
WarpedRealm release 1.3

Sep 18th, 2022
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  1. Release 1.3 Changes:
  3. - Fixed double character in /ranks when not having enough money
  4. - Added /adddm and /kit to TCF
  5. - Fixed another bug with sellwands
  6. - Nerfed Netherghosts: Projectiles fire slower, deal less damage (full combo like 3 hearts less), decreased spawnrate a bit
  7. - Adjusted AFK time
  8. - Added a chance that netherghosts drop nether stars (removed the dropchance from other mobs)
  9. - Nerfed miner gain for normal blocks
  10. - Changed cooldown icon of custom items to ✣
  11. - Adjusted all preview items using cooldown in the crates to use the new icon
  12. - Added new store item "Custom Death Message"
  13. - Fixed an issue where players could open claimed chests, place boats at spawn and interact with blocks
  14. - Fixed an issue where stacked spawners would have wrong hologram titles
  15. - Added 2 new weekly quests
  16. - Fixed 8 quests having problems with registering events
  17. - Increased Gaia HP to 500
  18. - Nerfed gaia big boom ouchie ability (higher cd and less damage)
  19. - Added new custom item "Mythical Golden Apple"
  20. - Added crafting recipe for new item
  21. - Added randomized announcement messages giving tips etc, theres like 8 messages now, if you have suggestions for more lmk
  22. - Fixed an issue where Ignis' slashing rage particles wouldnt fire from the right height
  23. - You can now hover over the death messages in chat whenever someone dies to see who submitted the message
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