
(Bat) A Feeling of Resolve - 2

Aug 4th, 2013
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  1. >Three Alicorn princesses, a bat p0ny, and you, all sit in a dining hall in Canterlot Castle.
  2. >One very upset, and very disappointed white Alicorn sighs deeply as she begins to speak.
  3. >"Anonymous. Please tell me everything about that tower."
  4. >You groan and look over to Speck.
  5. "There was a bed, a chest with clothes, some books, and a chest with old trinkets I had back on Earth."
  6. >She nods slowly.
  7. >"Anything else?"
  8. "No."
  9. >Speck looks up at Celestia.
  10. >"There was a mirror on the top floor. Anon was sitting in front of it when I found him."
  11. >"Thank you Speck."
  12. >Celestia looks extremely smug right now.
  13. >You glare at Speck.
  14. >She hides her face behind her hooves and sticks her tongue out at you.
  15. >"I'm disappointed in you, Anonymous. Is this mirror too unimportant to mention?"
  16. >That mirror.
  17. >The minute you first laid eyes on it, all you wanted was to forget it existed.
  18. "That mirror was probably the most unimportant thing in the entire tower."
  19. >You look up at Celestia.
  20. >Her eyes meet yours.
  21. >"Did you notice anything about the mirror, Speck?"
  22. >She shakes her head.
  23. >"No, Princess."
  24. >"So, Anon. You mean to tell me that this mirror is just a simple mirror?"
  25. >You nod without breaking eye contact.
  26. >She smirks.
  27. >"You are a terrible liar, Anonymous. Tell me everything."
  29. >A small desk with papers scattered across it, a grandfather clock, a chest, and a mirror are all that inhabit this room.
  30. >You approach the desk and shuffle through the papers.
  31. >This certainly does not make sense.
  32. >This is your handwriting.
  33. "June 12th, 2011. My eyes are playing tricks on me. I thought I saw a little cyan horse run by my window."
  34. >Weird.
  35. >You don't remember that.
  36. >You look through your journal for the same date.
  37. "June 12th, 2011. Woke up with a headache. Took some aspirin, watched TV, went back to sleep."
  38. >Nothing in either entry matches up.
  39. >This stays true until you reach June 18th, 2011.
  40. >You read the entry on the desk.
  41. "June 18th, 2011. Started following the little cyan horse. She(?) has a horn. She looks... cel-shaded? She ran into an alley with a dead end. I'm going to run across the street and try to get a better look at her."
  42. >You look at your journal.
  43. "June 18th, 2011. Went for a run. I thought I saw something dart down an alley. When I went to check, nothing was there. I thought I saw the wall shimmer, though. Might check back tomorrow."
  44. >The alley was the only part that you remember.
  45. >You vaguely remember the day after, going back to the alley to check it out.
  46. >That was when you came to Equestria.
  47. >There was no entry for June 19th on the desk.
  48. >You assume there was no need for it to be replaced in your journal.
  49. >The entries on the desk say you started seeing a cyan p0ny before you came here.
  50. >From the description, it sounds like Lulamoon.
  51. >You definitely remember the alley though.
  52. >You search the chest next.
  53. >Rather, you open it and immediately pull a picture out of it.
  54. >Nothing else catches your interest.
  55. >The picture details you and several of your old friends from Earth.
  56. >They all stand around you, posing stupidly for the camera.
  57. "A picture tells a story."
  59. >You carry the picture with you as you sit in the middle of the room.
  60. >All the good times you had back on Earth.
  61. >A smile crosses your lips.
  62. >You look up from the picture for a moment.
  63. >The mirror catches your eye.
  64. >It's strange.
  65. >It doesn't reflect the room.
  66. >Instead, it acts similar to a television.
  67. >It replays short clips of your life on Earth.
  68. >From when you played outside as a kid, to your trials as a teenager, to your short life as an adult.
  69. >Every single one of your relationships, be them good or bad.
  70. >Your friends and your family.
  71. >You hug the picture close to your chest, a few tears falling from your eyes.
  72. >"If you could go back..."
  73. >The mirror shimmers softly, the images displayed on it faded out.
  74. >The mirror glows a bright white as it "speaks."
  75. >"Would you?"
  76. "What?"
  77. >"Would you go back to Earth, if you could?"
  78. >You look down at the picture, then think back to Speck.
  79. >People you haven't seen in five years, but knew for most of your life on Earth.
  80. >Or a little bat p0ny you've only known for two months.
  81. >Things on Earth might have changed a lot in the last five years.
  82. >Your friends and family might have moved on.
  83. >Your friends, especially, might have lives of their own now.
  84. >And you?
  85. >Speck was here.
  86. >Someone to love, somewhere to work, things to do, p0nies to be with.
  87. >Two months ago, you would have gone back to Earth in a heart beat.
  88. >But since you met Speck?
  89. >Equestria was your home now.
  90. "No. I don't think I would. I have much more here than I did on Earth."
  91. >The mirror shimmers in response.
  92. >The light from it fades as it starts to reflect the room around you.
  93. >You look back down at the picture and smile.
  94. "Sorry, guys. Maybe some other time."
  95. >The picture continues holding your gaze for a short while.
  97. >A little bat p0ny sneaks up beside you, and you tap her nose.
  98. >She asks you about the picture, which you explain briefly before walking over to the chest where you found the picture.
  99. >You start emptying it as she sifts through everything you take out.
  100. >All of these little trinkets carry memories of earth that, while fond, you can reminisce without their aid.
  101. >Besides, you have a journal that details a good portion of your life.
  102. >You start to drag the chest to the stairs, but Speck stops you.
  103. >She holds up a little black rectangle.
  104. >You turn it on and smile to yourself.
  105. >A few icons pop up and you swipe through them.
  106. >More pictures of your friends and family, some old games you used to play, and loads of music.
  107. "It's... It's nothing important."
  108. >You drop it on the floor and it shatters.
  109. >Both of you head downstairs with the chest.
  110. >It can be filled with books.
  111. >After all, books were gateways to other worlds.
  112. >They never really reminded you of anything except themselves.
  114. >Celestia continues to stare at you.
  115. >"Anonymous? Are you going to tell me?"
  116. >Your gaze shifts back to her.
  117. >It shifts to Speck, then Luna, then Twilight.
  118. "What's to tell? It was just a mirror. I picked up about a hundred books to read to Speck and burned the tower down."
  119. >She rolls her eyes.
  120. >"That's the story you're sticking with?"
  121. >You smile at her.
  122. "I'm an honest man, Princess. What would I gain by lying?"
  123. >She shakes her head and stands from her chair.
  124. >"You frustrate me, dear Anonymous."
  125. "Good. I'll keep you on your toes while you rule a peaceful kingdom."
  126. >She turns to leave the room, but stops just short of the door.
  127. >"Anonymous. Whatever happened in that tower. I'm glad you returned to us safely."
  128. >Waving a hand, you smile at her.
  129. "Nothing's gonna stop me from keeping Speck safe."
  130. >She leaves and you look at the remaining p0nies.
  131. >Twilight nervously taps her hooves on the table.
  132. >"Anon? D-do you think m-maybe I could read those books when you and Speck are done?"
  133. "I'd have to try to make a rough translator you could use. Hopefully both languages can run letter-to-letter and you can decipher from there."
  134. >She squees softly and bounds out of the chair, also leaving the room.
  135. >You look at Luna.
  136. "Are we done here?"
  137. >"Yes, Anon. I believe we are done here."
  138. >She smiles and trots off.
  139. >Luna was always your favorite princess.
  140. >"Anon?"
  141. >Speck stands on the table in front of you.
  142. >Speck, stop it.
  143. >That's bad table manners.
  144. >"Anon, can we go home now? I already got my dress back from the cleaner guy."
  145. "Yeah. Let's go."
  146. >Speck leads you through the castle, back to your room.
  147. >The two chests sit in a corner.
  148. >You'll just have Luna or Twilight magic those to P0nyville.
  149. >All you take are your bags and one of the books from a chest.
  150. >Twilight would probably appreciate a translation as soon as possible.
  152. >Speck flies by your side as the two of you leave the castle grounds.
  153. >The mid-morning sun hangs in the clear blue sky.
  154. >A sigh of relief escapes your lips.
  155. >A loud grumbling sound catches your ear.
  156. >You look at Speck.
  157. >She floats there with a sheepish grin and a light blush.
  158. >"Anon I'm hu-"
  159. "We just ate at the castle."
  160. >"Bu-"
  161. "No."
  162. >Her stomach roars with the ferocity of a lion and she gives you a pouting look, complete with a lip quiver.
  163. >You groan.
  164. "Fine, we'll stop somewhere real quick and then go home."
  165. >She throws her forehooves into the air and screeches with glee.
  166. >You roll your eyes and walk into Canterlot City.
  167. >She follows you as you walk down what you assume to be the main street.
  168. >The street signs say it's called Mane Street.
  169. >Brilliant.
  170. >If it isn't bat puns, it's horse puns.
  171. >Or puns in general.
  172. >At least Speck isn't talking in puns.
  173. >She hasn't really done that lately.
  174. >Not even last night at the banquet, when Luna was there.
  175. "Speck? Are you feeling alright?"
  176. >"Yeah. Why?"
  177. >You shake your head and scratch your head.
  178. "No real reason."
  179. >She stops in front of a fancy looking restaurant.
  180. >It has tables with umbrellas set up outside.
  181. >"Can we eat here?"
  182. >You wouldn't mind having a meal outside.
  183. >The air was nice and cool.
  184. "Sure. It might not be bad."
  186. >Upon entering, you notice that the restaurant has an air of nobility to it.
  187. >There was probably a rigorous dress-code.
  188. >You look down at your choice of clothes.
  189. >What a day to pick a t-shirt and shorts.
  190. >"Excuse me, sir?"
  191. >You look down at a very fancy waiter p0ny.
  192. >He looks up at you and points to Speck.
  193. >"Is that yours?"
  194. >You look at Speck.
  195. >She's trying to put her dress on in mid-air.
  196. "Yes, that is mine."
  197. >You grab Speck, set her down, and help her put her dress on.
  198. >"Well, sir. I hate to inform you, but we do not serve blood here."
  199. >Blood?
  200. >You laugh.
  201. "Wow, you know what, Speck? I almost forgot that there are bat p0nies that drink blood."
  202. >She snickers with you.
  203. >The waiter regards you with a deadpan stare.
  204. >"I was not joking, sir."
  205. "Neither was I. She doesn't drink blood, she's a fruit-eater."
  206. >"Well, regardless, sir. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
  207. "Dress-code?"
  208. >He nods slowly.
  209. >Speck places a hoof on your hip.
  210. >"Anon? Why are you so insistent on crushing my hopes and dreams?"
  211. >Her lips quivers for the second time today.
  212. >Tears well up in her eyes.
  213. >"All I wanted was a nice breakfast in a nice restaurant in Canterlot."
  214. >You look up at the ceiling and sigh.
  215. >She sniffles softly.
  216. >The waiter places a hoof over his mouth.
  217. >You look down at him.
  218. "This is your fault, you know."
  219. >Two p0nies enter the restaurant.
  220. >One of them speaks up and approaches Speck.
  221. >"Speck? Are you okay?"
  222. >You look down at the white p0ny.
  223. >Speck turns and nods.
  224. >"No, Curio. I am not. My dearest Anonymous has forsaken me by wearing less than the best he can muster."
  225. >A tear falls down her cheek.
  226. >Curio looks up at you with a scowl.
  227. >"How dare you make such a sweet little bat p0ny suffer in such a way that she can't enjoy a simple day out with her... friend?"
  228. >You shake your head.
  229. >"Coltfriend?"
  230. >You nod.
  231. >She gasps and shakes Speck, quickly pulling her into a hug.
  232. >"Darling, you did not tell me you had a coltfriend!"
  233. >You look from Speck, to Curio, to the waiter, and to Curio's companion.
  234. >Her companion is an orange stallion with a brown mane.
  235. >Curio starts talking to the waiter.
  237. >You kneel in front of the stallion and extend a hand.
  238. "Name's Anon."
  239. >"Apple Seed."
  240. >You tilt your head and raise an eyebrow.
  241. "Any relation to the P0nyville Apples?"
  242. >He nods.
  243. >"Technically, I suppose. I run their Canterlot supply route."
  244. "And Curio?"
  245. >"My wife."
  246. "I didn't see you at the banquet last night."
  247. >"I tend to avoid those kinds of gatherings."
  248. >The girls clear their throats.
  249. >You turn to them.
  250. >"Our table is ready, you two."
  251. >What?
  252. "What?"
  253. >"Curio convinced the waiter to seat us, despite YOU NEARLY RUINING EVERYTHING."
  254. >Speck yells in your face.
  255. >You wrap your hand around her muzzle.
  256. "Oh, please. I know what you were trying to do. You wanted to make the waiter feel bad and let us in."
  257. >She smirks and sticks her tongue out.
  258. >Curio and Apple Seed trot behind the waiter as you and Speck follow them.
  259. >The three p0nies and you sit at a small round table.
  260. >The waiter gives a menu to each of the three p0nies and then stares at you.
  261. >You stare at him.
  262. "Is there a problem?"
  263. >He shakes his head.
  264. >"No, sir. If you would consider not knowing what a customer eats, to not be a problem."
  265. >You roll your eyes.
  266. >Can't blame him.
  267. >You've only been to Canterlot twice in five years.
  268. >Speck hasn't witnessed you eating meat, but she grew up around blood-drinkers, most likely.
  269. >You doubt she'd have an objection to you eating meat.
  270. >The other two?
  271. >You didn't know them very well.
  272. >Curio was at the banquet last night, but there was no meat there.
  273. >"Sir?"
  274. >The smell of meat would probably make them sick.
  275. "Give me whatever menu you gave them."
  276. >He nods and gives you a menu.
  277. >Looking over it, you sigh.
  278. >Fancy breakfast cakes, fancy coffees, fancy fruit bowls.
  279. >You can't even pronounce half of these words.
  280. >Curio, Apple Seed, and Speck all have their menus folded closed and their eyes trained on you.
  281. >Speck taps your arm with a hoof.
  282. >"What're you having Anon?"
  283. "Uhhh."
  285. >You stare at the menu.
  286. >Since when was breakfast supposed to be this complicated?
  287. >And since when has Speck acted so... whatever this scene is?
  288. "I'm gonna have whatever you're having."
  289. >Nice save.
  290. >Speck smiles and nods.
  291. >"You have no idea what any of that is, do you?"
  292. >You shake your head slowly.
  293. >She leans in and whispers.
  294. >"Neither do I."
  295. >That figures.
  296. "Curio? What are you having?"
  297. >She hums softly and taps on the table.
  298. >"I'm having the Tarte de Pommes a la Normande."
  299. >Yeah, there is absolutely no way you will ever be able to pronounce that.
  300. >Apple Seed sits quietly.
  301. >He's not very talkative at all.
  302. "I guess I'll have that, then."
  303. >Apple Seed nods, as does Speck.
  304. >The waiter also nods.
  305. >Stupid unspoken fancy language.
  306. >"So Tarte de Pommes a la Normande, all around? What would you like to drink?"
  307. >Curio hums.
  308. >"I'd like a small glass of water, please."
  309. >"Likewise."
  310. >Speck taps a hoof on her chin.
  311. >"I'll have a glass of orange juice."
  312. "Uhh. A glass of pineapple juice?"
  313. >The waiter nods and takes your menus away.
  314. >Apple Seed looks up at you and clears his throat.
  315. >"So, Anon. What do you do for a living?"
  316. "I work at Sugarcube Corner in P0nyville."
  317. >He smirks a little, then turns to Speck.
  318. >"And you?"
  319. >She sets her juice down and smiles.
  320. >"I annoy Anon day to day and he feeds me and lets me live in his house."
  321. >"How did you two meet?"
  322. >"I was lurking around outside his house on my way home one night and he took me in the day after."
  323. >You look over at Curio.
  324. "Where did you two meet?"
  325. >Those five little words.
  326. >Oh how you would regret saying them.
  327. >The floodgates of hell hath opened to you.
  328. >"Well, darling. I am absolutely glad you asked!"
  329. >Apple Seed looks up at you with a pleading look.
  330. >His eyes speak to you.
  331. >They ask you why, why do you do the things you do.
  332. >Speck is almost instantly enthralled by Curio's story.
  334. >"And so, after finally finishing up my last batch of dresses for the Apple Family's annual hoe-down, this fine gentlecolt here arrived to pay for and pick them up."
  335. >Curio leans on Apple Seed.
  336. >"And the rest is history."
  337. >That was a long story, but you loved every bit of it.
  338. >Almost as soon as she starts snuggling up against Apple, the waiter arrives with everyp0ny's food.
  339. >And Anon's.
  340. >He almost immediately starts poking at his plate.
  341. >"This is... awfully big for us to have ordered four of."
  342. >Curio and Apple Seed shrug and start laughing.
  343. >Apple Seed shakes his head and wipes a tear from his cheek.
  344. >"I can't read half the words they throw into these dishes' names."
  345. >"Neither can I."
  346. >Anon places his head in his hands and sighs loudly.
  347. >Good to know you're not the only one faking being fancy.
  348. >You snicker at Anon and press against his side.
  349. "Is something upsetting you, Anon?"
  350. >"You mean, aside from the fact that none of us knew what we were ordering?"
  351. >He laughs a little bit.
  352. >"There's nothing wrong Speck."
  353. >He hugs you tight.
  354. >"There's absolutely nothing wrong, anymore."
  355. >Well, Anon definitely got sentimental real fast.
  356. >You give him a kiss on the cheek.
  357. "Good."
  359. >Breakfast was somewhat boring.
  360. >Curio and Apple Seed had to leave as soon as everyone was finished.
  361. >So you and Anon were left alone to walk down to the elevators that led to Canterlot Mountain.
  362. >He made you carry the boxes of leftovers in your bags, though.
  363. >Whatever, you'll just eat his food.
  364. >Or maybe not.
  365. >Anon picks you up and buries his face in your shoulder as you ride the elevator down into the mountain.
  366. >Maybe he was just ready to get home.
  367. >You know you were.
  368. >You wrap you forehooves around his neck and nuzzle him.
  369. >He sighs into your fur.
  370. "Is something wrong, Anon? You've been acting... strange."
  371. >He shakes his head and kisses your neck.
  372. >"I could've gone back to Earth."
  373. "Why didn't you?"
  374. >You already know why.
  375. >It made you feel a little guilty.
  376. >He wasn't going to leave you in Equestria all alone.
  377. >"Because. I have so much more here than I did back on Earth. I have the cakes, the Princesses, all of P0nyville."
  378. >Oh, well.
  379. >That was definitely not what you were expecting.
  380. >Your Angel seems to have forsaken you.
  381. >So you think, until he kisses you on the cheek.
  382. >"And of course... you, my little Speck."
  383. >You blush and smile.
  384. "You didn't have to stay here, Anon."
  385. >He shakes his head.
  386. >"I've been gone from Earth for five years. I'm sure a lot has changed."
  387. >He smiles.
  388. >"And besides."
  389. >He looks into your eyes.
  390. >"You've grown on me enough to root me here."
  391. >You giggle and hug him tight.
  392. "I love you, Anon."
  393. >He strokes your cheek with his thumb.
  394. >"I love you so much more than I can say."
  395. >You wiggle against him.
  396. >Several of the passengers on the elevator clear their throats and glare at you and Anon.
  397. >Anon ignores them and nuzzles your cheek a little more.
  398. >You flash your fangs at them and they back off a little.
  399. >The elevator stops on the ground of Canterlot Mountain.
  400. >Anon steps off and carries you down its main street and toward the train-station.
  402. >Anon approaches the ticket booth with you trotting beside him.
  403. >"Two for P0nyville?"
  404. >The teller leans forward and looks at a small list.
  405. >"The next train to P0nyville will arrive in about ten minutes."
  406. >You sigh and press your face into Anon's leg.
  407. "I wanna go home."
  408. >He strokes your mane lightly.
  409. >"I know you do. It won't be much longer."
  410. >He nods to the teller, slides her a few bits and takes the tickets.
  411. >You lead him over to a bench.
  412. >He sits down and you curl up beside him, resting your head in his lap.
  413. >He scratches your ears.
  414. >"Are you alright?"
  415. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"
  416. >You look up at him as he shrugs.
  417. >"You've been kind of quiet."
  418. >You furrow your brow at him.
  419. >"Is it what I said on the elevator?"
  420. >He scratches your back as you start to shake your head.
  421. "Not really. I'm just ready to be home."
  422. >"I am too."
  423. >You stretch across his lap and roll over on your back.
  424. "What'd you see in that mirror?"
  425. >He sighs and ruffles your mane.
  426. >"I saw a lot of things. You, me, our future together."
  427. >He scratches your ear.
  428. "What of our future??"
  429. >His thumb and forefinger squeeze your ear and massage it gently.
  430. >"So many things, Speck. All I can really say is, I'm never going to leave you."
  431. >A smile creeps over your face as you cuddle into him.
  432. "Good."
  433. >The train rolls into the station and screeches to a halt.
  434. >Anon looks at it contemplatively.
  435. >"The train's early."
  436. "Let's go, then. I'm so ready to be back in P0nyville."
  437. >You board the train together and get settled in, finally back on track to P0nyville.
  439. >The pages of your journal flip between your fingers.
  440. >Your fingers wrap around a small pen, extracted from one of your pockets.
  441. >The little bat p0ny in your lap smiles up at you.
  442. >You smile warmly back at her as you start to write about the day.
  443. >There wasn't much to write, since the day was only approaching noon.
  444. >But there was something you remembered from Earth that you wanted to write down.
  445. >You don't remember who said it, or why.
  446. >The words just rang through your ears, and you knew they would be appreciated by your little bat.
  447. "Angels are not any extraordinary beings with wings and a halo. They are ordinary people living ordinary lives. But they have special qualities that touch our hearts and souls in special ways."
  448. >Your p0ny sits up and kisses your cheek as you finish.
  449. "They are truly our best friends."
  451. RIP Grassie.
  452. Strength and Honor.
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