

May 17th, 2014
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  1. --[X] 9 "Now that we're nice and comfortable, why don't you tell me what you're doing out here? I may be young, but I am strong. Perhaps I could help you? For a price, of course... but then, everything has a price; and mine would be so cheap, nothing more than your voice for a few palty hours or days, just to hear you sing.... I could protect you, feed you, guide you... help you in your goals, little elf.... Or, I could simply release you to be on your way. But that wouldn't be any fun, now would it? No excitement, no gains, only... you. And I walk away, to do my own business and seek out another, one who might agree, who might be willing to do even more....": (CrawlingChaos74, Silversun17, acegunman89, kinglugia, WarShipper, nightblade, Moving Target, hunter09, noahgab1133)
  2. [X] 1 After she's answered that question, release the enthrallment.: (alethiophile)
  3. [X] 1 Jump on the elf and pin her down. While she's enthralled, ask: "Are you alone? Is anyone else likely to come after you?": (alethiophile)
  4. [X] 1 No: (codeRR)
  5. [X] 2 No you don't.Β  You're a female dragon.: (alethiophile, Vindictus)
  6. [X] 10 No.: (CrawlingChaos74, Silversun17, acegunman89, kinglugia, alethiophile, WarShipper, nightblade, Moving Target, hunter09, noahgab1133)
  7. [X] 1 No. Not yet.: (Vindictus)
  8. [X] 1 Of course you do!Β  You're a male dragon: (codeRR)
  9. [X] 9 Of course you do!Β  You're a male dragon.: (CrawlingChaos74, Silversun17, acegunman89, kinglugia, WarShipper, nightblade, Moving Target, hunter09, noahgab1133)
  10. [X] 1 Plan alethiophile whenever he finishes typing it up.: (a2znut)
  11. [X] 9 Wrap around her against the cliff - not tight, but enough to make sure she can't simply try and run away. Then release her will.: (CrawlingChaos74, Silversun17, acegunman89, kinglugia, WarShipper, nightblade, Moving Target, hunter09, noahgab1133)
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