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Mar 23rd, 2018
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  1. Profile results (total time)
  2. Proc Name Self CPU Total CPU Real Time Calls
  3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
  4. /datum/controller/subsystem/overlays/fire 12.484 12.484 12.485 3079
  5. /datum/light_source/proc/update_corners 4.652 5.712 5.714 24478
  6. /datum/gas_mixture/react 3.090 3.642 3.664 335723
  7. /mob/Stat 2.062 2.730 2.727 35106
  8. /datum/gas_mixture/proc/heat_capacity 1.651 1.668 1.743 1074736
  9. /turf/open/process_cell 1.549 7.819 7.825 142241
  10. /datum/tgui/proc/push_data 1.525 1.936 1.935 1012
  11. /atom/movable/lighting_object/proc/update 1.517 1.524 1.540 308349
  12. /proc/get_hearers_in_view 1.454 1.454 1.454 6456
  13. /datum/hud/proc/update_parallax 1.440 1.636 1.638 21969
  14. /datum/gas_mixture/share 1.423 1.625 1.635 142101
  15. /datum/proc/SendSignal 1.336 1.807 1.926 1428304
  16. /datum/pipeline/proc/reconcile_air 1.199 3.536 3.536 24522
  17. /datum/gas_mixture/merge 1.061 1.236 1.260 347689
  18. /proc/get_hear 1.029 1.029 1.027 6424
  19. /datum/gas_mixture/compare 0.972 0.978 0.989 206269
  20. /proc/get_rad_contents 0.821 1.076 1.088 181625
  21. /datum/controller/subsystem/machines/fire 0.805 5.569 5.566 423
  22. /datum/camerachunk/proc/update 0.804 1.846 1.845 425
  23. /datum/lighting_corner/proc/update_objects 0.790 0.795 0.813 201880
  24. /datum/gas_mixture/copy_from 0.775 0.776 0.800 272056
  25. /datum/gas_mixture/archive 0.751 0.758 0.794 323523
  26. /datum/gas_mixture/proc/return_pressure 0.743 0.746 0.761 350672
  27. /datum/controller/subsystem/lighting/fire 0.742 8.759 8.756 2536
  28. /proc/to_chat 0.666 0.671 0.675 9878
  29. /datum/controller/subsystem/air/proc/process_atmos_machinery 0.663 6.017 6.018 580
  30. /turf/proc/get_corners 0.581 0.594 0.640 645337
  31. /atom/movable/Move 0.574 6.113 6.132 49184
  32. /atom/movable/keyLoop 0.497 7.294 7.316 278012
  33. /obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/unary/vent_scrubber/proc/scrub 0.497 1.724 1.735 70405
  34. /atom/proc/has_gravity 0.495 0.548 0.565 157335
  35. /client/MouseMove 0.478 0.483 0.508 265126
  36. /client/Move 0.477 6.796 6.828 277255
  37. /turf/open/proc/tile_graphic 0.457 0.459 0.471 218496
  38. /datum/gas_mixture/remove 0.454 0.560 0.556 53325
  39. /obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/unary/vent_pump/process_atmos 0.448 1.056 1.065 107237
  40. /datum/controller/subsystem/garbage/proc/HardDelete 0.439 0.439 0.439 71
  41. /obj/item/projectile/proc/pixel_move 0.427 1.029 1.030 5271
  42. /client/keyLoop 0.417 7.711 7.736 278012
  43. /datum/controller/subsystem/processing/fire 0.397 4.354 4.347 8449
  44. /obj/machinery/porta_turret/process 0.388 0.575 0.575 4416
  45. /datum/proc/GetComponent 0.374 0.385 0.442 836644
  46. /turf/Enter 0.367 1.531 1.539 47377
  47. /turf/open/archive 0.362 1.112 1.141 329127
  48. /obj/effect/particle_effect/sparks/New 0.353 0.614 0.615 2052
  49. /datum/radiation_wave/proc/radiate 0.349 0.972 0.976 17838
  50. /mob/living/Life 0.348 2.668 7240.433 41762
  51. /turf/open/proc/update_visuals 0.311 0.769 0.790 218496
  52. /mob/living/float 0.311 0.315 7238.084 48388
  53. /proc/playsound 0.301 0.502 0.503 7680
  54. /datum/timedevent/New 0.294 0.341 0.340 10273
  55. /obj/machinery/proc/powered 0.292 0.445 0.453 236070
  56. /obj/machinery/proc/auto_use_power 0.282 0.963 0.974 217046
  57. /atom/proc/build_appearance_list 0.272 0.289 0.291 23801
  58. /datum/controller/subsystem/obj/fire 0.269 1.214 1.213 93
  59. /datum/species/proc/movement_delay 0.262 0.384 0.381 20080
  60. /datum/gas_mixture/proc/garbage_collect 0.256 0.259 0.269 143586
  61. /proc/get_turf_pixel 0.251 0.386 0.386 29839
  62. /datum/controller/subsystem/air/proc/process_active_turfs 0.248 8.064 8.061 625
  63. /turf/open/return_air 0.245 0.255 0.281 304055
  64. /mob/living/proc/shared_living_ui_distance 0.241 0.241 0.241 978
  65. /obj/machinery/proc/use_power 0.240 0.367 0.385 239897
  66. /proc/get_area 0.234 0.240 0.303 798791
  67. /obj/machinery/power/apc/process 0.231 0.507 0.508 14372
  68. /mob/living/carbon/human/Stat 0.230 2.713 2.712 24690
  69. /datum/radiation_wave/proc/check_obstructions 0.229 0.314 0.314 17838
  70. /client/Topic 0.218 1.860 196.891 5519
  71. /proc/qdel 0.218 1.612 1.614 77611
  72. /obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/unary/vent_scrubber/process_atmos 0.212 1.965 1.970 69506
  73. /datum/controller/subsystem/garbage/proc/HandleQueue 0.206 0.448 0.448 137
  74. /datum/lighting_corner/proc/update_lumcount 0.198 0.206 0.253 554757
  75. /proc/typecache_filter_list 0.198 0.199 0.200 6967
  76. /datum/tgui/proc/get_json 0.196 0.221 0.223 1039
  77. /datum/controller/subsystem/input/fire 0.191 7.900 7.904 3066
  78. /proc/getFlatIcon 0.189 0.663 0.663 104
  79. /mob/proc/playsound_local 0.185 0.322 0.323 14624
  80. /datum/radiation_wave/proc/get_rad_atoms 0.185 1.258 1.260 24292
  81. /datum/controller/master/proc/RunQueue 0.181 70.024 70.023 3067
  82. /mob/living/carbon/Stat 0.180 2.456 2.452 24690
  83. /sound/New 0.179 0.180 0.178 23860
  84. /obj/machinery/airalarm/process 0.176 0.321 0.325 20827
  85. /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/heat_exchanging/process_atmos 0.173 0.591 0.588 52390
  86. /client/proc/send_resources 0.171 0.373 441.092 2
  87. /atom/movable/proc/Moved 0.166 2.166 2.171 40420
  88. /atom/proc/rad_act 0.160 0.415 0.436 340633
  89. /icon/proc/Blend 0.159 0.159 0.159 257
  90. /turf/open/rad_act 0.156 0.302 0.306 104137
  91. /proc/log_say 0.152 0.156 0.157 387
  92. /mob/living/simple_animal/proc/environment_is_safe 0.151 0.284 0.288 30979
  93. /obj/machinery/light/process 0.150 0.422 0.427 102890
  94. /datum/controller/subsystem/garbage/proc/Queue 0.149 0.149 0.152 23658
  95. /obj/machinery/computer/secure_data/ui_interact 0.146 0.148 0.148 3
  96. /obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/proc/update_parents 0.143 0.146 0.159 180036
  97. /mob/living/carbon/monkey/proc/handle_combat 0.140 0.148 0.149 632
  98. /datum/tgui/Topic 0.137 0.432 31.292 159
  99. /proc/station_time_timestamp 0.136 0.184 0.183 23912
  100. /mob/living/simple_animal/bot/proc/scan 0.134 0.250 0.251 995
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