
iDempiere Save problem with translation 4

Nov 28th, 2014
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  1. 17:15:31.360 Atmosphere Framework 1.0.4 started. [14]
  2. 17:15:31.376 WebUIServlet.init: iDempiere Web Client started successfully [14]
  3. 17:15:33.396 Language.getLanguage: Adding Language=en, Country=GB, Locale=en_GB [15]
  4. 17:15:33.397-----------> Language.getLanguage: Adding Language=en, Country=GB, Locale=en_GB [15]
  5. 17:15:37.239 zkoss.loadLabels:232: Loading labels for en_US [18]
  6. 17:15:37.263 zkoss.loadLabels:232: Loading labels for en [18]
  7. 17:15:53.307 AddressPicker: Prefer IPv4 stack is true. [39]
  8. 17:15:53.351 AddressPicker: Picked Address[]:5701, using socket ServerSocket[addr=/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0,localport=5701], bind any local is true [39]
  9. 17:15:53.954 system: []:5701 [dev] Hazelcast Community Edition 2.4 (20121017) starting at Address[]:5701 [39]
  10. 17:15:53.955 system: []:5701 [dev] Copyright (C) 2008-2012 [39]
  11. 17:15:54.046 LifecycleServiceImpl: []:5701 [dev] Address[]:5701 is STARTING [39]
  12. 17:15:56.910 MulticastJoiner: []:5701 [dev]
  15. Members [1] {
  16. Member []:5701 this
  17. }
  18. [41]
  19. 17:15:57.002 LifecycleServiceImpl: []:5701 [dev] Address[]:5701 is STARTED [39]
  20. 17:15:59.351 [/ADInterface].log: Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext [45]
  21. 17:15:59.351 ContextLoader.initWebApplicationContext: Root WebApplicationContext: initialization started [45]
  22. 17:15:59.413 XmlWebApplicationContext.prepareRefresh: Refreshing Root WebApplicationContext: startup date [Fri Nov 28 17:15:59 EET 2014]; root of context hierarchy [45]
  23. 17:15:59.474 XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/services.xml] [45]
  24. 17:15:59.855 XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/rest-context.xml] [45]
  25. 17:16:00.015 XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml] [45]
  26. 17:16:00.096 XmlBeanDefinitionReader.loadBeanDefinitions: Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/cxf/cxf-servlet.xml] [45]
  27. 17:16:00.503 DefaultListableBeanFactory.preInstantiateSingletons: Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [ModelADService,compositeInterface,cxf,org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.BusWiringBeanFactoryPostProcessor,org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.Jsr250BeanPostProcessor,org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.BusExtensionPostProcessor,idempiereRest,ModelADServiceBean,CompositeServiceBean,xmlBeansProvider]; root of factory hierarchy [45]
  28. 17:16:00.531 ModelADServiceImpl.<init>: Creating session object ADService [45]
  29. 17:16:01.099 ReflectionServiceFactoryBean.buildServiceFromClass: Creating Service {}ModelADService from class org.idempiere.adinterface.ModelADService [45]
  30. 17:16:01.790 SocketAcceptor: []:5701 [dev] 5701 is accepting socket connection from / [46]
  31. 17:16:01.812 ConnectionManager: []:5701 [dev] 5701 accepted socket connection from / [46]
  32. 17:16:02.091 Connection: []:5701 [dev] Connection [/] lost. Reason:[null] [47]
  33. 17:16:02.407 ServerImpl.initDestination: Setting the server's publish address to be /ModelADService [45]
  34. 17:16:02.429 CompositeServiceImpl.<init>: Creating session object compositeInterface [45]
  35. 17:16:02.440 ReflectionServiceFactoryBean.buildServiceFromClass: Creating Service {}compositeInterface from class [45]
  36. 17:16:02.508 ServerImpl.initDestination: Setting the server's publish address to be /compositeInterface [45]
  37. 17:16:02.575 ModelADServiceImpl.<init>: Creating session object ADService [45]
  38. 17:16:02.581 CompositeServiceImpl.<init>: Creating session object compositeInterface [45]
  39. 17:16:02.847 ServerImpl.initDestination: Setting the server's publish address to be /rest [45]
  40. 17:16:02.946 ContextLoader.initWebApplicationContext: Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 3594 ms [45]
  41. 17:16:34.644 Msg.initMsg: Records=1641 - en_GB [33]
  42. 17:16:37.211 Login.getClients: User=SuperUser [33]
  43. 17:16:37.359 Trx.commit: **** POSaveAD_User_bdd1fc4c-c3d1-48ca-9f00-3248319a95d2 [33]
  44. 17:16:37.438 MRole.get: AD_Role_ID=0, AD_User_ID=0, reload=false [33]
  45. 17:16:37.461 MRole.get: AD_Role_ID=0, AD_User_ID=100, reload=true [33]
  46. 17:16:37.503 MRole.get: MRole[0,System Administrator,UserLevel=S ,AD_Client_ID=0,AD_Org_ID=0] [33]
  47. 17:16:37.527 Login.getWarehouses: No Warehouses for Org: 0=* [33]
  48. 17:16:37.548 zkoss.loadLabels:232: Loading labels for en_GB [33]
  49. 17:16:42.851 MRole.get: AD_Role_ID=102, AD_User_ID=100, reload=true [16]
  50. 17:16:42.916 MRole.get: MRole[102,GardenWorld Admin,UserLevel= CO,AD_Client_ID IN(0,11),AD_Org_ID IN(50007,0,50004,50005,50006,50000,50001,50002,11,12)] [16]
  51. 17:16:42.929 Login.getWarehouses: No Warehouses for Org: 0=* [16]
  52. 17:16:45.231 MRole.get: AD_Role_ID=0, AD_User_ID=100, reload=true [28]
  53. 17:16:45.272 MRole.get: MRole[0,System Administrator,UserLevel=S ,AD_Client_ID=0,AD_Org_ID=0] [28]
  54. 17:16:49.115 Login.getWarehouses: No Warehouses for Org: 0=* [28]
  55. 17:16:51.603 Login.loadPreferences: Org: 0=* [23]
  56. 17:16:51.603 MRole.get: AD_Role_ID=1000000, AD_User_ID=100, reload=true [23]
  57. 17:16:51.632 MRole.get: MRole[1000000,Pufidik Admin,UserLevel= CO,AD_Client_ID IN(0,1000000),AD_Org_ID IN(0,1000000,1000001)] [23]
  58. 17:16:51.727 Login.loadPreferences: Default Values ... [23]
  59. 17:16:52.332 MRole.get: AD_Role_ID=1000000, AD_User_ID=100, reload=false [23]
  60. 17:16:52.403 Trx.commit: **** POSaveAD_Session_184c71bc-a4a5-4c76-a5fd-27dc12b03ce6 [23]
  61. 17:16:52.424 Trx.commit: **** POSaveAD_Session_fe0c1c36-99e8-4d66-b84c-5a70b7e78108 [23]
  62. 17:16:53.177 MTree.<init>: AD_Tree_ID=10, AD_User_ID=100, Editable=false, OnClient=true [23]
  63. 17:16:55.183 MGoal.getUserGoals: Kayıt Yok [23]
  64. 17:16:55.487 MTree.<init>: AD_Tree_ID=10, AD_User_ID=100, Editable=false, OnClient=true [23]
  65. 17:16:55.942 Trx.commit: **** Cost_2190c8d4-2dab-4de8-b6d4-0d4793f64f50 [48]
  66. 17:16:56.061 Trx.commit: **** POSaveC_AcctProcessorLo_40e381c8-fc4b-4fe8-9eb0-d8e500b28413 [48]
  67. 17:16:56.064 Next run: 2014-11-28 17:26:56.063 sleep 600000 [48]
  68. 17:16:56.316 Trx.commit: **** POSaveC_AcctProcessor_c228d346-fb3c-48d0-a475-41b4f0e4fec7 [48]
  69. 17:17:09.007 GridTable.<init>: C_Invoice [28]
  70. 17:17:09.008 GridTable.<init>: C_InvoiceLine [28]
  71. 17:17:09.009 GridTable.<init>: C_InvoiceTax [28]
  72. 17:17:09.014 GridTable.<init>: C_InvoicePaySchedule [28]
  73. 17:17:09.015 GridTable.<init>: C_AllocationLine [28]
  74. 17:17:09.843 PartitionManager: []:5701 [dev] Initializing cluster partition table first arrangement... [41]
  75. 17:17:10.379 MaxRows=0 [28]
  76. 17:17:10.457 Trx.commit: **** Loader_c3d12f74-cae0-4931-befd-26e971e65450 [60]
  77. 17:17:10.519 CalloutInvoice.start: paymentTerm - C_PaymentTerm_ID=null (old=1000000) {active=false} [28]
  78. 17:17:10.552 MToolBarButtonRestrict.getOfTab: sql=SELECT AD_ToolBarButton_ID FROM AD_ToolBarButtonRestrict WHERE IsActive = 'Y' AND AD_Client_ID IN (0, ?) AND (AD_Role_ID IS NULL OR AD_Role_ID = ?) AND AD_Window_ID=? AND AD_Tab_ID=? AND AD_ToolBarButton_ID IN (SELECT AD_ToolBarButton_ID FROM AD_ToolBarButton WHERE AD_Process_ID IS NULL AND IsActive='Y') [28]
  79. 17:17:10.558 AbstractADWindowContent.dataStatusChanged: *1/1 [28]
  80. 17:17:10.806 CalloutInvoice.start: paymentTerm - C_PaymentTerm_ID=null (old=1000000) {active=false} [28]
  81. 17:17:10.830 AbstractADWindowContent.dataStatusChanged: *1/1 [28]
  82. 17:17:11.174 MToolBarButtonRestrict.getOfWindow: sql=SELECT AD_ToolBarButton_ID FROM AD_ToolBarButtonRestrict WHERE IsActive = 'Y' AND AD_Client_ID IN (0, ?) AND (AD_Role_ID IS NULL OR AD_Role_ID = ?) AND (AD_Window_ID IS NULL OR (Action='W' AND AD_Window_ID=?)) AND AD_Tab_ID IS NULL AND AD_ToolBarButton_ID IN (SELECT AD_ToolBarButton_ID FROM AD_ToolBarButton WHERE AD_Tab_ID IS NULL AND IsActive='Y' AND Action=?) [28]
  83. 17:17:19.588 MaxRows=0 [18]
  84. 17:17:19.607 MToolBarButtonRestrict.getOfTab: sql=SELECT AD_ToolBarButton_ID FROM AD_ToolBarButtonRestrict WHERE IsActive = 'Y' AND AD_Client_ID IN (0, ?) AND (AD_Role_ID IS NULL OR AD_Role_ID = ?) AND AD_Window_ID=? AND AD_Tab_ID=? AND AD_ToolBarButton_ID IN (SELECT AD_ToolBarButton_ID FROM AD_ToolBarButton WHERE AD_Process_ID IS NULL AND IsActive='Y') [18]
  85. 17:17:32.014 GridTable.dataSave: Row=0 [34]
  86. 17:17:32.055 Trx.commit: **** POSaveC_Invoice_8766e133-8635-44e3-8195-a61c14045b4f [34]
  87. 17:17:32.088 AbstractADWindowContent.dataStatusChanged: 1/1 [34]
  88. 17:17:32.139 CalloutInvoice.start: paymentTerm - C_PaymentTerm_ID=null (old=1000000) {active=false} [34]
  89. 17:17:32.164 AbstractADWindowContent.dataStatusChanged: *1/1 [34]
  90. 17:17:32.242 GridTable.dataRefreshAll: [34]
  91. 17:17:32.243 GridTable.dataIgnore: Inserting=false [34]
  92. 17:17:32.258 AbstractADWindowContent.dataStatusChanged: 1/1 [34]
  93. 17:17:32.269 MaxRows=0 [34]
  94. 17:17:32.282 Trx.commit: **** Loader_bef0a334-0dd3-45eb-b0cd-d926107f1828 [71]
  95. 17:17:32.327 AbstractADWindowContent.dataStatusChanged: 1/1 [34]
  96. 17:17:32.351 CalloutInvoice.start: paymentTerm - C_PaymentTerm_ID=null (old=1000000) {active=false} [34]
  97. 17:17:32.376 AbstractADWindowContent.dataStatusChanged: *1/1 [34]
  98. 17:17:32.413 CalloutInvoice.start: paymentTerm - C_PaymentTerm_ID=null (old=1000000) {active=false} [34]
  99. 17:17:32.443 AbstractADWindowContent.dataStatusChanged: *1/1 [34]
  100. 17:17:32.461 GridTable.dataRequery: C_InvoiceLine.C_Invoice_ID=1000020; OnlyCurrent=false [34]
  101. 17:17:32.462 MaxRows=0 [34]
  102. 17:17:48.765 SocketAcceptor: [
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