
Kathy WayStone 9/6/20

Aug 28th, 2020 (edited)
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  29. </style> <div id="boxa">Timeline and Images
  31.  <div style="font-size:134px;text-shadow:4px 4px 4px skyblue;margin-top:60px;letter-spacing:0px;color:#707;"> Timeline and Pictures</div>
  33. <div style="line-height:30px;border-bottom:20px double #380099;color:#9922ee;font-size:60px;letter-spacing:3px;padding-top:90px;"> Life History Events </div>
  35.  <ul style="list-style-type:square;background:transparent;font-family:medievalsharp, arial;color:black;font-size:50px;letter-spacing:1.5px;
  36. line-height:58px;margin:60px 10px -20px 60px;text-align:justify;padding:0px 30px 0px 9px;"font-weight:none;>
  38.  <li> 2017 - Born February 9th. Took 5 weeks to be 18. Got a BS degree in computer science, and then 3 Associate degrees in Programming. Suffered a 3 week bout of rapid onset Guillaine-Barre Syndrome. Survived. Began on job training at WayStone mission control, and newspaper editing. Got a Masters degree in Political Science. Assisted mother Esther with county board duties. <p>
  40.  <li> 2018 - Ran for and won county board seat. Obtained multiple pilot certifications.<p>
  42.  <li> 2019 - Late in year, suffered 2nd bout of Guillaine-Barre Syndrome, lost most use of left eye. Continued trooping on. <p>
  44.  <li> 2020 - Participated in Safety Protocol Mission, raised to Chief of ops and capcom in mission control.
  45.  <li> In preparation for mother's planned 2024 run for President of the United States...
  46. <ul>
  47. <li>I am now running for U.S. Congress in northern California district.
  48. <li>Mother is running for Senate.
  49. <li>Sister Scheherazade will soon be appointed California Attorney General.
  50. <li>Cousin Solange is running for Marin county board of supervisor.
  51. <li>Sister Vera is running for Mendocino county board of supervisors.
  52. <li>Niece, (Scheherazade's daughter), Dee Dee is running for California assembly in Esther's present district.
  53. <li>My daughter Allannah is running for my present seat on the Sonoma County board of supervisors.</ul></ul>
  55. <div style="line-height:30px;border-bottom:20px double #380099;color:#9922ee;font-size:60px;letter-spacing:3px;padding-top:90px;"> Kathy's Point of View Story </div>
  57. <div style="font-size:54px;line-height:62px;text-align:center;padding:60px 25px 80px 25px;color:#707;">
  58. <center> A famous painter painted Kathy </center><br>
  60. <center><img src=" " style="width:30%;border-radius:20px;"></center><br><div style="text-align:left;">
  62. <li> Now has vague memories of 2 past lives, one on Earth, and one in hell. Not much, but in the 1st life I was a barefooted woman general. I killed a lot. Too many. In my 2nd life I was a demon with no wings or horns, and was used as target practice. I sure was a good for nothing! <br></div>
  66. <div style="font-size:38px;line-height:44px;color:#6f6;text-align:center;font-family:allura, arial;">
  68. <center><img src=" " style="width:21%;border:solid 5px #5e005e;border-radius:15px;margin:55px 0px 22px 0px;"></center> Our Kathy in both time frames loves her silks. This is sheer transparent, with glossy heavy bows. Oh yes, and Kathy, smelling ever so good. <p>
  70. <center><img src=" " style="width:21%;border:solid 5px #5e005e;border-radius:15px;margin:55px 0px 22px 0px;"></center> See? <p>
  72. <center><img src=" " style="width:21%;border:dotted 2px #5e005e;border-radius:15px;margin:55px 0px 22px 0px;"></center> I told you... <p>
  74. <center><img src=" " style="width:25%;border:dotted 2px #5e005e;border-radius:15px;margin:55px 0px 22px 0px;"></center> ...that underneath my clothes I am completely naked. <p>
  76. <center><img src=" " style="width:25%;border:dotted 2px #5e005e;border-radius:15px;margin:55px 0px 22px 0px;"></center> Kathy playing in the deli when she was 16. <p>
  80. </div></div></div>
  82. <div id="b" class="genealogy"> </style> <style type="text/css">
  83. #boxb { width:444px; height:70px;position:fixed;overflow:hidden;border-radius:55%;background:#fea188; transition:3s ease;
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  89. </style> <div id="boxb">Kathy WayStone
  91. <div style="font-family:pinyon script, times;text-align:center;font-size:133px;
  92. text-shadow:4px 4px 4px skyblue;margin-top:70px;letter-spacing:0px;color:#5e005e;"> Kathy WayStone </div>
  94. <div style="font-size:42px;color:#5e005e; ">
  95. <center><img src=" " style="width:38%;border:ridge 4px #5e005e;border-radius:15px;margin:90px 0px 33px 0px;"></center> A bit like her mother, Kathy is naturally seductive <p>
  97. <table style="width:100%;text-align:left;font-size:56px;font-family:medievalsharp, allura;font-style:italic;
  98. padding:60px 9px 20px 5px;line-height:56px;color:black;"><tr>
  99. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Name: </td><td> Kathy WayStone-Yayoi </td></tr><tr>
  100. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Parents: </td><td> Esther WayStone, mother. Kathy does not know who her father is. </td></tr><tr>
  101. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Kids: </td><td>
  102. <li> Primal
  103. <li> Nocturne
  104. <li> Princesse Allannah and
  105. <li> Helena Sochi. Helena is "typist Kathy's", the author's baby. Author Kathy lives in the protected multiverse. Helena will be traveling between the 2 universes.
  106. </td></tr><tr>
  107. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Birth: </td><td> February 9th , 2017. Kathy aged to 18 in about 5 weeks, a bit slower than most WayStones.
  108. </td></tr><tr>
  109. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Gender: </td><td> Female </td></tr><tr>
  110. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Sexy: </td><td> Bi <p><br></td></tr><tr>
  112. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Notes: </td><td> Kathy is basically non-Gallan bearing except for traces. She will not be going on the Rescue mission, but will remain behind and do the monitoring. She has a Sygaldry-Alchemic piece implanted in her leg which gives her the ability to think on 30 things at a time.
  113. </td></tr><tr>
  114. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Spouses: </td><td>
  115. <li>Natsuka is family spouse in time frame Prime.
  116. <li>Shizuka, Cherry Wolfie, Mia, Scheherazade, and Michelle Mouse...are Yayoi spouses in time frame Prime.
  117. <li>Lieutenant Rost Braton, Sochi National Military of time frame Prime is Author Kathy's (of the "protected" time frame) husband, the father of Kathy's daughter Helena Sochi. <p><br></td></tr><tr>
  119. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Job: </td><td>
  120. <li>Kathy's first job was editor of the family news.
  121.  <li>But she was needed for more important things. "I've been doing the computer monitoring, and learning all kinds of computer technician stuff." At first as a mission control monitor.
  122.  <li> Since the Safety Protocol Mission, Kathy is Mission control ops chief, and is generally capcom, the trusted voice of mission control. <p><br></td></tr><tr>
  124. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Where: </td><td> 3rd mansion Update. Since March 2020, the basement wing of Mystic Cabin is the new main mission control. The basement of 3rd mansion is backup mission control. </td></tr><tr>
  125. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Height: </td><td> 5'9" </td></tr><tr>
  126. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Weight: </td><td> 140 Pounds </td></tr><tr>
  127. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Status: </td><td> Don't really do much worry about it. </td></tr><tr>
  128. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Further: </td><td> I've been getting more and more responsibility as the mission start gets closer. Being the one who remains behind, with a few others, I'll be doing all of mother's jobs. Getting a Pilot license in a few days, several certs. Jet propless, 7 passenger, tanker, sport, recreational, commercial, types. Already passed the knowledge exams. Will be full assistant county supervisor, then next year run the election.
  129. <p><br> </td></tr><tr>
  131. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Eyes: </td><td> Brown, big, beautiful.
  132. <br><center><img src=" " style="width:22%;"></center><br></td></tr><tr>
  133. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Update: </td><td>
  134. <li> Kathy successfully earned all her pilot certifications by September 1st 2018. On October 30th 2019, Kathy was suddenly struck with a second episode of Guillaine-Barre Syndrome, this time affecting the optic nerve of her left eye.
  135. <li>Once recovered, Kathy's sight in her left eye was much reduced, to a small upper right corner of sight. Kathy was thereby required to surrender her pilot license.
  137. <img src=" " style="width:44%;border-radius:44%;">
  139.  <li>Her left eye is still beautiful. The GBS did not affect how it looks.
  140.  <li>The sight problem in no way affects Kathy's ability in mission control.
  141. <li>Kathy is now also a Sonoma County Board of Supervisors member, having won the 2018 election. She took her mother's seat, and her mother Esther is now a California state assembly member. <p><br></td></tr><tr>
  143. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Hair: </td><td> Dark chocolate brown, wavy, long. I'm on some hair product boxes. </td></tr><tr>
  144. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Lips: </td><td> French brown </td></tr><tr>
  145. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Tattoos: </td><td> Should I get One? </td></tr><tr>
  146. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Scars: </td><td> Small almost faded one on my right knee. </td></tr><tr>
  147. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Teeth: </td><td> Normal human teeth </td></tr><tr>
  148. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Nails: </td><td> Kennedy's Nail shop </td></tr><tr>
  149. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Style: </td><td> My own style! </td></tr><tr>
  150. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Pets: </td><td>
  151.  <li> Our Cats
  152.  <li> There are a couple of beautiful strange looking Squirrels running around the 3rd mansion lately! I think they belong to Matilda.
  153.  <p><br> </td></tr><tr>
  154. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Breast: </td><td> 38 or 40d, globular. </td></tr><tr>
  155. <td style="color:#606;" valign="top">Aureola: </td><td> Reddish, upright facing. </td></tr><tr> </table></tr>
  156.  </div>
  158.  <div style="font-family:bree serif, times;font-size:76px;line-height:126px;
  159. letter-spacing:2px;color:#600010;text-align:left;padding:30px 15px 15px 15px;">
  161.  <hr size="10" color="darkorchid">
  163. <center> □ DAILY NEWS FROM THE 3rd MANSION</center>
  165. <center> □ Kathy Waystone, Editor</center> <center>12/25/2017 ===> 8/20/19 </center>
  167.  <hr size="10" color="darkorchid">
  169.  <div style="font-size:46px;color:#000;text-align:justify;line-height:64px;">
  170.  So now I have 5 sisters, and 2 brothers, 3 kids in one time frame, 1 in another time frame, 6 grandkids, and 2 great grandkids. 3 nieces, 9 great nieces, 3 great nephews, and 1 great great nephew.
  171.  <li> Pretty Pollyanna is the mother of 8 kids and the father of 2. You've got to love my family! Polly is the family's designated breeder in charge of Gallan procurement. Dr. Uncle says she's an overachiever. We are well over triple the minimum Gallan needed, and are now filling positions to ensure our world building is done right, so Polly is carefully designing who should breed with whom, and we're now getting more Angels in our family.
  173.  <li> Sonia, Dr. Uncle, Scheherazade, and Joshua are incredibly busy with preparations for Rescue One, and mother made me head of family matters now.
  175.  <li> Mother completed her time as chairwoman of the county board of supervisors, and is now in the state assembly, and is house leader.
  177.  <li> I am now on on the county board, and am chairwoman elect.
  179.  <li> Scheherazade is now District Attorney for Marin County.
  181.  <li> In 2020, mother will run for U.S. Senate, and I shall run for U.S. Congress. Scheherazade will run for California Attorney General.
  183.  <li> In 2024, mother will run for President, and I will be her running mate for Vice President, and Scheherazade will be appointed U.S. Attorney General.
  185.  <li> Most ofthe coding is done by artificial intelligence now. It is a matter of code compression now.
  187.  <li>Am looking into purchasing a domain
  189.  <li>We will not tolerate anyone harrassing anyone else in the family.
  191.  <li>As of Friday, August 18th, 2017<br>Scheher and Kathy are 18, Cassidy is 18. <br>Vera and Chastity Lee are 18.
  193.  <li> Most RPC newborns grow faster than a year per week. Some faster than a year per day. Exceptions abound.
  195.  <li><a target="_blank" href="">♥ Cassidy's profile</a>
  197. <li>Natsuka and I have been married for months. We have 3 kids. 2 are half Neko, and one is a Gallan bearing human.
  199. <li>~~As always, please keep IRL and RPC lives apart. Some typist-talk is ok, but RPC is best not pressed past personal limits~~
  201. <li>This is a large estate, with THREE grand mansions.
  203. <li>Miss Velvet has joined us. With her ability to shift shape from human, to tiger-Neko, to full white tiger, she is a great manager of the WildCat Menagerie. Sarina Likes her a lot.
  205. <li> There has been much to do with Miss Velvet since this edition of the 3rd Mansion News. Miss Velvet passed on. It was prophecied. Nocturne now has 4 magical white tiger adult children who are fulfilling prophecy. Miss Silk is the one who will save the caste and the white tigers. Miss Silk has 3 brothers, each of great powers, to protect her. These are among her grandchildren.
  207. </a><br><a target="_blank" href="">♥ Velvet's profile</a>
  209.  <li>This is a family, and friends, and lovers. mmm!
  211.  <li>I hope to write OUR WHOLE STORY in detail, but it's so complex now!!! That is also old news. We ARE writing our family's exploits in a special new ebook format, its own website book called "THE PRESENT DEGENERACY", subtitled "Time Frames". I am daily working on the design, but it will be heavy on the total bandwidth, so it will be in several parts. Things such as; "Lexi has a wood hulled sailing ship at anchor in the cove!" will be sets of
  212. each character's point of view.
  214. <li>This is actually a lot to do. Right now, 6 am, 23 Nov '17, I'm doing some prep things to get the Rescue One pages onto this. It's not just a little copy-paste thing. I have all the a names and href's to do, and lining up the tab sequences. css would be simpler, but we're doing the bold html using html5css for certain functions like scrollers, font importing, the spinner, and probably a tab drop-down.
  216.  <li> As can now be seen, 8/25/19, this is a much matured format. The genealogy is by image, saving much bandwidth. Instead of drop downs, there are 6 open-up windows. It may be made into 7. Some of the internal content may be "imaged" to reduce bandwidth.
  218.  <li>Big News! My great uncle used SYGALDRY to travel time, check for altered time lines, and found a correction needed to be made! Apparently we are now remembering something we were not before. Amazing! But, WE HAVE ANOTHER SISTER, and she has been found. Her name is Carina.
  220.  <li>Also, my Uncle's sweet secret has been debuted; By mid November 2017, Sonia Succubus Has been raised , educated, and trained by him, and she has Married the lovely
  221. Angel of the Night, Vixen, and they now have a child, Everto Lucundita!
  223. <li> Soon after this, Vixen ran off. It's just her way.
  225.  <li>Scheherazade has come of age, and has also been most highly schooled in both Physics and the Arcane Arts. Far beyond Humanity.
  227.  <li> Elphick the MAGNIFICENT Tall Elf, finest of gentlemen, has joined us. He dearly adores both Sonia Succubus, and Sarina, and has bred with Sonia, and they now have a child, DELPHINA. Elphick is a lover of both Sonia and Sarina.
  229.  <li>As this is far too large for RPC, rpc users may not see all of this if I attach it to a profile. Probably just the first few pages. At least until I get a domain name. This has been largely solved.
  231.  <div style="height:46px;border-bottom:100px solid darkorchid;color:#f9008b;font-size:40px;letter-spacing:3px;">
  233. </div></div></div></div>
  236. <div id="c" class="genealogy"> </style> <style type="text/css">
  237.  #boxc { width:444px; height:70px;position:fixed;overflow:hidden;border-radius:55%;background:#fea188; transition:3s ease;
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  243. </style> <div id="boxc">How many Kathies?
  245. <div style="font-family:philosopher, times;color:black;font-size:48px;line-height:56px;text-align:justify;padding:0px 40px 40px 40px;">
  246.  <p><li> To clarify, first, our grown up Kathy, who is running for Congress, has an adopted baby sister named Kathy also. The baby's original name was kept because of respect and love for her original family. To simplify confusion, some folks say "Baby Kathy", or "Big Kathy". Baby Kathy calls Big Kathy "Sissy". Baby Kathy and Big Kathy are very different individuals.
  248. <p class="tab"> Now Baby Kathy was given a middle name by Esther when she adopted her. Foster. Baby Kathy's name is Kathy Foster WayStone. Foster was selected by Esther because for several months baby Kathy was Esther's foster child. So Kathy Foster is the name posted in the genealogy.
  250. <p><li> Baby Kathy Foster ages at the normal human rate simply because that's what she is, a normal human. However, we have baby Kathy Foster at two ages.
  252.  <p><li> Baby Kathy's age is 2 years and 8 months now in time frame Prime, the time frame that has Love Succubus being born in the WayStone family, and more specifically, the time frame in which Carina is with us, and very sadly, Melody is lost. But there is a "Proximal" (nearby) time frame that has Kathy Foster at 4 years old. This Kathy is very special. Though she still needs her diapers and changes, she is very brave, adventurous, and is quite intrepid. She has fought wild fires in the giant tanker, and has gone on time frame missions, including to Africa, the Pridelands, where she stood face to face with a lioness defending her cubs and badly wounded sister.
  254. <p><li> This Proximal time frame is the one where our time frame Prime's Carina is from. Dr. Uncle "linked" these two time frames in order to retrieve Carina's existence which was lost by some change made by the same event that Dr. Father got lost in. This was a correction he had to make. It is also a time frame that has love succubus born into the WayStone family. In this Proximal time frame, Carina there had commited suicide, driving her car off an ocean cliff, a fiery explosion, washed out to sea, no body found. Because Dr. Uncle saved her, and brought her to time frame Prime, to where the Carina who should have existed and did not, in such a way that she existed. Dr. Uncle fixed that time frame problem. This also "linked" the "proximal and Prime" time frames.
  256. <p>While retrieving Carina, Dr. Uncle noticed that in the Proximal time frame was a 4 year old Kathy Foster. Dr. Uncle spoke frankly with the Sonia, Esther, Sarina, Scheherazade, and Dr. Uncle of time frame proxima, and let them know how their Carina yet lives in time frame Prime. While speaking with them, he was introduced to 4 year old Kathy Foster. It was decided some of time frame Proxima's adventures would be part of The Present Degeneracy's story.
  258. <p>This means time frame Prime, and time frame Proximal are nearly identical, and as such, we follow Proximal's 4 year old Kathy's adventures with us. They also decided to work together in the bigger picture of time framing when and if ever needed. Here is an odd fact; Some fingerprints are identical, others are not, sometimes even of the same equivalent persons.
  260. <p><li> 4 year old Kathy, in the Proximal time frame, is part of the WayStone family there, and has adventures.
  261. <li>2 year old Kathy is Esther's beloved little adopted baby in time frame Prime under the loving care of the whole family.
  263.  <p><li> That was the simple part! Next comes, how many Big Kathies are there?
  264.  <li>The simple answer is 2. There is a realm of time frames that is best called "Protected", in which there is no Gallan, and truly, very little Faith. This means there are no native "Demons", and no native "Angels". These may visit the Protected realm, but must do as little as possible to affect the time frames in the Protected realm.
  265.  <p>In the Protected realm there is a Kathy WayStone, whose simple truth and faith brought to her a messenger's message. This message Kathy of the Protected realm received was from Dr. Uncle of time frame Prime, who was trying to locate his lost brother!
  266. <p>See, Faith is much stronger than Gallan, because Faith includes an equal Gallan. Dr. Uncle was using his considerable Gallan with enhancements. So, Protected realm Kathy, an aspiring writer and coder, remained in communication with time frame Prime's Dr. Uncle...who has a completely analogous great niece Kathy in his own time frame Prime...began trying to write the stories of herself, and her relatives, who live in time frame Prime. That's the simple version. Other things make it more complicated, but dear reader, it is best to be patient, and wait until the stories bring you to the complicating things. For instance, Author Kathy in Protected realm, had a baby (Helena) with a person from time frame Prime.
  268. <p>There are 2 baby Kathies. One is 2, the other is 4.
  269. <br>There are 2 adult Kathies. One in the realm of little or no magic. The other in a magic filled realm.
  270. <p>That only oversimplifies it a little.
  271. <p><br>
  272. <li>At this time there are 2 profiles; One is for both baby Kathies, and is called Kathy Foster.
  273. <br>The other profile is for both adult Kathies, and is called Kathy WayStone.
  275. </div></div>
  279. <div id="end" class="genealogy"></style><style type="text/css">
  280. #boxend {left:38%;top:93%;font-size:30px;font-family:pinyon script, sans-serif;color:#bde;opacity:1;position:fixed;}
  281. </style><div id="boxend"> Kathy WayStone 9/6/20 </div></div></script></body></html>
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