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a guest
Oct 20th, 2019
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  1. Nat- Angler (Marksman) - Piege + Counter
  2. Illona - Bodyguard (Prot)- Retribution + Divine Shield
  3. Fiona - Herbo (Holy Pri) - Priere + Dispell
  4. Bruma - Alchemy (Sub) - Knives + Sprint
  5. Rulkan - Blacksmith (Amelio) - Maléfice + Ascendance
  6. Lantresor - Mining (Arms) - Heroic + Taunt
  8. Delvar - Bodyguard (Blood) - Bone Shield + Dark
  9. Phylarch - Evergreen (RDruid) - Entangling + Cure
  10. Vayx - Apexis (Fire) - Blink + Blizzard
  11. Romuul - Jewel (Holy Pal) - Rebuke + Radiance
  12. Soulare (Prot)- Retribution + Repentance [Dancer]
  13. Ishaal - Bodyguard (Shadow) - Dispell + Dominate
  14. Shelly - Leather (Sub) - Sprint + Evasion
  15. Harrison - Mentor (Sub) - Evasion + Knives
  16. Pallas- Apex (Combat) - Sap + Marked
  17. Kimzee - Engi (Combat) - Sprint + Marked
  18. Hulda - Skinning (Assa) - Kick + Evasion
  19. Leorajh - Bodyguard (Resto Sham)- Salve + Entangling
  20. Oronok - Demon (Demon) - Resolve + Rain
  21. Ahm - Enchanting (Arms) - Heroic + Pummel
  22. Ariok - Brute (Arms) - Taunt + Pummel
  23. Taylor - Inscription (Arms) - Reckless + Taunt
  24. Tormmok - Bodyguard (Arms) - Taunt + Cleave
  25. Blook - Experience (Fury) - Reckless + Pummel
  26. Pleasure-Bot - Tailor (Fury) - Reckless + Cleave
  27. _________________________________________________
  29. Abu'gar (Blood) - Dark + Freeze
  30. Rukaryx (Balance) - Hurricane + Celestial
  31. Qiana (Guardian) - Growl + Ecorce
  32. Thisalee (Feral) - Growl + Berserk
  33. Kaalya (Marksman) - Counter + Rapid Fire
  34. Chel (Marksman) - Multi + Counter
  35. Glirin (Surival) - Feign + Trap
  36. Millhouse (Arcane) - Poly + Time Warp
  37. Vargoth (Arcane) - Counterspell + Poly
  38. Serena (Frost) - Counterspell + Ice Block
  39. Fen Tao (Mist) - Detox + Chi Wave
  40. Vaandaam (Wind) - Provoke + Paralysis
  41. Heluun (HPal) - Radiance + Cleanse
  42. Onaala (Prot) - Cleanse + Divine Shield
  43. Croman (Ret) - Divine Shield + Avenging
  44. Leeroy (Ret) - Divine Storm + Divine Shield
  45. Bigspark (HPriest) - Dispell + Sear
  46. Daleera (HPriest) - Dispell + Leap
  47. Maluuf (HPriest) - Prayer + Leap
  48. Tuulani (SPriest) - Prayer + Sear
  49. Erdanii (Sub) - Sap + Knives
  50. Dagg (Sub) - Sap + Evasion
  51. Weldon (Assa) - Sprint + Sap
  52. Goldmane (Assa) - Sprint + Kick
  53. Felblast (Destru) - Metamorphose + Drain
  54. Andren (Arms) - Heroic + Taunt
  55. Aknor (Arms) - Cleave + Heroic
  56. Kurekk (Arms) - Cleave + Pummel
  57. Ziri'ak (Arms) - Pummel + Reckless
  58. Meatball (Fury) - Reckless + Shield [Dancer]
  59. Miall (Fury) - Shield + Taunt
  61. 8 Magic (0+0) 111 + 11111
  62. 8 Group (0+0) 111 + 11111
  63. 14 Wild (0+0) 1111111 + 1111111
  64. 14 Timed (0+0) 111111 + 11111111
  65. 12 Danger (0+0) 111111 + 111111
  66. 14 Spell (0+0) 111111 + 11111111
  67. 14 Deadly (0+0) 1111111 + 1111111
  68. 14 Swarms (0+0) 111111 + 11111111
  69. 14 Strike (0+0) 111111 + 11111111
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