
Yoshi Clips New Info

Aug 13th, 2016
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  1. Thanks to MostlySMW, who found out that if you get kicked out with the best setup, your subpixel is consistent.
  3. We knew that if you get kicked out of a clip, Yoshi's resulting subpixel is based off of the frame counter. So the assumption was made that whenever you get kicked out, you are now out of luck because you can't predict the frame counter. Which I think is a rational assumption.
  5. However, think about this. Whether or not you clip into the wall is based off of the frame counter mod 4. That is to say there are 4 outcomes. Lets call them 0, 1, 2, 3. And since its changing 60 times per second, it's not really controllable which one we get. So we say each outcome has a 25% chance of happening.
  6. Now we know with the correct setup, if we get outcome 0, 1, or 2, we will clip in. If we get outcome 3, we get kicked out. So there is a 75% chance of clipping in. We knew this already. We also knew that if we do get kicked out, Yoshi's new subpixel is based off of which outcome we get. BUT. With this setup, the only outcome that kicks us out is outcome 3. So if we get kicked out, we know for sure, 100%, that we got outcome 3. Which means we know 100% what Yoshi's new subpixel will be. Which just so happens to be 00, which is the same subpixel we use to start the clip. So now we know if we do the good setup, but get the 25% bad luck, we already get the good setup in return. So when we get kicked out, we just go for the clip again right away.
  8. Now the old "backup" strat that is often confused with this is what to do if you drop Yoshi past the corner, but catch him before he hits the ground. This hasn't changed; you still want to do a quick dismount before actually going for the clip again, because Yoshi's subpixel is 80 when you drop him, and you need 00 for the good setup.
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