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Oct 18th, 2017
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  1. Starting World: Goetia - A world where demons have incredibly powerful physical forms, and in order to endure the hostile environments and poisonous gases of the world outside of the uppermost mountaintops where people live, demonic swords that transform their users into demons when drawn are used. When not in use, the sword must be physically contained in a specialized sheath called an Inhibitor that is used in combat alongside the sword, as it is reinforced enough to be used as a parrying weapon. Civilization has established itself not in grand cities or castles, but in roving bands of gypsies and hunters - who journey from mountaintop to mountaintop while slaying both roaming demons, and enemy bands. This has lead to a truly hardy people, who have only summoned forth a Hero in dire need. On the horizon rises a black sun - an omen of the imminent birth of a truly horrific monster that would see all the lands of Goetia burn.
  3. >Astoria - A heavily naturalized world- to the point that even industrialization must work around nature for its sheer presence instead of cutting through it. Civilization here toils constantly to eke out a meager existence as most of the native plant life is inedible, and game is scarce. The sheer size of most of the trees creates most of the world's verticality. Concentrations of belief and spiritual traffic create local 'lakes' of spiritual energies that the native magic users or 'shamans' harness. The first to drink from a Lake after it's formation ascends into shamanhood, while others can drink the water to gain small fragments of powers that fuel the world's skills.
  5. >Illiad - Inhospitable as it is beautiful, the extremely harsh environments of this world has lead the locals to develop a very... peculiar form of survival. The local flavor of magic is practiced by 'Biomages' who grant controlled modifications to other people or themselves that enable greater survival, often specialized to the local area - whether that be the near-totally-frozen northern hemisphere due to the severe orbital tilt or the burning hot southern hemisphere. The lack of direct combat use of this magic means that in this world, even mages often pick up sword and shield in order to fight. Which just makes the rise of Illiad’s Demon Lord all the worse - a Biomage who has twisted multiple cities into his ghoulish slaves, and shaped his body into a monstrous form to better rule his tropical domain.
  7. >Myrkul - A world locked in a magical arms race between two powerful countries, with the Western Government focusing on the development of their largely utilitarian Mud magic and the Eastern Government funding development of their combat-based Salt magic. A Demon Lord has arisen several times in this world in the past, but has generally been crushed via a proxy war, as the average Demon Lord is roughly about as significant as a minor warlord to these two massive regimes.
  9. >Polaris - Incredibly bizarre by any standard, this planet is dominated by several massive streams of elemental energy originating from the four corners of the world- the heatstream, the windstream, the duststream and the lifestream. The direct center of the world is the only civilized area, as the further towards the poles one travels, the more pronounced the effects of one stream becomes. Nomads live in more extreme regions to gather valuable resources- specifically valuable minerals in the duststream and medicinal herbs that cannot grow outside of lifestream-rich areas. Occasionally a Demon Lord will emerge from one of the streams, attempting to snuff out the other streams so it's own can consume the world. The current Demon Lord emerged from the lifestream, bringing massive, mutated creatures to bear against the Center.
  11. >Britannia - In recent history, a major Demon Lord was defeated in an... unconventional way. The Hero ended the conflict between the Demon and Human kingdoms not by combat, but by arranging a marriage between the two. As a result, there is an increasing amount of Half-Demons. Another, more conventional Demon Lord has emerged however, and on top of his existence, military conflict threatens to destabilize the current regime by turning the populace against the Demons and Half-Demon rulers.
  13. >Cog - Actually not a planet at all, this world is based within an absolutely massive clocktower. Food and other material concerns are actually handled by automated systems run by the tremendous clockwork mechanisms, which various settlements have sprung up around in the interest of maintaining them. Mechanical skill is highly valued here and there is very little magic. However, a death cult has sprung up that wishes to destroy the Tower's vital mechanisms in the belief that the Architect of the Tower will return.
  15. >Colossus - The majority of this world is a cragged wasteland, with civilization often huddling in caves and the few locations where life still survives. Unlike other worlds, this world actually has several Demon Lords at any given time. Specifically, twenty four of them, and they take the form of relatively simple-minded titans, standing hundreds of feet tall that beat away the world's life under the weight of their feet. They roam aimlessly, with Heroes often employed in order to divert or even kill one before it reaches a settlement. Diverting a Demon Lord can be easy, but actually killing one can take armies as they are capable of generating smaller Demons that fight for them.
  17. >Bellegrad - Through some accident of fate and the foolish notions of astromancy by the lost mage Korland, Bellegrad is actually two worlds - whose names and records have been lost to time - conjoined at the equator. The initial conjoining resulted in a double-planet-wide apocalypse, and only now is plantlife and civilization starting to regrow. Just in time for Korland to show himself once more - although those that have survived to see him say that there is a shadow lurking within his eyes and over his shoulder, and his movements are jerky and twitchy, as if being dangled on strings.
  19. >Talya - A world filled predominantly by oceans, it’s surface speckled and covered by a myriad of tiny islands and archipelagos, with only one major “continent” (simply the largest island currently in existence). Is currently divided into five oceans by the five ruling Winds, the demon lords - or rather, “ruled” in the loosest sense of the term, in that they keep the balance of the oceans and the beasts. The current crisis faced is the rise of a Sixth Wind, an as-yet unknown beast currently gestating in it’s egg-volcano hidden somewhere in the fifth region, The Makaern Ocean. Nobody knows of the Sixth Wind’s existence yet at this time, leading to the Hero’s summoning to be… entirely odd and unexpected to most.
  21. >Renae - The mystical plant - the Godbrush - grows in droves across this land. Incredibly versatile, the Godbrush can be woven into clothes, made into hundreds of pigments, furniture and even musical instruments. With the right talent, the products of the Godbrush can be used to create fantastical effects, painting objects into existence, creating protective etchings and animating clay statues. In recent years however, the Godbrush fields have slowed their production, with new crops taking years to cultivate, and the tension has been starting to ratchet higher as the price increases and the stockpiles dwindle.
  23. >Tellor - Tellor used to be normal, just a regular Earth-like world - until the Angels fell from the sky. Great stone beings, they shattered upon impact with the harsh earth, and their stone scattered for miles in all directions. Humanity, of course, was curious about these sudden crashes of stone - and upon gathering what they found, it was revealed that the Angelstone both awoke, and conducted with great ease, a never-before-seen power of the mind. Thus did Angelstone drive the industrial revolution of Tellor, and scientists are currently looking into bodily augmentation and Angelstone grafts. Little does Tellor know, however, that Angelstone converts any and all other materials it touches into yet more Angelstone over a length of time - indeed, the primary government desperately hides the secret to prevent widespread panic. And one Angel still lives - whole but petrified, waiting for it's time to awaken.
  25. >Botania - A dry world full of crags, dustbowls and crop blight. With the remaining ecosystems of the world being delicate, fragile things, the locals have developed their own flavor of magic, weaving together the scraps of plants they have into biological systems of plants which produce light, water and energy. Humans are in the minority of this world, which is dominated by the Maze, demons that arise from plants that mutate too fast and too far.
  27. >Gor - The world of Gor was born upon and within the free-floating corpse that used to be The Titan That Swallowed The Stars. His decaying essence, the lack of all light within the void surrounding Gor’s body, and the heat from the stars he has swallowed, has resulted in the growth and propagation of an entire bioluminescent ecosystem that covers Gor’s planetary frame. All manner of color and light shines both on the surface of Gor’s forest-shrouded skin, and within the halls that form his blood vessels and nerves. The crisis here - a dark and shadowy parasite that even now works within Gor’s old skull, to try and take the body of the Titan for itself.
  29. >Timepiece - A great catastrophe befell the world in previous days, shredding the world apart into hundreds of 'inlets', forever frozen in time at the point of the catastrophe. In order to keep the flow of time moving forward, the locals have developed magical water clocks that they use to tie several inlets together. Furthermore, they have developed massive chronological aqueducts that carry resources from inlet to inlet. Without a properly trained Timekeeper or an Chronoduct, it is almost impossible to travel between inlets. The Demon Lord actually won in the past, causing the Sundering, and has been distributed across all Inlets, creating local 'imps' that prey upon locals.
  31. >Magnum - Extremely advanced alien objects called 'Focuses' have fallen to Earth. Essentially made out of programmable matter, each Focus starts as a small cube, but their structure can be slowly altered and reprogrammed by their owners over time. The catch being that the Focus is programmed in an incredibly complex, alien language that can take years or even decades to comprehend. Instead of a Demon Lord, this world has the Reclaimer, who came to Earth to retake his planet's stock of Focuses.
  33. >Madris - An eternal desert in all directions, Madris currently suffers a massive, world-encompassing war between three nations: the Sheckna Republic, the Warded Hill Confederacy, and the Skol-Shil Kingdom, with scattered tribes of gnoll bandits and orcs carving out their living amidst the red dunes and red rock. Less a style of magic and more a form of craftsmanship, the “magic-users” of Madris are artificers that channel the raw power of sunlight and the symbolism of the sun therein to create the artifacts and weaponry that fuels the war-machine - with each of the three different nations applying it in different forms. Sheckna shapes organic matter to create biological power armor and massive oases; The Warded Hill venerate the sun as a holy being, creating paladins of the sky and prayer books that wield solar rays; And Skol-Shil derives it into electricity, creating grand engines and machines. Little do these three grand factions know, but deep within the desert’s craggiest reaches, an orc will ascend as a god, the messiah of all the scattered tribes. Should they not be able to set aside their war, all will be conquered by Glass-Binding-Grasp.
  35. >The Scrapyard - Also known as the Plane of Abandon, The Scrapyard is the great cosmic collector of junk that drifts across universal lines. It is divided into two halves - the one a Hero would be summoned into is The Refinery, a grand planet-sized factory that automatically rakes in scrap and begins processing and rendering all of what it collects into it’s base materials. The second is the actual Junk Maze, an ever-shifting labyrinth of ALL THE COSMIC JUNK EVER that creates new pathways and routes as The Refinery pulls in new mounds to process. Every fifty years, The Refinery takes all it has consumed and begins the production of something the locals call “Daemoniak,” a mechanical horror capable of traversing between worlds and wreaking untold devastation. The inhabitants are capable of delaying Daemoniak’s creation through their Soul-Machines - a projection of the “self” resembling construction equipment, tool, or similar industrial marvel - granted by the glowing diamond bolts found throughout The Junk Maze. But only the one that The Refinery designates as Hero will be able to truly defeat this incarnation of Daemoniak.
  37. >The Fifth Sun - Five years ago, a bandit lord named Xolot became the terrible demon known as Xolot the Living Thunder, and burned a swathe through The Fifth Sun’s endless jungles, creating a desolate march known simply as The Wastes. Before he could gain any more sacrifices, Riguel of the Red Wind and his unified armies stormed The Golden Ziggurat, and ended Xolot’s reign. Now the tropical world is in a period of reconstruction, with human, elven, turtlefolk, and raptor working to regrow and rebuild what The Living Thunder and his hellhounds destroyed. But a Hero’s mysterious summoning leaves a pallor over the reconstruction efforts - an omen of dark times ahead. For despite Riguel’s dancing swords cutting the monster’s head from his shoulders, a dark rumor spreads. Xolot yet lives.
  39. >Comet - A newly discovered world, Comet is a seemingly endless sky filled with roaming and flying islands and planetoids, criss-crossed with star-filled clouds and golden lights with no visible source. The main inhabitants of this one are those rare travelers who have come from other worlds for one reason or another - adventure, new opportunity, or simply not belonging anywhere else. An outcast boy sails these reaches in his sun-lit boat, learning to weave the stardust. None can be sure what he will become as he explores and discovers this new power dormant in Comet’s stars.
  41. >Alis - Humans are at the bottom of the food chain here, for the mighty beasts rule from their mile-tall mountains and trees. Here, even the rats stand half as tall as a grown man, and the flying creatures can darken the skies with a mere stretch of their wings. Man scurries from fern to tree simply to survive, with one tool allowing them to live in this world of great monsters - The Primal Print. Each person - whether they are born here or travel from elsewhere - learns the script that forms their name (carved as if by the claws of a wild animal), and develops a birthmark showing their name in the Print. Exposing one of the beasts here to one’s Print allows for a temporary, enforced taming or binding to occur - while carving one’s Print into a beast’s hide forges a connection between the two, stronger than any soul-binding ritual. So strong in fact, that both sides of such a binding begin to take on the physical characteristics of the other.
  43. >Silica - Miles upon miles of massive caverns, tunnels, and hollows that run through a world made of soil and stone. The only sources of light are those made from fire or bioluminescent organs harvested from mushrooms and beasts alike. You’ll find no civilization in Silica - only scattered individuals who have carved out homes and villages for their families. The magic here is old - one difficult to learn for most, as one errant mistake could create a cave-in or worse. To resonate your heartbeat, and voice, to create a song that resonates with the heartbeat that runs through the veins and cracks of the earth. With the right resonance, one can get the earth to follow their whims - form structures, bring forth the precious minerals and gems with no effort, melt into slag and reform as rock, all manner. There is a song for each purpose and each way of the earth. One needs but listen to find it.
  45. >Transition - Whatever worlds once lingered here have long since lost their names - now only the shells remain. Five worlds sit overlaid, one on top of the other on top of another. Time is both frozen yet moving, space is moving yet frozen, and the one populace of a world’s village could be displaced in an instant to the exact same place on another world. Some are lost forever, trapped between worlds as static phantoms that once were. The only magic to be learned here is that of the world’s name - The Art of Transition. To walk from one world to another in a single step, without becoming lost or frozen. The anomalies of space and time walk all five shells as monsters - a source of conflict and danger in a land that could change from bustling metropolis to abandoned farmyard in the same space.
  47. >Ion - Industrial hellscape is the only way to describe this world, it’s inhabitants long-since burnt for fuel by the Demon Lord at the very center of the machine-citadel. He has obtained victory, and yet… his victory over this land of steel, steam, and electricity… It is hollow. He bears no servants anymore, nor does his city and castle of industry ring. It is a dead world, with the Lord seeking only the final peace - to which end, he has sought the summoning of a Hero. He has granted this Hero the tools they need to make their way to the center. He has told them the secrets of Ion - of how electricity can be shaped, moulded, and controlled with but a mere thought. Now he sits at the throne - waiting for his final battle.
  49. >Driver - It’s 20th-Century Earth, and all will be well… Up until an archaeological dig into an ancient Greek vault discovers an ancient artifact - Pandora’s Box. It was opened, and all those monsters once thought to be the worst of what has plagued humanity were let loose as great red walls split the earth. Humanity is fragmented and divided, all the while an entire army of Demon Lords conquers and destroys all in their wake. All is not lost however - for with the opening of the Box, this Earth played host to a myriad of different energies and powers. All of them held within small mechanical belts, waiting for the touch of the right heart and soul to create Masked Heroes. Whether these Heroes shall be born from the native peoples, or summoned from afar, is all that remains to be seen.
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