
NMHH Stats

Oct 27th, 2024
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  1. Participant overall averages:
  3. skyblue_angel: 9.209
  4. Catonia: 8.894
  5. Windows-XP-Home-NEW: 8.851
  6. Saison_Marguerite: 8.851
  7. sischalant: 8.787
  8. team_kockroach: 8.753
  9. welcome2thejam: 8.723
  10. HovaLomo: 8.723
  11. badwontfishing: 8.660
  12. Senn_Kyu: 8.479
  13. RYNO: 8.479
  14. xophrys: 8.464
  15. hockeynl: 8.372
  16. uiscebeathaoir: 8.340
  17. vexastrae: 8.319
  18. SheenEstevezzz: 8.319
  19. Goorry121: 8.277
  20. Wane-A-FellaToc: 8.262
  21. snoop darj: 8.223
  22. camerinian: 8.213
  23. Frajer: 8.170
  24. pbk: 8.096
  25. steelstepladder: 8.064
  26. modulum83: 8.015
  27. innuendo_overdose: 7.951
  28. TragicKingdom1: 7.945
  29. nonchalantthoughts: 7.913
  30. Ambrosia42: 7.896
  31. merorm: 7.872
  32. babadork: 7.853
  33. Stryxen: 7.830
  34. beeozan: 7.777
  35. indie_fan_: 7.757
  36. BleepBloopMusicFan: 7.745
  37. LibraryNo2717: 7.723
  38. seanderlust: 7.715
  39. CrimsonROSET: 7.702
  40. Broshi: 7.681
  41. bogo: 7.670
  42. ImADudeDuh: 7.540
  43. jackisboredtoday: 7.523
  44. RandomHypnotica: 7.506
  45. lexiaredery: 7.489
  46. Verboten_Prince: 7.426
  47. timothy444: 7.426
  48. DaHumanTorch: 7.411
  49. Awkward_King: 7.351
  50. ConnerY2323: 7.349
  51. TiltControls: 7.340
  52. 1998tweety: 7.330
  53. slimboyfriend: 7.287
  54. sufjancaesar: 7.277
  55. WesternWind: 7.266
  56. krusso1105: 7.191
  57. Roxieloxie: 7.164
  58. ignitethephoenix: 7.149
  59. static_int_husp: 7.064
  60. jirachi: 7.064
  61. vayyiqra: 7.043
  62. TakeOnMeByA-ha: 6.979
  63. runaway3212: 6.947
  64. impla77: 6.902
  65. apatel27: 6.872
  66. flava does not like Mr. Z: 6.670
  67. bigbigbee: 6.617
  68. raggedy-princess: 6.426
  69. daswef2: 6.362
  71. Participant negativity/positivity index:
  73. Average positivity: 27.308
  75. Positivity score | Most positive take
  77. skyblue_angel: 74.403 | Some L.A. N*****: 9.5
  78. Windows-XP-Home-NEW: 59.224 | Interlude: 10
  79. Catonia: 57.312 | Toilet Tisha: 10
  80. sischalant: 54.050 | Light Speed: 10
  81. HovaLomo: 50.776 | Threat: 10
  82. Saison_Marguerite: 50.101 | Toilet Tisha: 9.5
  83. Wane-A-FellaToc: 47.426 | Interlude: 10
  84. team_kockroach: 46.089 | Threat: 9.5
  85. badwontfishing: 44.620 | Bitch N*****: 9
  86. Senn_Kyu: 44.524 | Interlude: 10
  87. welcome2thejam: 42.944 | Ackrite: 9
  88. innuendo_overdose: 42.104 | Interlude: 10
  89. uiscebeathaoir: 41.237 | Toilet Tisha: 10
  90. beeozan: 38.777 | Light Speed: 10
  91. snoop darj: 36.293 | Slum Beautiful: 10
  92. hockeynl: 35.193 | Toilet Tisha: 10
  93. RYNO: 34.819 | Moment of Clarity: 10
  94. xophrys: 33.962 | Fuck You: 9.4
  95. camerinian: 33.816 | Light Speed: 9
  96. Awkward_King: 33.553 | Ackrite: 10
  97. merorm: 32.982 | Threat: 10
  98. vexastrae: 32.764 | Red Velvet: 10
  99. modulum83: 32.401 | Housewife: 8.7
  100. Goorry121: 31.798 | Bitch N*****: 9
  101. pbk: 31.074 | Justify My Thug: 10
  102. SheenEstevezzz: 30.460 | The Watcher: 10
  103. BleepBloopMusicFan: 29.544 | Toilet Tisha: 10
  104. LibraryNo2717: 29.018 | Allure: 11
  105. steelstepladder: 28.931 | Lucifer: 10
  106. Ambrosia42: 28.809 | Gangsta Shit: 10
  107. runaway3212: 26.799 | Interlude: 10
  108. seanderlust: 26.620 | Threat: 9.8
  109. babadork: 26.520 | Snappin’ & Trappin’: 10
  110. Stryxen: 26.234 | Ackrite: 10
  111. CrimsonROSET: 25.480 | Let’s Get High: 10
  112. timothy444: 25.388 | Light Speed: 10
  113. sufjancaesar: 24.057 | Housewife: 9
  114. TragicKingdom1: 23.820 | Dirt Off Your Shoulder: 11
  115. indie_fan_: 22.698 | Big Ego’s: 9.3
  116. bogo: 22.478 | Change Clothes: 10
  117. Frajer: 22.439 | Change Clothes: 10
  118. ImADudeDuh: 20.845 | Fuck You: 9
  119. flava does not like Mr. Z: 20.445 | We Luv Deez Hoez: 10
  120. Broshi: 20.437 | Xxplosive: 10
  121. nonchalantthoughts: 19.534 | Change Clothes: 9.8
  122. lexiaredery: 19.273 | December 4th: 11
  123. RandomHypnotica: 18.674 | Justify My Thug: 10
  124. jirachi: 17.420 | Gangsta Shit: 10
  125. vayyiqra: 17.108 | We Luv Deez Hoez: 10
  126. krusso1105: 17.094 | Lucifer: 10
  127. WesternWind: 15.050 | Red Velvet: 10
  128. apatel27: 15.019 | Murder Ink: 11
  129. TiltControls: 13.534 | Ackrite: 8
  130. daswef2: 13.466 | Fuck You: 9
  131. Roxieloxie: 13.139 | Change Clothes: 11
  132. slimboyfriend: 12.298 | Fuck You: 8
  133. jackisboredtoday: 11.622 | Still D.R.E: 11
  134. ConnerY2323: 11.507 | Lucifer: 10
  135. TakeOnMeByA-ha: 11.155 | ?: 10
  136. impla77: 10.062 | My 1st Song: 9.2
  137. static_int_husp: 9.577 | Lucifer: 10
  138. DaHumanTorch: 8.872 | Snappin’ & Trappin’: 9
  139. Verboten_Prince: 8.200 | Humble Mumble: 11
  140. ignitethephoenix: 6.827 | Fuck You: 7.5
  141. 1998tweety: 6.610 | Ms. Jackson: 11
  142. raggedy-princess: 6.029 | Snappin’ & Trappin’: 9
  143. bigbigbee: 4.318 | December 4th: 11
  145. Average negativity: 26.868
  147. Negativity score | Most negative take
  149. daswef2: 75.068 | December 4th: 3
  150. flava does not like Mr. Z: 70.487 | 99 Problems: 2
  151. raggedy-princess: 66.574 | Encore: 6
  152. bigbigbee: 63.107 | B.O.B - Bombs Over Baghdad: 7
  153. runaway3212: 60.506 | So Fresh, So Clean: 1
  154. apatel27: 50.457 | What’s The Difference: 4
  155. vayyiqra: 48.040 | Public Service Announcement: 4
  156. Awkward_King: 46.574 | Still D.R.E: 5
  157. TakeOnMeByA-ha: 46.032 | I’ll Call B4 I Cum: 0
  158. Roxieloxie: 45.149 | What’s The Difference: 0
  159. jirachi: 44.899 | Humble Mumble: 4
  160. WesternWind: 44.131 | The Next Episode: 6
  161. sufjancaesar: 41.563 | Slum Beautiful: 2
  162. beeozan: 41.531 | B.O.B - Bombs Over Baghdad: 6
  163. impla77: 41.391 | Fuck You: 0
  164. static_int_husp: 38.125 | The Watcher: 0
  165. LibraryNo2717: 37.740 | Forgot about Dre: 6
  166. ignitethephoenix: 35.661 | Bitch N*****: 0
  167. timothy444: 33.451 | Stankonia (Stanklove): 2
  168. slimboyfriend: 32.665 | The Next Episode: 6
  169. RandomHypnotica: 32.486 | Ms. Jackson: 4.5
  170. krusso1105: 32.205 | Xxplosive: 1
  171. innuendo_overdose: 32.144 | Xplosion: 3
  172. TiltControls: 31.862 | We Luv Deez Hoez: 0
  173. 1998tweety: 31.853 | Gasoline Dreams: 6.5
  174. CrimsonROSET: 31.591 | Ms. Jackson: 0
  175. Wane-A-FellaToc: 29.459 | Dirt Off Your Shoulder: 5.5
  176. merorm: 29.434 | Spaghetti Junction: 4
  177. ImADudeDuh: 28.085 | Lucifer: 4
  178. lexiaredery: 26.723 | We Luv Deez Hoez: 0
  179. Stryxen: 25.135 | Some L.A. N*****: 0
  180. ConnerY2323: 24.926 | Fuck You: 0
  181. BleepBloopMusicFan: 23.987 | Threat: 3
  182. DaHumanTorch: 23.847 | 99 Problems: 7.8
  183. bogo: 23.497 | Xxplosive: 1
  184. indie_fan_: 22.971 | 99 Problems: 4
  185. Verboten_Prince: 22.867 | Fuck You: 2
  186. babadork: 22.789 | The Next Episode: 6.3
  187. Broshi: 22.655 | December 4th: 6
  188. jackisboredtoday: 22.601 | Gasoline Dreams: 7.6
  189. Ambrosia42: 21.863 | Bang Bang: 4
  190. seanderlust: 21.350 | Light Speed: 0
  191. modulum83: 18.822 | Murder Ink: 0
  192. uiscebeathaoir: 18.795 | The Next Episode: 6
  193. TragicKingdom1: 16.394 | Gasoline Dreams: 7
  194. pbk: 15.731 | Still D.R.E: 7.5
  195. snoop darj: 15.182 | December 4th: 6
  196. Senn_Kyu: 14.898 | Still D.R.E: 7
  197. steelstepladder: 12.563 | Allure: 6
  198. camerinian: 12.334 | Moment of Clarity: 5
  199. sischalant: 12.273 | B.O.B - Bombs Over Baghdad: 8
  200. Windows-XP-Home-NEW: 12.233 | B.O.B - Bombs Over Baghdad: 6.5
  201. nonchalantthoughts: 11.402 | Snappin’ & Trappin’: 3
  202. Catonia: 10.701 | The Next Episode: 5
  203. vexastrae: 10.512 | Forgot about Dre: 6.5
  204. Goorry121: 9.946 | Dirt Off Your Shoulder: 7
  205. HovaLomo: 9.768 | The Message: 5
  206. hockeynl: 8.759 | My 1st Song: 5
  207. skyblue_angel: 8.234 | 99 Problems: 6.5
  208. SheenEstevezzz: 7.454 | Humble Mumble: 7
  209. Frajer: 6.123 | What More Can I Say: 7
  210. badwontfishing: 5.664 | Dirt Off Your Shoulder: 8
  211. xophrys: 4.492 | Spaghetti Junction: 6.9
  212. RYNO: 4.229 | Change Clothes: 6.5
  213. team_kockroach: 3.189 | The Message: 7
  214. Saison_Marguerite: 2.264 | Public Service Announcement: 7.5
  215. welcome2thejam: 0.737 | ?: 7
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