

Oct 5th, 2012
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  1. 18:56 < l1t> DocHolliday: Don't even use diaspora. Just let the whole social networking phase wither away and die by not using it.
  2. 19:12 < l1t> NullPoint: Oops I went to bed last night before you wanted to duel
  3. 19:18 < ijontichy> l1t: why care about social networking at all?
  4. 19:19 < ijontichy> let it prosper, it's not like it affects us in IRC-land
  5. 19:19 < l1t> Well I think it is great for people in countries without a voice who do not have any other outlet to share their views and voice their opinions on guburment n stuff
  6. 19:20 < l1t> And I have an opinion on everything it seems lol anoyingly enough
  7. 19:22 < SeanieB> just because you're antisocial doesn't mean everyone else is :p
  8. 19:22 < SeanieB> I dont get why people get so uptight about social networking
  9. 19:22 < SeanieB> how dare someone try to be sociable
  10. 19:23 < l1t> I'm social I have to make small chat with end users constantly on a daily basis
  11. 19:24 < ijontichy> "have to"
  12. 19:24 < ijontichy> does not mean "want to"
  13. 19:24 < l1t> hell the head of HR at my company does not own a facebook I found that kinda ironic
  14. 19:24 < l1t> Well I don't have to I guess.
  15. 19:24 < ijontichy> HR isn't PR
  16. 19:24 < l1t> I can ignore them while I fix their shit
  17. 19:24 < l1t> But i'm not an asshole
  18. 19:25 < l1t> PR?
  19. 19:26 < l1t> SeanieB: Also it's an invasion of privacy I don't need to go over this. Facebook willingly gives all private info to government entities regardless if they have a reason for request or not. They have openly admitted it. That alone is enough to get people "uptight" as you put it.
  20. 19:27 < Hypnotoad> which/what info?
  21. 19:27 < Hypnotoad> is this US only?
  22. 19:28 < ijontichy> l1t: um, the people using facebook are basically giving out the answers to common security questions as it pertains to them
  23. 19:28 < ijontichy> they give zero fucks
  24. 19:29 < ijontichy> PR = public relations
  25. 19:29 < SeanieB> public relations
  26. 19:29 < ijontichy> they're the ones who would care about facebook, twitter, and whatever new one is inevitably out there
  27. 19:29 < SeanieB> wait
  28. 19:29 < SeanieB> people actually answer security questions
  29. 19:29 < SeanieB> I treat those like passwords
  30. 19:29 < SeanieB> lol
  31. 19:29 < l1t> If they gave zero fucks their info would be set to public
  32. 19:29 < ijontichy> it usually is
  33. 19:30 < l1t> nah
  34. 19:30 < l1t> not at all
  35. 19:30 < ijontichy> speaking as someone who never visits the site :V
  36. 19:30 < SeanieB> so the only reason you have is tinfoil
  37. 19:30 < l1t> I lurk it
  38. 19:30 < SeanieB> any website will do that
  39. 19:30 < ijontichy> not my website
  40. 19:30 < ijontichy> because I'm not a money-grubbing fool
  41. 19:30 < ijontichy> and I also don't ask for it but nyeeeeeeeh
  42. 19:30 < SeanieB> unless you wanna register your domain in asdmenistan and run behind prq
  43. 19:31 < ijontichy> asdmenistan
  44. 19:31 < ijontichy> yes
  45. 19:31 < ijontichy> that will be a country now
  46. 19:31 < Hypnotoad> l1t, which information?
  47. 19:31 < SeanieB> ijontichy: if something goes on illegally on that site and the cops come knocking I will have to hand the drive over to them and they will find the info
  48. 19:31 < SeanieB> it's logged
  49. 19:31 < l1t> Hypnotoad: Everything. From your profile to every single private msg you sent
  50. 19:31 < Hypnotoad> source?
  51. 19:31 < SeanieB> every link in the chain will work with the government, l1t
  52. 19:31 < ijontichy> SeanieB: you can withhold it if they don't subpoena, though, right?
  53. 19:32 < SeanieB> they'd have one if they came knocking
  54. 19:32 < SeanieB> they have once
  55. 19:32 < ijontichy> and anyway, they'd be using a very broad definition of illegal if they think my site qualifies
  56. 19:32 < SeanieB> it was either "you let us image this, or we rip it out of the wall"
  57. 19:32 < SeanieB> I opted to let them image it :p
  58. 19:32 < Hypnotoad> "
  59. 19:32 < Hypnotoad> a valid subpoena issued in connection with an official criminal investigation is required to compel the disclosure of basic subscriber records (defined in 18 U.S.C. Section 2703(c)(2)), which may include: name, length of service, credit card information, email address(es) and a recent login IP address, if available.
  60. 19:32 < Hypnotoad> a court order issued under 18 U.S.C. Section 2703(d) is required to compel the disclosure of certain records or other information pertaining to the account, not including contents of communications, which may include message headers and IP addresses, in addition to the basic subscriber records identified above.
  61. 19:32 < Hypnotoad> a search warrant issued under the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure or equivalent State warrant procedures upon a showing of probable cause is required to compel the disclosure of the stored contents of any account, which may include messages, photos, videos, wall posts, and location information.
  62. 19:32 < Hypnotoad> "
  63. 19:33 < SeanieB> yeah, like
  64. 19:33 < SeanieB> this is nothing new
  65. 19:33 < Hypnotoad> chances are
  66. 19:33 < Hypnotoad> if the government is able to get a warrant against you, you have waayy bigger problems
  67. 19:33 < ijontichy> and if they're going for my site, they aren't gonna find much
  68. 19:33 < SeanieB> so yeah
  69. 19:33 < SeanieB> it's just tinfoil
  70. 19:33 < ijontichy> OH SHIT, PYTHON CODE FOR A WIKI
  71. 19:33 < ijontichy> OOOOOOOHHHHH
  72. 19:33 < ijontichy> SO SCARY
  73. 19:33 < l1t> hidden encrypted partitions
  74. 19:33 < SeanieB> wat
  75. 19:33 < ijontichy> l1t: more tinfoil
  76. 19:34 < SeanieB> wtf are you talking about
  77. 19:34 < SeanieB> you do know
  78. 19:34 < SeanieB> that they will just beat the password out of you before they hack it
  79. 19:34 < l1t> Idk somehow the conversation changed to the police asking for you hardrive
  80. 19:34 < SeanieB> yeah um
  81. 19:34 < SeanieB> those are easily detected
  82. 19:34 < ijontichy> SeanieB: what if you legitimately forgot the password
  83. 19:35 < SeanieB> you would be fucked
  84. 19:35 < l1t> Jail
  85. 19:35 < SeanieB> they'd get you for obstruction of justice
  86. 19:35 < ijontichy> their perverted view of justice, anyway
  87. 19:35 < SeanieB> until they cracked that shit you would be in the clank
  88. 19:35 < ijontichy> and then they find
  89. 19:35 < ijontichy> pronz
  90. 19:35 < SeanieB> I had to detect them for a cyber security challenge, the beginning of truecrypt's volumes is detectable
  91. 19:36 < l1t> I thought everyone knew not to use truecrypt
  92. 19:36 < l1t> lol
  93. 19:37 < ijontichy> well considering I know of no alternatives
  94. 19:37 < SeanieB> I use truecrypt, but I have data to hide from thieves, not the government
  95. 19:37 < SeanieB> I store business documents on a flash drive in truecrypt but its no secret that's what's on the drive
  96. 19:37 < ijontichy> and anyway, if I had stuff to hide from the government, why would I keep them within the borders
  97. 19:37 < l1t> Hypnotoad: Look it up. It's public knowledge your private messages are retained as well. And if it's stored then they are able to hand it over upon request.
  98. 19:38 < Hypnotoad> only after a warrant
  99. 19:38 < l1t> no
  100. 19:38 < SeanieB> this is every fucking website lol
  101. 19:38 < Hypnotoad> a search warrant issued under the procedures described in the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure or equivalent State warrant procedures upon a showing of probable cause is required to compel the disclosure of the stored contents of any account, which may include messages, photos, videos, wall posts, and location information.
  102. 19:38 < SeanieB> if you're afraid this shit l1t sign off the internet
  103. 19:38 < l1t> Microsoft, facebook, myspace have all came out and said they do not want requests.
  104. 19:39 < Hypnotoad> huh
  105. 19:39 < l1t> They give private information no matter what the reason to the united states govrnment.
  106. 19:39 < ijontichy> because they have any other choice.
  107. 19:39 < l1t> Sure
  108. 19:39 < Hypnotoad> they give information if there is a search warrant
  109. 19:39 < l1t> Companies tell them to fuck off all the time
  110. 19:39 < l1t> Then they come back with more money, and a reason lol
  111. 19:39 < ijontichy> yeah
  112. 19:39 < SeanieB> wat
  113. 19:39 < ijontichy> you just defeated your own argument
  114. 19:40 < ijontichy> you derp
  115. 19:40 < SeanieB> the government doesnt pay you for info
  116. 19:40 < SeanieB> they will squeeze it out of you
  117. 19:40 < l1t> If they can get a reason..
  118. 19:40 < SeanieB> if you tell them to fuck off, they get a subpoena
  119. 19:40 < SeanieB> then they get a search warrant
  120. 19:40 < ijontichy> it's the government
  121. 19:40 < ijontichy> they can use the law like a gun
  122. 19:40 < l1t> < SeanieB> this is every fucking website lol
  123. 19:40 < l1t> this is incorrect
  124. 19:40 < SeanieB> if you're international they'll get you embargoed
  125. 19:40 < l1t> Their are many services that care about your privacy
  126. 19:40 < SeanieB> if you're in a UN country they'll get YOUR gov't after you
  127. 19:40 < l1t> and don't keep logs
  128. 19:41 < l1t> there*
  129. 19:41 < SeanieB> their servers may not
  130. 19:41 < SeanieB> but a lot of said services get black boxed
  131. 19:41 < SeanieB> at the ISP levels
  132. 19:41 < l1t> Well that's another story
  133. 19:41 < l1t> We all know ISPs basically see all. That's why we sue encryption
  134. 19:41 < l1t> use*
  135. 19:42 < l1t> Well one reason
  136. 19:42 < SeanieB> and even then, those services say they do
  137. 19:42 < SeanieB> it's 90% of the time impossible to actually prove it
  138. 19:42 < l1t> Sure you have to trust them
  139. 19:42 < ijontichy> here's the thing
  140. 19:42 < ijontichy> and an example
  141. 19:43 < SeanieB> l1t: you also have to assume one more thing
  142. 19:43 < ijontichy> I /say/ I have no idea what your passwords are
  143. 19:43 < SeanieB> that the government gives a single shit
  144. 19:43 < ijontichy> but there's nothing stopping me from just changing it
  145. 19:43 < SeanieB> in a lot of cases, they don
  146. 19:43 < SeanieB> 't
  147. 19:43 < ijontichy> or adding a bit of code that prints it out in plaintext
  148. 19:43 < ijontichy> you would never know in the second case
  149. 19:43 < SeanieB> I have no government qualifications but I get info out of people without lying all the time
  150. 19:43 < SeanieB> and companies
  151. 19:43 < ijontichy> social engineering isn't necessarily lying :P
  152. 19:44 < SeanieB> you may, but nobody else cares about your information
  153. 19:44 < SeanieB> if you have to hide it, keep it away from a computer
  154. 19:44 < ijontichy> SeanieB: if you're saying that to me, then I know that
  155. 19:44 < ijontichy> which is why I'm not worried about goverrmernt
  156. 19:44 < SeanieB> computers never lie, and they don't hide you
  157. 19:44 < ijontichy> OH SHIT A QDB
  158. 19:44 < ijontichy> HOLY FUCK, SOME PK3S
  159. 19:45 < SeanieB> you can MITM SSL connections, microsoft VPNs use DES
  160. 19:45 < ijontichy> DES?
  161. 19:45 < ijontichy> in 2012?
  162. 19:45 < ijontichy> seriously?
  163. 19:45 < SeanieB> you can crack the encryption keys for microsoft VPNs for $20
  164. 19:45 < SeanieB> yep
  165. 19:45 < l1t> Wanting to be private does not mean you are hiding something illegal
  166. 19:45 < ijontichy>
  167. 19:45 < l1t> It's simply none of their fucking business
  168. 19:45 < SeanieB> every MS VPN is triple-DES
  169. 19:45 < ijontichy> come on people
  170. 19:45 < SeanieB> I'm saying that privacy on computers is a farce
  171. 19:46 < ijontichy> at least use AES
  172. 19:46 < ijontichy> and privacy on computers /is/ possible - it lies in things like one-time pads
  173. 19:46 < SeanieB> MS's PPTP protocol has been the same since 95
  174. 19:46 < SeanieB>
  175. 19:46 <%Tolo> link title: MS-CHAP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at
  176. 19:46 * ijontichy read MS-CRAP
  177. 19:47 < SeanieB> privacy does not always equal security
  178. 19:47 < ijontichy> security allows privacy
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