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Oct 16th, 2013
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  1. Because Firewall has a tendency of getting sidetracked, some of the questions were answered a fair amount of time after they were asked, in case you were wondering why the time stamps have discrepencies.
  7. Submit 16/10 22:03 <Firewall> didn't we say we don't have full out night time maps?
  8. Submit 16/10 22:05 <majnu> @Firewall - True, but having a proper dark environment where IRNV, dynamic lights would be preferable imo, instead of that Tehrain Highway blue filter
  9. Submit 16/10 22:05 <Firewall> OK so this might not be the most popular thing to support around these parts, but.. remember when we said we tried nightime maps and wasn't much fun?
  10. Submit 16/10 22:05 <Firewall> it was sadly true
  11. Submit 16/10 22:05 <Firewall> no matter how much I love the idea of night maps
  12. Submit 16/10 22:05 <AdrIneX> In what sense?
  13. Submit 16/10 22:05 <AdrIneX> Not enough action?
  14. Submit 16/10 22:06 <AdrIneX> Boring?
  15. Submit 16/10 22:06 <rukqoa> Like pitch black darkness?
  16. Submit 16/10 22:06 <rukqoa> Or just dim enough to miss shadows?
  17. Submit 16/10 22:06 <Firewall> well, night time as you would expect
  18. Submit 16/10 22:06 <Firewall> then obviously you need to be able to take out the lights
  19. Submit 16/10 22:06 <Firewall> because LEVOLUTION
  20. Submit 16/10 22:06 <Firewall> and it just sucked sadly
  21. Submit 16/10 22:07 <Firewall> it just didn't work for us
  22. Submit 16/10 22:07 <Firewall> maybe later? HOPEFULLY?!?!
  29. Submit 16/10 22:08 <Firewall> I hated 1942 because it made people stop playing Quakeworld
  30. Submit 16/10 22:08 <Firewall> my belowed QW
  31. Submit 16/10 22:08 <rukqoa> LYNCH HIM
  32. Submit 16/10 22:08 <Firewall> UH OH
  33. 16/10 22:08 <twisteddippy> 2142 will always be my favuorite
  34. Submit 16/10 22:08 <rukqoa> LYNCH HIM TOO
  35. Submit 16/10 22:08 <Cheshire cat> I'm one of the few people that dislike '42 as well
  36. Submit 16/10 22:08 <Firewall> word
  37. Submit 16/10 22:09 <rukqoa> LYNCH THEM ALL
  38. Submit 16/10 22:09 <Cheshire cat> 2142 is where it's at
  39. Submit 16/10 22:09 <Firewall> yup 2142 is mine
  40. Submit 16/10 22:09 <Cheshire cat> I love you
  48. Submit 16/10 22:10 <Cheshire cat> Firewall, regarding levels, will you still be able to spot through the dust in SoS?
  49. Submit 16/10 22:10 <Cheshire cat> also, will you be killed by the dam busting in that uh levolution thing?
  50. Submit 16/10 22:11 <Firewall> hellz yeah
  51. Submit 16/10 22:11 <Firewall> don't catch a boulder with your face
  52. Submit 16/10 22:11 <Cheshire cat> and in regards to spotting through the dust?
  59. Submit 16/10 22:13 <twisteddippy> whats your favourite bf map of all time
  60. Submit 16/10 22:13 <Firewall> OPERATION METRO
  61. Submit 16/10 22:13 <Firewall> haha
  62. Submit 16/10 22:13 <AdrIneX> MINE TOO
  63. Submit 16/10 22:13 <Firewall> CREDIBILITY REJECTED
  64. Submit 16/10 22:13 <AdrIneX> I was being serious
  65. Submit 16/10 22:13 <Winfernal> wait you actualy meant that?
  66. Submit 16/10 22:13 <Winfernal> :o
  67. Submit 16/10 22:13 <Firewall> LYNCH HIM
  73. Submit 16/10 22:14 <Cheshire cat> Guess I won't have an answer on the spotting through dust thing then
  74. Submit 16/10 22:14 <Firewall> oh sorry
  75. Submit 16/10 22:14 <Firewall> I get carried away
  76. Submit 16/10 22:16 <Firewall> I don't think we're able to disable spotting through the dust, at least not for launch
  77. Submit 16/10 22:16 <Cheshire cat> thanks for clarification
  84. Submit 16/10 22:15 <majnu> @Firewall can you tell us more about the levels, tutorials, co-op experience and how it may teach beginners to fly a chopper for example?
  85. Submit 16/10 22:17 <Firewall> we have a training range, you can fly helicopters and shoot at stuff, targets, etc
  86. Submit 16/10 22:17 <AdrIneX> nice
  87. Submit 16/10 22:17 <majnu> yeh I can fly a chopper, but if there is a tutorial mode I want to learn how to do advanced flying and if there is a mode designed to do that then how the levels are designed to accommodate that
  88. Submit 16/10 22:17 <Firewall> it's very much "here's map, bunch of vehicles and targets, have fun" rather than "press W to walk forward"
  89. Submit 16/10 22:18 <Firewall> it's kinda meant for you guys too tbh
  90. Submit 16/10 22:18 <Firewall> maybe not as much
  91. Submit 16/10 22:18 <Firewall> but like, for trying out new unlocks and stuff
  92. Submit 16/10 22:19 <Cheshire cat> will there be bots or anything like that to try things out on?
  93. Submit 16/10 22:19 <AdrIneX> So it's like the PlanetSide 2 thing?
  94. Submit 16/10 22:19 <Firewall> didn't try the planetside 2 thing
  95. Submit 16/10 22:19 <AdrIneX> But you know what I'm talking about?
  96. Submit 16/10 22:20 <Firewall> sort of
  102. Submit 16/10 22:21 <Orcacam07> dont know if this is all hush hush firewall, but will the maps on second assault actually be redone to fit with BF4's mechanics? For instance, will Metro be the same at its core or will we see some city portions added?
  109. Submit 16/10 22:25 <AdrIneX> Firewall, this is something I personally like to do on maps so I'll ask
  110. Submit 16/10 22:25 <AdrIneX> don't ridicule me for it
  111. Submit 16/10 22:26 <AdrIneX> but do we have enough "room" to play hide and seek ?
  112. Submit 16/10 22:26 <Firewall> how do you mean hide and seek?
  113. Submit 16/10 22:26 <AdrIneX> well you know the game right?
  114. Submit 16/10 22:26 <Firewall> and do you mean for the rest of the maps?
  115. Submit 16/10 22:26 <Firewall> well sure
  116. Submit 16/10 22:27 <AdrIneX> We just run and hide somewhere
  117. Submit 16/10 22:27 <AdrIneX> We need lots of cover obviously
  118. Submit 16/10 22:27 <AdrIneX> and room to do that
  119. Submit 16/10 22:27 <Cheshire cat> So large maps with lots of cover confirmed?
  120. Submit 16/10 22:27 <AdrIneX> so will the maps be big enough for that?
  121. Submit 16/10 22:28 <Firewall> that's tricky to answer
  122. Submit 16/10 22:28 <Cheshire cat> because you'll be castrated for answering?
  123. Submit 16/10 22:28 <Firewall> I feel like I'd have to see it first
  129. Submit 16/10 22:30 <Cheshire cat> Firewall, will we be seeing more maps like that snow map from armoured kill, where there's a mixture of forest and snow? fucking loved that map
  130. Submit 16/10 22:34 <Firewall> well, no none of the maps in BF4 look like that I'm afraid
  131. Submit 16/10 22:34 <Cheshire cat> ah that's a shame, so we're going to be looking at consistent scenery in maps then
  138. Submit 16/10 22:35 <Cheshire cat> And on that note, how will infantry focused maps like metro and locker implement commander? will they have different commander assets to other maps?
  139. Submit 16/10 22:45 <Firewall> each map will have different sets of commander assets, like not all maps work well with the gunship for example
  140. Submit 16/10 22:46 <Firewall> so infantry maps won't have vehicle scan, obviously
  141. Submit 16/10 22:46 <Winfernal> So no tomahawk in metro then? haha
  142. Submit 16/10 22:46 <Cheshire cat> thank you, so there are infantry oriented commander assets?
  143. Submit 16/10 22:46 <AdrIneX> but no details on what those assets will be I guess?
  144. Submit 16/10 22:46 <Firewall> well with the idea that was brought up
  145. Submit 16/10 22:46 <Firewall> now I kinda want it in
  146. Submit 16/10 22:47 <Firewall> yeah there are some infantry assets
  147. Submit 16/10 22:47 <Firewall> commander has the most stuff on combined arms maps
  153. Submit 16/10 22:36 <perkeie> @firewall how many hours are needed to create a large map in frostbyte, and is it much more than a small one?
  154. Submit 16/10 22:38 <Firewall> city maps are difficult, I'd say the most difficult ones to make
  155. Submit 16/10 22:54 <Firewall> so, we have a lot of people working on a single map, first of all. so it's not as simple to calculate hours like that
  156. Submit 16/10 22:55 <perkeie> but about which scale are we talking here, months, weeks?
  157. Submit 16/10 22:55 <Lord Crc> firewall: ok just double checked, most single player maps in JO were on the order of 3-5km home base to home base, 150 player maps were much larger
  158. Submit 16/10 22:55 <Firewall> and it's not possible to say that large maps take longer than small maps because they're larger
  159. Submit 16/10 22:55 <Lord Crc> flag placement and map flow can be hard on small maps i imagine
  160. Submit 16/10 22:56 <perkeie> true
  161. Submit 16/10 22:56 <Firewall> obviously building a rock is quicker than building a skyscraper that's falling over
  162. Submit 16/10 23:01 <Firewall> so yeah, it's very difficult to say a definite on hours for a map.. it all depends on what's needed for the map
  163. Submit 16/10 23:01 <Firewall> but our maps can take a whole year to build
  164. Submit 16/10 23:01 <perkeie> oh wow, alright then
  165. Submit 16/10 23:01 <Firewall> it can be a long process
  166. Submit 16/10 23:01 <Cheshire cat> for example?
  167. Submit 16/10 23:01 <Cheshire cat> what's taken a year?
  176. Submit 16/10 22:36 <Cheshire cat> Oh, and you don't suppose you know if the click commo rose is here to stay? or will we have the gesture based one bac
  177. Submit 16/10 22:45 <Firewall> I don't know
  182. Submit 16/10 22:39 <Lord Crc> firewall: whats the max physical size frostbite can handle with 64 players (like, on the clients, pc obviously)
  183. Submit 16/10 22:40 <Firewall> so for BF, there's always a struggle against memory
  184. Submit 16/10 22:40 <Firewall> like, do we want to make a map that everyone can boot up or only the 1% of our fans that have the very latest tech?
  185. Submit 16/10 22:41 <Firewall> individually set to each map
  186. 16/10 22:48 <Firewall> I have no idea about the max size of a map.. I'd have to try it out
  192. Submit 16/10 22:48 <Winfernal> But seriously. Is the tomahawk warning needed? can't people use their eyes and ears? it's just so... easy
  193. Submit 16/10 22:49 <Firewall> that the friendly commander can warn his team that the enemy has launched a tomahawk at an area?
  194. Submit 16/10 22:49 <Winfernal> Well now that you're saying it like that
  195. Submit 16/10 22:49 <Zeta> he can?
  196. Submit 16/10 22:49 <Firewall> I'd rather have that than an automatic alert tbh, seems more fun
  197. Submit 16/10 22:51 <Winfernal> Yes, but i mean the blast radius warning. The one that enemies can spot as well
  201. Submit 16/10 22:58 <Lord Crc> firewall: re falling building in shanghai
  202. Submit 16/10 22:58 <Lord Crc> firewall: will you do something about the instakill near base when it's starting to fall?
  203. Submit 16/10 22:59 <Firewall> in front of the building on the ground?
  204. Submit 16/10 22:59 <Lord Crc> firewall: seems very odd that you get zapped just because it's starting to tilt... should be killed by actual rubble or somethin
  205. Submit 16/10 22:59 <Firewall> hm, I'll have a look
  206. Submit 16/10 23:00 <Firewall> maybe someone else tweaked that for launch, I'm not sure
  211. Submit 16/10 23:02 <Firewall> I liked working on Paracel Storm
  212. Submit 16/10 23:02 <Ronin> Paracel looks fun
  213. Submit 16/10 23:02 <Firewall> because we hadn't really done those types of maps before, or at least not in a long while
  214. Submit 16/10 23:03 <Firewall> you all look at the big destroyer coming in
  215. Submit 16/10 23:03 <Firewall> and no one notices that we're moving the flag it crashes into?
  216. Submit 16/10 23:03 <Cheshire cat> HOLY SHIT
  217. Submit 16/10 23:03 <AdrIneX> wut
  218. Submit 16/10 23:03 <Cheshire cat> EVERYONE
  219. Submit 16/10 23:03 <Cheshire cat> SCOUR THE FOOTAGE
  220. Submit 16/10 23:04 <Firewall> so instead of being able to capture the flag from the outside of that island
  221. Submit 16/10 23:04 <Firewall> now you have to go to inside the bay
  222. Submit 16/10 23:04 <Firewall> because obviously C flag is closer to one of the HQ's right
  223. Submit 16/10 23:04 <Ronin> Smaller change than the waves which is what I'm more interested in
  224. Submit 16/10 23:04 <Firewall> so I wanted something that made up the assymetry a little bit
  225. Submit 16/10 23:04 <Firewall> so the other team now has an easier time capturing C
  226. Submit 16/10 23:05 <Firewall> not as drastic as tossing the flag down a skyscraper
  227. Submit 16/10 23:05 <Firewall> but still
  234. Submit 16/10 23:04 <Cheshire cat> Firewall, is there a server option to disable levolution?
  235. Submit 16/10 23:05 <Firewall> no I don't think youcan disable levolution
  236. Submit 16/10 23:06 <Firewall> but we'd look into it if you guys were being all haters
  237. Submit 16/10 23:06 <Firewall> but you'd never be like that
  238. Submit 16/10 23:06 <Lord Crc> firewall: beta it was down <2-3 minutes most rounds
  239. Submit 16/10 23:06 <Ronin> Yah, I like levolution, it's just too easy to trigger IMO
  244. Submit 16/10 23:06 <Firewall> that's a wrap everyone!
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