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May 21st, 2018
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  1. mage="Frostbolt"
  2. spec=frost
  3. level=110
  4. race=dwarf
  5. role=spell
  6. position=back
  7. talents=2033021
  8. artifact=53:0:0:0:0:783:1:784:4:785:4:786:4:787:4:788:4:789:4:790:4:791:4:792:4:793:1:794:1:795:1:796:1:797:1:798:1:1296:1:1373:1:1537:4:1538:1:1539:1:1540:24:1641:1
  9. crucible=1739:1780:789/1739:1780:789/1739:1780:789
  11. # Default consumables
  12. potion=prolonged_power
  13. flask=whispered_pact
  14. food=lemon_herb_filet
  15. augmentation=defiled
  17. # This default action priority list is automatically created based on your character.
  18. # It is a attempt to provide you with a action list that is both simple and practicable,
  19. # while resulting in a meaningful and good simulation. It may not result in the absolutely highest possible dps.
  20. # Feel free to edit, adapt and improve it to your own needs.
  21. # SimulationCraft is always looking for updates and improvements to the default action lists.
  23. # Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only.
  24. actions.precombat=flask
  25. actions.precombat+=/food
  26. actions.precombat+=/augmentation
  27. actions.precombat+=/water_elemental
  28. actions.precombat+=/snapshot_stats
  29. actions.precombat+=/mirror_image
  30. actions.precombat+=/potion
  31. actions.precombat+=/frostbolt
  33. # Executed every time the actor is available.
  34. actions=counterspell
  35. # Free Ice Lance after Flurry. This action has rather high priority to ensure that we don't cast Rune of Power, Ray of Frost, etc. after Flurry and break up the combo. If FoF was already active, we do not lose anything by delaying the Ice Lance.
  36. actions+=/ice_lance,if=!buff.fingers_of_frost.react&prev_gcd.1.flurry
  37. # Time Warp is used right at the start. If the actor has Shard of the Exodar, try to synchronize the second Time Warp with Icy Veins. If the target is about to die, use Time Warp regardless.
  38. actions+=/time_warp,if=buff.bloodlust.down&(buff.exhaustion.down|equipped.shard_of_the_exodar)&(cooldown.icy_veins.remains<1|target.time_to_die<50)
  39. actions+=/call_action_list,name=cooldowns
  40. actions+=/call_action_list,name=aoe,if=active_enemies>=3
  41. actions+=/call_action_list,name=single
  43. actions.aoe=frostbolt,if=prev_off_gcd.water_jet
  44. # Make sure Frozen Orb is used before Blizzard if both are available. This is a small gain with Freezing Rain and on par without.
  45. actions.aoe+=/frozen_orb
  46. actions.aoe+=/blizzard
  47. actions.aoe+=/comet_storm
  48. actions.aoe+=/ice_nova
  49. actions.aoe+=/water_jet,if=prev_gcd.1.frostbolt&buff.fingers_of_frost.stack<3&!buff.brain_freeze.react
  50. actions.aoe+=/flurry,if=prev_gcd.1.ebonbolt|buff.brain_freeze.react&(prev_gcd.1.glacial_spike|prev_gcd.1.frostbolt)
  51. actions.aoe+=/frost_bomb,if=debuff.frost_bomb.remains<action.ice_lance.travel_time&buff.fingers_of_frost.react
  52. actions.aoe+=/ice_lance,if=buff.fingers_of_frost.react
  53. actions.aoe+=/ebonbolt
  54. actions.aoe+=/glacial_spike
  55. actions.aoe+=/frostbolt
  56. actions.aoe+=/call_action_list,name=movement
  57. actions.aoe+=/cone_of_cold
  58. actions.aoe+=/ice_lance
  60. # Rune of Power is used when going into Icy Veins and while Icy Veins are up. Outside of Icy Veins, use Rune of Power when about to cap on charges or the target is about to die.
  61. actions.cooldowns=rune_of_power,if=cooldown.icy_veins.remains<cast_time|charges_fractional>1.9&cooldown.icy_veins.remains>10|buff.icy_veins.up|target.time_to_die+5<charges_fractional*10
  62. actions.cooldowns+=/potion,if=cooldown.icy_veins.remains<1|target.time_to_die<70
  63. actions.cooldowns+=/icy_veins
  64. actions.cooldowns+=/mirror_image
  65. actions.cooldowns+=/use_items
  66. actions.cooldowns+=/blood_fury
  67. actions.cooldowns+=/berserking
  68. actions.cooldowns+=/arcane_torrent
  69. actions.cooldowns+=/lights_judgment
  71. actions.movement=blink,if=movement.distance>10
  72. actions.movement+=/ice_floes,if=buff.ice_floes.down
  74. # In some circumstances, it is possible for both Ice Lance and Ice Nova to benefit from a single Winter's Chill.
  75. actions.single=ice_nova,if=debuff.winters_chill.up
  76. actions.single+=/frostbolt,if=prev_off_gcd.water_jet
  77. # Basic Water Jet combo. Since Water Jet can only be used if the actor is not casting, we use it right after Frostbolt is executed. At the default distance, Frostbolt travels slightly over 1 s, giving Water Jet enough time to apply the DoT (Water Jet's cast time is 1 s, with haste scaling). The APL then forces another Frostbolt to guarantee getting both FoFs from the Water Jet. This works for most haste values (roughly from 0% to 160%). When changing the default distance, great care must be taken otherwise this action won't produce two FoFs.
  78. actions.single+=/water_jet,if=prev_gcd.1.frostbolt&buff.fingers_of_frost.stack<3&!buff.brain_freeze.react
  79. actions.single+=/ray_of_frost,if=buff.icy_veins.up|cooldown.icy_veins.remains>action.ray_of_frost.cooldown&buff.rune_of_power.down
  80. # Winter's Chill from Flurry can apply to the spell cast right before (provided the travel time is long enough). This can be exploited to a great effect with Ebonbolt, Glacial Spike (which deal a lot of damage by themselves) and Frostbolt (as a guaranteed way to proc Frozen Veins and Chain Reaction). When using Glacial Spike, it is worth saving a Brain Freeze proc when Glacial Spike is right around the corner (i.e. with 5 Icicles). However, when the actor also has T20 2pc, Glacial Spike is delayed to fit into Frozen Mass, so we do not want to sit on a Brain Freeze proc for too long in that case.
  81. actions.single+=/flurry,if=prev_gcd.1.ebonbolt|buff.brain_freeze.react&(prev_gcd.1.glacial_spike|prev_gcd.1.frostbolt&(!talent.glacial_spike.enabled|buff.icicles.stack<=4|cooldown.frozen_orb.remains<=10&set_bonus.tier20_2pc))
  82. # With T20 2pc, Frozen Orb should be used as soon as it comes off CD.
  83. actions.single+=/frozen_orb,if=set_bonus.tier20_2pc&buff.fingers_of_frost.react<3
  84. # Freezing Rain Blizzard. While the normal Blizzard action is usually enough, right after Frozen Orb the actor will be getting a lot of FoFs, which might delay Blizzard to the point where we miss out on Freezing Rain. Therefore, if we are not at a risk of overcapping on FoF, use Blizzard before using Ice Lance.
  85. actions.single+=/blizzard,if=cast_time=0&active_enemies>1&buff.fingers_of_frost.react<3
  86. actions.single+=/frost_bomb,if=debuff.frost_bomb.remains<action.ice_lance.travel_time&buff.fingers_of_frost.react
  87. actions.single+=/ice_lance,if=buff.fingers_of_frost.react
  88. actions.single+=/ebonbolt
  89. actions.single+=/frozen_orb
  90. actions.single+=/ice_nova
  91. actions.single+=/comet_storm
  92. # Against low number of targets, Blizzard is used as a filler. Zann'esu buffed Blizzard is used only at 5 stacks.
  93. actions.single+=/blizzard,if=active_enemies>1|buff.zannesu_journey.stack=5&buff.zannesu_journey.remains>cast_time
  94. # While Frozen Mass is active, we want to fish for Brain Freeze for the next Glacial Spike. Stop when Frozen Mass is about to run out and we wouldn't be able to cast Glacial Spike in time.
  95. actions.single+=/frostbolt,if=buff.frozen_mass.remains>execute_time+action.glacial_spike.execute_time+action.glacial_spike.travel_time&!buff.brain_freeze.react&talent.glacial_spike.enabled
  96. # Glacial Spike is generally used as it is available, unless we have T20 2pc. In that case, Glacial Spike is delayed when Frozen Mass is happening soon (in less than 10 s).
  97. actions.single+=/glacial_spike,if=cooldown.frozen_orb.remains>10|!set_bonus.tier20_2pc
  98. actions.single+=/frostbolt
  99. actions.single+=/call_action_list,name=movement
  100. # While on the move, use instant Blizzard if available.
  101. actions.single+=/blizzard
  102. # Otherwise just use Ice Lance to do at least some damage.
  103. actions.single+=/ice_lance
  105. head=runebound_collar,id=152138,bonus_id=3612/1502
  106. neck=chain_of_the_unmaker,id=152283,bonus_id=3612/1502,enchant=mark_of_the_hidden_satyr
  107. shoulders=runebound_mantle,id=152141,bonus_id=3612/1502
  108. back=drape_of_the_arcane_tempest,id=147145,bonus_id=3563/1512,enchant=binding_of_intellect
  109. chest=runebound_tunic,id=152140,bonus_id=3612/1502
  110. wrists=magtheridons_banished_bracers,id=138140,bonus_id=3630
  111. hands=gloves_of_the_arcane_tempest,id=147146,bonus_id=3563/1512
  112. waist=cord_of_blossoming_petals,id=151952,bonus_id=3612/1502
  113. legs=runebound_leggings,id=152139,bonus_id=3612/1502
  114. feet=lady_dacidions_silk_slippers,id=151945,bonus_id=3612/1502
  115. finger1=seal_of_the_portalmaster,id=152063,bonus_id=3612/1502,enchant=binding_of_versatility
  116. finger2=shard_of_the_exodar,id=132410,bonus_id=3630,gem_id=151585,enchant=binding_of_versatility
  117. trinket1=acrid_catalyst_injector,id=151955,bonus_id=3612/1502
  118. trinket2=amanthuls_vision,id=154172,bonus_id=4213
  119. main_hand=ebonchill,id=128862,bonus_id=731,gem_id=155850/155846/155850,relic_id=3612:1512/3612:1512/3612:1512
  121. # Gear Summary
  122. # gear_ilvl=967.27
  123. # gear_stamina=59745
  124. # gear_intellect=65839
  125. # gear_crit_rating=10640
  126. # gear_haste_rating=12025
  127. # gear_mastery_rating=5632
  128. # gear_versatility_rating=9139
  129. # gear_armor=2389
  130. # set_bonus=tier20_2pc=1
  131. # set_bonus=tier21_2pc=1
  132. # set_bonus=tier21_4pc=1
  134. mage="ebonbolt fb"
  135. spec=frost
  136. level=110
  137. race=dwarf
  138. role=spell
  139. position=back
  140. talents=2033021
  141. artifact=53:0:0:0:0:783:1:784:4:785:4:786:4:787:4:788:4:789:4:790:4:791:4:792:4:793:1:794:1:795:1:796:1:797:1:798:1:1296:1:1373:1:1537:4:1538:1:1539:1:1540:24:1641:1
  142. crucible=1739:1780:789/1739:1780:789/1739:1780:789
  144. # Default consumables
  145. potion=prolonged_power
  146. flask=whispered_pact
  147. food=lemon_herb_filet
  148. augmentation=defiled
  150. # This default action priority list is automatically created based on your character.
  151. # It is a attempt to provide you with a action list that is both simple and practicable,
  152. # while resulting in a meaningful and good simulation. It may not result in the absolutely highest possible dps.
  153. # Feel free to edit, adapt and improve it to your own needs.
  154. # SimulationCraft is always looking for updates and improvements to the default action lists.
  156. # Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only.
  157. actions.precombat=flask
  158. actions.precombat+=/food
  159. actions.precombat+=/augmentation
  160. actions.precombat+=/water_elemental
  161. actions.precombat+=/snapshot_stats
  162. actions.precombat+=/mirror_image
  163. actions.precombat+=/potion
  164. actions.precombat+=/ebonbolt
  166. # Executed every time the actor is available.
  167. actions=counterspell
  168. # Free Ice Lance after Flurry. This action has rather high priority to ensure that we don't cast Rune of Power, Ray of Frost, etc. after Flurry and break up the combo. If FoF was already active, we do not lose anything by delaying the Ice Lance.
  169. actions+=/ice_lance,if=!buff.fingers_of_frost.react&prev_gcd.1.flurry
  170. # Time Warp is used right at the start. If the actor has Shard of the Exodar, try to synchronize the second Time Warp with Icy Veins. If the target is about to die, use Time Warp regardless.
  171. actions+=/time_warp,if=buff.bloodlust.down&(buff.exhaustion.down|equipped.shard_of_the_exodar)&(cooldown.icy_veins.remains<1|target.time_to_die<50)
  172. actions+=/call_action_list,name=cooldowns
  173. actions+=/call_action_list,name=aoe,if=active_enemies>=3
  174. actions+=/call_action_list,name=single
  176. actions.aoe=frostbolt,if=prev_off_gcd.water_jet
  177. # Make sure Frozen Orb is used before Blizzard if both are available. This is a small gain with Freezing Rain and on par without.
  178. actions.aoe+=/frozen_orb
  179. actions.aoe+=/blizzard
  180. actions.aoe+=/comet_storm
  181. actions.aoe+=/ice_nova
  182. actions.aoe+=/water_jet,if=prev_gcd.1.frostbolt&buff.fingers_of_frost.stack<3&!buff.brain_freeze.react
  183. actions.aoe+=/flurry,if=prev_gcd.1.ebonbolt|buff.brain_freeze.react&(prev_gcd.1.glacial_spike|prev_gcd.1.frostbolt)
  184. actions.aoe+=/frost_bomb,if=debuff.frost_bomb.remains<action.ice_lance.travel_time&buff.fingers_of_frost.react
  185. actions.aoe+=/ice_lance,if=buff.fingers_of_frost.react
  186. actions.aoe+=/ebonbolt
  187. actions.aoe+=/glacial_spike
  188. actions.aoe+=/frostbolt
  189. actions.aoe+=/call_action_list,name=movement
  190. actions.aoe+=/cone_of_cold
  191. actions.aoe+=/ice_lance
  193. # Rune of Power is used when going into Icy Veins and while Icy Veins are up. Outside of Icy Veins, use Rune of Power when about to cap on charges or the target is about to die.
  194. actions.cooldowns=rune_of_power,if=cooldown.icy_veins.remains<cast_time|charges_fractional>1.9&cooldown.icy_veins.remains>10|buff.icy_veins.up|target.time_to_die+5<charges_fractional*10
  195. actions.cooldowns+=/potion,if=cooldown.icy_veins.remains<1|target.time_to_die<70
  196. actions.cooldowns+=/icy_veins
  197. actions.cooldowns+=/mirror_image
  198. actions.cooldowns+=/use_items
  199. actions.cooldowns+=/blood_fury
  200. actions.cooldowns+=/berserking
  201. actions.cooldowns+=/arcane_torrent
  202. actions.cooldowns+=/lights_judgment
  204. actions.movement=blink,if=movement.distance>10
  205. actions.movement+=/ice_floes,if=buff.ice_floes.down
  207. # In some circumstances, it is possible for both Ice Lance and Ice Nova to benefit from a single Winter's Chill.
  208. actions.single=ice_nova,if=debuff.winters_chill.up
  209. actions.single+=/frostbolt,if=prev_off_gcd.water_jet
  210. # Basic Water Jet combo. Since Water Jet can only be used if the actor is not casting, we use it right after Frostbolt is executed. At the default distance, Frostbolt travels slightly over 1 s, giving Water Jet enough time to apply the DoT (Water Jet's cast time is 1 s, with haste scaling). The APL then forces another Frostbolt to guarantee getting both FoFs from the Water Jet. This works for most haste values (roughly from 0% to 160%). When changing the default distance, great care must be taken otherwise this action won't produce two FoFs.
  211. actions.single+=/water_jet,if=prev_gcd.1.frostbolt&buff.fingers_of_frost.stack<3&!buff.brain_freeze.react
  212. actions.single+=/ray_of_frost,if=buff.icy_veins.up|cooldown.icy_veins.remains>action.ray_of_frost.cooldown&buff.rune_of_power.down
  213. # Winter's Chill from Flurry can apply to the spell cast right before (provided the travel time is long enough). This can be exploited to a great effect with Ebonbolt, Glacial Spike (which deal a lot of damage by themselves) and Frostbolt (as a guaranteed way to proc Frozen Veins and Chain Reaction). When using Glacial Spike, it is worth saving a Brain Freeze proc when Glacial Spike is right around the corner (i.e. with 5 Icicles). However, when the actor also has T20 2pc, Glacial Spike is delayed to fit into Frozen Mass, so we do not want to sit on a Brain Freeze proc for too long in that case.
  214. actions.single+=/flurry,if=prev_gcd.1.ebonbolt|buff.brain_freeze.react&(prev_gcd.1.glacial_spike|prev_gcd.1.frostbolt&(!talent.glacial_spike.enabled|buff.icicles.stack<=4|cooldown.frozen_orb.remains<=10&set_bonus.tier20_2pc))
  215. # With T20 2pc, Frozen Orb should be used as soon as it comes off CD.
  216. actions.single+=/frozen_orb,if=set_bonus.tier20_2pc&buff.fingers_of_frost.react<3
  217. # Freezing Rain Blizzard. While the normal Blizzard action is usually enough, right after Frozen Orb the actor will be getting a lot of FoFs, which might delay Blizzard to the point where we miss out on Freezing Rain. Therefore, if we are not at a risk of overcapping on FoF, use Blizzard before using Ice Lance.
  218. actions.single+=/blizzard,if=cast_time=0&active_enemies>1&buff.fingers_of_frost.react<3
  219. actions.single+=/frost_bomb,if=debuff.frost_bomb.remains<action.ice_lance.travel_time&buff.fingers_of_frost.react
  220. actions.single+=/ice_lance,if=buff.fingers_of_frost.react
  221. actions.single+=/ebonbolt
  222. actions.single+=/frozen_orb
  223. actions.single+=/ice_nova
  224. actions.single+=/comet_storm
  225. # Against low number of targets, Blizzard is used as a filler. Zann'esu buffed Blizzard is used only at 5 stacks.
  226. actions.single+=/blizzard,if=active_enemies>1|buff.zannesu_journey.stack=5&buff.zannesu_journey.remains>cast_time
  227. # While Frozen Mass is active, we want to fish for Brain Freeze for the next Glacial Spike. Stop when Frozen Mass is about to run out and we wouldn't be able to cast Glacial Spike in time.
  228. actions.single+=/frostbolt,if=buff.frozen_mass.remains>execute_time+action.glacial_spike.execute_time+action.glacial_spike.travel_time&!buff.brain_freeze.react&talent.glacial_spike.enabled
  229. # Glacial Spike is generally used as it is available, unless we have T20 2pc. In that case, Glacial Spike is delayed when Frozen Mass is happening soon (in less than 10 s).
  230. actions.single+=/glacial_spike,if=cooldown.frozen_orb.remains>10|!set_bonus.tier20_2pc
  231. actions.single+=/frostbolt
  232. actions.single+=/call_action_list,name=movement
  233. # While on the move, use instant Blizzard if available.
  234. actions.single+=/blizzard
  235. # Otherwise just use Ice Lance to do at least some damage.
  236. actions.single+=/ice_lance
  238. head=runebound_collar,id=152138,bonus_id=3612/1502
  239. neck=chain_of_the_unmaker,id=152283,bonus_id=3612/1502,enchant=mark_of_the_hidden_satyr
  240. shoulders=runebound_mantle,id=152141,bonus_id=3612/1502
  241. back=drape_of_the_arcane_tempest,id=147145,bonus_id=3563/1512,enchant=binding_of_intellect
  242. chest=runebound_tunic,id=152140,bonus_id=3612/1502
  243. wrists=magtheridons_banished_bracers,id=138140,bonus_id=3630
  244. hands=gloves_of_the_arcane_tempest,id=147146,bonus_id=3563/1512
  245. waist=cord_of_blossoming_petals,id=151952,bonus_id=3612/1502
  246. legs=runebound_leggings,id=152139,bonus_id=3612/1502
  247. feet=lady_dacidions_silk_slippers,id=151945,bonus_id=3612/1502
  248. finger1=seal_of_the_portalmaster,id=152063,bonus_id=3612/1502,enchant=binding_of_versatility
  249. finger2=shard_of_the_exodar,id=132410,bonus_id=3630,gem_id=151585,enchant=binding_of_versatility
  250. trinket1=acrid_catalyst_injector,id=151955,bonus_id=3612/1502
  251. trinket2=amanthuls_vision,id=154172,bonus_id=4213
  252. main_hand=ebonchill,id=128862,bonus_id=731,gem_id=155850/155846/155850,relic_id=3612:1512/3612:1512/3612:1512
  254. # Gear Summary
  255. # gear_ilvl=967.27
  256. # gear_stamina=59745
  257. # gear_intellect=65839
  258. # gear_crit_rating=10640
  259. # gear_haste_rating=12025
  260. # gear_mastery_rating=5632
  261. # gear_versatility_rating=9139
  262. # gear_armor=2389
  263. # set_bonus=tier20_2pc=1
  264. # set_bonus=tier21_2pc=1
  265. # set_bonus=tier21_4pc=1
  267. mage="EB shatter"
  268. spec=frost
  269. level=110
  270. race=dwarf
  271. role=spell
  272. position=back
  273. talents=2033021
  274. artifact=53:0:0:0:0:783:1:784:4:785:4:786:4:787:4:788:4:789:4:790:4:791:4:792:4:793:1:794:1:795:1:796:1:797:1:798:1:1296:1:1373:1:1537:4:1538:1:1539:1:1540:24:1641:1
  275. crucible=1739:1780:789/1739:1780:789/1739:1780:789
  277. # Default consumables
  278. potion=prolonged_power
  279. flask=whispered_pact
  280. food=lemon_herb_filet
  281. augmentation=defiled
  283. # This default action priority list is automatically created based on your character.
  284. # It is a attempt to provide you with a action list that is both simple and practicable,
  285. # while resulting in a meaningful and good simulation. It may not result in the absolutely highest possible dps.
  286. # Feel free to edit, adapt and improve it to your own needs.
  287. # SimulationCraft is always looking for updates and improvements to the default action lists.
  289. # Executed before combat begins. Accepts non-harmful actions only.
  290. actions.precombat=flask
  291. actions.precombat+=/food
  292. actions.precombat+=/augmentation
  293. actions.precombat+=/water_elemental
  294. actions.precombat+=/snapshot_stats
  295. actions.precombat+=/mirror_image
  296. actions.precombat+=/potion
  297. actions.precombat+=/ebonbolt
  299. actions=counterspell
  300. actions+=/ice_lance,if=!buff.fingers_of_frost.react&prev_gcd.1.flurry
  301. actions+=/time_warp,if=buff.bloodlust.down&(buff.exhaustion.down|equipped.shard_of_the_exodar)&(cooldown.icy_veins.remains<1|target.time_to_die<50)
  302. actions+=/strict_sequence,if=time=0,name=opener:flurry:icy_veins:ice_lance
  303. actions+=/call_action_list,name=cooldowns
  304. actions+=/call_action_list,name=aoe,if=active_enemies>=3
  305. actions+=/call_action_list,name=single
  307. actions.aoe=frostbolt,if=prev_off_gcd.water_jet
  308. # Make sure Frozen Orb is used before Blizzard if both are available. This is a small gain with Freezing Rain and on par without.
  309. actions.aoe+=/frozen_orb
  310. actions.aoe+=/blizzard
  311. actions.aoe+=/comet_storm
  312. actions.aoe+=/ice_nova
  313. actions.aoe+=/water_jet,if=prev_gcd.1.frostbolt&buff.fingers_of_frost.stack<3&!buff.brain_freeze.react
  314. actions.aoe+=/flurry,if=prev_gcd.1.ebonbolt|buff.brain_freeze.react&(prev_gcd.1.glacial_spike|prev_gcd.1.frostbolt)
  315. actions.aoe+=/frost_bomb,if=debuff.frost_bomb.remains<action.ice_lance.travel_time&buff.fingers_of_frost.react
  316. actions.aoe+=/ice_lance,if=buff.fingers_of_frost.react
  317. actions.aoe+=/ebonbolt
  318. actions.aoe+=/glacial_spike
  319. actions.aoe+=/frostbolt
  320. actions.aoe+=/call_action_list,name=movement
  321. actions.aoe+=/cone_of_cold
  322. actions.aoe+=/ice_lance
  324. # Rune of Power is used when going into Icy Veins and while Icy Veins are up. Outside of Icy Veins, use Rune of Power when about to cap on charges or the target is about to die.
  325. actions.cooldowns=rune_of_power,if=cooldown.icy_veins.remains<cast_time|charges_fractional>1.9&cooldown.icy_veins.remains>10|buff.icy_veins.up|target.time_to_die+5<charges_fractional*10
  326. actions.cooldowns+=/potion,if=cooldown.icy_veins.remains<1|target.time_to_die<70
  327. actions.cooldowns+=/icy_veins
  328. actions.cooldowns+=/mirror_image
  329. actions.cooldowns+=/use_items
  330. actions.cooldowns+=/blood_fury
  331. actions.cooldowns+=/berserking
  332. actions.cooldowns+=/arcane_torrent
  333. actions.cooldowns+=/lights_judgment
  335. actions.movement=blink,if=movement.distance>10
  336. actions.movement+=/ice_floes,if=buff.ice_floes.down
  338. # In some circumstances, it is possible for both Ice Lance and Ice Nova to benefit from a single Winter's Chill.
  339. actions.single=ice_nova,if=debuff.winters_chill.up
  340. actions.single+=/frostbolt,if=prev_off_gcd.water_jet
  341. # Basic Water Jet combo. Since Water Jet can only be used if the actor is not casting, we use it right after Frostbolt is executed. At the default distance, Frostbolt travels slightly over 1 s, giving Water Jet enough time to apply the DoT (Water Jet's cast time is 1 s, with haste scaling). The APL then forces another Frostbolt to guarantee getting both FoFs from the Water Jet. This works for most haste values (roughly from 0% to 160%). When changing the default distance, great care must be taken otherwise this action won't produce two FoFs.
  342. actions.single+=/water_jet,if=prev_gcd.1.frostbolt&buff.fingers_of_frost.stack<3&!buff.brain_freeze.react
  343. actions.single+=/ray_of_frost,if=buff.icy_veins.up|cooldown.icy_veins.remains>action.ray_of_frost.cooldown&buff.rune_of_power.down
  344. # Winter's Chill from Flurry can apply to the spell cast right before (provided the travel time is long enough). This can be exploited to a great effect with Ebonbolt, Glacial Spike (which deal a lot of damage by themselves) and Frostbolt (as a guaranteed way to proc Frozen Veins and Chain Reaction). When using Glacial Spike, it is worth saving a Brain Freeze proc when Glacial Spike is right around the corner (i.e. with 5 Icicles). However, when the actor also has T20 2pc, Glacial Spike is delayed to fit into Frozen Mass, so we do not want to sit on a Brain Freeze proc for too long in that case.
  345. actions.single+=/flurry,if=prev_gcd.1.ebonbolt|buff.brain_freeze.react&(prev_gcd.1.glacial_spike|prev_gcd.1.frostbolt&(!talent.glacial_spike.enabled|buff.icicles.stack<=4|cooldown.frozen_orb.remains<=10&set_bonus.tier20_2pc))
  346. # With T20 2pc, Frozen Orb should be used as soon as it comes off CD.
  347. actions.single+=/frozen_orb,if=set_bonus.tier20_2pc&buff.fingers_of_frost.react<3
  348. # Freezing Rain Blizzard. While the normal Blizzard action is usually enough, right after Frozen Orb the actor will be getting a lot of FoFs, which might delay Blizzard to the point where we miss out on Freezing Rain. Therefore, if we are not at a risk of overcapping on FoF, use Blizzard before using Ice Lance.
  349. actions.single+=/blizzard,if=cast_time=0&active_enemies>1&buff.fingers_of_frost.react<3
  350. actions.single+=/frost_bomb,if=debuff.frost_bomb.remains<action.ice_lance.travel_time&buff.fingers_of_frost.react
  351. actions.single+=/ice_lance,if=buff.fingers_of_frost.react
  352. actions.single+=/ebonbolt
  353. actions.single+=/frozen_orb
  354. actions.single+=/ice_nova
  355. actions.single+=/comet_storm
  356. # Against low number of targets, Blizzard is used as a filler. Zann'esu buffed Blizzard is used only at 5 stacks.
  357. actions.single+=/blizzard,if=active_enemies>1|buff.zannesu_journey.stack=5&buff.zannesu_journey.remains>cast_time
  358. # While Frozen Mass is active, we want to fish for Brain Freeze for the next Glacial Spike. Stop when Frozen Mass is about to run out and we wouldn't be able to cast Glacial Spike in time.
  359. actions.single+=/frostbolt,if=buff.frozen_mass.remains>execute_time+action.glacial_spike.execute_time+action.glacial_spike.travel_time&!buff.brain_freeze.react&talent.glacial_spike.enabled
  360. # Glacial Spike is generally used as it is available, unless we have T20 2pc. In that case, Glacial Spike is delayed when Frozen Mass is happening soon (in less than 10 s).
  361. actions.single+=/glacial_spike,if=cooldown.frozen_orb.remains>10|!set_bonus.tier20_2pc
  362. actions.single+=/frostbolt
  363. actions.single+=/call_action_list,name=movement
  364. # While on the move, use instant Blizzard if available.
  365. actions.single+=/blizzard
  366. # Otherwise just use Ice Lance to do at least some damage.
  367. actions.single+=/ice_lance
  369. head=runebound_collar,id=152138,bonus_id=3612/1502
  370. neck=chain_of_the_unmaker,id=152283,bonus_id=3612/1502,enchant=mark_of_the_hidden_satyr
  371. shoulders=runebound_mantle,id=152141,bonus_id=3612/1502
  372. back=drape_of_the_arcane_tempest,id=147145,bonus_id=3563/1512,enchant=binding_of_intellect
  373. chest=runebound_tunic,id=152140,bonus_id=3612/1502
  374. wrists=magtheridons_banished_bracers,id=138140,bonus_id=3630
  375. hands=gloves_of_the_arcane_tempest,id=147146,bonus_id=3563/1512
  376. waist=cord_of_blossoming_petals,id=151952,bonus_id=3612/1502
  377. legs=runebound_leggings,id=152139,bonus_id=3612/1502
  378. feet=lady_dacidions_silk_slippers,id=151945,bonus_id=3612/1502
  379. finger1=seal_of_the_portalmaster,id=152063,bonus_id=3612/1502,enchant=binding_of_versatility
  380. finger2=shard_of_the_exodar,id=132410,bonus_id=3630,gem_id=151585,enchant=binding_of_versatility
  381. trinket1=acrid_catalyst_injector,id=151955,bonus_id=3612/1502
  382. trinket2=amanthuls_vision,id=154172,bonus_id=4213
  383. main_hand=ebonchill,id=128862,bonus_id=731,gem_id=155850/155846/155850,relic_id=3612:1512/3612:1512/3612:1512
  385. # Gear Summary
  386. # gear_ilvl=967.27
  387. # gear_stamina=59745
  388. # gear_intellect=65839
  389. # gear_crit_rating=10640
  390. # gear_haste_rating=12025
  391. # gear_mastery_rating=5632
  392. # gear_versatility_rating=9139
  393. # gear_armor=2389
  394. # set_bonus=tier20_2pc=1
  395. # set_bonus=tier21_2pc=1
  396. # set_bonus=tier21_4pc=1
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