
To have loved and lost...

Sep 15th, 2014
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  1. Sumia shuddered into the wall that she was half-leaning, half-pressed against. Robin's fingers had settled into a steady rhythm, and it had taken it's toll on her body. She knew she shouldn't be doing this. She was reminded of it every time she saw her husband's smiling face, glad to see his wife again even if it was a bit late to their usual rendezvous. The sweet nothings whispered into her ear were no distraction from the rising guilt she always felt, but it did assuage her fears of discovery ever so slightly. The first thing one would suspect if they came across the two of them, Robin pressing her into a wall in a dusty, unused corridor of the castle, was blackmail. After all, Chrom was a wonderful man, and a king as well! He had all the traits that a woman would need to find him desirable, and surely someone of such low social standing and means as Robin couldn't pull a queen away from the king. And yet here she was, another man with his fingers buried inside of her up to the knuckle, making her moan and squirm like a common trollop. The hold he had over her was carnal rather than romantic, his skill at the passionate arts exceeding her husband by leaps and bounds. She wanted to blame him for dragging her away from Chrom, but her heart told her that she had no one to blame but herself. She could stop him, she could tell literally anyone that she knew and he would be ruined, likely driven from these royal halls.
  2. But she couldn't. She didn't want to. He gave her a thrill like no other, as sickly as that thrill was, and life as a royal was more boring than her books told her. She needed to be here for this function and that ball and this feast and that meeting and all she needed to do was be the wife of the king. The other nobles looked down on her (she was just a knight, not a noble like the king should have married) and the only real respect she had ever gotten was from the shepherds. Oh, sure, everyone would be kind and polite to her face -- nobody wanted to insult the wife of the king unless they wanted face his anger -- but she knew they were plotting behind her back and mocking her, poor clumsy Sumia. In a way then, Robin's casual disrespect of her was almost refreshing, especially because while he made a great show in private of ordering her around and not listening to her, he had never done or ordered her to do anything that she would have really hated. Robin could take her against a wall with his hand as he was doing now, he could insult her and mock her, but he had an almost preternatural awareness of when his barbs and demands were really hurting her, and suddenly he would back off, ever so slightly, giving her space that she so desperately wanted. That private disregard for her was in complete contrast with his public 'face' that everyone but her saw.
  3. Of course, above all else the reason for keeping the 'affair' going with Robin was because he made her come, with alarming regularity and speed. Often he could get her from bored and nearly asleep to panting wreck with her legs more useless than usual in under five minutes, an achievement that took her husband upwards of an hour to do (when he could do it at all). Right now he was on his way to setting a new record; she had been on her way to an early lunch with her husband when Robin had appeared almost by magic and started a conversation with her that they both knew was a cover. A carefully-guarded set of phrases was exchanged, disguised as a friendly chat as he ascertained where she was going and with who. Gently he pushed on her, nearly causing her to trip over nothing before she got the idea and headed down a service corridor, rarely trafficked anymore in this day and age. A few minutes later he entered from a different hall, and without any warning he had taken her. It hadn't been three minutes and already she came up on the edge of her climax. And then, with a soft chuckle he pulled his fingers out of her, index and middle pulling out while she whimpered and her insides resisted his retreat. Out from under her panties and the small skirt she wore when not at a formal event his hand came before he wiped it on his cloak. Sumia shivered and hugged herself, slowly sliding to the ground when he pulled his weight off of her and she was no longer pressed against the wall.
  4. Her eyes flicked to him questioningly -- why would he just leave her like this? While her words failed her, the meaning did not. He chuckled, almost sinisterly. "Not my problem, your highness." And with that he left her, vanishing down the empty hallway and leaving her, face flushed bright red and still incredibly aroused. She wouldn't have time to finish herself off, Sumia knew. She would be needed at the luncheon in around ten minutes, if she had to guess, and anyone other than Robin took much longer to bring her to orgasm. So, she stilled her rapidly pounding heart and calmed herself as best as she could, smoothing her clothes and fixing her hair alone in an empty, dark and dusty hallway, trying not to think about how hard she needed to be taken (and how the only person to really satisfy her had just brushed her off). Alone again she walked to her husband, his warm greeting and gentle kiss when she arrived (a minute late) only causing guilt to churn within her even as she concealed it from him. Later that night he would take her, lovingly and slowly, and Sumia's love for him grew only greater -- but she did not come. She would fall asleep in Chrom's arms, tired and frustrated but to all outside she would appear to be the happiest woman in the world.
  5. Three days. Three days before she saw Robin again. He had been busy with training, endless drills for the newly-formed militia created after the devastating attack on the capitol. Of course, the knights needed an overview as well, so he had been busy with Frederick and too busy to see her. Three days of torturous closeness to her climax that just never came. Of course the actual physical throbbing had ebbed within the hour with most of it gone by the time she made it to the luncheon, but psychologically she had hungered for that climax like she had never before. Her husband had been no help, hadn't even noticed and she was never alone long enough to please herself. She needed this -- his hands and his -- member was all she could think about if she wasn't focusing to her utmost. Up until today she always pretended to be resisting his advances but now she would seek him out for the first time, in the small closetlike space he called an office. She expected him to look happy, or perhaps be twirling a nonexistent mustache at making her feel like this and act like this. Instead, he just looked tired.
  6. The prominent bags under his eyes betrayed the lack of sleep from the last few days. He looked Sumia in the eyes without stopping on the sheaf of paperwork he was working on. "What, Sumia?" His harsh voice sounded louder than it actually was in the enclosed space, exasperation almost visible in the air. She faltered for a moment, voice stumbling over itself and hands wringing. "R-Robin." An intake of breath. So embarrassing! "W-what did you do?!" Blank eyes met her pointed stare. "What?" His voice was so flat it was almost insulting, how could he not see what he had done to her?! "Y-You know what you did! Y-you left me like... this..." She cast a hand down at crotch, waving generally and turning her head to the side to (hopefully) disguise the thick blush covering her face. This wasn't something she should be doing, she thought as he stared flat-gazed at her, dead eyes set on hers. He had stopped doing the paperwork at least, quill dropped in its pot. "You're going to need to explain." Not even a flicker of recognition in his eyes. For a man so good at toying with her feelings, Robin was apparently completely clueless. She flushed even further, nearly as red as a tomato. She dithered "W-well, you know, you..." she managed to get out before trailing off. A glint of something in his eye. "Ah. I left you unsatisfied back there, didn't I. I left you hanging out in the cold." Robin leaned back, chair creaking unnervingly as he pushed the paperwork to one side. "Well. What are you going to do about it?"
  7. Sumia had no plan. She had hoped to come here and just have him take her, but she wasn't sure if she could make him. He had been the aggressor in literally every other encounter they had together, their affair built on his dominance. So, Sumia did the only thing that she could think of doing with her lust running down the sides of her legs and no clear path forward. "Please," she begged, hands clasped and looking him in the eye with her screwed together. "Please, I'll do anything." A smile flickered across Robin's pale face. "No, I want you to tell me what you want me to do." Her legs rubbed together as she stood locked on the spot, trying to work up the courage as Robin, that bastard, sat there with a catlike grin in his chair. Her eyes flicked about the room, looking for something to save her from having to do this. The door was shut and locked behind her as she had done when she entered the room but the walls had no answers for her. Finally, the words tore themselves out of her throat, done waiting for her to speak them. "Fuck me, Robin!" Her voice had gone from quiet mumbling to a low shout but he looked unsurprised, catlike grin still locked on his face. "I-I can't wait any more! Day and night, all I can think about is you taking me! Take responsibility..." Oh gods on high, she couldn't bear to speak any more. Both of her hands had found a way to her face, covering her eyes completely. The scrape of his chair on the floor and a few soft steps were all she heard before he peeled Sumia's hand off of her face. "Ssh, shh. It's all right. I'll have you." As condescending as he was, a wave of relief passed over her, only amplified when he started peeling off her clothes, gown giving way under his eager hands. On any other day she would have resisted, ever so slightly out of thought for her husband, but she pushed Chrom from her mind and groaned when he teased her, pinching at her nipples when he tore down her top. The gown fell around her onto the floor, and she stood in just her panties, embarassed beyond all belief.
  8. She considered covering herself but decided against it, arms falling limp against her sides while he stood back and stared at her, eyes roaming up and down her like she was a piece of meat. It made her unreasonably when he looked at her like that. Gods, sometimes she wished he would look at her like that all the time. He closed the distance again, and she flinched ever so slightly as he tore her panties off of her -- literally tore them, breaking them with a snap as he yanked and her soaked smallclothes dropped in pieces onto her clothing. "Oh my. You really have been waiting, haven't you?" Robin's voice was smug as he ran a finger up and down her folds, teasing her at the hood and causing her legs to shake. That warm honey glow had started to overtake her stomach while he teased her and she tried to mumble a response. "Y-yes..." "Well then, let's not keep you waiting much longer!" The cheer in his voice was so shockingly out of place that it felt normal again, and she had to suppress a giggle as he led her, hand on her back to the desk. This was the first time he had taken Sumia in his office but she knew what Robin would have her do, and he only had to slightly press on her for her to bend over the desk, elbows supporting her and legs ever so slightly spread. She felt desired here even as she shivered and waited for him, moreso than she had ever felt before.
  9. There was a rustle of cloth and the press of warm hands on her back before she felt his tip slide along her folds. The sensation of burning heat from him was overpowering, like a fire not feet from her. Her readiness dripped from her and he slicked himself with it, teasing her with his cockhead. His movement was sudden but not unexpected, and he began to push into her, splitting her open. He was big, and that was the only way to describe his member. She never felt as full as she did with him inside her, and Sumia winced from the discomfort, no gentleness from her lover when he drove himself to the hilt. She felt ready to buckle underneath his powerful presence when he reached the base, all of him inside of her, spreading her open like a common whore on a desk inside her husband's estate. Oh, all the gods, she needed this so badly. A grunt escaped her when Robin began moving again, prompting a small laugh. The golden glow had made it up to her breasts by now, and Sumia felt like floating on air while still being inexplicably heavy, her body not properly responding.
  10. He was not gentle while he fucked her, and Sumia was grateful for that. She had enough gentleness in her day to day life, everyone treating her like a thing of glass and porcelain, and it was refreshing to be taken without gentleness and slowness, Robin's speed was quick even when he started. And all the while he teased her, playing with Sumia's clit with one hand as he slammed into her until her arms shook and she sunk lower and lower on her elbows, ass rising to meet him with each thrust. The honey-glow sensation covered her entirely from head to toe, and she knew that she sounded like a whore as she moaned for her lover, encouraging thrusts spurring her on. Her elbows collapsed when he ground against her at his base, quivering and sobbing his name into the closed room. She felt him maintain his speed even as he wanted to speed up even further, hand clenched at her side, her own hands gripping the desk like a drowning man to a piece of wood. And then, inside she felt his warmth pour into her as he leaned into her back, pinning her to the table, her name pouring through his clenched teeth and she came all at once, shivering as the golden glow contracted to her core and then burst to cover her entire being and she would have fallen if not for the table between her and the ground.
  11. She lay there with him in silence for a few moments, his weight comforting on her back while he softened inside of her, letting some of his burning seed spill out. Sumia felt heavy and almost bloated, so much of him inside of her and her legs so weak that her ability to walk came into question. Robin shifted and pulled himself out before whispering nine words to her that would haunt her for years to come. "I loved you since the day we met, Sumia."
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