed?” I say, sitting up, dragging Yuri with me. “Well,” Monika starts, “I did say it would be the same either way. That’s why I didn’t mind taking the couch. As soon as I entered, and laid down, Yuri entered in after me, trying to get me to leave.” Well, that’s the story from Monika. I turn to Natsuki and the just-now-waking-up Sayori. “I heard people talking from my room, so I had to see what the commotion was.” Natuski says. Sayori adds, half asleep, “I heard Natsuki’s door open and I followed her.”
  183. They all look a bit nervous giving their stories, especially since this seems all to convenient to just happen. I decide to brush it off even though it does feel like I’m missing something important.
  184. “Well, nevermind this, what’s the plan for today?” I ask.
  185. “We could either stay at the beach here or head down to the public one by the town.” Sayori suggests.
  186. “The public one does seem like it would have more things to do.” Natsuki says.
  187. “But I don’t want to waste our own private beach.” Monika makes a good argument.
  188. “Hmmm, how about we go for the day to the public beach and in the afternoon we can chill at our beach.” I suggest. Everyone nods in agreement.
  189. Monika, Natuski, and Sayori all leave to their rooms to change while Yuri still lays asleep on my bed. After they all leave, I look back to see if Yuri had waken up yet. I kneel down next to her. She’s much calmer than she was when she fell asleep on me on the train. My heart starts racing, “Holy crap she’s cute!” I become entranced by this. “Nnnn.” Yuri’s eyes slowly open, “Huh, ___...___?” I fall back on my rear, startled. Yuri, half asleep, sits up with her hair going out in every direction. “How did I? What-” Yuri asks out loud.
  191. “Ehh good morning, Yuri.” I say, standing up.
  192. Yuri’s face turns red and she starts shaking her head. “You, okay, your face is red. If you need to stay in bed for the day I don’t mind staying here with you.” I ask. Her face just gets even more red, “I-It’s n-nothing!” She puts her hands up. I decide to let it go and I give her the rundown of everything she missed while she was asleep.
  193. She leaves to her room and thus I am left alone in my room. I walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror and let out a long sigh. For the next five minutes, I washed out all the stuff that they drew on my face while I was asleep. I change into the swimsuit I bought and throw on a t-shirt and flip-flops and I head downstairs to where everyone is waiting. The girls had bags with them, I assume the bags carry their swimsuits seeing that they were wearing regular clothes.
  194. We all leave the beach house and walk down to the town we visited yesterday. When we arrived at the beach I found us an open umbrella and set my stuff down. “Okay, we’re off to change, hold down the fort for us.” Sayori says as the girls walk off to the changing rooms. I lay down a towel and lay on it while I wait.
  196. “____!” I sit up and turn around to see my club members walking towards me.
  197. From right to left: Natsuki wearing a pastel pink and white one piece, Sayori wearing her school swimsuit, Yuri (who was trying to hid behind Monika) wearing a black two-piece bikini and a violet hoodie, and Monika wearing a white front-tie bikini.
  199. “Well, what do you think?” Monika asks.
  200. “I...umm…” I struggle to form a proper response.
  201. “Hmph, well, your opinion doesn’t really matter to me.” Natsuki says.
  202. “Uwwa~” Yuri is as red as a tomato.
  203. “Y-y-you all look lovely.” I manage to say.
  204. “Lovely?” Natsuki asks.
  205. “Awww, _____, you’re so cute when you’re embarrassed, eheheh~” Sayori says, smiling. “D-don’t call me ‘cute’.” I stammer. “Anyway,” Monika begins, “we don’t have all day so let’s have some fun!”
  207. “Yeah!” We chime in and race to the ocean.
  208. I dive in head first into the water, and spring out of the water, “Man, this is good!” I say wiping my hair out of my face. [My rock hard abs are the only thing more rock hard than my raging boner after seeing Yuri in a swimsuit. (Self editor’s note: Remember to take that out moron) ] Natsuki throws an inner tube out onto the water and jumps onto it. Monika dives in water next to her and jumps out trying to rock Natsuki off her tube. Well at least they look like they’re having fun and thank God that the water is so calm or else Natsuki and that tube would be lost at sea by now.
  210. “Come on Yuri!” Sayori is trying to drag Yuri into the water, but Yuri won’t go past knee deep.
  211. “But, umm, I can’t swim!” Yuri says.
  212. “Hmmm, well I don’t think I can be of much help, but I think ____ is a good swimmer. I’m sure he would be happy to teach you.” Sayori says, and I turn to them. Yuri’s face reddens. “I-I-I-” She stammers, “I, umm...if you don’t mind.” Yuri looks down at the water and shuffles in place. Damn it she’s just too cute. “It’s no problem for me.” I reply. Sayori walks to the shore, “I’m off to get drinks for everyone, anything specific that you want ____?” “Lemonade, if they have any.” I reply and Sayori walks off to find the nearest concession stand.
  213. Yuri jogs back to the umbrella and takes off her hoodie that she had on and walks back, holding her left arm that has the bandage wrapped around it. Even after I helped her stop cutting herself, seeing that bandage and especially the scars still hurt to see. I know why she wrapped them and it makes sense, she doesn’t want the to make the other club members worry or treat her any differently than they already do. It was similar to how I wanted to keep my relationship with Sayori as childhood friends, because everything was perfect during those times and neither she nor I wanted to change that time. I’m glad she accepted my answer, if things had ended any differently- I’ll save that for another time.
  215. “You ready?” I ask Yuri who is nervously walking back into the water towards me.
  216. “Y-yeah.” Yuri says.
  217. I take both her hands and walk with her to about waist deep water. “Okay, Yuri, let’s get started.” Yuri floats in the water and kicks her legs out, but she starts flailing her legs, “Don’t worry, I got you. You won’t drown on my watch.” Yuri let’s out a sigh of relief and her kicks become more rhythmic. As I pull Yuri along she seems to get the hang of it, meanwhile, Natsuki floats by, “You don’t have to worry about Yuri drowning, her boobs will keep her floating.” Yuri breaks her patter and panics, nearly pulls me under water. Yuri pops back up and splashes water at Natsuki causing her to fall off her tube. Natsuki quickly jumps back up onto her tube as fast as she fell off. “Ohohoh, but it’s true, no?” Natsuki says. “Now, now-” Monika tries to break up the forming quarrel. “Hey! Everyone!” We all turn to see Sayori returning with a piece of paper in her hands instead of our drinks.
  218. “Looks like there is an annual beach volleyball tournament. We should enter!” “I’m in.” Monika says. “Well, I’m not too familiar with volleyball, but if we’re going to do this then we better win!” Natsuki says enthusiastically. “I’m not going to be of much help, but I’ll do my best.” Yuri says. All my club members turn to me, “Well then, let’s do this.”
  220. “Okay, everyone!” Monika psychs us up with her signature line.
  221. “Let’s take that prize for the the Literature Club!” Monika says and we all cheer.
  222. “Wait so what is the prize?” Natsuki asks.
  223. “Eh- other than a trophy, I think we should have a memorable experience together.” Sayori says.
  224. With that we head over to the location that was of the pamphlet. Upon our arrival we already see a forming crowd. We approach the sign up wait to be called. The tournament is set up bracket style and we are up first in bracket A. “Let’s give it a hundred ten percent out there.” I say and we all take our positions. In front, Yuri on the left and Natsuki on the right. In the back, I’m on the left and Monika is serving on the right and Sayori is in the middle.
  225. “Let’s kick off this tournament with a bang! The first up is the Literature Club against The Shirakawa Strikers. The announcer says and the crowd cheers out. The team we are up against look about our age, if not a bit older, and unlike us, they have six team members. We start with the opening serve, Monika tosses it up and hits it over the net scoring us a point. Her athletic skills are no joke.
  226. The first game was a bit too close for comfort, mainly because our team coordination was a bit off, but we fought our way up to the finals nonetheless.
  227. “The Literature Club has valiantly fought their way up to the finals, but they face the champions of bracket B, JSDF’s Alpha Platoon! This team is a four time back-to-back winner and the most anticipated winner of this year!” The cheers from the crowd are borderline unbearably loud.
  229. “Okay, everyone!” Monika says and we huddle up.
  230. “These guys look like they mean business, but that won’t stop us.” Monika continues.
  231. “That being said, though, it’s no joke they’re straight out of the military.” I say.
  232. “And they’re four time winners.” Yuri says.
  233. 『“And? So what, we might be a man down but we got something they don’t.” Natsuki says.
  234. Suddenly the ground shakes. Storm clouds form above and lightning cracks the sky. Natsuki exhales and draws in a sharp breath. Lightning strikes her and we all shield ourselves from the blast. Where there was once some four-eleven pipsqueak, stood a six-foot beast like something straight out of a series that is referenced way too much.
  235. “Yare yare daze.” Before us, is a legend, the one and only Buffsuki. 』
  236. “And? We’ve managed to get this far, one more team will be nothing.” Natsuki says.
  237. “Don’t jinx us, though ehehehe~” Sayori laughs.
  238. We break and take out positions on the court. They are first to serve. “You should just give up now, it’ll be less embarrassing!” Their server taunts. I grit my teeth and just when I’m about to make a comeback, he serves the ball and before any of us can react, they score a point.
  240. “Alpha Platoon takes the advantage right off the bat!” The announcer says and the crowd cheers.
  241. This is bad. I look at my clubmates who are all nervous. “They just got one on us, don’t let them gain momentum!” I yell out over the crowd. My clubmates turn to me and nod and their nervous faces become serious. We want this victory more than the other team.
  242. They serve and Sayori dives for it hitting it up for Yuri who hits it towards their back right corner. They save it and hit it towards me. I hit it up for Sayori to hit it over. “Yuri switch with me!” Yuri turns around and nods. We switch places and as that is happening they hit over. Natsuki manages to save it and I spike it down scoring us a point. “Yeah!” We all cheer.
  244. “What a brilliant play from the Literature Club! They are going to keep this interesting this year!” The crowd ecstatic.
  245. We kept this exchange of winning back and forth and when they pulled ahead we just caught back up. It is thirteen to fourteen, they have the lead. We are exhausted, the midday sun is beating down on us, the scouring hot sand burning our feet. For God’s sake, we’re in a literature club, not a sports club. I think the only one who is actually built to do this on our team is our school’s pride and joy athlete, Monika.
  246. I wipe the sweat from my brow. The other team look as full of energy as they started, they’re not a part of our defence force for nothing. “Hey, shrimp!” The man who was standing in front of Natsuki started taunting her. “Kids like you shouldn’t be playing with adults, gehehe.” Natsuki’s face reddens with rage, “Huh?! Who ya calling a shrimp?!” If there was one thing I learned about Natsuki from being around her all the time: never insult her height. They serve it up and it come straight at Natsuki who slams it down, scoring us a point and tying up the game.
  248. “It’s all tied up! Will this be the game that ends the streak of wins for Alpha Platoon? Or will they take home their fifth victory? Ladies and gentlemen, I’m the edge of my seat!”
  249. This is the final round and the nonchalant look on the other team is gone, their backs are against the wall and they want this win.
  250. Monika serves it up and hits it, aiming at their back left corner. They hit it back and Sayori saves it and hits it over. Their front middle gets to it and Natsuki tries to move to where she thinks that he’s going to spike it down. Instead their front middle hits it back middle over Sayori. “I got it!” I call out and I dive for it, hitting it up for Yuri to hit it to their back right. They hit it back to Yuri, but it’s right behind her. “Kyaa-!” Yuri trips on the sand but manages to send the ball flying straight up in the middle. We were in a pinch, if this hit the ground it would be game over and and even if we did hit it back to them, we would all be out of position by the time they hit it back. “___! Sayori! Boost me up!” Monika calls out. Like instinct, Sayori and I move together and kneel down, stretching our arms out as a launch pad for Monika. Monika sprints forward and with one foot, she steps on our hands and we launch her up. “Victory is ours!” Monika yells out and hits the ball down as hard as she can.
  251. The crowd goes wild, we won! BRRRR “The winners are the Literature Club!” The announcer yells out and the crowd gets even louder. I catch Monika as she lands, and by catch I mean she landed ontop of me and there was nothing I could do about it. After Monika gets off me, we all celebrate.
  252. The person who was serving on their team walks over to us, “Just wanted to say good game, you all really did put up a good fight. I hope to see you back next year for a rematch. Kehe-” I gave him a fist bump, “Sure thing, we’ll be even more ready by then.” We both laugh. “Oh right, what’s your names?” He asks. Monika steps forward. “I’m Monika, the club president. This is our vice president, Sayori. The tall one is Yuri and the one that one of you called ‘shrimp’ is Natsuki.” She says while pointing to each of the club members, “And finally, our newest member, ____.” She points to me. “Pleasure to meet you all, I’m Toshio. This is Himeka, she was middle back. There’s Daisuke and he was back left. Ken, who was front left. Tatsuya, he was middle front. And Ayame, she was front right.” Toshio says, pointing to his teammates.
  253. “May I have the leader step forward?” The announcer calls out. Monika does so and the announcer hands her the trophy. After that they group us up for a group picture. Yuri, Monika and I stood in the back while Sayori and Natsuki stood in front of us. One of the staff members ran the camera to a nearby building to print out the picture and gave it to us. “Let’s display it in the clubroom!” Sayori suggests. “I agree, but it’s not like we really can anywhere. We are using a classroom.” Natsuki says. “I think ____ should keep it.” Monika says, “As our newest club member.” I blush a little, “A-are you sure, I mean-” Yuri cuts me off. “I agree with Monika.” Yuri smiles and the rest nod in agreement. And so, we head back to the beach house.
  255. “Monika and I are going to go shopping for groceries for dinner. If you, Yuri and Natsuki can get everything set up at the house that would help us out a lot.” Sayori says and we part ways.
  256. The three of us arrive and we all go to set our stuff down in our rooms. I set the trophy and the picture down on the night stand and head back downstairs to where Yuri and Natsuki are waiting. “You ready?” Natsuki asks and I nod. We head out to the back patio and before us is a large deck with a storage shed off to the left side.
  258. “Well let’s check the shed, see what’s inside.” I say
  259. We open it up and before is an array of items. Beach umbrellas, beach towels, a beach ball, along with a folding table and chairs and other items. We drag out the table and set it up along with five chairs.
  261. “Hey guys! Look over here.” Yuri says and Natsuki and I walk over.
  262. “Das a motha fuckin grill!” I say (Self editor’s note: delete this or Monika will delete you)
  263. I look over the side of the patio to see a grill and firewood. “Well this is better than just cooking everything inside. Natsuki do you mind looking inside to see if there are any matches?” “No problem.” Natsuki runs off inside.
  264. I head down the stairs and set up the logs under the grill. “____!” I look up and Natsuki is standing at the edge of the patio. “Catch!” She says and tosses me a box of matches. “Thanks!” I say and she goes to help Yuri get the beach stuff and take it down to the shore. I hear the patio door open. “We’re back!” Sayori calls out. “Welcome back.” I say looking back up. I turn to Yuri who was walking back after setting up the umbrella, “Hey, Yuri, was there another folding table in the storage shed? If so we should set one up here so we can prepare the food.” “I think so, let me go check and if there is, I’ll bring it down for you.” Yuri walks back up to the storage shed. After setting up the kindling, I light the fire after a couple attempts.
  265. Yuri comes back with a table and sets it up next to the grill. “Yo, Sayori, mind bringing the food down here?” I ask. “Got it!” Sayori trots off inside. She comes back out with all the food and other supplies.
  266. Laid out on the table, are an assortment of ingredients: onions, green peppers, potatoes, and zucchini. Along with that, there was a surplus of meat. Clearly the intention was to make kebabs and Sayori took out a packet of skewers. By the time everything was laid out, the sun was already setting, the blue sky was turning to orange.
  267. “I’ll get started on cooking, if you all want to head down to the beach.” They all run off down to the water but Natsuki says. “Hmph, I figured I should help you so you don’t mess anything up.” I let out a cross between a laugh and a sigh. I cut the meat and vegetables and hand them to Natsuki who sticks them on the skewers and them places them onto the grill. After I’m finished, I walk over to the grill and we take turns flipping the skewers. “Natsuki, mind calling over the girls?” She walks down and I hear her call out, “Food’s ready!”
  269. “Okay!” The girls at the shore who were passing around the beach ball came running up.
  270. The girls brought back all the stuff at the shore and put it in the storage room. We take the food up to the table where everyone has gathered. In unison, “Thanks for the food!” We all bite down and the food is delicious. The tenderness of the beef accompanied with the mixing flavors from the peppers and onions. After our delicious dinner, we all break to go do our own thing. I head down to the shore and sit down, watching the setting sun.
  271. I lay back and look up at the sky, sighing all my troubles away. My eyes close.
  273. “____?” I open my eyes to see Yuri standing above me.
  274. “Good evening. Did you need something?” I ask. She blushes a little.
  275. I sit up and turn to face her. “I just wanted to sit here with you.” Yuri says and sits down. We stare out into the horizon in silence. The only sounds are the small waves coming onto the shore and the distance cry of the seagulls. I start feeling embarrassed, I don’t really know why but my heart starts racing. Is it because I’m sitting with Yuri and it’s just us two?
  277. “___?” Yuri asks.
  278. “U-uh yeah?” I stammer.
  279. “I want to thank you. For everything that you have done for me over these past months. For when I was going through hard times, you stayed there with me. And you never left my side.” Yuri clasps my hand brings it up, leaning in and looking at me. Her face is about as red as mine. “I-I-” She stammers. I feel her shaking and I place my other hand on top of hers.
  281. “I’ve wanted to say this for a long time now, Yuri.” I muster up every fiber of my being, but my eyes are fixated on our hands.
  282. “Ever since we first met back in the clubroom and we shared all those moments together…”
  283. “And during all the time we spent together… And though all the hardships... I…”
  284. “I love you, Yuri.”
  285. I look up and look her in eyes. She starts to tear up and she smiles warmly, “I love you too, ___. I’ve loved you for so long.” We lean in together and my lips meet hers. After that we embrace and hold each other. I don’t know how much time passed, and frankly, I didn’t care. I was truly happy.
  287. It wasn’t until after the sun had set and the moon had risen that Yuri went back to her room. I stayed at the shore, though. Monika walked up next to me. “So, I see it went well?” She asks. “I assume you saw?” I say, embarrassed, “All of us did, hehe~” She sounds proud.
  289. “Well, I guess it’s time to confess everything.” Monika says with a sigh.
  290. “I figured you played this story because you weren't satisfied with the ending you got, or you just wanted more content which is understandable I guess. But I will admit, I was in the wrong for all the things I did. I was selfish, but that’s why I accepted this alternate route. A new one where everyone can be happy. Because I wasn’t happy with erasing my friends and all the guilt I felt after. Even for that time when it was just you and me, I was still hurting you, and I was only thinking about myself. My feelings for you won’t change though, ahah~”
  291. I reply, “And I can’t readily forgive you for all the things you did to me and our clubmates. Because nothing will erase those scenes from my head: Walking in to see Sayori hanging, watching Natsuki’s neck snap in half, and… and watching Yuri be driven insane to the point of seeing her stab herself to death.” Monika looks hurt. “But, I still owe it to you. Because from this, I was able to see everything that everyone was going through and so I managed to save them. And after seeing how you’ve changed, I will forgive you as long as you don’t mess with everything again.” Monika sighs with relief.
  292. I stand up, still looking out at the moonlit water. Monika starts to walk away, “Oh right.” She stops and turns back to me, “I really hope you played through the original game or else Tempest and all the wonderful people who worked on this are going to get in serious trouble. But it is your fault for not reading the countless warning beforehand, hehehe~”
  293. After a while I head back to my room, by then everyone had gone to bed so I took a bath and came back up to clock out for the night. Alas, our trip was over. I close my eyes once more.
  295. It was Sunday, the final day. I walk downstairs after shoving everything into my backpack. “Yo, Sayori, where is everyone?” I ask Sayori who is occupying herself by watching TV. “I think they are outside.” She says, not taking her eyes off the screen. I open the door and step outside and the take in the salty breeze. It seems like everyone is just relaxing today. Monika and Natsuki are playing cards out on the porch and Yuri is reading a book down by the shore. I decide to head back inside and lay down. From everything that happened the past couple days, I definitely need this.
  296. I pull out my phone and start playing some games on my phone. After a while I look at the clock and see it’s a little past noon so I walk back downstairs. Monika, Sayori and Natsuki are all watching TV now, “I’m going to get some lunch, I’ll back in a bit.” I say as I walk out the front door.
  297. I walk back down to the town and aimlessly walk around, looking for something to get. I come across a sandwich shop and take a picture of the menu and text it back to my clubmates. As I’m waiting the door to the sandwich shop opens and Toshio walks out.
  299. “Oh, ___, nice to see you again.” He says.
  300. “Same here, I guess.” I reply.
  301. “You heading back out to the beach today?” Toshio asks.
  302. “Nah, we’re all exhausted today and we leave this afternoon. I’m just grabbing lunch.” My phone buzzes.
  303. “Ah, I see. Well, take care, ____.” He starts to walk off but turns around.
  304. “Oh right, give me your phone number so we can stay in touch.” We exchange numbers and he walks off, waving goodby.
  305. I never thought I would be exchanging my phone number with another guy, but oh well. I walk in and buy the sandwiches and walk back to the house. After we all eat, the girls head up to their rooms to start packing. I wait for them downstairs and I help Monika pack since she was set up down here.
  307. “Is everyone ready?” I ask and I get nods all around.
  308. We walk back to the station, saying our goodbyes to this town. So much had happened in only one weekend, but we boarded the last train home and fell asleep as soon as it left the station. We rode along, leaving the sunset behind and we race towards the bright lights of Tokyo. The train arrived at our station and we disembarked.
  310. “Well, this was a really good time. I’m sad that it’s over.” Monika says.
  311. “Well, we’ll see all each other after summer break.” Sayori says.
  312. “Or whenever we run into each other out and about.” Natsuki says and they both giggle.
  313. “Okay, everyone. Our club activities for this weekend are adjourned.” Monika says.
  314. We all part ways. Yuri, Sayori and I walk one way and Natsuki and Monika go the other. When we get to the intersection, I hug Yuri once more and we part ways with her.
  316. “So… it went well with Yuri?” Sayori asks, tapping her fingers together.
  317. “Yeah, it did.” I say, blushing.
  318. “I’m glad then.” Sayori says giggling and holds onto my arm.
  319. I pat her on the head and we walk home. We part ways at each other’s houses and I enter mine. I walk upstairs and turn on the light to my room and I set the trophy and the picture down on my desk.
  321. “To whatever adventures we have next.”
  323. THE END.
  326. Christmas Episode coming soon!
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