
Trifena and Pythia

May 27th, 2011
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  1. [color=#646464]-- insignificantMembrane [color=#400909][IM][/color] began trolling alethiologyAncress [color=#008141][AA][/color] at 22:15 --[/color]
  2. [color=#400909]IM: *miss pythia!!*[/color]
  3. [color=#400909]IM: *i f()und s()mething!*[/color]
  4. [color=#008141]AA: Please, don't call me Miss Pythia. That makes me feel quite old.[/color]
  5. [color=#008141]AA: What did you find, though?[/color]
  6. [color=#400909]IM: *()()ps s()rry*[/color]
  7. [color=#400909]IM: *i think it's an ()ld library!*[/color]
  8. [color=#008141]AA: No need to apologize[/color]
  9. [color=#008141]AA: What? Are you serious?[/color]
  10. [color=#400909]IM: *t()tally! i was walking in the w()()ds this evening and i f()und a tunnel that had c()llapsed*[/color]
  11. [color=#400909]IM: *i was b()red s() squeakym()m and i dug it ()ut and i f()und s()me big ()ld d()()rs and when i pried them ()pen i saw a l()t ()f b()()ks*[/color]
  12. [color=#008141]AA: This is an amazing find! Who knows what kind of lost knowledge may be in there![/color]
  13. [color=#008141]AA: Could you tell me the coordinates so I may visit at some point, please?[/color]
  14. [color=#400909]IM: *i didn't have time t() l()()k, the sun was alm()st up by then s() i had t() get inside*[/color]
  15. [color=#400909]IM: *um um just a sec let me see if i can remember them...*[/color]
  16. [color=#646464]-- insignificantMembrane [color=#400909][IM][/color] sent file --[/color]
  17. [color=#008141]AA: Thank you very much, Trifena.[/color]
  18. [color=#400909]IM: *n() pr()blem pythia!*[/color]
  19. [color=#400909]IM: *i th()ught y()u'd like it*[/color]
  20. [color=#008141]AA: So you didn't manage to get a good look at this place before you were forced to go inside, correct?[/color]
  21. [color=#400909]IM: *i'm g()ing t() head ()ver there again this evening*[/color]
  22. [color=#400909]IM: *n()t t()() g()()d! it l()()ked like there was a chandelier s() i'm g()nna take a lighter with me*[/color]
  23. [color=#400909]IM: *but there were shelves and b()()ks*[/color]
  24. [color=#008141]AA: That would be wise, yes. You may also wish to bring a flashlight just in case.[/color]
  25. [color=#400909]IM: *h()pefully it's n()t t()() ()ld, ()therwise it might be really hard t() read them*[/color]
  26. [color=#400909]IM: *haha ()f c()urse that's in my kit*[/color]
  27. [color=#008141]AA: ((I'll assume that flashlight is a highblood term. Pythia tends to use high-brow language, ironically))[/color]
  28. [color=#400909]IM: *[()f c()urse XD]*[/color]
  29. [color=#008141]AA: Of course. Do let me know if there are any books in a more archaic form of our language. I have some texts here that should help me decipher them.[/color]
  30. [color=#400909]IM: *()f c()urse i will*[/color]
  31. [color=#400909]IM: *the fl()()r was weird th()ugh!*[/color]
  32. [color=#400909]IM: *it was like checkerb()arded*[/color]
  33. [color=#400909]IM: *but really tiny*[/color]
  34. [color=#008141]AA: Checkerboarded, hmm? What colors?[/color]
  35. [color=#400909]IM: *black and white*[/color]
  36. [color=#400909]IM: *but there were green spl()tches and blue lines*[/color]
  37. [color=#400909]IM: *it l()()ked like a really weird game b()ard*[/color]
  38. [color=#008141]AA: Hmm... It's possible that may be merely the aesthetic sense of the builder, but it may also have some deeper significance.[/color]
  39. [color=#400909]IM: *maybe! i'll get a better l()()k when i g() again*[/color]
  40. [color=#400909]IM: *i might miss class th()ugh 'cause it's a while away and i d()n't have a grubt()p ()r grubph()ne ()r anything*[/color]
  41. [color=#008141]AA: Not to worry. It's not like my classes are mandatory or anything. Learn at your own pace and, believe me, this is worth missing it.[/color]
  42. [color=#400909]IM: *hehe i just didn't want y()u t() w()rry ()r anything*[/color]
  43. [color=#400909]IM: *i w()nder what kind ()f b()()ks it'll have th()ugh*[/color]
  44. [color=#008141]AA: It could have tomes outlawed by the Alternian state, stored in this underground cavern to safeguard their knowledge.[/color]
  45. [color=#008141]AA: Or perhaps simply the private book collection of a rather eccentric collector.[/color]
  46. [color=#400909]IM: *()h w()w this c()uld be really danger()us then*[/color]
  47. [color=#400909]IM: *either in it getting f()und ()ut ()r traps*[/color]
  48. [color=#400909]IM: *i have t() get caca() t() c()me!*[/color]
  49. [color=#008141]AA: ((Who's Cacao again? Her lusus?))[/color]
  50. [color=#400909]IM: [see irc][/color]
  51. [color=#008141]AA: Agreed, it would likely be best not to enter such things alone. Besides, your moirail, if what I hear is correct, has some experience in situations such as this.[/color]
  52. [color=#400909]IM: *hehe yeah! he was trying t() find the ()ld subjuggulat()r c()urt a while ag()*[/color]
  53. [color=#008141]AA: Did he have any luck with that?[/color]
  54. [color=#400909]IM: *yup*[/color]
  55. [color=#400909]IM: *he g()t s() much l()()t*[/color]
  56. [color=#400909]IM: *he says he w()n't need t() g() ()n an()ther expiditi()n f()r three sweeps*[/color]
  57. [color=#008141]AA: Wow. Well, let's hope he makes an exception for this.[/color]
  58. [color=#400909]IM: *i kn()w he will*[/color]
  59. [color=#400909]IM: *i hardly ever g() with him s() he'll be all excited and stuff*[/color]
  60. [color=#008141]AA: Well, I shall do my best to make it there when I can.[/color]
  61. [color=#400909]IM: *thank y()u c:s i'll let y()u kn()w when he's c()ming by s() that we can c()()rdinate*[/color]
  62. [color=#008141]AA: That would likely be best, yes.[/color]
  63. [color=#400909]IM: *c:s anything interesting happening f()r y()u?*[/color]
  64. [color=#008141]AA: Oh, nothing in particular, really. Went out into the deserts to keep my skills up.[/color]
  65. [color=#008141]AA: Got insulted by some gatekeeper to the wastes, but he let me pass through.[/color]
  66. [color=#400909]IM: *haha s()unds like a silly tr()ll*[/color]
  67. [color=#008141]AA: Indeed.[/color]
  68. [color=#008141]AA: What is there to even really guard? The undead never make it to my hive. But, far be it from me to question his habits.[/color]
  69. [color=#008141]AA: At least he's not hurting anyone.[/color]
  70. [color=#400909]IM: *yeah*[/color]
  71. [color=#400909]IM: *he's pr()bably trying t() pr()tect pe()ple*[/color]
  72. [color=#400909]IM: *keeping the undead c()nfined t() the wastes helps me a l()t*[/color]
  73. [color=#400909]IM: *SXD this way i just have t() w()rry ab()ut the rainb()wdrinkers*[/color]
  74. [color=#008141]AA: Indeed. Just watch out for any glowing people.[/color]
  75. [color=#400909]IM: *()f c()urse*[/color]
  76. [color=#400909]IM: *they c()me by s()metimes but i just hide*[/color]
  77. [color=#008141]AA: That's good. I tend to stay away from rainbow drinkers myself. The other undead I can handle, but they're too fast.[/color]
  78. [color=#400909]IM: yeah they don't seem to worry about me too much though[/color]
  79. [color=#400909]IM: *usually they just m()ve ()n*[/color]
  80. [color=#008141]AA: Makes sense. Given their speed, it is best to try and find an unsuspecting target than devote the time to search for a hiding one.[/color]
  81. [color=#400909]IM: *yeah*[/color]
  82. [color=#646464]-- insignificantMembrane [color=#400909][IM][/color] gave up trolling alethiologyAncress [color=#008141][AA][/color] at 22:55 --[/color]
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