
Level Й

Jun 12th, 2020
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  1. Welcome to Level Й! First thing’s first, you’re gonna need Google (likely, quite a few times).
  2. Second, you will encounter video(s). No “video manipulation” is necessary, I’m not THAT mean. But make sure that the video quality isn’t too low, or you may end up missing important details!
  3. Lastly, in the final part of the puzzle, you will need to find a Username and Password. The username and password are each one word, all lowercase letters. On the weekly puzzle website, when typing them in, format them as such:
  5. username/password
  7. (a slash separates the word for username, and the word for password. All lowercase, no symbols, no spaces.)
  10. Now, in the image, you’ll see some x’s.
  11. Each x stands for a LOWERCASE letter, and the letters spell out a five-letter word.
  12. Do some digging, and find out what he wants!
  16. !!!
  17. “;” <———— <br> ! (or <div> if you’re feeling fancy, same thing.)
  18. A type of poem? Almost...
  19. !!!
  22. PLAYER 1: “Yes!! I’ve been waiting for ages to play a proper game of Monopoly with you guys.”
  23. PLAYER 2: “Same! I'm glad you guys are staying healthy, too.”
  24. PLAYER 4: “True, and plus PLAYER 3 is here to join us, which is awesome cuz she’s usually super busy! How have you been?”
  25. PLAYER 3: “JJJJJJJ+#^%+glue+*~%€€€€%%%%uwu%%%%``0nlyapair0fdic3``+-<&OBEY:---->ROYGBIP<----%##Pay<br>All<br>Your<br>Attention<br>To<br>This<br>Extremely<br>Necessary<br>Text<br>Input.<br>Observe<br>Now.[[[]]===his_desire_can_be_found_in_the_following_colors===[[]]] BB18EC; FF9A00; FFFFFF; e; F70808 ¥{\? ++&&%$#%$#GL,HF!
  26. PLAYER 1: “Damn girl, are you okay?”
  27. PLAYER 3: “No lmao”
  29. [later that night, EST (EST gang babey)]
  31. PLAYER 1: “Did you see what Yoon posted in the nsfw chat, I’m gonna vom dude!”
  32. PLAYER 4: “Lol I muted it after I saw that. Ugh, Level 30 is literally impossible, I’m gonna go back to the weekly puzzle.”
  33. PLAYER 2: “Oh how’s that going? You did ROYGBIP, not ROYGBIV right?”
  34. PLAYER 4: “Yes! I got the colors but now I’m stuck.”
  35. PLAYER 3: “The hints tell you what to do with the colors, make sure you focus on EVERY part of the level.”
  36. PLAYER 4: “Oh, okay! But now I don’t know what to do with these clocks. You know what? Never mind, this is some bs. Thanks a lot, frkygeoff! I’m already going back to Notpron.”
  37. PLAYER 1: “Same. Could you get to Nu already? I need someone to suffer with. Plus I can’t let Liam beat me.”
  38. PLAYER 2: “I’m not even in Greeks yet but FUCK Nu”
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