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Aug 6th, 2012
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  1. 1:04 PM - fux wit it: i cut like 10 minutes off my time to master sword last night
  2. 1:04 PM - fux wit it: im like
  3. 1:04 PM - fux wit it: low-im at Oot now
  4. 1:05 PM - seanbud: 10 min seems like a lot for speedrunning
  5. 1:05 PM - fux wit it: ya its a metric fuckton
  6. 1:06 PM - seanbud: i know you swore you'd be a faggot forever
  7. 1:06 PM - seanbud: but me and cbear are about to play dayz
  8. 1:06 PM - seanbud: and i'd like to invite you along
  9. 1:06 PM - fux wit it: sorry m8
  10. 1:06 PM - seanbud: kk np
  11. 1:06 PM - fux wit it: not interested
  12. 1:06 PM - seanbud: dreamteam dead forever np np
  13. 1:06 PM - fux wit it: :[
  14. 1:06 PM - seanbud: im gonna stream some of it i think
  15. 1:06 PM - fux wit it: nice
  16. 1:06 PM - seanbud: there's a new map that uses separate character data so i dgaf if people streamsnipe me with shit gear
  17. 1:07 PM - seanbud: dude do you realize
  18. 1:07 PM - seanbud: what i pay for innanets
  19. 1:07 PM - seanbud: and this dayz file is dling at 12kb/s
  20. 1:07 PM - seanbud: fucking
  21. 1:07 PM - seanbud: amazing
  22. 1:08 PM - seanbud: so i miss the way the ducks used to be
  23. 1:08 PM - fux wit it: wait new map?
  24. 1:08 PM - seanbud: we play video games with eachother
  25. 1:08 PM - seanbud: and sometimes we lose
  26. 1:08 PM - seanbud: that's going to be my philosophy from meow on
  27. 1:08 PM - seanbud: if we're going to be the best we have to be faggots and cut everyone
  28. 1:08 PM - seanbud: so i dont wanna be the best
  29. 1:08 PM - fux wit it: alright im gonna put this out there
  30. 1:08 PM - seanbud: i wanna be the ducks
  31. 1:08 PM - fux wit it: whenever we win, its "great job everyone"
  32. 1:08 PM - fux wit it: whenever we lose (w
  33. 1:09 PM - fux wit it: oops
  34. 1:09 PM - fux wit it: whenever we lose even though I (specifically I) played well, its "great job everyone"
  35. 1:09 PM - fux wit it: whenever I have an off night which i have no influence over because im not a machine, its "lets cut lange"
  36. 1:09 PM - fux wit it: that shit
  37. 1:09 PM - fux wit it: needs to stop
  38. 1:09 PM - seanbud: yeah i kinda said something similar to that to puff/thrill
  39. 1:09 PM - seanbud: and i told u how to avoid it
  40. 1:09 PM - seanbud: just dont address it
  41. 1:10 PM - seanbud: your attitude and how well you (think) you are playing has no bearing on if we win/lose
  42. 1:10 PM - fux wit it: like the last time when we scrimmed and I said "i need puff/thrill to carry me a bit"
  43. 1:10 PM - seanbud: because even on your good nights we lose sometimes
  44. 1:10 PM - seanbud: there are many other issues
  45. 1:10 PM - fux wit it: that wasn't me resigning and giving up totally
  46. 1:10 PM - fux wit it: i honestly went in trying to the best of my ability that night
  47. 1:10 PM - seanbud: yeah i'm just saying
  48. 1:10 PM - seanbud: like i told them
  49. 1:10 PM - seanbud: that we cant use your attitude and shit as our only excuse and just write off every other problem
  50. 1:11 PM - seanbud: cuz you shouldnt have to absolutely carry the team and shit every night
  51. 1:11 PM - seanbud: if we put that pressure on you its a lose/lose for you no matter what
  52. 1:12 PM - seanbud: like
  53. 1:12 PM - seanbud: i've listened to mix^'s comms
  54. 1:12 PM - seanbud: and other teams
  55. 1:12 PM - seanbud: and people in invite arent retarded
  56. 1:12 PM - seanbud: its not like plat is crybabying because brad comms less or something
  57. 1:12 PM - seanbud: everyone should know wtf they're doing
  58. 1:12 PM - seanbud: and 5 people at the invite level should be able to make up for 1 person's "off" night
  59. 1:13 PM - fux wit it: yeah
  60. 1:13 PM - fux wit it: thrill seems like he wants to blame me sometimes though
  61. 1:13 PM - fux wit it: i guarantee you
  62. 1:13 PM - fux wit it: i fucking
  63. 1:13 PM - fux wit it: guarantee you
  64. 1:13 PM - fux wit it: that if I hadn't said "thrill/puff i need you to comm a bit for in my place"
  65. 1:13 PM - fux wit it: then he would have said
  66. 1:13 PM - fux wit it: "we need our soldiers to talk more what is going on"
  67. 1:14 PM - seanbud: i want to play invite this season with the same roster as last season. if kyle cant play we'll get kyle 2.0 or whatever, but if talks of cutting and shit persist i'll just leave or quit, i dont want to cut friends to be the dreamteam because i dont want to win with fucking harbleu or whatever other faggots there are, i want to win with lange and ghost
  68. 1:14 PM - fux wit it: at this point im not even worried about winning im worried about the fact that im a 21 year old man who has never had a job and im taking a full college course load for the first time in my life and will be moving out in december
  69. 1:15 PM - fux wit it: that shit
  70. 1:15 PM - fux wit it: is all im thinking about
  71. 1:15 PM - seanbud: i mean
  72. 1:15 PM - seanbud: yeah
  73. 1:15 PM - seanbud: i don't think any of us are b4nny level commited or w/e
  74. 1:15 PM - seanbud: i'm over it
  75. 1:15 PM - seanbud: i dont want to put this team and this game as my #1 priority in life
  76. 1:15 PM - seanbud: but it is my hobby
  77. 1:15 PM - seanbud: and i enjoy the competition
  78. 1:15 PM - seanbud: so i still wanna do as well as i can and shit
  79. 1:15 PM - seanbud: but i'm with you
  80. 1:16 PM - fux wit it: yeah
  81. 1:16 PM - fux wit it: i think the best way for me to continue to enjoy this season is for me to reptile it
  82. 1:16 PM - fux wit it: just
  83. 1:16 PM - fux wit it: like only play tf2 when im scrimming
  84. 1:16 PM - fux wit it: MAYBE a bit of mge here and there on match nights for warmup
  85. 1:16 PM - seanbud: i'm basically there
  86. 1:16 PM - seanbud: i only invite pug because its right after scrimming usually and i'm still in the mood
  87. 1:16 PM - seanbud: but i dont do afternoon shit hardly ever
  88. 1:18 PM - fux wit it: yeah
  89. 1:18 PM - fux wit it: my last thought about how I play tf2 is
  90. 1:19 PM - fux wit it: on nights when im on, and im comming like a machine and analyzing the entire game from the pov of all 12 players
  91. 1:19 PM - fux wit it: those nights are by far the most fun and satisfying nights in tf2
  92. 1:19 PM - fux wit it: because on those nights im playing to my full potential and i am the 3rd best soldier in the game
  93. 1:19 PM - fux wit it: only behind platinum and tlr
  94. 1:19 PM - fux wit it: other nights are frustrating for me as well as you guys because i feel myself not playing as best as I can
  95. fux wit it has changed their name to langebud.
  96. 1:22 PM - langebud: whatever the budship will endure
  97. 1:27 PM - seanbud: i feel like
  98. 1:27 PM - seanbud: i'm about to re-live flame idiot
  99. 1:27 PM - seanbud: and i know how that shit turned out
  100. 1:27 PM - langebud: lol
  101. 1:27 PM - seanbud: we all need different attitudes about it tho
  102. 1:28 PM - seanbud: if you have an offnight we need to get behind you(sex) and like i said earlier the rest of us should pickup the slack
  103. 1:28 PM - seanbud: it shouldnt be our excuse to not try
  104. 1:28 PM - seanbud: or some bullshit
  105. 1:28 PM - langebud: like i fucking hate to be the special-ed case that determines what our team structure is like but yeah
  106. 1:28 PM - langebud: you guys have to adapt and carry me when i can't focus
  107. 1:28 PM - seanbud: you're not tho
  108. 1:28 PM - seanbud: trust me
  109. 1:28 PM - langebud: if i understood why my brain worked the way it did i'd fix it lol
  110. 1:29 PM - seanbud: even when you do well we can still get pummeled 5-0 so its not like you're the only problem
  111. 1:29 PM - langebud: fwiw the tea+exercise does help a bit but its not a surefire thing
  112. 1:29 PM - langebud: it has reduced the frequency though provided there isn't other stuff going on
  113. 1:29 PM - langebud: like my college stuff
  114. 1:29 PM - seanbud: i do espresso about 7-730 and it kicks in about 9
  115. 1:29 PM - langebud: which is going to be crazy until after the new year probably
  116. 1:30 PM - seanbud: espresso is like jesus juice for me
  117. 1:30 PM - langebud: i think im really sensitive to caffiene
  118. 1:30 PM - langebud: im gonna try drinking the tea at like 6pm because even 7:30 keeps me up all night
  119. 1:30 PM - seanbud: its supposed to last like 5-6 hours depending what you ate
  120. 1:31 PM - seanbud: if i dont eat before/while i drink it my hands shake if i drink too much
  121. 1:31 PM - seanbud: this new map is working
  122. 1:31 PM - seanbud: looks tight
  123. 1:31 PM - seanbud: its like islands and penninsulas connected by bridges and shit
  124. 1:31 PM - seanbud: and its like 1/4th the size of the other one
  125. 1:31 PM - seanbud: so more encounters
  126. 1:32 PM - seanbud: and more buildings are lootable
  127. 1:32 PM - langebud: coo
  128. 1:32 PM - langebud: for real though im like really excited to finally have the prospect of moving out
  129. 1:32 PM - langebud: be on the horizon
  130. 1:33 PM - langebud: im so done living with my dad lol
  131. 1:33 PM - langebud: done with community college and not getting a degree
  132. 1:33 PM - langebud: well actually my community college is really good and i could get a good degree there BUT WHATEVER RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE
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