
In the pet niche? Were you just affected by an update?

Jun 4th, 2020
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  1. In the pet niche? Were you just affected by an update?
  2. So I have a site that is a general review site, so reviews across many categories. The site has survived many updates and hasn't been much affected in the past few months.
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  14. The site has over 500 pages of content, at 2k words on average per page. I've used PBN links, niche edits, editorial links, and guest posts on this domain. Content is added on a daily basis, and just in the last 1-2 months, the site has gotten 10 natural editorial links.
  16. All this came to a crash last night, when I receive a manual penalty, due to "unnatural link building".
  18. At first, I was under the belief that the recent PBN orders that I commenced are responsible for this, since I ordered 400 PBN links in the last 30-45 days.
  20. Well, I got in touch with someone else who received a similar penalty last night, and he told me that he is in the pet niche. He also said that his direct competitor was penalized as well.
  22. So here is the thing, up until last December, I never had a product review in the pet niche. Well, when I made my first in December, I ordered 100 PBNs towards it.
  24. It could be a coincidence, but I'm looking to see if there is anyone else in the pet niche that has seen a penalization during this month. Would be helpful to nail down what Google is coming down on right now.
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  28. In semrush pets niche shows only 1.5
  31. I think maybe the pbns since you've got a manual penalty on that
  32. Semrush can be highly inaccurate and it doesn't tell you about manual penalties like the one OP received.
  33. I don't see why an update would specifically target pet sites. It makes no sense at all.
  35. It's more than likely due to your blackhat link building techniques. The fact that your friend was hit too was merely a coincidence.
  37. I can't think of a reason why they would target just pet sites.
  38. You ordered 100 PBN posts to a single article?
  40. You've ordered 400+ PBN posts in 45 days... I'm not assuming these are HQ, recurring payment posts, but bundle, single payment post style ones, correct?
  42. Doesn't seem like an update.
  43. ....since I ordered 400 PBN links in the last 30-45 days.
  44. This screams spam. You're just asking google to slap you hard.
  46. And no it has nothing to do with the niche.
  47. You ordered 100 PBN posts to a single article?
  49. You've ordered 400+ PBN posts in 45 days... I'm not assuming these are HQ, recurring payment posts, but bundle, single payment post style ones, correct?
  51. Doesn't seem like an update.
  52. Rachmaninoff said: ↑
  53. This screams spam. You're just asking google to slap you hard.
  55. And no it has nothing to do with the niche.
  56. All the posts have been split across 100+ pages (only generic/brand/naked/title anchors). Also, I double checked that 200 of them were live, the others were in the middle of a drip feed.
  58. Half of them were for monthly payments for homepage stick.
  59. But still 400 is a huge number even if they are dripfed, 200 in 2 months is also huge. Going slow is a vital part. Also, if you have the PBN links check those domains and see if they are penalised as well.
  60. imo, 400 pbns within 30 - 45 days are alot. May be you want to slow it down a bit.
  61. Due to negative SEO "unnatural link building" penalties are not as common as they once were. Unless you are blatantly building backlinks. Building 400 backlinks in a month is pretty blatant. My guess is a competitor in your niche found a ton of spammy PBNs linking to yours and your buddies sites and reported it to Google.
  63. I hate it when people do that but there are a lot of cut throats in the affiliate market
  64. How many of those PBNs are indexed?
  66. Four of my (private) 350 got deindexed two days ago - first time I have ever had any of my pbn deindexed
  68. 110 of 160 of a friend's (public) network got deindexed.
  70. I checked a few of the money sites that they were linking to, two sites seems to be penalized. One was in health niche, other was in clothing.
  72. All of the kws that ahrefs have crawled in the last 24 hrs threw them from first to fifth page, and not ranking for their own brand.
  74. It could be more of an issue with public PBNs rather than the niche.
  76. To every one else, if you are using a public pbn, check their index rate
  77. @Toepink how was the content? Most of the penalties I've seen were for "pure spam" as a result of spun content. Bots blocked?
  79. Public networks, it's typically just a matter of time until someone has a competitor report them.
  80. All the posts have been split across 100+ pages (only generic/brand/naked/title anchors). Also, I double checked that 200 of them were live, the others were in the middle of a drip feed.
  82. Half of them were for monthly payments for homepage stick.
  83. I agree with the others here who are saying that 400 PBN links in 30-45 days seems high.
  85. Also, unless you're spending a shit-ton of money, I'm guessing the quality of the PBN sites (and articles) is low, which won't help.
  87. One other thing - most sites that are getting backlinks naturally get a very, very low percentage of their backlinks from the home page of sites. I know people want links from the home page to get the most link juice, but having hundreds of backlinks from the home page seems like a huge red flag. It just doesn't happen naturally in the real world.
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